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For (BSME)

Prepared by: Anonymous

Answers to Typical Q/A:

Q1. What is the quranic way of seeking ISTIANAT? (2; 45-46, 153) 2; 45

2; 46

2; 153

For (BSME)

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q2. What are the consequences of being selective in obeying the orders of Sharia? (2; 83-85). 2; 83

2; 84

For (BSME) 2; 85

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q3. What are the typical duties of a prophet? (2;151) 2; 151

For (BSME)

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q4. What is HARAM to eat and its permissible limit under IZTARAR? (2;173) 2; 173

Q5. What is expected from a pious in the light of AYAT-I-BIR? (2;177) 2; 177

For (BSME)

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q6. Enlist the exclusive SIFAT of ALLAH in the light of AYAT-ul-KURSI. (2; 255) 2; 255

Q7. What are the four categories of the rewarded people? (4;69) 4; 69

For (BSME)

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q8. What is the instruction of Quran regarding fear & favor in the matter of witness? (4;135 and 5;8) 4; 135

5; 8

For (BSME) Q9. What is the quranic condition of cooperation? (5;2 part) 5; 2 part

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q10. Prove weighing of AAMAL through Quran. (7; 8-9 and 21; 47) 7; 8

7; 9

For (BSME) 21; 47

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q11. Prove through Quran that MUHAMMAD (peace be upon him) is prophet for all human beings. (7; 158) 7; 158

For (BSME)

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q12. What is the Quranic instruction regarding preparation for JIHAD against enemy? (8; 60) 8; 60

Q13. What are MASARIF-i-ZAKAT? (9; 60) 9; 60

For (BSME) Q14. How can we satisfy our QALB? (13; 28) 13; 28

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q15. What is the benefit of SHUKR? (14; 7) 14; 7

Q16. Prove that Quran is protected by ALLAH himself. (15; 9) 15; 9

Q17. What is the reality of those being called (for help) in place of ALLAH? (16; 20-21 and 17; 56-57 and 22; 73 and 35; 13-14) 16; 20

For (BSME) 16; 21

Prepared by: Anonymous

17; 56

17; 57

35; 13

For (BSME) 35; 14

Prepared by: Anonymous

22; 73

Q18. Prove that quranic style of DAWAT is with wisdom. (16; 125) 16; 125

For (BSME) Q19. What is the DUA of Hazrat MUSA? (20; 25-28) 20; 25-28

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q20. Prove MUHAMMAD (peace be upon him) as RAHMAT LIL ALMEEN. (21; 107) 21; 107

Q21. What are the qualities of those who will succeed? (23; 1-11) 23; 1-11

For (BSME)

Prepared by: Anonymous

For (BSME) Q22. What are the qualities of IBAD ur RAHMAN? (25; 63-76) 25; 63-76

Prepared by: Anonymous

For (BSME)

Prepared by: Anonymous

For (BSME)

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q23. State the exclusive SIFAT of ALLAH described in Sura AnNamal (27; 60-65) 27; 60-65

For (BSME)

Prepared by: Anonymous

For (BSME)

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q24. Prove with Quranic reference that it is ALLAH who decides about the HIDAAT of a person. (28; 56) 28; 56

Q25. Prove with Quranic reference that it is ALLAH who is responsible for the RIZQ of entire MAKHLOOQ. (29;60) 29;60

Q26. State the signs of QUDRAT and exclusive SIFAT of ALLAH described in Sura ArRoom (30;20-27 and46) 30; 20-27

For (BSME)

Prepared by: Anonymous

For (BSME)

Prepared by: Anonymous

30; 46

For (BSME)

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q27. What was the advice of LUQMAN for his son? (31;13-19) 31; 13

31; 14

31; 15

For (BSME) 31; 16

Prepared by: Anonymous

31; 17

31; 18

31; 19

Q28. What are the things known only to ALLAH in the light of Ayat No. 34 of Sura No. 31 of Holy Quran?(31; 34)

For (BSME) 31; 34

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q29. Prove with Quranic reference that it is the Prophet who is the real model. (33;21) 33;21

Q30. Prove with Quranic reference that there is no choice for a believer except to follow the prophet. (33; 36) 33; 36

For (BSME)

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q31. Provide quranic reference as an evidence of witness of our own organs against us on the day of judgment. (36;65 and 41;20-22) 36;65


41; 21

For (BSME) 41; 22

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q32. Provide quranic reference as an evidence of the fact that the soul is taken away even during sleep. (39;42) 39;42

Q33. Provide quranic reference as an evidence of the fact that NAFKH-i-SOOR is twice. (39;68) 39;68

For (BSME) Q34. Provide Quranic proof of AZAB QABR. (40;46)

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q35. Provide quranic reference as an evidence of the fact that nothing is like ALLAH. (42;11) 42;11

Q36. Provide quranic reference as an evidence of the fact that the number & gender of the kids of a married couple is decided by ALLAH. (42;49-50) 42;49

For (BSME) 42;50

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q37. Reproduce the convincing arguments of Sura AlAhqaf(46;4-6) against calling of someone other than ALLAH for help(beyond the limits of sources). 46; 4-6

For (BSME)

Prepared by: Anonymous

Q38. Discuss the issue of Respect of the Prophet in the light of first five Ayat of Sura AlHujrat. (49; 1-5) 49; 1

49; 2

49; 3

For (BSME) 49; 4-5

Prepared by: Anonymous

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