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Sam: Go on! Destroy it! Do it now! Throw it into the fire! What are you waiting f or?

Just let it go! Frodo stood before the fiery pit of Mount Doom. The Ring was held in front of hi m. It had been Frodos quest to destroy the Ring. To rid all evil from Middle-Eart h. But that was no longer an option. No, he wanted the Ring. He needed the Ring. It was his... his precious. Yes. Sam still cried out for Frodo to do it. To cas t the wretched thing from the world. Stupid, fat hobbit. thought Frodo. Yes, it was his. Nothing would change that. Frodo turned, darkness and evil in h is eyes. Frodo: The Ring is mine. Sam continued to cry. It had been for nothing. Frodo had been defeated by shadow . This was Sams last thought. The arrow killed him in an instant. The orc ripped the Ring from Frodos hand. As he was being carried away, the creature Gollum look ed in despair. The precious was farther than ever. MORDOR The Dark Lord Sauron awoke for the first time in eras. The Ring was heavy on his finger. As it should be. Walking was strange. It felt unnatural. But the Ring w as the same. The Ring was the only thing that was not lost to him. Out of the to wer, to Mordor, the Dark Lord walked. The hobbit was on his hands and knees. And orc kicked him. Sauron: Let the hobbit go. He has delivered to us the Ring. Collect what is left of the Witch-King and Saruman. The orc bowed, and ran off. Sauron looked at Frodo. Sauron: You are free to go. Frodo looked up, scowling. Then he ran. THE BLACK GATE Men of Rohan and Gondor continued the fight. It was becoming hopeless. Aragorn: Gandalf, we must retreat! Gimli: A dwarf never runs! Gimli charged into battle. He sliced off an orcs head, drove his axe into the sid e of another, and chopped off a leg of a last orc. Legolas looked to his friend, and shot an arrow into an approaching orc. Aragorn: Gandalf! Gandalf: I hear you, and I agree! We must leave! Ride men of Rohan! Men of Gondor ! We have lost! Retreat! MINAS TIRITH Gandalf holds a pipe to his mouth. A ring of smoke exits his mouth. Merry and Pippin are not dancing. No ale drips onto anyones beard. They mourn.

Aragorn: Then Frodo is dead. Gandalf: Not dead. Not there. Not good. Not pure. Aragorn: He has been corrupted by the Ring then? Gandalf: The Great Eye has gone out. Sauron has risen again. Legolas: Then all is lost. Gimli: The Ring still survives friend. As long as it is one Middle-Earth, there i s hope. Aragorn: Sauron has the Ring on his finger. There is no hope for the free people of Middle-Earth. Gandalf: Sauron has been defeated before. Aragorn: Barely. I trust you Gandalf, but trust goes so far. Legolas: We need a plan of attack. Gimli: I like the sound of that. Gandalf: No. We must find what Sauron is planning. Legolas: We wont do that anytime soon. We should find if he is amassing his army. Aragorn: Legolas is right. We failed in battle because we were not prepared. Gimli: The reason we lost is because we lack dwarves. Hardy as an ox am I, and tw ice as strong as any uruk-hai. Gandalf: Then we will ride soon. Rest. You need it. MORDOR Saruman and the Witch King stand before Sauron. Sauron: Saruman, take this. I have been saving it since before even the oldest el ves. Saruman: What is it? Sauron: A scroll. What does it look like fool? Read it when I instruct you. Saruman: What shall it do? Sauron: It will not matter. To you. CUT TO: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf move through the mountains surrounding Mord or. Aragorn: What do you see Legolas? Legolas: Orc are approaching the tower. Gandalf: Are they leaving the Black Gate? Gimli: Sauron is not that stupid.

Aragorn: Agreed. Push on. Gandalf! Aragorn: What was that? Frodo burst through dead bushes, smiling. He embraced Gandalf. Frodo: I thought you were dead. Gandalf... Gandalf: Yes my dear Frodo I am alive. How did you escape? Where is Sam? Frodo: Sam is lost.Orc took him. Sauron let me go for delivering the Ring. Aragorn: You gave the ring to Sauron? Frodo: He took it. Aragorn released the hilt of his sword. Gimli: Do you any idea what he is doing? Frodo: None. Aragorn: Turn back. We must gather our forces. CUT TO: Saruman held the scroll in his hand. Sauron and the Witch KIng stood just behind him. An army stood just behind them. Saruman: (Translation from Elvish) Open portal to the otherworld. Reveal to us wh at you have to offer! Middle-Earth and your world will be connected now and fore ver! Open! I command it! You shall open! Sarumans arms sprung out, the wizards head looking to the sky. A pillar of light b urst out of his mouth. The body started to disintegrate, and the light widened. Orc stared into the void, amazed at what they saw. A huge forest waited on the o ther side. Small, bear-like creatures stared through the portal, into Middle-Ear th. They pointed spears. Sauron and the Witch King stood still as the orc charge d onto Endor. CUT TO: What is left of the Fellowship stare at the pillar of light. Aragorn: What is that? Legolas: This is the work of Sauron. We must move! CUT TO: Orc slaughter ewoks everywhere. They begin to burn trees. Sauron walks through the gateway, killing ewoks. The Witch King stabs one, retra cting his sword, breaking the spear of another. He slashes the neck of the ewok, cutting the arms off a third. Sauron slams his mace into an Ewok, and blasts a trio of the bears away with the Ring. Witch King: Where do we rally the troops?

Sauron: Dont. Let them run wild. Have them find danger instead of us all. CUT TO: The Fellowship runs to the gateway. An orc spots them. Gimli: Haha! Its about time. A group of orc charged at the group. Gandalf downed the first, beheading it. Fro do impaled another with Sting, while Aragorn held off two. Legolas shot two orc with the same arrow, and Gimli stuck his axe into an orcs chest. Aragorn stabbed one orc, taking the sword out, and stabbing the other. Legolas shot another orc, saving Gandalf from death. Gandalf himself killed an orc, before seeing one app roaching Frodo. Aragorn saw this, and threw his sword, the blade going through t he orcs head. Frodo slashed at an orc, wounding him. Gimli stuck his axe into the orc, smiling at Frodo. He pulled axe out, stumbling. Gimli regained his balance , and rose his axe, slamming the blade into an orcs neck. Aragorn had reclaimed h is sword, and slashes at an orc. He blocks an attack, and stabs the orc, turning around to see an orc with his sword raised. An arrow was lodged in its skull. Ar agorn looked to Legolas, and nodded. Gandalf stood in front of Frodo, taking out any orc who approached. Gimli slashed and hacked at any orc who came near. Gimli: I have 13! You? Legolas: 19! Gimli: Damn elf. Aragorn lodged his sword into the head of a last orc. The first battle was over. The next war was beginning. Aragorn sheathed his sword, and put his hand to his brow. Sweaty. The others walked forwards. Gandalf: We must go through. Aragorn: I know. Let us move on then. The Fellowship walked through the gateway, not looking back upon Middle-Earth. CUT TO: The trees of Endor are long burnt. The orc have moved on. All here is dead. Except for one thing. Gollum. Gollum: The thieves. Thieves! They takes the precious from us. The Baggins, the M asters, and now the orcses. But it is ours precious. Yes, it is ours. We will ta ke it backses, precious. Yesssss. CUT TO:The Fellowship trek through the forest. Legolas: This place is beautiful. Are there elves here? The elf points to platforms on the trees, with walkways leading to them. Aragorn: We do need allies. Gandalf: Then let us go. They started to go up the walkway. Wait here.

CUT TO: Han Solo pulls out his blaster. He moves down the walkway, his finger itching to shoot. A boot came into sight. Han shot, the boot retracting. Steam rose from the wood. Han missed. Aragorn jum per forwards, sword in hand. Han kept his blaster out. Han: Okay, who are you? Aragorn: I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn. We are looking for the orc. Have you seen them? Han: I think you should come with me.

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