Effect Traffic Jam in Jakarta

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Riandika Nurfakhri (1206263225)

Effect Traffic Jam in Jakarta for Human Life

Lately, Jakarta as metropolitan city often gets heavy traffic jam. Many people, from other city come to Jakarta to work and doing business, but many people come to Jakarta without special skill to help them to survive in Jakarta. Traffic Jam is an ordinary thing in Jakarta, there are some causes make a Jakarta have many traffic jam. The main causes traffic jam in Jakarta, there are the development of road doesnt match with the development of vehicle, as a result, Jakarta often gets heavy traffic jam in many places in Jakarta, especially in center of shopping at weekend, and at the area of office zone at daily days. In fact, Jakarta have many reason that causes a heavy traffic jam in Jakarta. First, many people from other city come to Jakarta for work and gets a money, but arrival people from other city to Jakarta doesnt match with a special skill to work in Jakarta. The increase of population in Jakarta be a Jakarta many unemployed people. Second, the increase of human population make a vehicle are increase too, but the development of vehicle doesnt match with the development of road. As a result, Jakarta have a big problem, that is a challenge to the government to solve heavy traffic jam in Jakarta. From the causes before, there are many effect that occur. First, many vehicle trapped in very busy traffic. So, the vehicle walk slowly but the engine are not working efficiently. The effect of that is wasting the energy and effect to global warming. Second, about psychology effect, the psychology of the driver in traffic jam are not stable, because they will easily get mad if something harm them, even in pressured situation in traffic jam. Third, about a polution in Jakarta. Now, jakarta be a second of city with polution on the world. The traffic jam make a many vehicle gather in some place. As a result, the polution are gather too, there are sound polution and air polution. The solution of the problem that mentioned before is repair a public transportation, so, the people that used a private vehicle can change to public transportation. Hopely, it will decrease a private vehicle in the road. The other solution of that, build a new road in Jakarta for match with the development vehicle in Jakarta. So, the traffic jam can be spread.

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