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CONSUMER BEHAVIOR ASSIGNMENT ON Consumer Learning Learning Process

Submitted to

Prof K.K.Velluri

Submitted by

Sambit Misra
REG NO- 1226111131 SEC-A

MBA (IB) - 2011-13


Discussion questions:Q.4. Which form of learning (classical conditioning, instrumental conditioning, observational learning, or cognitive learning) best explains the following consumption behavior: - (a) buying a six pack of Gatorade, (b) preferring to purchase jeans at a Levis store, (c) buying a digital camera for the first time, (d) buying a new car and (e) switching from one cell phone service to another ? Explain your choices. Ans: - (a) buying a six pack of Gatorade It may be observational learning. Because by seeing the physic of the person who is using Gatorade another person may get influenced and start imitating that person as he became role model for him. (b) Preferring to purchase jeans at a Levis store It may be instrumental conditioning. It is a trial and error method after trial of many jeans he or she comes to know which jeans is perfect for him or her. It results in the most satisfactory response. (c) Buying a digital camera for the first time It may be innovation adoption under cognitive learning as buyer is buying a digital camera for the first time so he gathers as much as information as he can and exposure to information resulting in knowledge , then develop preferences and evaluation toward the different alternatives and then decide which model to buy and which ones not to buy.

(d) Buying a new car It may be decision making model under instrumental conditioning. Learning occurs through trial-and-error process with habit formed as a result of rewards received for certain responses or behavior. This can be shown when the buyer or consumer will test drive the car and satisfied with the result.

(e) Switching from one cell phone service to another It may be an example of promotional model under cognitive learning. A person give attention to those cell phone services advertisements which those are giving more benefit and then interest arises and that interest leads to desire and this desire leads to an action means to avail that cell phone service.


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