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Mariam Nawab 6R Post-Questionnaire Graphs 1) What gender are you?

This bar chart shows that out of the 20 people, that had taken part in our questionnaire, that 12 were female and 8 were male.

2) How old are you?

This pie chart explains that the majority of people that took part in our questionnaire were of the age ranges of 16-18.

3) Out of 10, what would you rate our short film Goodbye High School? (1 is lowest and 10 is highest)

This graph shows that the 20 people we surveyed, that 16 people rated Goodbye High school to be 8, which is really good. 2 people rated it 7 and 2 people rated it 6. This shows that the public thoroughly were pleased with the product.

Mariam Nawab 6R 4) Was the genre of the film clear?

The majority of people out of 20, we surveyed, felt the genre was entirely clear. However, 2 people out of 20 disagreed and felt the genre wasnt too clear.

5) If so, please state how it was clear? We wanted to not get answers on paper, but verbal answers. And so asked to state, for this question, how the genre was clear. They expressed that it was clear because of certain scenes and dialogue of the voiceover and the flashback scenes. 6) If it was not, please state how it was not. Some felt it was not because they didnt seem to find the puns of the film funny enough and the drama and scenarios were minor and so didnt match with our genre. 7) From watching our short film, which scene do you feel is the strongest?

This cylinder graph illustrates that 4 out of 20 people thought the best strongest scene was the Bench scene. 6 out of 20 people felt the strongest scene was the Dodgeball scene. 7 out of 20 people felt the strongest scene was the Chewing gum scene, because it was the funniest. And 3 people out of 20 thought the strongest scene of the film was the Break-up scene.

8) After watching our film, which scene do you feel is the strongest? This graph shows that the majority of people that took part in our questionnaire thought that the weakest scene was the Bench scene. 1 person felt the weakest scene was the Dodgeball scene, 3 people felt the

Mariam Nawab 6R weakest scene was the Chewing gum scene and 4 people considered the Break-up scene to be the weakest. 9) Did you feel our short film, Goodbye High School, was funny?

This chart reveals that the majority we interviewed agreed that our short film was funny.

10) Out of 10, how clear was the plot/storyline of the film? (1 being not clear, 10 being very clear)

This explains that 17 out of 20 people had agreed that the plot/storyline was very clear. However 3 people did not find the storyline to be clear, the reason was because they didnt feel it matched up to the script as much as they had wished it had been.

11) Did you feel the typography of the credits was appropriate and suitable for our film?

Mariam Nawab 6R This shows that 14 people out of 20 felt the typography was very appropriate and suitable for our film and production.


Did the sound match the action and suit the production of our film?

All 20 people we surveyed believed the sound was fully aligned with the action of the film and suited the production of our film.

13) How professional, do you think our production appeared? (Please select as appropriate)

This data reveals that 16 out of 20 people felt our production was professional. 2 out of 20 felt it was intermediate and 2 people out of 20 felt it was amateur.

14) Would you recommend Goodbye High School to others, to watch it?

This bar graph shows that 17 people out of 20 expressed that they would

Mariam Nawab 6R definitely recommend out short film, Goodbye High School, to other peers etc. Only 3 out of 20 said they would not.

15) Do you feel our British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), 12A, is appropriate for our film?

This pie chart shows that 18 people out of 20 felt it was a appropriate to have the BBFC as 12A. 2 people felt it was not appropriate.

16) Do you feel the title, Goodbye High School, was appropriate for our final product?

20 people out of the full 20 we surveyed agreed that the title certainly was appropriate for the short film we created.

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