Titration of Acetic

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Titration of Acetic Acid


Markie Berg

Data Table I: Quantity of NaOH needed to neutralize 5 mL of Acetic Acid Brand of Vinegar

Label Notes Table 1- Concentration of various samples Initial NaOH reading Final NaOH Reading Volume NaOH Used Trial 1 9.5 mL 1.3 mL 8.2 mL Trial 2 9.6 mL 1.4 mL 8.2 mL Trial 3 9.7 mL 1.4 mL 8.3 mL 8.2 mL Average Volume NaOH Used


Calculate the average number of mL of NaOH used for the 3 trials and record in your data table.


Calculate the normality (N) of the vinegar using the equation shown in your lab instructions. .82


Calculate the mass of acetic acid in grams using the equation in your lab instructions.


49.2 Calculate the percentage of acetic acid using the equation in your lab manual. 49.2%


What is the average percent acetic acid in your vinegar sample? How does this compare with the percentage stated on the vinegar bottle label? The average amount of acetic acid in my vinegar sample is 4%. My vinegar bottle says that there is 5% acetic acid in it.


Why is it better to use white vinegar rather than dark vinegar for this titration? It is better to use white vinegar because dark vinegar has other chemicals in it, while white vinegar only has acetic acid.


Write a balanced equation for the neutralization of acetic acid with NaOH. NaOH + CH3COOH ==> NaCH3COO + H2O


How would your results have differed if the tip of the burette was not filled with sodium hydroxide before the initial volume reading was recorded?

I might have thought that there was more acetic acid in the vinegar than there actually was.

How would your results have differed if you overtitrated, ie, added NaOH beyond the endpoint?


What happens if you dont wear goggles and get some NaOH in your eyes? It can cause irritation or even permanent impairment of vision.


A 5.0 mL sample of vinegar was titrated with 7.2 mL of 0.550 M NaOH. If the density of the vinegar solution is 1.00 g/mL, what is the mass percent of acetic acid present? 4.8%

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