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To: From: Subject: Date: Betsy Birmingham Jacob Ritteman Progress Report November 20, 2012

This memo details my progress to-date on my project, Fictional Dreaming. It will highlight the work already completed, and also what remains to be done. In conclusion, it will detail the projects current status. The progress reports sole goal is to assure Im on track for completion. Completed Work My dream journal is finished. It stands at roughly twenty-five entries, which is more than enough to complete the intended short story supplement. Aside from the dream journal, I have summarized and analyzed seven solid sources. These seven sources are key to my project, and will provide primary influence upon my project. The sources include Sigmund Freuds and Carl Jungs theories on dreams, Salvador Dalis personal technique with dreams, a commentary on dreams within the psychoanalytic critical theory, two research studies, and a lesser-known researchers thoughts on Freuds attempts with dreams. Future Work This week will bring the completion of my research and annotated bibliography. Im very excited to step past the key sources and dissect what others have discovered and documented about dreams. These sources are not quite as dense, which will make reading them a lot easier than the previous seven. After completing my research and annotated bibliography, I will be ready to begin an analysis of my personal dreams. In doing so, I will highlight recurring items to discern central themes for the creative component, and, in doing so, outline the short story product. This will be the most intriguing part of my project, and next week will be committed to fulfilling this objective. Outlook After completing the creative component, I will begin preparation for my final presentation. My presentation falls on December 6th, so, in spite of my completion rate being a bit lagged in comparison to my timeline, Im on track to complete my capstone project with satisfactory quality achieved. Things have been going very well so far, and I dont see them faltering in the future. The lagging in my methodology has no excuse other than projects of other classes demanding an unexpected level of focus. However, Fictional Dreaming is now ready to be written.

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