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They are found where the polar cells are sinking, the cold temperatures at the poles cool the air, making it denser, causing it to sink and this creates zones of relatively high pressure. 4. The low pressure areas are found over the arctic sea and the North Atlantic areas. This is because they are located where there are converging winds of polar cells and these areas are low pressure because the warmer air is meeting and as it is lighter it rises, this suction effect of warm air rising causes the lows over the polar regions. 5. Found over the Antarctic Ocean where the ocean circles the globe without encountering land. Between the southernmost tip of Argentina and the Falklands and Antarcticas northernmost tip. They are caused by winds circling that never reach land so blow round the world with high speed. They are prevailing westerly winds. 6. Found on the equator between two Hadley cells 7. The low pressure warm air rises in the area and as they rise they cool down, this cooling down releases moisture the warm air was carrying from the equatorial areas and form cumulonimbus clouds which then bring storms and cyclones to the equator and its surrounding latitudes 8. They would have followed the north east trade winds down to the canary islands and across the Atlantic to the east coasts of the Caribbean and then follow the gulf stream to Florida.

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