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2 theSun | THURSDAY FEBRUARY 5 2009

news without borders

CPI lauds Raja Nazrin’s

‘neutral’ stand
by Giam Say Khoon
federal government would be greater if
statutory bodies such as the Malaysian
EC sticks to decisionPUTRAJAYA: The Election Commission the EC did not review it within two days.
Anti-Corruption Commission are set free (EC) will not review its decision on the sta- Abdul Aziz said the decision was made
PETALING JAYA: The Centre for Policy Ini- from their political masters and provided tus of the Perak assemblymen for Changkat solely on the legal angle and under the
tiatives (CPI) has lauded the Raja Muda of with the independence and autonomy Jering and Behrang because it is based on commission’s jurisdiction.
Perak Raja Nazrin Shah’s statement that a sorely missing. In this case,
the law, its chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz He said that if any party was unhappy
Ruler must be “neutral, non-partisan and “The investigation of the two Perak there was Mohd Yusof said yesterday. with the decision, it could take the matter
free of having personal interest to ensure assemblymen and their subsequently a doubt in
justice for the people”.
He said the question of whether the EC to court.
charge on Aug 25 for receiving bribes,
CPI director Dr Lim Teck Ghee said have most unfortunately been turned establishing acted beyond its jurisdiction did not arise “We are open, and we will not obstruct.
yesterday that amidst uncertainty sur- the because under Article 36 (5) of the Perak We will abide and will not question what-
to political opportunism by the Barisan
state constitution, the EC had to ensure ever decision by the court,” he added.
rounding the resignations of the Perak Nasional (BN). vacancy, so that there was a casual vacancy to call for
assemblymen for Behrang and Changkat “The impartiality of the Election Com- DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang had also
Jering (Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi and mission (EC) should also come under
we decided a by-election. claimed that the EC had acted beyond its
Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu respectively), scrutiny. Only a short while ago, EC chair- that a “In this case, there was a doubt in estab- jurisdiction in maintaining the status quo
Raja Nazrin’s assurance that his father, man Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Yusof said that vacancy lishing the vacancy, so we decided that a of the two assemblymen.
the Sultan of Perak, has always upheld vacancy had not occurred”, he said when
such ‘unique’ circumstances prevailing in had not contacted by Bernama.
Commenting on the allegations, Abdul
the principles of justice based on the Perak would have to be studied by legal Aziz said that disputing the decision was
sovereignty of the law and emphasising advisers and various experts in law, the
occurred” The EC, after a two-hour meeting on
Tuesday, decided that there would be no akin to challenging the sovereignty of the
solidarity, cooperation, consensus and Constitution and election regulations. – Tan Sri Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Conference
consultation, was “indeed timely”. “Yet the EC’s quick determination now Abdul Aziz by-election for the two constituencies
and that Mohd Osman Jailu (Changkat of Rulers because his appointment as EC
“It is hoped that the national leader- that by-elections are not necessary for Mohd Yusof
ship will pay heed and take a leaf from the Jering) and Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi chairman was made by the Yang di-Pertuan
Behrang and Changkat Jering leaves the
Ruler’s book by similarly putting the inter-public to wonder if the commission has (Behrang) will retain their elected Agong with the concurrence of the Confer-
ests of the rakyat first and foremost over truly upheld the principles of justice.” posts. ence of Rulers.
political self-interest,” said However, it was reported that the Perak “It’s improper ... disrespectful ... if they
Lim in a statement. state government did not recognise the don’t agree, take it to court ... no need to
“The interests of decision and would challenge it in court if challenge,” he said. – Bernama
the rakyat are best
‘Not good idea to bring in people of poor quality’
served when the KUALA LUMPUR: Former prime want to accept people who want
minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said to jump into your party you need
‘Constitution discourages
pivotal and watchdog
institutions of state it was not a good idea for Barisan to know the quality of the person
work with scrupulous Nasional (BN) to gain majority by also.”
integrity and are au-
tonomous. To borrow
from Raja Nazrin’s wise
bringing in people of poor quality. Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi and Os-
He said this when ask to com- man Jailu, who quit PKR to become
ment on the move by four assembly- independents, have been charged
unnecessary elections’
words, this independ- men in Perak who left Parti Keadilan with corruption and their cases are KUALA LUMPUR: Although some may want he said.
ence helps in enhanc- Rakyat (PKR) and DAP. pending in court. the political drama in Perak to end with either He said that any move to call either a snap
ing the effectiveness of Mahathir said: “Two people are Mahathir also warned that if they a snap election or by-elections, according to election or by-elections in Perak would be akin
the check and balance accused of corruption. If you bring were found by the court to be inno- a senior law lecturer, the Federal Constitution to going a step backward.
mechanism.” in corrupt people before they are cent after joining BN, people would does not encourage such action. Yesterday, the Election Commission (EC)
Lim said public found not guilty that is not going to say that there was manipulation of Prof Dr Abdul Aziz Bari of the International ruled that Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi and Mohd
confidence in the improve the quality of the party. You justice. – Bernama Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) said several Osman Mohd Jailu remained as Perak as-
provisions in the Constitution indicated that un- semblymen for Behrang and Changkat Jering
necessary elections and by-elections should be respectively, as the commission was unable to
avoided. establish a “casual vacancy”.
“That’s why even when the government has EC chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof
the right to request for the dissolution of the said the commission found that there was doubt
Dewan Rakyat or state legislative assemblies, over the vacancy of the two seats after a letter
it is up to the (Yang di-Pertuan) Agong, Sultans submitted by Perak state assembly speaker V.
or Yang di-Pertuas Negri to decide whether to Sivakumar was contradicted by denials from the
agree to it,” he told Bernama. assemblymen.
Abdul Aziz said that such provisions indi- The Pakatan Rakyat state government cried
cated that unnecessary elections or by-elec- foul over the decision, with the state DAP giving
tions should be avoided. the EC 48 hours to review the decision.
“It means that so long as the government In the meantime, Jamaluddin and Mohd Os-
can be formed based on the prevailing composi- man declared themselves to be Independent
tion of the Dewan Rakyat or a state legislative assemblymen amid rumours that they might
assembly, it should continue to serve its term,” join Barisan Nasional. – Bernama

BN ready to form new the state assembly prior to obtaining the

consent of Sultan Azlan Shah, a lawyer said
state govt, says Abdullah yesterday.
PUTRAJAYA: The Barisan Nasional (BN) is Malik Imtiaz Sarwar said this is because
ready to form a new government in Perak after the power to dissolve the state assembly is
four assemblymen quit their parties to support in the hands of the Ruler of the state and in
the BN, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah this case the Sultan, not the mentri besar.
Ahmad Badawi. He said the Perak Constitution clearly
“We wish to extend our thanks if they have states that dissolving the state assembly
taken the decision to state their support for the is the prerogative of the Sultan and no-
BN, the BN accepts and we say thank you,” he body else has the power to dissolve the
told press conference yesterday. assembly.
“If we (BN) have the numbers, of course He said it was unclear how the mentri
we will take the step (to form the new govern- besar had concluded to dissolve the state
ment),” said Abdullah, who is also BN chairman, government. – Bernama
when commenting on the BN having a simple
majority to replace the Pakatan Rakyat govern-
ment in Perak following the development.
Police: Ignore SMSes calling
On whether BN would consider holding a for demo
snap election in Perak, Abdullah said this came IPOH: The public are advised not to be influ-
under the powers of the Sultan of Perak. enced by SMSes inviting the people to join
However, he said, Najib would be seeking demonstrations in the state today.
an audience with Sultan Azlan Shah of Perak Perak police Datuk Zulkifli Abdullah said
to inform the Sultan that the BN now had the the police had information that such SMSes
majority in the state assembly. were widely being circulated purportedly from
Asked if the BN would move a vote of the Pakatan Rakyat urging the people join the
no-confidence in the present government, demonstrations.
Abdullah said it had not been decided yet but “Police are investigating and will bring to
remained an option. book the people responsible for spreading
Asked if the people of Perak would accept the SMSes, which are seditious in nature and
the BN re-administering the state, he said it cause tension in the state,” he told reporters
was up to them. – Bernama here last night.
He said the security situation in the state
MB errs in dissolving state was under control despite the political crisis
in the state and that the police had the man-
assembly: Lawyer power to handle any situation.
KUALA LUMPUR: Perak Mentri Besar Datuk “We will also take action against anyone
Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin has participating in illegal demonstrations,” he
erred in announcing the dissolution of added. – Bernama

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