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TeamLuby Update Week of December 17, 2012 Spring Street School Mrs.

Lubys class

It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Family Traditions and Artifacts Museum last week. The children did a super job and could not have done so without your help! Dont forget to check out the photos on TeamLuby. We will have our class holiday party and Secret Snow gift exchange on Thursday. Children can bring their own special snack for the party. There will be no Math Olympiads or Math Stars on Friday! Enjoy the December break! Dont forget sneakers on Tuesday and records on Wednesday! Students will NOT be allowed to call home if they are forgottenas well as homework items.

Math TBA Secret Snowflake Writing piece or poem 12/18 SS craft or picture 12/19 SS wrapped gift due on Thurs., 12/20 for party *If your child is unable to complete a homework assignment due to a religious commitment, please send me an e-mail. Language Arts We continue with winter traditions and guided reading. Writing

Math Club Wed. 8-8:30 AMMore traditional multiplication practice- Join us! ************************************* *Class Holiday Party 12/20 2-3 PM *December Break 12/24 1/2 *Pedometers 1/7-1/11; 3/4-3/8; 5/6-5/10 Homework Date Assigned Due Date MultDiv fact practice ongoing! Lit Group ReadingBring in book and response sheet for Tuesday discussions. What is freedom? 12/17 12/19

The draft traditions narrative will be completed as well as revising (improving the quality of the piece) and editing (grammar conventions/spelling). Math We will review the Unit 5 assessment, work on open response questions, and practice traditional algorithm multiplication. We will also begin Unit 6 with more mult/div number stories.
EVERYDAY MATH FAMILY LETTERS can be found on-line this year! As in past years, they contain unit vocabulary, activities, and selected homework answers. You can find these newsletters at: http://everydaymath.uchicago.edu/parents/4th- grade/family-letters/ If you cannot access them, please let me know.

Social Studies This week we continue with Rights and Responsibilities, specifically the First Amendment. States and Capitals Rap Song (Pt. 1) includes the East and South Regionhttp://smartsongs.org/fifty-statecapitals-pt-1. It is also on TeamLuby blog.States and capitals practice http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_ga mes.htm (on TeamLuby Resources under States and Capitals Practice).

*Specials* Art: Monday, 9:15-9:55 AM Physical Education: Tues., 10:45 11:25 AM Music, Wed, 12:55 1:35 PM Health: Thursday, 10:00 - 10:40 AM Chorus: Friday 10:00-10:40 AM Media: Every other Wed. 9:10-9:30 AM As always, your comments are welcome. Please drop me an e-mail at school or at home. Barbara Luby

Science - from the desk of Mrs. Liporto Weve continued our exploration of the six simple machines in science. So far we have experimented with the lever and inclined plane and next week well learn about the wheel and axel and the screw. There has been a great deal of excitement in the classroom during these times! After vacation we will experiment with wedges and pulleys. Hopefully the students will be looking for examples of simple machines in their daily lives over vacation. Class Tidbits!

Happy Birthday Jovan Comacho 12-4 Mrs. Luby 12-18 Mrs. Liporto 12-29

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