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Based on the case, elaborate the difference in Yusufs and Latifas approach in

communicating the changes to their staff. (10 marks) Based on the case, Yusuf and Latifa both have different style of leadership. It can be seen that Yusuf is the directive type who only focus on the work to be done while Latifa is more on the supportive type who focuses on the well-being of the worker. Yusuf was appointed to generate greater profits for Bunga Raya Bank and the Board of Bunga Raya Bank have agreed on the only solution which is to downsize the operation. Yusuf directly tells his subordinate, Latifa that the board wants to downsize and close some of the branches. He wants Latifa to get the job done in 6 months. Yusufs approach is more straightforward. He is driven by the goal to increase the profits and the rewards he is going to receive if he performs well. He initiates the action on the things Latifa need to do and and tells her exactly what is expected, he also specify standards and deadlines. Latifas approach on the other hand is more concerned about the employee. She takes into accounts every detail and other possible solution so that the worker well-being is guaranteed. Latifa is more considerate and felt empathy towards the workers. She felt that downsizing is a drastic measure and should be reconsidered. Latifa approach in communicating the staff is different from Yusufs who made the decision to exercise downsizing and completely close several branches by himself without any inputs from others. ____________________________________ cheryl nak panjang lagi ke??nak tmbah ape ea?? =(

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How would you see the conflict between Yusuf and Latifa be solved? (20 marks) Both Yusuf and Latifa have different style of approach thus they need to compromise

with each other to come up with the best outcomes. The conflict between Yusuf and Latifa can be solved if Yusuf takes time to discuss with Latifa and discuss about other possible solution in order to generate greater profits and puts downsizing as the last resort. First and foremost, Yusuf and Latifa needs to take into consideration that downsizing and closure of some branches also means that a number of staff is going to be laid-off. In order to conduct layoff, they need to let the staff know rather than keep them in the dark and suddenly exercise layoff. They need to increase communication with the workers. Have regular staff meetings so the workers have an opportunity to ask questions and involve the workers in decisionmaking as much as possible including major decisions like layoffs or salary cuts. By telling the workers the real situation, they may be able to give ideas such as innovative ways to cut costs thus increase profits. Most importantly, the company can gain the workers trust as they feel that they are part of the decision-making process. Apart from that, Yusuf and Latifa maybe can consider a solution to close the branches for a while until the economy is getting better to avoid permanent layoff. However if after taking into consideration a lot of possible solution, the profits still declining, then closure and downsizing need to be done. At this moment, both of them knows that downsizing is unavoidable and there is no more conflict. Yusuf and Latifa however still need to plan the downsizing properly. The process from initial communication with employee and customers to completing the downsizing and closure of the branches need to be planned wisely. It is very important to

conduct these processes properly as nobody wants the staffs that are laid-off to badmouth the company and affect the company reputation. Laid-off workers need to be treated with respect to ensure loyalty. They need to avoid acting indiscriminately and take the time to ensure the layoff plan and business plan are in line. By taking into consideration every steps wisely and look out another possible solution together, conflict between Yusuf and Latifa can be resolved. _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________xcukup dua

pagecamne????____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __________+ jawapan cam x bape bagus...xtau nak wat camne..=( ________________.

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