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The idea for my short film sequence Short Description of the scene After watching her father be murdered

by a group of what she can only assume to be werewolves Annabeth, who was hidden from view during the murder, has to make a break for it. Its not easy as this involves running through the labyrinth that is her house and the thick wooded area behind it before she even has a shot of reaching some form of safety Synopsis of the film as a whole Annabeth is a spoilt rich girl in the 1700s who thinks she is entitled to her brattish behaviour which often involves running wild with the local help just to annoy her absent father. Being close to her 21st birthday her father has decided its time for Annabeth to get married and has already arranged a marriage with an unknown suitor whom her father believes will help straighten out her un-lady like ways. Annabeth is far from happy as she is infatuated with Thomas, who has asked her to marry him. On the night of the main scene of the film, she has written a letter to her father to explain that she will be leaving and not coming back, as she is about to leave it on his work desk she notices his open safe and proceeds to take the bulk of the money as well as a necklace she recognises from a painting of her dead mother. Hearing some chatter coming towards the room she hides in a crawl space she once played in as a child, this is when she witnesses the murder. Holding in her screams she sees the attackers go over to the safe and curse at not seeing a necklace. Realising her danger she uses the back escape hatch of the crawl space to run. The murderers are soon aware they were watched and chase her through the maze that is her house; she bursts outside to a view that shows a setting sun and bolts through the forest aiming for the bridge where Thomas and her originally agreed to meet. After a severe trip in the woods her predators are soon on her where they reveal their true supernatural nature. Annabeth blacks out. She later awakes in the back of Thomas cart, when she explains what happens he doesnt believe her but drops her off at someone who he thinks will, vowing to come back for her in 18months once she has executed her vendetta on her fathers killers. Annabeth begins to learn everything she can about the supernatural world and trains in the art of killing werewolves; her mentor is Raoul a Werewolf bite victim who has devoted his life to making sure no others come to the same fate he has. When the time comes for Annabeth to confront the monsters she learns the truth about her father; a beta who left the pack to marry her mother, a human whose ancestors were witches. She also learns the significance of the necklace; it has the power to reverse the werewolf gene thus ending the race. Regardless she slaughters the ones involved in her fathers death and is then taken to the Alpha; Thomas. Who tells her that she has been the new beta wolf after her death of her father, which he planned as it means the two of them can be together for ever with no need to hide. Annabeth is then tricked into killing a captured Raoul, the anger she feels brings her inner beast to bay. After trying to attack Thomas he orders her death. She drinks the contents of the necklace making her human. As Thomas rips out her throat he is poisoned by the Cure in her blood and thus being the Alpha every werewolf is affected, slowly aging and turning to dust. All that is left as the dust settles is Annabeths body and the empty necklace. Audio Visual Description

The colour pallet will be a greyish blue, like that of Underworld. Establishing shot of an unnecessarily oversized desk. A quick succession of cuts shows its contents, which include two picture frames, one of an unknown woman and the other of Annabeth. All of this to the beat of off screen footsteps. The main character Annabeth standing out in the coldness that these colours let off by wearing an over the top Aubergine coloured dress which personifies royalty, magic and mystery. As she steps into her fathers office the only sound heard will be her slow echoing footsteps on the hard wood floor and wind blowing through an off screen open window which make the flame from the candles on the candelabras dance. All of this will be shown in one long take, so the audience can take in the design of her fathers office. The room is toned with browns, reds and golds, attempting to emulating warm through the cold colour pallet. The Camera is locked off on the floor where Annabeth drops her bag as we see her legs go out of shot. The camera is next inside the safe. This is the first close up we have of Annabeth. Her hair dark auburn hair is piled atop her head with a few decorative curls left to drop around her face. She wears deep purple lipstick and has an added beauty mark by her left eye. The camera comes out of the safe as Annabeth holds a necklace. Extreme close up; a chunky amethyst teardrop shape set around a diamond studded frame and matching chain. The wind blows out a few candles and hones in on the sound of approaching voices and loud thunderously sounding footsteps. Annabeth slips out of sight in slow motion into an elaborately decorative cupboard (Like that in The Chronicles of Narnia). The next section is seen through the oval shape of a peephole thus making the edges of the screen blacked out in the same shape. A welldressed man in patriotic colours of Navy Blue, Red and White and two scruffily dressed companions in cheap dirty brown suits standing around Annabeths father who is dressed in Black, white and a similar purple to Annabeth. His death is shown through theatre of the mind; we hear a plea and a shout that turns gargled midway. Annabeths reaction and escape is shown through an x-ray type shot. The camera shows the whole scene of the man in charge walking over to where she is hidden and her escape through the cupboards false back. The chase scene is quick but through a mixture of long takes and quick cuts and flips in and out of POV it seems to drag. The sound of footsteps, snarling, heavy breathing and Annabeths pounding heart beat before a definitive silence once she is trapped. The camera flips to a window from outside the house, framed perfectly centre screen and set against the calming sounds of birds and nature before it is broken by Annabeths body hurtling through. The forest is not very dense but the long thin trees make it feel alienated. The chase in the woods feels like a roller coaster ride as the camera smoothly goes up and down with the highs and lows of Annabeths path under and over various fallen branches and bushes. The man in charge makes an abnormal leap towards her; she trips and falls to the ground. This happens sequentially and is shown in one slow motion shot. Normal speed resumes when the man in charge is right it Annabeths face, only now his once porcelain face has been transformed into a monster. In her head the words the growl of a monster speaks; I think you have something that belongs to me. She slowly fades into the unconscious and the screen goes with her.

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