Curtiss Pedigree

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For the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Evelyn Turner and William Marshall Curtiss completeorcomprehensivereviewoftheCurtissFamilyTree,butIthoughtthatyoumightenjoyseeingsomeoftheinformationthat Ivefound.ThislittleprojectalsogivesmeagreatexcusetotryoutPowerPointinMSOffice2013. IhopethatyouallhadawonderfulThanksgiving.Wehadabout20peopleandarehostingoneofGinasAuntsfromItalyuntilafter theNewYear.TheyrebusychattingawayinthelivingroomasIwritethis. MerryChristmas!!!

Fourgenerationsare shown.Thesmall leavesindicatethat thereissome informationonthis personfromanother source:census records,portofentry manifests,birth, marriage,death records,oranother personspublicfamily tree.Onceyouve lookedatallofthe hintsavailabletheleaf disappears.Asyou canseethereare manyhintsthatIve yettoinvestigate.


WilliamMarshallCurtiss Lineage

Thelongestdocumentedlineageisthroughourgreat,great grandparents,GeorgeW.CurtissandAugustaLadd.
GeorgeW.CurtisshasadocumentedhistorybacktoaJohnCurtiss(15771639)and ElizabethHutchins(15881658)whowerebothborninNazing,EssexEnglandand immigratedtotheColonyofWethersfield,HartfordandthenStratford,Fairfield, Connecticutduringtheirlifetimes.ThislineagetracesbacktoaJohnSirCurteis (13551460)fromHorton,Gloucestershire(andlaterEssexEngland)with documentedbirthsforaCurteisinGloucestershiregoingbackto1125AD. InthisCurtiss,Curtis,Curteis lineage,Curteisappearstobe theoriginalspellingofthe name.TheCurtisspellingfirst appearsin1380inLondon England.Theadditionalsto formCurtissappearsin1440 withthebirthofRichardFrancis Curtiss,butisdropped thereafter.WeseetheCurtiss spellingagainwithJohnCurtiss in1611andthenwith persistencein1708withStiles Curtiss.
*Pleasenotethatonly9ofthelast12generationsareshownhereduetospaceconsiderations. Thetotalgenerationalcounttotakeusbackto1125ADis29generations.

AugustaLadd(18301918)hasadocumentedhistorytracingbacktoJoan(13561424)andGalfridWhitewell(13561416)ofCratfield, SuffolkEngland.ThislineincludesaJohnBarrett(14001467)whowasdocumentedtobeborntoanUnweddedMother.ThomasBarrett (15991668)andMargaretHuntington(16081681)werethefirstinthislinetoimmigratetoAmericaandsettledinChelmsford,Middlesex, Massachusetts.TheirsonwasJohnBarrett/Barritt (16251706)ofChelmsfordandBraintree,Massachusetts.HisGrandsonwasPeter Swallow(17431813)ofDunstable(twicemarried)whowasaPrivateintheContinentalArmyreportingupthroughandtoCaptainReuben ButterfieldandColonelDavidGreenaccordingtoDAR(DaughtersoftheAmericanRevolution)records.
SketchofPrivate; PeterSwallow

JumpingaheadfromRevolutionaryAmericatothe20th Century,wehavethesegreatphotosofWilliamMarshall(Charlie)CurtissParents, WilliamGossCurtiss(18591929)borninWaterloo,NYandpassinginStockton,ILandLoraBelleGiller(18691957)borninWhitehall, Green,IL.TherelationshiptotheSwallowsandLaddsisthroughLoraBelle.

William Goss Curtiss




E.A.MajorGillers TypedLetter
E.A.Giller foughtinthe MexicanWar asaSergeant Majorand thereafterthe restofhislife wasknowas MajorGillerto friendsand family.William Marshall Curtiss,typed upthisletter thatE.Awrote.

1905 Mar12,1890



EvelynTurnerCurtiss Lineage


LeilaMMcCullochhasadocumentedhistorybackthroughJohnSpring(17061794)toIsabelTrowse(14801520)andWalterTrelawney(1476 1517).AfewnotableancestorsincludeBostontinplateshopowner,*IncreaseBlake(17261795)whosuppliedtheContinentalArmywith canteensandcarttridgeswhilerefusingthesameservicetotheKingsmen,JosephMcCulloch(17481823)whoimmigratedtoMassecheusettes fromIrelandandservedasacoporalintheContinentalArmyduringtheRevolutionaryWar,aswellasFirstLietenantJamesJosephEwing(1834 1920)oftheUnionArmyintheCivilWar.WealsofindthefirstCorneliawithSaraCorneliaMcCulloch(1837unknown).
*IncreaseBlake(17261795)riskedhislifeandthesafetyofhiswifeand childrenwhenherefusedtomakeandselltincanteensandcartridgeboxes fortheKingsmen.HefledBostonwithhiswifeandchildrenlosinghis businessandallthetoolsandproductinhisshopaswellashishomeand allofhispersonalpossessionsthattheycouldnttakewiththem.Hisshop waslocatedonwhatisnowStateStreet inBoston.

**Pleasenotethatonly10ofthelast13generations areshownhereduetospaceconsiderations.Thetotal generationalcounttotakeusbackto1476ADis16 generations.


JosephMcCulloch(17481823)immigratedtoMassecheusettesfromIrelandandservedasacoporalinthe ContinentalArmyduringtheRevolutionaryWar. WilliamTurner(17601834)DARAncestor#:A117308,servedinVirginiaasaSergeantintheContinental ArmyduringtheRevolutionaryWar. TerishaTurner(17281802)DARAncestor#:A117223,servedwithPatrioticServiceinVirginiabyfurnishing suppliestotheContinentalArmythenknownasthemilitia.ServiceSource:ABERCROMBIE&SLATTEN,VA REVPUBCLAIMS,VOL1,PHiscontributionstothemilitiaondutyincluded: 305grose pork13Jan1781 45gillsofbrandyand2casks13Jan1781 70lbs ofbeef3Jun1781 21lbs ofbacon21Jun1781 170lbs ofbeef22Jun1781 661lbs offlower22Jun1781 327lbs ofbeefon15Oct1781

OldTerisha,averyindividualname,washonoredmanytimesintheTurner familiesofhischildren,havingseveralnamedthesame. Healsohadnephews withhisname. Terishahadhisownshipandbrought5boatloadsofnew immigrantsfromEnglandinhislifetime. Forthis,hewasmostlikelydeeded hislandinVirginia.

BequeathedintheWillofTerishaTurner toWilliamTurner:"Igiveand bequeathuntomySonWilliamTurneronecertaintractorparcell ofland lyingbetweentheabovementionedLandsofmysonsHenryandJohn TurnerandinthisCountySoposed tocontainfivehundredandnineteen acresbethesamemoreorlesswiththreeNegroesnamedBenWill,andLittle Tom,allwhichhehasinhispossessionwiththereincreas tohimandhisheirs forever."


EvelynTurnerCurtiss(19071986)greatgrandfather,wasFirstLieutenantJamesJosephEwing(18341920)ofthe UnionArmyintheCivilWar.JamesJosephEwing(18341920)alongwithaportraitoffourgenerationsofhisfamily.

JamesJEwing,father toSarahBelleEwing Turnerwasmarried twice,1stmarriageto JuliaAnnHatfield Ewing(SarahBelle EwingTurner's mother)and2nd marriagetoAnna Allensworth Ewing. JamesJandAnna Allenworth Ewingare buriedinthe Glenwood,IA Cemetery.


JamesJosephEwing(18341920),withsonJosephHEwing,granddaughterElsa EwingJones,andgreatgrandsonEwingJones.


SarahBelleEwing(18601950)picturedhereonhermothers lap JuliaAnnHatfield(18391865).
JuliaAnnHatfield EwingholdingSara BelleEwingand JosephHatfield Ewingissitting


HarryB.Turner Birth,6Jun1880inMills,Iowa,UnitedStates Death,4May1954inMontgomery,Iowa,UnitedStates

Leila&Harry Turnerholding JohnTurner Curtiss,and SistersCornelia CurtissMcDade, andCarolyn CurtissPeelle abt.1941.


WilliamMarshallCurtiss(1904 1979)
Birth,13Feb1904inDavis,Stephenson,Illinois,UnitedStates Death,1Jul1979inLincoln,Logan,Illinois,UnitedStates
VoyagefromSouthampton,EnglandtoNewYork Cityin1934ontheBremen About5daysTime

As Nazism gained power in Germany, Bremen and her pier in New York were often the site of Anti-Nazi demonstrations. On 26 July 1935 a group of demonstrators boarded Bremen just before she sailed and tore the German flag from the jackstaff and tossed it into the Hudson River. At the time there was a dual flag law, by which both the black-white-red horizontal tricolour (previously the flag of the German Empire), and the swastika flag were simultaneously official national flags of Germany. As the ship's swastika flag was the one tossed into the river, US authorities claimed that no symbol of Germany had been harmed. On 15 September 1935 Germany changed its flag law, removing the status of the blackwhite-red flag of imperial Germany with which the Nazis on coming to power had replaced the black-redgold flag of the Weimar Republic as co-national flag. The Bremen started her South America cruise on 11 February 1939, and was the first ship of this size to traverse the Panama Canal. On 22 August 1939, she began her last voyage to New York. After ten years of service, she had almost 190 transatlantic voyages completed. - Wikipedia


WilliamMarshallCurtiss(1904 1979)(Continued)
MarriagetoEvelynTurner,Dec18,1936 RedOak,Montgomery,Iowa,UnitedStates
Birthoffirstchild,CorneliaCurtiss,Dec11,1937 HongKong,China

BabyCornyreturnedfromHongKongtoAmericain 1938withparentsWM(Charlie)andEvelyn.


CorneliaCurtissMcDade(1937 Living)
26Mody RoadinHongKong(mainland).ThisisthehomeaddresslistedbyWilliamMarshallCurtisson thebirthrecordfromtheUSembassyforCorneliaCurtiss.Thebuildingthattheylivedinhasbeentorn downandreplacedwithClassAspace.


CorneliaCurtissMcDade(1937 Living)
HereisWarMemorialNursingHome(nowMatildaHospital)whereCorneliaCurtisswasborn,11Dec,1937 ThisistheHospitalsWebSite,today:

Only 15 minutes from central Hong Kong, MIH is situated on its own promontory atop the historic Victoria Peak on Hong Kong Island. A complimentary shuttle bus runs between the hospital and Old Star Ferry Pier Central. The hospital inherited a wealth of architecture, culture and history which are inextricably linked to the romantic past of Hong Kong. Together with a spectacular site commanding a breath-taking view of the South China Sea, the MIH has all the key elements of a world class establishment.








What follows was sent to me by Toby Turner: We first find Terisha Turner mentioned in Albemarle County records, then in Amherst County, Virginia records. He owned several thousand acres in Virginia and North Carolina. Both Terisha and Stephen, who may have been Terisha's brother, began appearing in Virginia county records about1750. Terisha named a son Stephen; Stephen named a son Terisha. Both originally settled in Albemarle County, then moved to Amherst County. A familial relationship seems to exist here, but they could just as easily been cousins or not related at all. Generation by generation, the descendants of Terisha and Stephen Turner followed a classical migration route -- from Virginia to North Carolina, then through Tennessee to Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, and points further west. Our branch came to Texas after the Civil War. Like many other Americans of the time, they followed the road west to what they hoped would be a better life, and in so doing built a nation. Amherst County is cupped by the Blue Ridge Mountains and the James River. Only 49 surveys were made between May 1728 and May 1730. The county was created by the Legislative Act of March 1761 in the first year of the reign of His Majesty George II to be effective May 1, 1761. The same men who created Albemarle County in 1744 were behind the later creation of Amherst County.[Source: The Amherst County Virginia Story] In 1775, Amherst County, which then included Nelson County, had a population of 5,296 whites and 2,750 Negroes.[Source: The Amherst County Virginia Story, page 3] "Terisha (sometimes spelled and probably pronounced Terr' isha,since the nickname was Terry) first patented 200 acres on the south side of the James River on December 15, 1749 (Patents No. 27, 1748-9, p. 519 -the acres were in Goochland County on the south side of the James River on the borders of Snow Quarter, adjacent to William Faris and Nicholas Davis)." [Source: Some Turners of Virginia, Louise Patton Richardson Turner; independently verified in Cavaliers and Pioneers - Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Vol. V - 1741-1749 Virginia Genealogical Society]. On August 14, 1750, James Ireland sold to Terisha Turner 147 acres N. fork Green river for 13-7-6, L: Christopher Anthony, Pat., 20 Aug1748 [Albemarle Deed Book 1:220-221]. He lived in Albemarle County in October of 1751 when he and his wife, Sarah, sold to Michael Rowland of Cumberland County the same 200 acres at the heads of Deep Run, a branch of Muddy Creek, adjoining William Ferrises and Nicholas Davis [Cumberland Deed Book 1:442] (his name is shown as Jerisha in an abstract, but that is probably a transcription error). Terisha was granted one hundred and thirty-six acres on the south branches of Hardware (River) in 1760. [Source: Albemarle County in Virginia, by Rev. Edgar Woods, page 333] In the Amherst Deed Book B:75, John Dunn paid him 3 for 100 acres on September 16, 1765. In the Amherst Deed Book B:54, John Lyons purchased 100 acres for 36 on September 24, 1765 from Terisha, said to be 'of Albemarle.' In the Albemarle Deed Book No. 4:426-427, Terisha Turner, of Amherst, is shown to have sold 1,147 acres for 30 to John Moore of Albemarle in August 13, 1767. "On October 5, 1770, Terisha Turner of the parish and county of Amherst paid 155.0 to John Scott and Margaret (Fry) his wife for 1557acres on the branches of Parroge (sic) Creek. [Source: Some Turners of Virginia, Louise Patton Richardson Turner]


He and his wife, Sarah, sold the Hardware river tract to Peter Cheatham in 1777. At that time he was described as a citizen of Amherst. He was also the owner of several hundred acres on Briery Ford of Green Creek, which in 1790 he sold for the most part to Benjamin Harris.[Source: Albemarle County in Virginia, page 333] In Impressed Property Claims for Services Furnished Continental Troops by Amherst County, Virginia, Citizens, I found complete data on Terisha's contribution to the Revolution: 327 lbs of beef on 15 Oct. 1781(2-14-6); 70 lbs of beef 3 June 1781 ((0)-11-8); 45 gills of brandy and 2casks 13 Jan. 1781 Militia on duty ((0)-11-2); 305 grose pork 13 Jan.,1781 militia (5-6-9) [on page 482 in "The Lost Order Book"]; 170 lbs ofbeef 22 June 1781 militia (1-8-4); 661 lbs of flower 22 June 1781 militia(4-2-6); 21 lbs of bacon 21 June 1781 militia ((0)-15-9) [page 493 in"The Lost Order Book"]; and in the Order Book of 1782-84, May court 1783Assigned to Jno. Loving, Jr. Sum of 3-0-6 with interest from 29 July,1780 [page 120]. "His descendants are eligible for Sons of the American Revolution(SAR) and Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) by virtue of his having furnished 170 pounds of Beef, 661 pounds of "Flower" and 21 pounds of Bacon for the Militia on June 21, and 22, 1781 (Public Service Claims. Amherst County Court Booklet, p. 23)."[Source: Some Turners of Virginia, Louise Patton Richardson Turner] He appears on the 1783 tax list with 5 in his family and 12 slaves. In The 1787 Census of Virginia in Amherst County Personal PropertyTax 1787 - List "A", on page 179, Terisha's household is shown to consist of no white males above 16 and under 21, 4 blacks above 16, 6 blacks under 16, 5 horses, mares, colts and/or mules, and 27 cattle. His son George is shown to be living with him. In 1800, he was taxed for 2 white males, 7 negro's and 5 horses(Amherst County Personal Property Book A-1800). "Old Terisha died owning several thousand acres, not only in Virginia but in North Carolina as well. He called himself ancient' in his Will, written May 7, 1793 and proved April 19, 1802 (Amherst WillBook 4:34). Although some make it ten or more years later, a 1948 pedigree from the Institute of American Genealogy places his birth date at 1705-1710 and suggest that he might have been the original emigrant to this country. His sons William and Henry were named executors of his estate and trustees for his son George, whom he deemed "not capable to manage his affairs when it should fall to him." Eight children were mentioned in Terisha's Will as living in 1793(Inv. in Albemarle Will Book 2:290. To that list has been added the young Terisha who died in 1772.[Source: Some Turners of Virginia, Louise Patton Richardson Turner]] In Amherst Will Book 4:34, Terisha's will can be found: Written on May 7, 1793 and proved on April 19, 1802:"In the Name of God Amen,I Terisha Turner of the County of Amherst and State of Virginia being ancient and not knowing how soon I may Die yet being of perfect Sense and Memory to make and ordain this my last will and Testament an . . . and for me (sic) following that is to say my Will and Desire is that my jus Debts be fully paid and Satisfyed (sic) and what worldly goods shall then remain of my Estate I give and bequeath in Name and form following VizItem I give and bequeath unto my Son James Turner two Negroes by name Jack and Bett, which Negroes he has now in Possession to to him and his heirs for ever. - Item I give and Bequeath unto my Son Stephen Turner Seven hundred acres of Land being in the County of Granville the State of North Carolina, and now in possession with one negro Girl Esther which is also in his possession with her increase to him and his Heirs for ever.



Item I give and bequeath unto my son John Turner one Certain tract or parcell (sic) of Land lying in this County (Amherst) on Fry's branch Saposed (sic) to contain five hundred and nineteen acres be the same more or less and the said Land in his possession with three negroes named Pheby, Sam and Sarah, with their increase to him and his heirs forever -Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Henry Turner one certain tract or parcell (sic) of Land lying on Savage (?) Creek in this County Saposed(sic) to contain five hundred and nineteen acres be the same more or less, with four negroes named as followeth Vilet and her three children, Cate, Sambo, and Sam., with there increase which he has all in his Possession to him and his heirs for ever. Item I give and bequeath unto my Son William Turner one certain tract or parcell (sic) of land lying between the above mentioned Lands of my sons Henry and John Turner and in this County Soposed (sic) to contain five hundred and nineteen acres be the same more or less with three Negroes named Ben Will, and Little Tom, all which he has in his possession with there increas (sic) to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary London three negroes named Bob, Sammy and Agg. with there increase to her and her heirs forever. -Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Stovall one negroe girlnamed Nan, which she hass in her possession with her increas (sic) to her and her heirs forever. Item I lend unto my beloved wife Sarah Turner during her natural life the uses of the following articles viz: that is to say four hundred and fifty acres of Land it being the Land and plantation I now live on also one hundred acres of Land lying on the briery (sic) fork of green(sic)Creek in Albemarle County with Seven negroes named as followeth,that is to say Ned, old Tom, Lina, Doll, Raichel, Cate the younger and Murphy, and I also lend my beloved wife during her life all the Residue or Remainder of my Estate of all kinds whatsoever that is after paying my Just debts and Legacies. Item I give and bequeath to my Son George Turner after the death of my loving wife all and every part of my Estate that is to say particularly that part of my estate I have lent my wife during her life with the increase to him and his heirs for ever but my Will is should my son George Turner die without Issue that the Land and Plantation I now live on Which I have given to George be devided (sic) between my two Sons Henry and William Turner my son William to have that part bounded by Benjamin Dawson's Spring Branch to . . . Branch down said Branch to the River my won William to have all the land lying between said Branch and Morrisons Mountain and the Remainder part of said Land to my son Henry Turner with the land Mentioned in Albemarle County to them and their heirs forever, my will is farther that should my son George turner die without issue as above mentioned, that the whole of the Estate that I have given him the Lands excepted be equally divided between my Children that is Stephen Turner, John Turner, and Sarah Stovall to them and their heirs forever. And Lastly I constitute and ordain my two sons Henry & William Turner Executors of this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made ratifying and confirmning (sic) this and no other to be my last will and Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this Seventh day of May One Thousand seven hundred and ninety three. Let it be observed that I think my Son George not capable to manage his affairs when it should fall to him for that reason appoint my executors as trustees for him. Signed, Sealed and pronounced, in presence of us John Dawson Benjamin Moore George Morris Obadiah Moore Terisha T Turner (SEAL) Martin Dawson Joseph Smith X mark Benjamin Payn X his


At a Court held for Amherst County the 19th day of April 1802 This(sic) will was proven by the Oaths of Benjamin Payn and Joseph Smith two subscribing witnesses thereto & ordered to be Recorded and Certificate for obtaining a probat (sic) Processed in due form is granted to Henry &William Turner the Executors herein Named they having made oath, and given Bond with Stephen Watts, Henry Robinson and Benjamin Payn their Security in the penalty of ten thousand Dollars as conditioned as the Lawdirects.Testes"[Source: Transcribed and posted September 1996 by Jo Thiessen at// and I have a copy of the original, aswell as another transcribed source][Source: a copy of the original handwritten Will, courtesy of VernonDrewa] In Amherst Will Book 4:111, 112 - - - Inventory - - 654-11-0.December 8, 1802; Jno. S. Dawson, Peter Lyon, Zach Roberts. "An Inventory of the Estate of Terisha Turner died, with the Appraisement thereon To Negro Na . . . 40To Negro Tom . . 60To Negro Tob (?) 30To Negro Murphey 110To Negro ?ate 110To Negro Tom 30 5 casks 1 boas (?) & 1 pole ax 1.16To Negro Nancy 35 4 jugs & 2 butter patts 0.182 head of horses 50 1 man's & 1 woman's ? 216 head of cattle 41 1 walnut chest & 1 pine do (?) 242 head of hogs 29.7 1 small trunk & 170 (?) ? 1.46 head of sheep 3 4 augers 1 drawing knifohomel (?) 0.153 flax of 1 cotton wheel 1.16 6 reeping hooks 3 chisels, 1gauge 0.8.61 walnut desk 6 2 hackles, 1 foot doz 1 hogshead ? 1.101 poplar table 0.6 Tea pot, 6 cups & saucers, 1 cream 0.6.63 beds of furniture 25 10 knives & forks 1 grindstone0.181 shot gun 1 3 bedsteaks (?) 3 ? pot hooks 0.181 pair cart wheels 3 1 ? iron muges 1 coffee mill 0.67 seting chairs 0.14 1 large & 2 small jointens (?) 0.91 looking glafs 0.6 13 hoes, 2 cotton ? ? 2.151 skittel, 1 baker of 4 iron pts 1.19 5 ptinghs 1 from 4 ? ?? ? 1.41 duch oven & 1 frying pan 0.13 1 X cut saw & 1 hand dox 1.69 pewter plates & 4 pewter dishes 1.4 130 bls: corn 8/? 524 pweter basons 1.1 30 bus. wheat 4/ 65 earthen plates & 1 box iron & 20 bus. rye 3/ 3heetens (?) 0.9 ________1 shovel & tongs 1 good iron 0.12 654.11.03 pales, 2 pigons & 1 tub 0.12 Agreeable to an order ofAmherst Court , ? the subscribers being ? sworn, have appraised the slaves & personal estate of Terisha Turner died, as above inventoried,, given under our hands, December, the eighth day 1802. Inv: S. Da?(perhaps Dawson ?) Peter Lyon Lathaniah (?) Rob?????At a Court heto (sic) Amherst county the 20th day of June 1803 ? ? ?This Inventory of Appraisement of the Estate of Terisha Turner decd, ?this day returned into Court & ordered to be Received. Teste"[Source: A copy of the original handwritten document from Amherst WillBook 4:111-112, graciously provided by Vernon Drewa to Toby Turner] In Amherst Will Book 4:344 - - Administrators Bond - -Henry and Wm. Turner, April 19, 1802; Bondsmen: Stephen Watts, HenryRobertson, Benj. Payne. In Amherst Will Book 5:60 - - Administrators Bond - - TerishaTurner, Wm. Lee Harris, Henry Turner, Jas. Murphy, June 18, 1810, forTerisha Turner; no testator is named, but indexed for Terisha Turner. One genealogist (unnamed in Some Turners of Virginia) says that the Turners of Goochland belonged to Manakin town, thought not necessarily Huguenots or Quakers, and descended from an early James Turner. There is no question that there are other Turners found in Albemarle, Amherst and other early Virginia counties. So it is completely possible that there may be inaccuracies in the following genealogy. I personally feel comfortable using Wills and other legal documents tracking names, butlet's face it, when you have several John Turners found in various documents it is impossible to know if you're dealing with a descendent of Terisha or his brother (?), Stephen. One does the best one can with the data and cites every source. -Toby Turner


New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 record for W Marshall Curtiss




Record Index
Name: W Marshall Curtiss Arrival Date: 27 Sep 1934 Birth Date: 13 Feb 1904 Birth Location: Illinois Birth Location Stockton Other: Age: 30 Gender: Male Port of Southampton, England Departure: Port of Arrival: New York, New York Ship Name: Bremen Search Ship Search the Bremen in the 'Passenger Ships Database: and Images' database

Source Information
Record URL: h=2017615032&db=nypl&indiv=try Source Citation: Year: 1934; Arrival; Microfilm Serial: T715; Microfilm Roll: 5553; Line: 19; Page Number: 175. Source Information: New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.

Original data: Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M237, 675 rolls); Records of the U.S. Customs Service, Record Group 36; National Archives, Washington, D.C. Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957; (National Archives Microfilm Publication T715, 8892 rolls); Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service; National Archives, Washington, D.C. Supplemental Manifests of Alien Passengers and Crew Members Who Arrived on Vessels at New York, New York, Who Were Inspected for Admission, and Related Index, compiled 1887 - 1952; (National Archives Microfilm Publication A3461, 21 rolls); RG 85, Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1787 - 2004; Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service; National Archives, Washington, D.C.


U.S., Consular Reports of Births, 1910-1949 record for Cornelia Curtiss



Record Index
Name: Cornelia Curtiss Gender: Female Birth Date: 11 Dec 1937 Birth Place: Hong Kong Father: William Marshall Curtiss Mother: Evelyn Turner Turner File Number: 131

Source Information
Record URL: h=3046&db=ConsularReportsofBirths19101949&indiv=try Source Citation: National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.; Decimal Files, compiled 1910 - 1949; Record Group: 59, General Records of the Department of State, 1763 - 2002; Series ARC ID: 2555709; Series MLR Number: A1 3001; Series Box Number: 368; File Number: 131. Source Information: U.S., Consular Reports of Births, 1910-1949 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Original data: Consular Reports of Birth, 19101949. Washington, D.C.: National Archives. Series ARC ID: 2555709 A1, Entry 3001. General Records of the Department of State, Record Group 59.


Border Crossings: From Canada to U.S., 1895-1954 record for William M Curtiss




Record Index
Name: William M Curtiss Arrival Date: 13 Jul 1938 Port of Arrival: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Ship Name: Empress of Canada Port of Departure: Manila, Philippines Age: 34 Birth Date: 13 Feb 1904 Birth Place: Illinois Birth Country: United States Gender: Male Record Type: Manifests

Source Information
Record URL: h=1988803&db=CanadianBC&indiv=try Source Citation: National Archives and Records Administration; Washington, D.C.; Manifests of Passengers Arriving in the St. Albans, Vermont, District through Canadian Pacific Ports, 1929-1949; National Archives Microfilm Publication: M1465; Record Group Title: Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service; Record Group Number: 85. Source Information: Border Crossings: From Canada to U.S., 1895-1954 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Original data: Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, RG 85. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. See Full Source Citations





















TheWillofWilliamCurtis July9,1585



Commissary Court of London; an original will, proved on July 9, 1585. "In the name of God Amen the 10th day of May in the year of our Lord 1585. I Willm Curtis of ye pish of Nazing in ye county of Essex sick of bodie but of good memorie God have prays do make & ordeyn this my last Will & Tesmt in form following first I bequeath my soule into the hands of All mughtie god beleving to be saved by the death of Jhesus Christe & I yeald my body to the Earth in hope of the resurrection wth the iust in the day. Concerning my wordly good I geve & Bequeath the as followeth. Itm I geve to the poore of the pish of Nazing 20 shillings of lawfull english mony to be distributed unto them at the discrecon of my Executors. Itm I geve & bequeath to Sara Curtis my daughter the sum of ten pounds of lawfull english mony to be payd unto here at the day of her mariadge. Itm I geve & bequeath to Edward Curtis my son 10 pounds of lawfull english mony to be payd unto hym at his adge of 21 year. Itm I geve & bequeath to Gabriell my soon the sum of ten pounds of lawfull english mony to be payd to him in like mannr at his adge of 21 yeares. Itm I geve & Bequeath to John Curtis my yongest soon 20 markes of lawfull english mony to be payd also to him at his adge of 21 yeares. Itm geve to my daughter Mary the sum of forty shillinges of lawfull english mony to be payd unto her wthn two moneths next after my deceasse. Ite my will & mynde is that all these legasies heere before geven shalbe payd out of my moveable goodes wthout the house as Corne cattells grain or any such like thing whatsoever & I will that the overplus of the sayd moveables (these legasies above said being discharged) be equally devyded between Agnes my wife & Thomas Curtis my eldest son excepting out of my sayd bequest two of my best lambes wch I geve to my daughter Maryes two children. Concerning my howsehould stuff I do whollie geve the same to Agnes my wife & I make & ordeyn my said wife and Thomas Curtis my son my Executors to see my will truly fulfilled my debts payd & funeralls discharged. And I desire my good freend goodman Bannister & my brother Geordg Curtis to be oversears of this my laste will & Testmt. Witnesses John Bannister George Curtis and John Hopkins (recorder) (A Genealogy of the Curtiss-Curtis Family of Stratford, Connecticut - Harlow Dunham Curtis)



TheUniversalistChurchon AppleCreekPrairieinGreene County,Illinoiswasbuilton landdonatedbyEdgar Griswoldinabout1871.For manyyearstheSwallow Familyhadtheirreunion there.Thelastreunionwas heldAug.10,1941.Tendays laterthechurchwas destroyedbyfire.The Swallowreunionlater resumedfirstatLionsParkin WhiteHallthenatthe Tunison home2milessouth ofWhiteHall.








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