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Worker Involvement Questionnaire

Greg Haywood HSE Asbestos Licensing Unit

Worker Involvement Questionnaire ARCA/ACAD

Number sent 352 Number returned 68 Response rate 19.3%

Q 1. Is there a named person with management responsibility for health and safety in your company?

No, 0, 0%


Yes, 68, 100%

Q 2. 1, 1% 0, 0% 1, 1% 16, 24% 3, 4%

What is their job title?

Chief Executive Officer

3, 4%


Managing Director/MD

Other equivalent senior job title

Personnel/HR Manager
0, 0% 6, 9% 38, 57%

Health and Safety Officer/Risk Manager

Manager (unspecified)

Office Manager

Other (specify)

Q 3. How many people are currently employed in your organisation in the UK? Please think about all the branches of your organisation in the UK.

5, 7% 2, 3% 8, 12%

9, 13%


12, 18%


11, 16%


21, 31%

Q 4.How many employee health and safety representatives do you have in your organisation (for employees in trade unions)?

8, 13% 1, 2% 3, 5% 2, 3% 4, 6% 38, 60% 7, 11%

More than 5

5 (a) Workers should be involved in taking decisions about health and safety at work 0, 0% 0, 0% 2, 3% 0, 0%

18, 26%

strongly agree

tend to agree

neither agree nor disagree

tend to disagree

strongly disagree

Dont know
49, 71%

5(b) I would like to involve workers more in decisions about health and safety at work 0, 0% 0, 0%

1, 1% 6, 9%

strongly agree
tend to agree
neither agree nor disagree
tend to disagree
strongly disagree
Dont know

34, 51% 26, 39%

5(c) Health and Safety management is a matter for employers and not employees 0, 0% 0, 0% 4, 6% 11, 16%
strongly agree
tend to agree
neither agree nor disagree
tend to disagree

39, 57% 14, 21%

strongly disagree
Dont know

5 (d) Managers find it difficult to communicate with employees and/ or representatives about health and safety matters 0, 0% 2, 3% 7, 10%

25, 37% 11, 16%

strongly agree

tend to agree

neither agree nor disagree

tend to disagree

strongly disagree

Dont know

23, 34%

5 (e) My companys arrangements for consultation on health and safety are effective 0, 0% 0, 0%

2, 3% 5, 7%

24, 35%

strongly agree
tend to agree
neither agree nor disagree
tend to disagree
strongly disagree
Dont know

37, 55%

Q 6. How much do you involve workers when making decisions about any aspect of health and safety? 1, 1% 2, 3% 9, 13% 0, 0% 17, 25%






Dont know

39, 58%

Q 7. Would you say were receptive to suggestions from the workforce on 1, 1% health and safety? 0, 0% 0, 0% 2, 3%


27, 40% 38, 56%

Dont know

Q 8. Would you say employees and managers work together to manage health and safety risks in your organisation? 0, 0% 0, 0%

1, 1% 7, 6%

37, 31%



73, 62%


Dont know

Q 9. What systems for involving workers in managing health and safety do you have?
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 61 44 36 31 34 33 66 54 59 58 65 57

Regular meet ings

Non-regular meet ings

Regular discussions

Joint commit t ee

Healt h and saf et y induct ion

Writ t en updat es or f eedback t o st af f

St af f suggest ion scheme

Designat ed H Consult at ion Inspect ions or Topical t alks & S Manager on risk assessment s audit s

Provision of inf ormat ion t o assist t he rep

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