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Broken Jaw Press Inc. is a self-distributing independent publisher based in Fredericton, NB. Founded by author artist Joe Blades in the winter of 1984 in Banff, AB we have been publishing trade books, chapbooks, zines, cards, and other mostly literary stuff since 1985. Trade: 40% discount. Libraries & educational: 20% discount. Wholesale: 46% discount. Orders for 19 books (including trade, libraries & wholesale): 20% discount. Individuals: no discount. Shipping charges apply to all orders. Canadian purchases of books and shipping subject to GST (and/or applicable HST on non-books and shipping to BC, NB, NL, NS and ON customers). All non-Canadian orders/sales must be prepaidbank draft, money order, certified cheque, Western Union transfer, or MoneyGramno personal cheques, no cash in mail, please. We also accept credit card and other payment sources via PayPal (account: for your convence. Some book pages on our website are set up for direct purchases. Otherwise, please query for the total for your order. Trade returns: Permission required. Maximum returns of 25% from Canadian trade accounts only for return of items sold on BJP invoices. Broken Jaw Press will process items that can be resold, provided the returns are: a) in saleable condition; b) sent no less than 90 days after being invoiced; c) made available for resale after being processed back into stock no more than 365 days after being invoiced. Early returns are permissible for event stock. Returns must be sent at the customers expense. No non-Canadian or international returns. Broken Jaw Press Inc. Box 596 Stn A Fredericton NB E3B 5A6 Canada T506 454.5127, F 506 454.5134 & join us on our Facebook page

2012 catalogue



Cover photo by Nat Hall from the book From Shore to Shoormal (2012). Broken Jaw Press acknowledges the support of the New Brunswick Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture for eligible titles in its publishing activity.

Iz knjige koja se ne zatvara

[from the book that doesnt close] Xo BLEJDS / Do Blejds [Joe Blades] Engleskog prevela Tatjana Bijeli March 2012 Poetry (translated into Serbian) 7 x 5.5, tpb w/ flaps, 86 pp BJPs ISBN 978-1-55391-098-5, $10 Do Blejds, kao i sve vei broj savremenih pjesnika, ne samo da uspjeno spaja autentinu kanadsku tradiciju sa aktuelnostima sadanjeg trenutka, nego ve due vrijeme proiruje ograniavajuu definiciju regionalnog tako to se otvara prema viekulturnim i meunarodnim uticajima kroz iskustva promjene mjesta i aspekta gledanja. Odnos prema mjestu kao fizikom i mentalnom lokusu ostaje intenzivan, ali pjesniki izraz koji prati kretanja pjesnikog subjekta postaje dio fragmentarnih procesa koji obuhvaaju, izmeu ostalog, protok impresija, podataka, topografskih naziva, zabiljeki s konferencija, citata, dokumenata, reklama i sjeanja. Isti kreativni procesi zasluni su za uravnoteenu destilaciju naslijea i empirije i u ovoj pjesnikoj zbirci. Tatjana Bijeli Joe Blades lives in Fredericton, NB. He is a visual artistwriter, producerhost of the Ashes, Paper & Beans community radio program at CHSR 97.9 FM, a Past President of the League of Canadian Poets, and he is a member of the Central European Association for Canadian Studies. His recent solo exhibition was Trail of Poems in Galerie Charlotte Glencross Gallery. The editor of ten collections, he is the author of seven poetry books, including Prison Songs and Storefront Poetry (Ekstasis Editions) and Casemate Poems (Collected) (Chaudiere Books). Iz knjige koja se ne zatvara is his third book to be published in Serbian translation. Tatjana Bijeli teaches literature and English at the Unversity of Banja Luka, RS, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has published two poetry collections in Serbian, Rub bez ruba [Edge Without an Edge], 2006, and Dva puta iz Oksforda [Two Ways from Oxford], 2009, and received awards for both. She has also published a book of poetry in translation, is on the editorial board of Putevia Bosnian literature and culture magazine, and is co-editor of her universitys academic journal, The Philologist. Tatjana is a member of the Central European Association for Canadian Studies, and is one of the founders of the Canada Corner in Banja Luka.


liszt listening lists (a symphonic poem performance) after peter allen performing franz liszt
Joe Blades 21 October 2011 Poetry 5.5 x 8.5, 12-pages self-cover, hand-bound by the author with raw linen thread Colour LED-printed on cover stock throughout Signed and numbered limited edition of 50 ISBN 978-1-55391-110-4. $15. No trade/jobber discounts. Fundraiser for Charlotte Street Arts Centre, Fredericton. 2011 marks Hungarian pianistcomposer Franz Liszts bicentenary. Among other things, he composed orchestral music he called symphonic poems that interpreted poems, paintings or other non-musical sources. As a twist on this idea, the Charlotte Street Arts Centre will host visual artists and writers to interpret, during the concert, the musical works presented (from the Program). Joe Blades was one of three Fredericton artists invited to create during Peter Allens recital on 19 October 2011. Blades chose to mostly write poetry in response to the actions and environment felt in Liszts music in Peter Allens powerful performance. During Sonata in B minor Blades weaves the music-inpired poetry with images from his experiences in Central Europe and, especially, in Budapest, Hungary. During the next two days Blades produced a near-instant chapbook of his symphonic poem. The typeset poem overprinted on images of the poems original handwritten journal pages make for a visually rich presentation. Joe Blades lives in Fredericton, NB where he is an artist, educator, and an author with seven poetry books including River Suite (InsomniacPress), Casemate Poems (Collected) (Chaudiere Books) and Prison Songs and Storefront Poetry (Ekstasis Editions). Three books are translated into Serbian, and two translations into Spanish are in the works. Past President of the League of Canadian Poets, he is also publisher of Broken Jaw Press, and producerhost of Ashes, Paper, & Beans: Fredericton s Writing & Arts Show at CHSR 97.9 FM. His website is


Bones of the Magus: All that Remains

Tristis Ward September 2011 Fiction/graphic novel 26 cm x 17 cm, tpb, 115 pp ISBN 978-1-55391-075-6, $22 Bones of the Magus is a fascinating synthesis of the comic book genre and literary prose. It is a graphic(less) novel in which vivid pictures are created literally and metaphorically through words. The story of a great prince, reincarnated as a skeleton into a foreign time and space, is a compelling and unusual read. Its breathless energy is sustained panel to panel throughout the book. Tristis Ward is the most creative writer I know and Bones of the Magus is her masterpiece. It is science fiction fantasy at its best. Carolyn Gammon From the Preface but is it a comic book? Bones of the Magus: All that Remains, is indeed a comic book. It is, in fact, a comic book miniseries. There are four issues, each with its own story following the larger arc. Not only is each panel a moment unto itself, but each page is a larger moment and each issue a larger one, still, echoing the pace from the smallest blocks of text to the whole of the story. Until I read Scott McCloud in Understanding Comics, I had been apologizing to everyone about the lack of art in Bones of the Magus. I really enjoyed drawing with words, but I knew nearly everyone else believed that it wasnt a comic unless it had drawings. I chose to use prose to build a specific picturea series of specific picturesintended to be as concrete as a drawn image. Whether all this designing works to bridge the gap between the medium of comics and prose will be decided by you, now. I hope it is an entertaining exploration. Tristis Ward lives and writes in Fredericton, New Brunswick. After a degree in English at Dalhousie University, she worked for years in community radio as a producer, station manager, and national lobbyist. She has written comic book scripts, short stories and plays as well as producing both stage and radio plays. She has published online in the SFF World Forum and is a multiple winner in their flash fiction contests. Bones of the Magus is her first graphic novel.


Never Give Up!

The Inspiring Journey of a Real Life Survivor
Julie Comeau October 2012 Autobiography 9 x 6 tpb, 111 pp ISBN 978-1-55391-113-5, $20 CDN, $21 USA Author shares story in hopes of helping others. Lori Gallagher, The Daily Gleaner My book is my lifestory about my medical journey and all the amazing people that I met along the way. We all have a story, we all face obstacles, struggles and challenges along our life journeys. Julie Comeau What begins as occasional postings on Facebook by Julie that describe her early childhood trauma, and then her incredible medical nightmare, soon becomes a spiritual rebirth for Julie and the thousands who have joined her on her journey to recovery. Her inspiration is contagious. It resonates with people around the world. From everyday people to the rich and famous, all want to share Julies message, to watch her videos on YouTube, and to tell their own stories of personal turmoil. Never Give Up! is about overcoming the many curve balls life can throw at you. It is the story of one womans perseverance to keep pushing ahead amidst a firestorm of adversity, illness, and bad luck. It is part autobiographical, part motivational and inspirational, and it is a testament to the human spirit. In working on her book, Julie and her husband Vince were a team. They were a couple rich in love. They knew that writing and publishing a book could be long and daunting. They supported each other in their belief that one day this book would come together. Sadly, Vince Comeau passed away two months before Julies book could be published. She promised Vince that her journey will continue in his name. Here is Julies book! Julie Comeau lives in Fredericton, New Brunswick with her two sons. Website: Launch: 13 Oct. 2012 @ Reality Rescue III, Glen Allen, VA.


Antologa chiquita
Carlos Morales July 2012 Poetry 7 x 5.5 tpb, 79 pp ISBN 978-1-55391-112-8, $15 Carlos Morales demuestra poseer una palabra potica luminosa tanto en poemas de gran ternura como en los de profundo dolor, pero ahora s/ que mi corazn se quedar con ellas, dice en uno de sus poemas. Hondura de pensamiento, y escritura de poeta realizado. Carlos Morales shows he possesses a luminous poetic voice, be it in poems that show great tenderness or in ones of deep pain; one of his poems states but now I know/ my heart will stay with them. Great depth and writings by an accomplished poet. Nela Rio, Directora, Captulo de Fredericton, Academia Iberoamericana de Poesa Carlos Morales naci en Juaya, ciudad del departamento de Sonsonate, en El Salvador, en 1965. Comenz a escribir poesa, alrededor de 1987, siendo estudiante de la Universidad de El Salvador. En medio de la ms grande ofensiva de la guerrilla salvadorea, en 1989, durante la guerra civil que vivi el pas, result capturado por fuerzas del gobierno y liberado tres semanas despus. Lo anterior provoc la decisin de emigrar a Canad en 1991. A partir del ao siguiente se incorpor a las actividades literarias de Fredericton, Nuevo Brunswick, ciudad donde ha vivido desde entonces, participando en recitales y promocionando la poesa latinoamericana. En 2006 inici sus estudios de doctorado en Letras en la Universidad de Valladolid, en Espaa. Carlos Morales was born in the city of Juaya, in the province of Sonsonate, El Salvador, in 1965. He started writing poetry around 1987, as a student at the University of El Salvador. In the midst of the largest Salvadoran guerrilla offensive, in 1989, during the countrys civil war, he was captured by government forces and released three weeks later. He emigrated to Canada in 1991. The following year he joined in literary activities in Fredericton, NB, participating in poetry readings and promoting Latin American poetry. In 2006, he began his PhD in Literature at the University of Valladolid in Spain.


Dirty Semiotics
Jessie Patrick Ferguson November 2011 Visual poetry 8.5 x 5.5 tpb, 95 pp ISBN 978-1-55391-107-4, $16 Jesse Patrick Fergusons Dirty Semiotics reveals language in its foetal state. Unborn and still connected to the womb, these poems wriggle and squirm in the amniotic fluid of language. Ferguson delivers poetry swaddled in barcodes, collaged images and the strange sutures of meaning and message delivery. Dirty Semiotics passes the Apgar test of poetry and yelps in a newborn language. derek beaulieu In the creation of visual poetry () to crack, stretch, and isolate letters, words, and found materials is to say, Hi. I think youre interesting; how do you work? The estrangement of signifier and signified does not necessitate nihilism. Language has been buffeted, bastardized, and truncated in innumerable ways, and yet it persists. The fact that I cant put it back together again doesnt trouble me at all; I like language, even with its stitches and scars showing. With the underlying impetus identified, we must ask that perennial question of visual poeticswhat, if anything, does such poetry mean? It has been suggested by some that it should mean nothing, that it should carry the viewer outside the realm of standard signification, which has been tainted by its association with commerce. In this view, visual poetry would function in a similar way to the Buddhist koan, producing flashes of non-meaning, of enlightenment. Jesse Patrick Ferguson Jesse Patrick Ferguson has lived in Cornwall, and Ottawa, Ont.; Fredericton, NB; Sydney, NS. He has published visual and lyric poems in ten countries. Recently, his writing appeared in Canadian Literature, Drunken Boat, Prairie Fire, Dusie, The Walrus, Poetry and Harpers. His work is in Best Canadian Poetry in English 2009, edited by A.F. Moritz. Jesse has helped to edit several Canadian literary journals including The Fiddlehead, and in fall 2009 he published his first fulllength collection of lyric poetry, Harmonics (Freehand Books). He is also a PhD candidate at the University of New Brunswick, a folk singer, and multi-instrumentalist.


William Forrestall: Objects for Study

Essays by Virgil Hammock, Leopold C.J. Kowolik and William Forrestall. Foreword by RM Vaughan. May 2011 Art and prose: 36+ b&w ill. & photos, 10 colour 8.5 x 11 tpb, 148 pp ISBN 978-1-55391-068-8, $36 CDN, $39 US Looking at William Forrestalls ink drawings of ancient pottery, we must consider that only somebody truly in love would give chase to objects so apparently (I stress apparently) uninviting. RM Vaughan, from the Foreword Forrestalls intricate still lifes sparkle and hum like crystal ... Fredericton-based painter William Forrestall is another quiet marvel ... a unique collection of still life paintings ... capturing not one perfect instant but thousands ...National Post William Forrestall is one of the best (and most underrated) realist painters in the region.Saint John Times Globe ... some of the most interesting, painterly work in Canadian contemporary art ... teaches us to look at still life in an entirely new light.The Hamilton Spectator ... one of the most consistent and recognizable bodies of work of any artist ... once seen these enigmatic works arent soon forgotten. The Daily Gleaner Forrestalls work has been described as masterful, genius even spiritual. His paintings have long offered a quiet reflective aesthetic in an often busy and chaotic world. Objects for Study explores his ongoing interest in using ancient grave offerings as subject matter for his unique still life paintings. With reproductions of both drawings done on location at the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford and the British Museum in London, as well as a number of completed studio paintings based on his drawings.Objects for Study allows a singular insight into the creative process of the artists quest tocapture explorethe timeless qualities of still life painting. William Forrestall is an artist in Fredericton, NB. He has been exhibiting his egg tempera paintings and prints across Canada and occasionally abroad for several decades as well as being active in numerous arts and community organizations.


Spit on Wishes (2nd edition)

Lorne Dufour October 2012 Poetry 9 x 6 tpb, 118 pp 5 b&w photos by Martin Hunt Cover photo & inset design by Martin Hunt 1983. ISBN 978-1-55391-071-8, $20 These are not poems about the bush. They are poems about people coming to terms with the limits of their knowledge and reaffirming their reliance on each other, in the face of dehumanizing institutions and a powerful and mysterious world. Harold Rhenisch The poet writes about the things he knows and understands so well successful. For an English reader this is a collection with an interesting difference. New Hope International Review (UK) Deeply moving poems about the connection between human and animal life. The poetic craft is unassuming but sound. Alice Major Lorne Dufour supports his family near McLesse Lake in the British Columbia Interior by horse logging a woodlot. This poetry collection was originally community published in Salmon Arm, BC in 1983 with funds raised by dances and related activities. Dufours second book, Starting from Promise (Broken Jaw Press), edited by Harold Rhenisch, won the Poets Corner Award 2001. He is also the author of the nonfiction book Jacobs Prayer.


Also available: Starting from Promise (2nd ed.) 2004, Poetry, 8.5 x 5.5 tpb, 88 pp 978-1-55391-026-8. $18.95

From Shore to Shoormal / Dun rivage lautre

Donna Allard & Nat Hall December 2012 8.5 x 5.5 tpb, 71 pp BJPs ISBN 978-1-55391-111-1 $16 CDN, $17 USD, 10 Two voices celebrate their Atlantic connection


Poems in English, French, & Shetland dialect / Pomes en mirroirsanglaisfranaisdialecte shetlandais

Los puentes del Ro San Juan / Bridges over the Saint John River
Nela Rio & M. Travis Lane, editoras / editors mayo 2011 Poemas / poetry 8.5 x 5.5 tpb, 143 pp ISBN 978-1-55391-095-4, $21 Captulo de Fredericon de la Academia Iberoamericana de Poesa Antologia Bilinge / Bilingual Anthology Poetas / Poets: Lady Rojas Benavente Joe Blades Lynn Davies Jo-Anne Elder Hugh Hazelton M.TravisLane Julio Torres Recinos Nela Rio Traductores al ingls: Hugh Hazelton Elizabeth Gamble Miller Edith Jonsson-Devillers Alicia Zavala Galvn Translators into Spanish: Natalia Crespo Gabriela Etcheverry Hugh Hazelton Sophie M. Lavoie Una vez ms, el flamante Captulo de Fredericton en la Academia Iberoamericana de Poesa lleva adelante una inicitativa que pone en valor la poesa, simplementela poesa sin adjetivos, porque se lanza a hacerla compatible convarias lenguas del mundo. Once again the extraordinary Fredericton Chapter of the Academia Iberoamericana de Poesa is exercising an initiative that honours poetry, simply poetry, without adjectives, with the purpose of achieving compatibility between various world languages. Juan Ruiz de Torres, Fundador y Documentalista Academia Iberoamericana de Poesa, Madrid, Espaa Nela Riopoeta, escritora, artista y crtica literaria. Nacida en Argentina, se volvi ciudadana canadiense en 1977. Public dos libros de poesa en Espaa, y seis en el Canad. M. Travis Lane has lived in Fredericton, NB since 1960, where she has been Honorary Research Associate with the English Dept. at UNB and has written many reviews for The Fiddlehead. The author of ten poetry books, her collections include The Book of Widows, and The Crisp Day Closing On My Hand. She is a member of the League of Canadian Poets, Raging Grannies, and Voice of Women for Peace.


Whilst Donna Allard writes on the coastal fringe in New Brunswick, Canada, Nat Hall walks and writes by her shoormal, somewhere on the 60th parallel in her windswept Shetland Islands, Scotlands most northerly archipelago. Shore, as described by J. L. Leprohon in her Sea Shore Musings poem, is the Creators powerin her own Canadian home, Mysterious, moaning main,/ in dreams Ill see thy snow-white foam. Its described by Chiles bard Pablo Neruda in No me hagan caso / Forget about Me, as a place where the sea washes, throws up crab claws and skulls of many kinds Shoormal, as defined by Robert Alan Jamieson in his Shoormal, A Sequence of Movements (Polygon, 1986): In Shetland, da shoormal is the shallows on a beach; the space between the tides where the moon weighs the density of the ocean that area where sand shifts. From Shore to Shoormal is a journey between Acadias Shediac Bay and Shetlands Ninian Sandsa celebration of the poets shared North Atlantic. Donna Allard: acadianroseAcadian-born, New Brunswick-based barefoot gardener, pirate poet, and peacemaker. She became inspired by poet Milton Acorn, and poeteditor Libby Oughton. Her mentor was poet activist Valerie LaPointe. Nat Hall: nordicblackbirdNorman-born, Shetland-based poet and visual artist, world intellectual nomad, who lives and writes on 60 North.

BS Poetry Society

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