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1. Isilah identitas Anda ke dalam Lembaran Jawaban Komputer (LJK) yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil 2B sesuai petunjuk. 2. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban. 3. Periksa dan bacalah soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya. 4. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak atau tidak lengkap. 5. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian bila diperlukan. 6. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel atau alat bantu lainnya. 7. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.

=Selamat Bekerja= Read the passage and answer the questions 1 to 3 Hello, my name is Susanti. I live with my cousins, Donny and Brian, at Ratulangi Street. It is near Imam Bonjol Street. This is my new neighbor. His name is Joko Susanto. He lives on the same street as I live. I like to have a friend like him because he is very clever and kind. 1. Where does Joko live? A. Near Ratulangi Street B. On Imam Bonjol Street C. On Ratulangi Street D. Near Imam Bonjol Street 2. Who is Susanti? A. Donnys sister B. Brians nephew C. Brians cousin D. Jokos sister 3. because he is very clever and kind. (last sentence) What does he refer to? A. Donny B. Brian C. Susanti D. Joko Susanto This text is for questions 4 and 5 From : + 628155561265 Just to inform you that the meeting will be cancelled For tomorrow Monday 23rd March 2011 at 10 a.m as the principal will arrive from Singapore tonight. Lilian 4. From the text we know that . A. The principal was away went the message was sent B. The sender was in Singapore when he sent the message C. The principal will wait for the meeting that day D. The sender cannot attend the meeting 5. The short message is written to . A. Inform the cancellation of a meeting B. Tell what has happened in the meeting C. Inform that the sender has just arrived from Singapore D. Say that the principal wont come to the meeting 2

6. Which picture goes with the description? Its not small animal, it can run fast. It has a long tail. The people can ride on it. A. C.




Which sentence is true according to the pictures above? A. A fish is bigger than a cat B. A cat is as small as a fish C. A dog is the biggest of all D. A dog is the smallest of all This text is for questions 8 and 9
Dear Susan, Congratulations on your success in the final examination! Always do the best for your future. Mira & Tina

8. Why did Mira congratulate Susan? A. Susan will face the examination B. Susan still has the examination C. Susan has passed the examination D. Susan should prepare for the examination 9. What does the underlined word refer to? A. Susan B. Mira C. Tina D. Mira and Tina 10.

The caution above means .. A. We are disable to smoke here B. We are free to smoke here C. We are permitted to smoke here D. We are able to smoke here 3

The following text is for questions 11 to 13 The bank where Diana works is big enough. It has more than two hundred employees. The bank always satisfies the costumers. Whoever comes there, the bank considers him/her as a king. The best service is really paid attention by all employees. The security always asks the costumers need. He politely accompanies them to the employee they want to meet. 11. What does the text tell us about? A. The bank has bad service B. The security works happily C. How the bank satisfies the costumers D. The employees want to meet people 12. Who accompanies the costumers to meet the bank staff? A. The secretary B. The security C. The employee D. The director 13. Which is the CORRECT statement according to the passage above? A. Diana is a costumer B. The total employees are 200 C. The security is helpless D. The employees give the best service 14. Read a message on the Palopo School Message Board below. What does it mean? English Club Members! There will be no meeting this week. Ill let you know when the club will meet again. Hadi Pratama/Chairman.

A. B. C. D.

This week the members of English Club have no meeting as usual Hadi Pratama will meet no members of the English Club this week again The school wont meet members of English Club again this week The chairman of the English Club will not let his members meet again

15. Study this table! Countries Spring Summer Fall Japan 200C 300C 170C England 210C 290C 180C New Zealand 200C 290C 190C According to the table above, England is the .. in winter. A. Coolest B. Coldest C. Warmest D. Brightest

Winter 40C -20C 00C

The following text is for questions 11 to 13

TURINDO Tour & travel Ticketing center Inbound Outbound Tour Passport Visa Hotel Voucher Meeting Service Car Rental Kami Beri Bukti Bukan Janji Office: Phoenix Heritage Hotel Jl. Jend. Sudirman 9-11, Yogyakarta 55233, Indonesia Telp.: (0274) 5553331, 4422111 ext TURINDO Fax: (0274) 566673, 121212 co. Hotel Phoenix

16. The text above is about A. A car rental B. A tourism brochure C. Accommodation service D. Tour and travel 17. We can contact .. when we have a problem regarding tours and travelling. A. public travel agent B. phoenix hotel C. turindo travel D. ticket center 18. What service does Turindo Tour and Travel offer to the costumers? A. Ticket, Passport, Visa and car Rental B. Accomodation and travel C. All the costumers needs D. Rooms to stay at night 19. Government document to be carried by travelers abroad. The bold statement above is the definition of A. Visa B. Ticket C. Voucher D. Passport The following text is for questions 20 to 23 SUPPLEMENT FACTS Serving size : 1 tablet Servings per container : 30 Amount of Serving Vitamin C (as non acidic calcium ascorbate) 250 mg Calcium (as calcium ascorbate) 500 mg Citrus bioflavonoid* 50 mg Rutin* 25 mg Hesperidin 25 mg Rose hips* 125 mg Daily value not established Suggested use : 1 tablet after meal This product contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, milk, egg, sugar, chemical solvent, starch or gluten 5

% Daily value 416,67 mg 7,14 mg

20. What kind of the text above? A. Letter B. Label C. Advertisement D. Announcement 21. What is the purpose of the text? A. To advertise a supplement for woman B. To describe a product for adult C. To give detailed information about the supplement D. To tell the value of a supplement 22. This product contain no artificial . The word artificial in the sentence means .. A. Original B. Pure C. Unnatural D. Inexpensive 23. Suggested use: The synonym of the underlined word above is A. Claimed B. Advised C. Forced D. Persuaded The following text is for questions 24 to 25 ANNOUNCEMENT To Effective date Subject : All employees : 1st Februari 2011 : Staff uniforms

All employees are required to wear a uniform during working hours. This is to make it easier to distinguish them from costumers. Women should wear a colorful blouse with black pants or a black knee-length skirt. Men should wear black pants with an orange or red T-shirt. Manager 24. What should woman employees wear? A. An orange skirt and black pants B. A yellow skirt and black pants C. A black skirt and a colorful blouse D. A white skirt and a colorful blouse 25. Why do all employees have to wear a uniform during working hours? A. To differentiate them from the costumers B. To show that they have a good uniform C. To give them good appearance D. To make them friendly 6

Read the following letter and answer questions 26 28

Jalan Ahmad Yani 45 Surabaya 6th March 2011 Dear Gunawan, Jeany and I will have a semester break next week. We plan to go to Bali. Because our holiday is very short, we will stay there from 13th March until 17th 2011. By the way, can you help me? I want you pick us up at Ngurah Rai Airport. We will leave for Bali on Monday at 06.00 a.m the first flight from Juanda Airport. It will take us one hour to reach Bali. I hope you will be on time. I will call you then. Well, I must finish now because I have to prepare for my test tomorrow. O.K see you there. Love Faradilla

26. Faradilla wrote the letter because .. A. She wanted to tell Gunawan that she would have the test B. She wanted to tell Gunawan that she would have the semester break C. She needed Gunawan to accompany her to go Bali D. She needed Gunawan to pick her up at Ngurah Rai Airport.

27. What time did Faradilla and Jeany leave for Bali? A. 08.00 a.m B. 07.00 a.m C. 06.00 a.m D. 05.00 a.m

28. When did Faradilla have the test? A. On March 13th, 2011 B. On March 12th, 2011 C. On March 6th, 2011 D. On March 7th, 2011

The following text is for questions 29 to 30 All of Students Grade 9 You are invited to: GRADUATION PARTY 2011 SMP BUDI MULIA PALOPO Day/Date : Saturday. 4th 2011 Time : 09.00 a.m 12.00 p.m Venue : Ball Room, Merdeka Convention Hall, Jl. Merdeka Palopo Come and join us. *Invitation cards are available at the OSIS room. 29. Where will the graduation party be held? A. At the SMP Budi Mulia Palopo B. At the school hall C. At the Ball Room of Merdeka Convention Hall D. At the OSIS room 30. How long will the graduation party be? A. 2 hours B. 3 hours C. 4 hours D. 5 hours


Food and drink outside are not permitted The notice above means: A. We should not eat in the place. B. We should not buy food in the place. C. If we want to eat or drink, we should go outside. D. If we want to eat or drink, we should buy in the place.

The following text is for questions 32 to 33 How to make a greeting card Materials: Hard paper Various sticker Coloring pens Instructions: Fold the paper into two Decorate the front page with the various stickers Open the paper Write the name of the receiver of the card at the upper part with coloring pens Then write your messages in the center part of the page Dont forget to write the name of the sender of the card under it Your greeting card is ready to send 32. We write the name of the receiver at the .. A. Upper part of the page B. Front page of the card C. Center part of the page D. Under the content of the message 33. From the text we can conclude that the various stickers are used to make the card A. Easy B. Useful C. Beautiful D. Expensive Read the following text and answer questions 34 40 The Wolf and the Stork A long, long time ago, the wolf and the stork were friends. One day, the wolf asked the stork to come to his house to eat. When the stork arrived at the wolfs house, the wolf put two bowls of soup on the table. The wolf ate his bowl of soup so quickly. When he finished, he asked the stork, did you like my soup? But the stork was angry because he couldnt eat the soup. His beak was too long. When the stork went home, he was still hungry. The wolf laughed and laughed. 34. Where did the story happened? A. At home B. In a jungle C. In the wolfs house D. In the storks house 9

35. One day, the wolf asked the stork to come to his house to eat. The word to eat above means A. To play B. To have a meal C. To go out D. To sleep 36. What is the story about? A. The stork and the bowls B. The wolf and the mouse C. The wolf and the bowls D. The stork and the wolf 37. When the stork arrived at the wolfs house, the wolf . A. Put two bowls of soup on the floor B. Made a bowl of soup on the table C. Put two bowls of soup on the table D. Ate the stork. 38. What is the purpose of the text above? A. To describe the relationship between the wolf and the stork B. To give a report C. To tell past events D. To entertain the readers 39. The stork was angry because A. He is hungry B. He couldnt eat the soup C. The wolf didnt give him anything D. The wolf had eaten all the soup E. 40. The stork could not eat the soup because A. The soup is too hot B. The soup is too salty C. His beak is too long D. His mouth is too big 41. Arrange these sentences below into a good of cooking instructions! 1. Put noodles into 2 glasses of briskly boiling water 2. Your delicious noodles are ready to be served 3. Put the seasoning, vegetables oil and chili powder in a bowl 4. Mix the noodles well with all of the seasoning 5. Cook the noodles and simmer A. B. C. D. 43512 21534 35142 15342 10

For numbers 42 45, choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks. Long time ago there . . . . (42) a Mexican boy . . . . (43) Carlo. He . . . . (44) for his family by . . . . (45) chili peppers in his garden. 42. A. is B. are C. was D. have been 43. A. was named B. names C. name D. is named 44. A. earns B. has earned C. earned D. was earning 45. A. grew B. grows C. growing D. has grown Read the following text and answer questions 46 47

Chimpanzees are humans closest relatives compared to any other apes. They like to stay on the ground, but they climb among trees. Their hands and feet can easily grip branches and objects because their hobby is swinging. Chimps like to search for termites, ants and never refuse of sweet fruits and nuts. Chimpanzees communicate with each other using a wide variety of sound.
46. What does the text tell about? A. Chimpanzees physical appearances B. Chimpanzees habitats C. The diet of Chimpanzees D. Chimpanzees habits 47. .and never refuses of sweet fruits and nuts. The antonym of the underlined word above is.. A. Bitter B. Salty C. Candy D. Sour


48. Arrange these jumbled sentences into a good paragraph. 1. Before lunch, we fed some birds in the park 2. But we were happy because we had so much fun 3. Yesterday my family went to the zoo 4. When we returned home, we were very tired 5. In the afternoon, we saw the animals being fed 6. We bought some food to give the animals. The best arrangement is . A. 5 4 6 3 2 1 B. 3 6 1 5 4 2 C. 5 1 3 6 2 4 D. 3 1 5 4 2 6 For numbers 49 & 50, arrange the following words into a good sentences 49. My colleagues for three days I last week, and - went to Bali 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A. 4 3 6 7 2 1 - 5 B. 4 6 1 5 4 7 - 2 C. 4 1 5 3 - 6 7 2 D. 4 1 5 6 2 3 7 50. Happened the heavy incident because of rains 1 2 3 4 5 6

A. 2 4 1 5 3 - 6 B. 5 6 3 1 2 - 4 C. 2 3 6 2 1 - 4 D. 5 2 1 4 3 - 6


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