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MATH304 Complex Analysis (2011 Spring)

Tutorial Note 1 Feb 14, 2011 (Week 2)

MATH304 Complex Analysis Tutorial Note 1 TA: Office: Email: Phone Number: Office Hours: CHENG, Kam Hang Henry 3215 (Lift 21) 2358 7468 / 9853 8144 Wed 15:00 17:00 Tutorial Sessions: T1A Mon 15:30 16:20 @ 4006 (4) T1B Mon 13:30 14:20 @ 4504 (25-26) T1C Mon 18:00 18:50 @ 4503 (25-26)

Topics covered in week 1: 1. The Field (, +,) of Complex Numbers 2. The Complex Plane 1. The Field (, +,) of Complex Numbers What you need to know: The ordered pair definition of a complex number, addition and multiplication 2 = 1 The 11 field axioms: Closure, commutativity and associativity of addition and multiplication Existences of additive and multiplicative identities and inverses Distributive laws To show that (, +,) satisfies all the 11 field axioms and other field properties, e.g. the (left or right) cancellation law

To verify the field axioms for , we need to use the ordered pair definition. We can always use the fact that is a field. Example 1.1 Prove that the multiplication on is commutative.
Multiplication on is commutative.

Proof: For any two complex numbers 1 = (, ) and 2 = (, ), we have 1 2 = (, ) (, ) = ( , + ) = ( , + ) = (, ) (, ) = 2 1 So the multiplication on is commutative.

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MATH304 Complex Analysis (2011 Spring)

Tutorial Note 1 Feb 14, 2011 (Week 2)

Example 1.2

Prove that the right distributive law holds on .

Proof: For any three complex numbers 1 = (, ), 2 = (, ) and = (, ), we have (1 + 2 ) = ((, ) + (, )) (, ) We have used the right = ( + , + ) (, ) = (( + ) ( + ), ( + ) + ( + )) = ( + , + + + ) = ( , + ) + ( , + ) = (, ) (, ) + (, ) (, )
distributive law on .

= 1 + 2 So the right distributive law holds for (, +,). 2. The Complex Plane What you need to know: Definitions and properties of the real part Re , the imaginary part Im the modulus ||, the (principal) argument Arg , arg , and the complex conjugate of a complex number To convert any given complex number into its standard form + , polar form (cos + sin ), and Euler exponential form The triangle inequalities ||| ||| | + | || + || De Moivres Theorem, th roots of unity (1) Applications of De Moivres Theorem and th roots of unity: To find the th roots of a complex number To prove certain trigonometric identities Geometric interpretation of complex numbers, equations of curves on
Imaginary axis

Re( ) = 2 2 Real axis

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MATH304 Complex Analysis (2011 Spring)

Tutorial Note 1 Feb 14, 2011 (Week 2)

First we need to know how to express complex numbers in their various different forms. Example 2.1 Solution: (i) We have |2 + 3| = (2)2 + 32 = 13. Since 2 + 3 lies in Quadrant II, we have arg(2 + 3) + tan1 2 = tan1 2. So, 2 + 3 = 13 (tan
1 3)

Express the complex numbers 2 + 3 and 1 cos sin (0 2) in Eulers exponential form.

(ii) We have |1 cos sin | = (1 cos )2 + (sin )2 = 2 2 cos . Since 1 cos 0, 1 cos sin must lie inside the closed right half plane. If = 0 or = 2, then 1 cos sin = 0. If 0 < < 2, then we have
sin 1cos

2 sin cos

2 2 2 sin2 2

= cot 2 = tan ( 2 2 ), which


gives arg(1 cos sin ) 2 2 . (Why not So in both cases,

+ 2 ?)
( ) 2 2

1 cos sin = 2 2 cos

When dealing with the real and imaginary parts of , the standard form of is useful. Example 2.2 Proof: For any complex number , we write = + . Then | 1| < | + 1| | + 1| < | + + 1| ( 1)2 + 2 < ( + 1)2 + 2 2 2 + 1 + 2 < 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 > 0 Re > 0 Show that Re > 0 if and only if | 1| < | + 1|.

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MATH304 Complex Analysis (2011 Spring)

Tutorial Note 1 Feb 14, 2011 (Week 2)

On the other hand, the polar form or the Euler exponential form of are of course more useful when dealing with the modulus and the argument of . Example 2.3 Show that if 1 , 2 and 3 are distinct complex numbers such that |1 | = |2 | = |3 |, then arg 3 2 = arg 2. 2
3 1 1

Proof: If |1 | = |2 | = |3 | = 0, then we must have 1 = 2 = 3 = 0 and they are not distinct. So we let |1 | = |2 | = |3 | = > 0, and write = ( + ) for = 1,2,3, where (, ) are distinct. Then, 3 2 arg 3 1 = arg = arg (cos 3 + sin 3 ) (cos 2 + sin 2 ) (cos 3 + sin 3 ) (cos 1 + sin 1 ) (cos 3 + sin 3 ) (cos 2 + sin 2 ) (cos 3 + sin 3 ) (cos 1 + sin 1 ) 2 sin

3 + 2 3 2 + + 2 cos 3 2 2 sin 3 2 2 2 sin 2 = arg + 1 1 + 1 1 2 sin 3 sin 3 + 2 cos 3 sin 3 2 2 2 2 + + 2 sin 3 2 2 sin 3 2 2 + cos 3 2 2 = arg ( ) 3 1 3 + 1 3 + 1 2 sin 2 sin 2 + cos 2 sin 3 2 2 3 + 2 3 + 2 3 + 1 3 + 1 = arg * ( sin + cos ) ( sin cos )+ 2 2 2 2 sin 3 2 1 sin 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 = arg * (cos + sin )+ 3 1 2 2 sin 2 2 1 ={ + : } (Why not + 2?) 2 1 2 = arg 2 1 Question: What is the geometric meaning of this result? (For two points on a circle, the angle at center is twice of any angle at circumference.)

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MATH304 Complex Analysis (2011 Spring)

Tutorial Note 1 Feb 14, 2011 (Week 2)

Here are some useful properties of the modulus and the complex conjugate: = = = ( )= Example 2.4 Proof: We have | + |2 = ( + )( + ) = ( + )( + = + + + ) = + + ( + ) 2 2 = || + || + 2 Re | |2 = ( )( ) = ( )( = + ) = + ( + ) = ||2 + ||2 2 Re So summing up we get | + |2 + | |2 = 2(||2 + ||2 ) The triangle inequalities ||| ||| | + | || + || are very useful inequalities that give upper and lower bounds to the moduli of complex numbers. It is very frequently used in many areas, especially analysis. Example 2.5 (Gamelin I.2.7 adapted) Suppose > 1, 0 and 1. Prove that

|| = |||| || | |= ||

= ||2 + = 2Re() = 2Im()

(Conway I.2.4) Suppose that and are complex numbers. Prove that | + |2 + | |2 = 2(||2 + ||2 ).

for any on the circle || = , we always have | +1| 1. Proof: On the circle || = , we have | + 1| || | 1| = 1 by the triangle inequality. So we always have | | | | = | + 1| + 1 1
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Since > 1 we have | 1| = 1.

MATH304 Complex Analysis (2011 Spring)

Tutorial Note 1 Feb 14, 2011 (Week 2)

To find the th roots of a given complex number , we usually express either in polar form or Euler exponential form and then apply De Moivres Theorem. Dont forget your . Example 2.6 Find the square roots of 1 3. Solution: In polar form, we have

Make sure that in the

1 3 polar form or exponential form. 1 3 = 2 . / 2 2 = (cos ( ) + sin ( )) 3 3 Therefore by De Moivres Theorem, (1 3) = ,2 (cos
1 2

3 + 2

+ sin

3 + 2

) : = 0,1-

= ,2 (cos ( ) + sin ( )) : = 0,16 6 5 5 = {2 *cos ( ) + sin ( )+ , 2 [cos ( ) + sin ( )]} 6 6 6 6

When is a real number, there is no difference between and for and , \*0+. But now when is a complex number, there is sometimes a subtle difference between (the sets) and for and , \*0+.
1 4

Example 2.7

Find the values of (cos

2 3

2 2 sin 3 )

and of (cos

2 3

2 8 sin 3 ) .

Solution: (i) By De Moivres Theorem,

1 2 2 + + 2 2 2 (cos + sin ) = ,cos 3 + sin 3 : = 0,13 3 2 2

= ,cos ( + ) + sin ( + ) : = 0,13 3 = {cos 4 4 + sin , cos + sin } 3 3 3 3

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MATH304 Complex Analysis (2011 Spring)

4 1

Tutorial Note 1 Feb 14, 2011 (Week 2)

(ii) We should interpret (cos Since (cos

2 3

2 3

2 8 sin 3 ) 8 3

as [(cos
8 3

2 3

+ sin

2 4 8 3

) ].

+ sin

2 4 3 4

) = cos

+ sin

, we have

2 2 8 8 8 8 (cos + sin ) = (cos + sin ) 3 3 3 3 8 8 3 + + sin 3 + : = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7= ,cos 8 8 = {cos ( + ) + sin ( + ) : = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7} 3 4 3 4 To derive trigonometric identities involving an arbitrary angle, we may apply De Moivres Theorem and then compare the real parts or the imaginary parts of both sides of the equation. Example 2.8 Prove the identity cos 4 = 8 cos4 8 cos 2 + 1 for . Proof: De Moivres Theorem asserts that for any , cos 4 + sin 4 = (cos + sin )4
4 4 = (cos )4 ( sin ) =0

= (cos 4 6 cos2 sin2 + sin4 ) + (4 cos3 sin 4 sin3 cos ) Comparing the real parts of both sides, we get cos 4 = cos4 6 cos2 sin2 + sin4 = cos4 6 cos2 (1 cos 2 ) + (1 cos2 )2 = 8 cos 4 8 cos 2 + 1 for any .

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MATH304 Complex Analysis (2011 Spring)

Tutorial Note 1 Feb 14, 2011 (Week 2)

As for trigonometric identities involving integral multiples of certain special angles, we usually consider an equation related to the roots of unity.
2 4 2(1)

Example 2.9 Proof:

Prove that for any integer 2, cos

+ cos

+ + cos

= 1.

Given a positive integer , observe that = roots of the equation 1 = 0.

+ sin

, = 0,1, , 1 are the

If 2, then the coefficient of in this equation is zero. So the sum of roots gives 0 0 + 1 + + 1 = = 0 1 1 + + 1 = 0 = 1

=1 1

2 2 + sin ) = 1


2 2 cos + sin = 1
=1 2

Comparing the real parts of both sides, we get 1 cos =1

= 1.

Equations in complex variables can be easily transformed into those in the 2-D Cartesian coordinate plane when we express complex variables in its standard form. Example 2.10 (Brown & Churchill 5.2a) equation Re( ) = 2. Solution: Writing = + , we have = . So the equation becomes Re( ) = 2 Re( ( + 1)) = 2 = 2 Therefore the given equation determines the vertical line = 2 in the Cartesian coordinate plane.
2 Re( ) = 2

Sketch the set of points determined by the

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MATH304 Complex Analysis (2011 Spring)

Tutorial Note 1 Feb 14, 2011 (Week 2)

Exercise 1. Check that , equipped with addition and multiplication, satisfies all the field axioms. 2. Show that for any two complex numbers and , if = 0 then = 0 or = 0. Remark: This is the integral domain property of . 3. (Mid-term 2008 Spring) Prove the following statements. (a) If 2 = 2 , then is either real or purely imaginary. (b) If is on the circle || = 2, then | 4 4 2 +3| 3. 4. (Nevanlinna & Paatero 1.10) Suppose that and are complex numbers such that 1. Prove that if either || = 1 or || = 1, then |1 | = 1. 5. Find the cube roots of 5 + 5. 6. (Conway I.4.7) If is a complex number such that Re 0 for any positive integer , show that is a non-negative real number. 7. Prove that for any integer 2, sin sin
2 1 1



= 21.

[Hint: Consider the equation ( + 1) 1 = 0.] 8. (Brown & Churchill 5.2b) Sketch the set of points determined by the equation |2 + 2| = 4.

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