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New collection Launch | Marketing Plan 22.10.



Zara Brand Wheel

Fashionable clothes Varied assortment Trendy colors Feminine cuts Fashionable product lines for moderate costs Customer-centered business Runway trends adapted for the streets

Brand Essence

Fashion-oriented woman Trendy in every situaFon Feeling good about looking good Fashion - friendly Feminine Hot and trendy

High-Street Fashion

The Zara Brand Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

5 Keys of the Zara Business Model




Design/ Produc4on

The Zara Brand Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

5 Keys of the Zara Business Model

Main driving force behind the Zara brand. Star%ng point for all Zara ac%vi%es

Lead role in: Store design Produc%on Logis%cs Team

The Zara Brand Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

The Zara Brand Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

5 Keys of the Zara Business Model


Mee4ng point between the customer and the Zara fashion oer. 1,520 stores collect informa%on regarding customer demands. New products introduced twice a week. Top loca%ons 17 visits / year / customer Me%culously designed shop windows Maximum aJen%on to interior & exterior architechtual design Appropriate coordina%on of garments Excellent customer care

The Zara Brand Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

5 Keys of the Zara Business Model

Design & ProducFon
Inspira4on comes from the street, music, art but above all, the store. Proximity of produc%on facili%es Immediate reac%on to trends. Con%nuous work for all teams. Managers teams customer demand forms, designs, fabrics, compliments
Design/ Produc4on

1,186 suppliers, 200 desginers

The Zara Brand Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

5 Keys of the Zara Business Model

Highly frequent and constant distribu4on permiKng the oer to be constantly renewed. 697 million garments distributed 5,000 employees at logis%cs centers

Designed with maximum exibility. Customer oriented. 24h receiving order to store delivery (Europe) Designed to absorb growth for next years. 18% annual discount rates.

The Zara Brand Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

The Zara Brand Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

5 Keys of the Zara Business Model

Teams with vast sales knowledge geared to towards the customer. 89,112 professionals Customer oriented. Make the stores a pleasant environment. Apply corporate, social & environmental responsibility in day-to-day work.


The Zara Brand Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

Zaras Performance
159 store openings in 2008 Brand Value: $ 8,609 M

1,530 stores

4 new countries in 2008

Sales 6,824 Million


73 countries

The Zara Brand Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research


The Industry
High street fashion brand Industry trends
Democra%za%on of luxury Inclusiveness Street trends Designer houses

Key success factors

Dieren%a%on & individualism New fashion consumer

The Zara Brand

Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

Customer Focused Product Development

Saturated industry Need to increase brand value Responding to current industry trends Iden%fying the need for the product in the market

A full-shaped body is a beau4ful body

The Zara Brand

Industry Analysis

Product Development Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

Customer Focused Product Development

Market entry barriers Design challenges Saturated industry Need to increase brand value Responding to current industry trends Iden%fying the need for the product in the market

Exis%ng customer reac%ons

Fat is not fashionable



The Zara Brand

Industry Analysis

Product Development Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

Consumer Analysis
Todays fashion consumer:

More choice, more educated, more savvy & demanding

New breed of shoppers

Loyalty, variety, freshness
The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market & Consumer Research

Fashion Consumer Behavior Analysis

Interest Gives pleasure & enjoyment Means of self-expression Involvement



The Zara Brand

Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

Fashion Consumer Behavior Analysis

Interest Hedonics Involvement Purchasing experience Fun, fantasy, social or emo%onal gra%ca%on



Impulse buying

The Zara Brand

Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

Fashion Consumer Behavior Analysis

Interest Hedonics Involvement Importance: Consumers aJach meaning to their clothes Role of fashion in society Drivers: Individual mo%ves Projec%ng a desired self-image Linked to personal values & needs: Express and communicate value Values guide consumer behavior Types of values: personal, economic, aesthe%c



The Zara Brand

Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

Fashion Consumer Behavior Analysis

Interest Hedonics Involvement Posi%ve vs. nega%ve Shorter decision %mes More impulse buying A feeling of being unconstrained Desire to reward oneself How to generate posi%ve emo%ons? Use the retail environment to posi%vely inuence moods: suitable layouts, colors, eec%ve sales personnel, emo%onally upliking atmosphere Impulse buying



The Zara Brand

Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

Fashion Consumer Behavior Analysis

Interest Hedonics Involvement Impulse buying Fashion oriented: strongly oriented to fashion involvement: providing sensory or experien%al cues of fashion products. Created by the symbolic interac4ons of the product & the consumer emo4onal experiences Emo%ons Need to understand impulse buying behavior for fashion products from an experien4al perspec4ve = guidance in developing strategies


The Zara Brand

Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

Plus Size Consumer Analysis

1 in 3 women are unhappy with the way clothes t them 14 happy 12 8 16 10 18 6 22 20 24 unhappy

The Zara Brand

Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

Plus Size Consumer Behavior

Plus size product

Psychosocial consequence
Feel more a\racFve

Func%onal consequence
Cut [ng the body shape


Self esteem: important moFvaFon driver for consumpFon Consumers tend to assign their own meanings to clothes. Clothing: over consumer behavior
The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market & Consumer Research

Market Analysis

Market Share
15% PeFte 60% 25% Plus Size Normal

100 80 60 40 20 0 76


Size 2006 2012

Segment growth: 40% increase by 2014. Only 5% of retail space is dedicated to the +size products
The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market & Consumer Research

Types of CompeFtors

1 2 3 4

Dedicated Ranges Extension of Size Ranges Designer Bou%ques E-commerce

The Zara Brand

Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

New Line PosiFoning

High Fashion

Zara Torrid H&M


Low Price

High Price


Charming Shoppers

1 2

Dedicated Ranges Extension of Size Ranges Designer Bou%ques E-commerce

Market & Consumer Research


3 4

Low Fashion
The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Brand awareness Brand loyalty New in this segments More experienced compe%tors Lack of e-commerce

Size & growth

High fashion for modest prices



The Zara Brand

Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

Zara vs. CompeFtors

Zara 1,000 new styles / month 200 designers Higher cost of product development is more than adequately compensated by higher realized margins Strategy: reacFve, not predicFve CompeFtors 3-5 months: develop the ideas into physical samples Sales budgets & stock plans developed one year ahead of the targeted styles Few weeks / months to procure fabrics, have them approved by the retailer produce a number of samples put samples in producFon

The Zara Brand

Product development

Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research

Market & Consumer Research

General objec%ves
Develop a consumer focused product line and markeFng strategy Reinforce customer focus as the key driver of the Zara brand

Specic objec%ves
Strategically segment the market Visualize the impact of the new line Integrate consumer input into development Strategically plan the integraFon of the new line within the exisFng business model use core competencies & reinforce brand values with a new twist

Consistent with our current approach

The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market & Consumer Research

Market & Consumer Research

1 Qualita>ve Goals: Insights into the mind of the consumer Focus Group new product idea & concept explora%on gain more insights into our product posi%oning test communica%on strategies Test marke>ng Test product a\ributes in terms of t, cuts, colors, communicaFon & markeFng strategy Quan>ta>ve Goals: Gather data on consumer a[tudes, past behaviors, intended behaviors Warning: limited applicability, short development cycles Test both the future target consumers& exisFng ones Secondary research Integrate consumer input into product development Post-purchase evaluaFons 2

The Zara Brand

Industry Analysis

Product Development

Consumer Analysis

Market Analysis

Market & Consumer Research


Strategic MarkeFng ObjecFves

Overall marke4ng objec4ves: increase customer equity
Increase consumer sa4sfac4on, decrease dissa%sfac%on of the plus size consumer Increase purchase frequency among plus size customers Con%nue to grow by extending the Zara fashion brand Increase brand awareness and favorable aptudes among consumers

Zara for everywoman STP

Plus size, full shape body women Clothes that t their body shape and make them look beau>ful

Main segment

Demogra phics

Psychogra phics

Benets sought

Aged 18-40 Work in big ciFes / pursuing higher-level educaFon Mid-range income

Interested in fashion trends Conscious about their looks Enjoy shopping and socializing HecFc lifestyle

Zara for everywoman PosiFoning

Fast high fashion at aordable prices

The only true fashion brand that thinks about your body shape, respects it and designs especially for it


Integrated MarkeFng CommunicaFon Strategy

Holis4c approach

Product Customer -focused Place


Customer-focused Product
Feel product. High involvement 1) Back to the drawing board Design products that complement the full body shape Incorporate consumer feedback on most salient aJributes

2) Product symbolism Zara knows my body shape I look good in Zara clothes I feel beau%ful

Customer-focused Product
Feel product. High involvement 3) Colors and material Important choice for perceived quality of the products Dieren%ate Zara from compe%tors Bring a fresh look to the plus size segment 4) The ZARA label Feed on the exis%ng Zara name and values associated with the brand Aim at customer loyalty S%ll away from the compe%tors the variety-seeking customer

Integrated MarkeFng CommunicaFon Strategy

Holis4c approach

Product Customer -focused Place


PromoFon Strategy
Main communica4on objec4ves Inform about the new line Create posi%ve emo%ons in connec%on to the new line Above-the-line: Print adverFsing Generate consumer interest and purchase inten%ons

Bellow-the-line: Brand communicaFon PR Internet Events Media cooperaFon

AdverFsing Strategy
Less is more Consistent with current strategy

Main communicaFon message

Support line launch only with print adverFsing

USP: The only true fashion brand to consider your body shape Emo>onal appeal

AdverFsing Idea GeneraFon

Adver4sing Posi4oning Formula For the full body shape woman,
Target consumer

Brand name

is the fashion expert

Brand character

for your wardrobe

Product / Competitive Frame


helps you look the best you can

Brand promise


it takes the high fashion trends and adapts them for the REAL you

AdverFsing CreaFve, ProducFon & Placement

High fashion look Full shape body model Body shape revealed: curved lines should not be hidden Metaphor: dominance, power of the portrayed women Periperal cue: released sexuality , element of surprize Ad tonality

Ad format

Ad placement

AdverFsing CreaFve, ProducFon & Placement

Curvy is the new black

Ad tonality

Ad format Double page spread Minimum copy Zara logo

Ad placement

AdverFsing CreaFve, ProducFon & Placement

Ad tonality

Ad format

Ad placement High fashion monthly magazines: Vogue, Marie Claire, Harpers Bazaar Fashion monthly magazines: Glamour, InStyle, Joy, Petra Independent magazines: WAD, Pool

Curvy is the new black by ZARA

Below-the-line campaign

Brand COM




CSR: design compeFFon for fashion students Possible media cooperaFon with reality shows such as Project Runway Goal: promote inclusiveness and individualism

Below-the-line campaign

Brand COM




Ecient product placement in magazines Editorial coverage without adverFsing expense Goal: make a sincere proposiFon to the REAL woman, use the journalist as an expert source to build brand trust Tool: PR lookbook

PR Lookbook

PR Lookbook

PR Lookbook

Below-the-line campaign

Brand COM




Use the website as a main communicaFon channel Feature the CSR iniFaFve to build awareness Include advices on dierent body shapes and product cuts Use the online communiFes to reach the hip, young, tech savvy women

Below-the-line campaign

Brand COM




Line launch event in 3 key stores in Europe: Madrid, Milan, and London Theme: Zara celebrates diversity with a new line Goal: oer the real experience of the brand and what it stands for

Integrated MarkeFng CommunicaFon Strategy

Holis4c approach

Product Customer -focused Place


Pricing strategy

The new line is more inclusive, and not exclusive: Follow the brand pricing strategies Aordable prices, good quality No deviaFon from what Zara is as brand: consistency across lines

Integrated MarkeFng CommunicaFon Strategy

Holis4c approach

Product Customer -focused Place


DistribuFon strategy

The store as an important communicaFon channel Consistent and strong store image, high store loyalty Point of interacFon with the clients: store sta gathering important feedback, taking the pulse of the market

Store atmosphere Zara typical store layout, wide open spaces Create enjoyment of shopping in the store(posiFve emoFons | comfortable feeling | impulse buying | spending more than planned) Line having its own secFon in the store, consistent with current store space distribuFon


ImplementaFon Roadmap
Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Website Development PR Toolkit producFon Campaign producFon Product launch / Event InteracFve launch Ad campaign Media cooperaFon PR support EvaluaFon

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