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Assignment On:

Analysis of reasons behind enlisting Professor Dr. Yunus as one of the 12 greatest entrepreneurs of recent time by Fortune Magazine.

Prepared For:
Ali Mohammad Kawser Lecturer Department of Marketing University of Dhaka

Prepared By:
CRESCHO Department of Marketing University of Dhaka

Date of submission
7th April, 2012


Kawser Ahmed Nahid Zakir Hossain Md. Ziaul haque Vivekananda Roy Aslam Ali Razib

103 039 091 043 141

Ikram Hossain khan


Why the Grameen Bank though a non-profit organization was enlisted in the Fortune magazine as the

most profitable companies & Prof. Yunus as one of the greatest entrepreneurs:
Nobel Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus has been named has been named by fortune magazine as one of the 12 greatest entrepreneurs of our time. This list published in the magazines latest issue places Prof. Yunus among the band of highly exclusive individuals, all of whom are known throughout the world for their innovation, vision and ability to get things done. The list was prepared considering economic and social impact, world changing vision of the entrepreneurs, ability of the entrepreneurs to inspire and motivate their employees, their record of innovation and their actual results.

The list of 12 Greatest Entrepreneur of present time:

1. Steve jobs (Apple) 2. Bill Gates (Microsoft) 3. Fred Smith (FedEx) 4. Jeff Bezos (Amazon) 5. Larry Page & Sergey Brin (Google) 6. Howard Schultz (starbuck) 7. Mark Zukerberg (Facebook) 8. John Mackey (Whole Foods)

9. Herb Kelleher (South-West Airlines)

10. Narayan a Murthy (Infosya) 11. Sam Walton (Wal-Mart)


Dr. Prof. Mohammad Yunus (Grameen Bank)

Reasons behind enlisting this non-profit organization (Grameen Bank) as one of the most profitable companies:


bank is a micro-finance organization and community development bank. It makes small loans to the impoverished without requiring collateral. believed that making such loans available to a wide population would have a positive impact on the rampant rural poverty in Bangladesh.

The Bank helped thousands of villagers to get rid of poverty .Dr. Yunus

Grameen bank believes that charity is not an answer to poverty. It only

helps poverty to continue as it creates dependency and takes away individuals initiative to break through the cycle of poverty, whereas loans offer people the opportunity to take opportunity to take initiatives in business or agriculture, providing earnings and enabling them to pay off the debt.
Grameen bank has offered credit to many poor, women, illiterate, and

unemployed people, it created access to credit on reasonable terms such as the group leading system and weekly-installment payment .
Enabling the poor to build on their existing skill to earn a better income

in each cycle of loans.

Grameens objective has been to promote financial independence

among the poor. Prof. Yunus encourages all borrowers to eventually become savers so that their local capital can be converted into new business.
The Grameen bank (Literally, Bank of the villagers) is the outgrowth of

Yunuss ideas, prof. Yunus was chosen by Wharton school of business for PBS documentary, as one of the 25 most influential business persons of the past 25 years.
Creating innovation and creative ideas can change the traditional

business concept into the new world and by doing these things Dr. Yunus got recognition.

These are the main reason why Dr. Prof. Yunus got recognition as a world 12 new entrepreneur who changed the world through their innovative ideas.

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