Rocket Singh - Group9

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1) Minimize Expenses When Starting a Business (planning):- Harpreet did not go out and build a flashy office for his company. Though, using his employers office is a breach of contract and amounts to dishonesty. Some basic Infrastructure is good enough to make a humble beginning.

2) Take Risk (leading):- Always be ready to take risk and guard his partners. Taking initiatives and playing with the risks is what makes the difference. 3) Small Is Beautiful (controlling):- In the beginning, a business a small organization can do things better, faster and more creatively than the big competitors in the industry.

4) Pick Up The Right People(staffing):- Recruit for talent and aspiration. Harpreet picked up his office chaiwallah (peon) as a partner as he was talented and brought New Strength in the company. Even zero has a value. The lowest person in the Organizational Structure can do wonders if put at the right place. When harpreet took his office chaiwallah as partner to finish a big order delivery on time, he matched talent with job description, which is important for success. Thus EQ (Emotional Intelligence) is more important than I.Q. 5) Cultivate People And Build A Great Team (training):- Organizations seldom cultivate people and just treat them as workers who fetch them orders. They forget that it is actually the people inside and not outside who decide their fate. Harpreet realized this and took his associates as partners who were genuinely interested in serving. Thus, humans should not be just treated as Resources and Capital, rather as a team member.

Sales management competencies: 1) Keep Yourself Informed (knowledge): Great Organizations keep their eyes and ears open to scan the information regarding prospects, competition and the market influences. Harpreets immediate boss Nitin told him If salesperson cannot read the paper in reverse, he is blind. In the business, right information at the right time is the key to success. The final message is loud and clear. To be successful in business one Does not need to invent anything new, just do things Differently.

2) The greatest secret of success in business: Satisfied Clients (skills): Customer Service (24*7) makes the organizations outsmart the competition. In order to thrive and excel in the business, organizations need to cultivate a

service culture across the board. You cannot afford to forget the customer once you take the check. Delighted and satisfied customers are your ambassadors and their referral can generate more business than you can handle.

3) Create Positive Work Environment (attitude): Organizations should make work environment safe and respectful for everyone. Harpreet Singh once warned his technical associate to behave well with the receptionist. Positive work environment should be built by reinforcing trust, mutual respect, sharing and caring.

4) Values and Ethics Can Be Drivers (behavior): Values and ethics form the base of HPs business model. If organization encourages its sale and marketing teams to bribe the clients employees to

take orders, it is in fact, plowing the seeds of dishonesty in its own organization. Values and ethics should be depicted.) in the organizational culture and in the behavior with the client. Harpreet Singh created a loyal, trustworthy and honest team which won the confidence of the client with its commitment and philosophy of free service. 5.)Ego Benefits Rocket singh recognized his achievements and praises 6.) Acquired Credibility Emotion pe control hai,,Scooter me Petrol hai,,,itna bahut hai,, Elements of the Personal Selling Process Salespersons use exactly the same sales method, but it is generally a seven step process: 1. Prospecting and Evaluating

Seek names of prospects through sales records, referrals etc., also responses to advertisements. Need to evaluate if the person is able

(Undergraduate degree to attend a graduate program), willing and authorized to buy. Blind prospecting-rely on phone directory etc. Harpreet singh bedi evaluate the market and potential customer. 2. Pre-approach (Preparing)

Review key decision makers esp. for business to business, but also family
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Assess credit histories Prepare sales presentations Identify product needs.

Helps present the presentation to meet the prospects needs. Harpreet singh bedi personally went to their customers and make dealings and provide other technical support 3. Approaching the Customer

Manner in which the sales person contacts the potential customer. First impression of the sales person is Lasting and therefore important. Strive to develop a relationship rather than just

push the product. Can be based on referrals, cold calling or repeat contact. One of the best quality of harpreet singh bedi is the the way he treats his/her customer and that is one of most important element of personal selling



Ask prospect to buy product/products. Use trial closes, IE ask about financial terms, preferred method of delivery. 20% sales people generally close 80% sales., Avon, over 1/2 US $1.4 bn business from 17% of 415,000 SRs. Need to be prepared to close at any time. The following are popular closing techniques:
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Trial Close (Minor decision close) Assumptive close (Implied consent close) Urgency close Ask for the sale close

If prospect says no, they may just need more reasons to buy!!

Harpreet put such a low quotation in front of customer that the customer influenced and deal is closed in the very first meeting 5. Following Up

Must follow up sale, determine if the order was delivered on time, installation OK etc. Also helps determine the prospects future needs. Accomplishes four objectives One of the big reason for the success of the Rocket singh cooperation is the after sales services the provide and even on the non working days And thats how they take care of there customers .

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