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Piotr Wojciks Spectacular, Splendiferous and Sensational

Europe Study Guide

(Middle Ages ~ Renaissance)

5th Century 16th Century, AKA Fall of Rome Start of Renaissance
Rome o Republic People elect government o Advanced Complex society, arts, tech o Spread Christianity throughout Europe Religion in Middle Ages o Catholicism rules o Pope = basically master on Earth o Discrimination against Jews, Muslims o Crusades Pope decides wrong people have control of Holy Land Attacks Middle East over hundreds of years Brought back lots of new technology Economy and Government o Traditional simple trade o Feudal system Pope, King, Noble, Vassal, Peasant o Pope gives king Divine Right from God to rule Society o Constant war Neighboring lords fighting Peasant uprisings o Basic caste system with few rich and many poor o Disease, famine, hunger Black Death (Bubonic Plague) Art and Writing o Plagues inhibit cultural expansion o All religious Eventually o Universities built

Economy Expands Plague shrinks labor supply Wages of farmers & artisans rise, guilds formed People flock to towns, rapidly expand into cities Everyone is dying so rich are like YOLO and buy bling and stuff so skilled craftsmen are needed Church profits from funeral services
art, sci, exp, lit, gov, pro/ref

French for rebirth

Revival of classics and humanism o After plague, people want to go back to good times in Europe, AKA Rome and Greece o Theater, art, philosophy, literature o Italy is first Center of ancient Rome Competing city-states First to recover from plague Relative lack of feudalism Center for Catholicism is Vatican (power and money) Advancements in Art o Donatello develops perspective o Bruegel depicts peasant life instead of nobility o Durer prints make art widely available o Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael Advancements in Science o Copernicus: heliocentric theory o Galileo: scientific method, physics, telescope, thermometer o Kepler: optics, light o Boyle: properties of air, pressure, chemistry, physics

Advancements in Exploration o Guns, Gold, Glory - causes New ships allow for further travels o Columbus: West Indies o Magellan: Circumnavigation o Da Gama: Trade route to India Advancements in Literature o PRINTING PRESS o Cervantes: Don Quixote, satire o Erasmus: Praise of Folly, satire o Moore: Utopia, new world order o Rabelais: Gargantua, Pantagruel, fun stories just to tell a story o Montaigne: invents ESSAY o Shakespeare: shapes modern English language Famous People in Government o Medici Family: ultra-powerful & rich in Florence o Machiavelli: better to be obeyed than loved o Pope Leo X: super corrupt, funded art, more secular than papal o Castiglione: perfect prince is moral and well-rounded, womens rights o Elizabeth I: rules England 40 years, expands Britain, settles CatholicProtestant issue, music, theater o Ivan IV: first czar of Russia, crazy Protestant Reformation o Problems of Corrupt Catholic Church Nepotism: appointing family to important positions Simony: buying your way into the church Pluralism: holding more than one position at one time Absenteeism: living away from own parish/diocese Indulgences: pay to have sins forgiven o Martin Luther Lutheranism Salvation justified by faith alone Bible is only source of truth and authority Replaced Latin Mass with Communion Service Consubstantiation: both body & blood of Christ and

bread & wine are present at Communion Three Sacraments Baptism, Eucharist, Penance No saints Clergy can marry o Calvin Presbyterianism Predestination: God chooses who is saved/damned before their birth Bible is only source of truth and authority No bishops, just ministers (men only) Elected by people Christ not present at Communion (bread & wine remains bread & wine) Princes should be heads of church in their own states Gov. should listen to church o Henry VIII Church of England Just wanted a divorce Act of Supremacy (1540) Henry head of church Able to take church land & revenue Remains largely Catholic o Catholic Beliefs Good works and faith needed for salvation Bible should be explained by clergy for deeper meaning Mass must remain in Latin Transubstantiation: bread & wine turn into Christs body & blood once blessed Seven Sacraments Priests Special person with blessing & training Cant marry Only priests can give mass, forgive sins, etc. What Church Does (Counter-Reformation) o Inquisition, index of forbidden books, seminaries, Jesuits go out to educate and convert, indulgences at reasonable price, $$$ goes to poor

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