Aiming Erratic World Peace

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Aiming Erratic World Peace

Everybody respects a tranquil person, war is essential for a peaceful life;

the ways for restraining disquiet is searched in an attempt to bring peace.
But peace is not an item in a retail shop that can be purchased in exchange of
a pocket money. We hide the white flag somewhere under the equipments of
war and we take the flag out for a compromisation only after a truce is
declared. But war does not stop with that, the external agreements bring a
truce only. In this intervening period, some mentionable political exchanges
may be expected but with that endeavor there remains no hope for
everlasting peace.

It is advised in several newspapers & magazines, in the religious books, in

the biographies of great souls that each and every human must be non-
violent. Because non-violence makes the tranquility, brings peace; non-
violence is the hymn for the peaceful juxtaposition of life and society,
although I have not anybody has become non-violence, even for a while, to
each and every living beings. The non-violence, for a moment, destroys the
bodily form immediately and holding non-violence physically, mentally as
well as verbally is not the capability which belongs to each- The impotency
of Religion may be pertained here.
The time we develop any kind of hunger, we rush to fulfill that overlooking
so many factors; we come across over so many lives with such endeavor.
When religion preaches that there is consciousness in everything and when
scientifically also it is proved in many ways, then there exists no causes for
searching behind. Like foods, cloths and shelters, inhale-exhale is also
essential for our survivals and for doing so the destruction of millions of
lives, trillions of consciousness are inevitable. Thus, non-violence and peace,
in minute sense, for each and everybody, may be possible literally, but
practically its accommodation for all is arduous. So the vegetarians can not
be the only inheritors of non-violence and declaration of such by them is
solely a root for religious riots.
There, perhaps, nobody who does not expect a peaceful life in the way of
development, but for that we should get rid of the wars, externally as well as
internally. Any mutual compromisation does not lead to state of tranquility.
The ever-growing addiction of luxury, which is the counter part of
capitalism, has started slaying our consciousness and leaving only
alternative in the forms of needs and the time we are coming into
consciousness again we keep on trying to fulfill those needs resulting non-
violence in return.
Enjoyment is not the cessation from enjoyment- sacrifice may be the way.
But why should we go on the way of sacrifice when it is already defined for
the saints? In a single life, why not we go for enjoyment-delight-nuisance by
agitating the world?
This dual thought drives us to the glittering world, to the colorful inductions,
to the causes of non-violence and no religious sect disposes that of
peacefully. We are either feared of the peace, for a big war is essential to
acquire that, or we are feared of the war, for it takes peace if it is rooted to
political & religious benefits.

If peace is to be established universally, then it is clear that each and

everybody has to be tranquil and compassionate irrespective of country-
time-nation-creed-religion-economy-polity-society. The expectation for
world peace is a kind of unconsciousness, unless every human in every part
of the world feels non-violence for the others. After the existence of several
survival classes, a demand for the world peace brings back the war again,
because from time immemorial, we are giving priorities to our dissimilarities
In fact, our intention is to extend our luxury in the highest level such a way
that others may come to extinction for our deeds. There is no limit for our
expectations & needs, and the intoxication for their fulfillment is so
turbulent that it never chooses the way of non-violence.

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