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University of Puerto Rico at Humacao English Department Course: EDPE 4018/4005 Practice Teaching

Practice Center: CDPRE Cooperative Teacher: Mrs. Margarita Rodrguez

Wilnelia Montaez Rosario 842-97-4429 Professor: Dr. Anbal Muoz Claudio Date: September 4, 2012

A teacher affects eternity: he can never tell where his influence stops. Henry Adams

Table of Content Contextual Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 4-5 Learning Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 6-11 Assessment Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 12-13 Design for Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.14-15 Unit Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p 16 Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 17 Instructional Decision Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 18 Analysis Student Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 19 Reflection and Self-Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 20

Contextual Factors The CDPRE is located in the facilities of the University of Puerto Rico at Humacao. The physical address is Avenida Jos E. Aguiar Aramburu Carretera 908 Km 1.2 Humacao, P.R. This center offers Pre-kinder and kindergarten. The total students in the CDPRE are 37 students they are divided as follow, Pre-kinder with 12 students and Kindergarten with 25 students. The enrollment of the students varies from all kinds of social economics backgrounds. Moreover, the majority of the students came from middle class. The CDPRE is an educational program that was establish in UPR at Humacao in 1979. The school was built to provide educational services to Pre-school and Kindergarten students with special needs and integrate them to the regular classroom. The CDPRE offers Pre-K and Kindergarten; all the students in Pre-K have a speech problem among other conditions. Then these students are promoted to the Kindergarten where they are integrated with the regular class. The CDPRE is part of the Educational Region of Humacao, Puerto Rico and belongs to the School District of Las Piedras. The Coordinator of the CDPRE is Dr. Aida Rodrguez Roig. The teachers are Mrs. Margarita Rodrguez Rodrguez (Kindergarten) , and Mrs. Migdalia Cortes (Pre-Kinder). The The CDPRE facilities consist of two classrooms (Pre-kinder & Kindergarten), each classroom has two sets of bathrooms (one for the boys and another for the girls), the administrative office, the coordinator office, the lunchroom, the kitchen, two sets of bathroom for the personnel, the social worker office, the psychology office, and the playground.

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The CDPRE provide services to students from a variety of economic backgrounds. They lived in different areas which impact their lives and according the surrounds the student will imitate behaviors. In the educational area of the parents of the students we observe that the fathers in the majority only possess a High School Diploma and the mothers have in the majority of the cases had a BA. In where I will be teaching is a big classroom, is equipped with a whiteboard, and has an air-conditioning system. The classroom also has radio, television, and computers for the benefits of integrating technology in my lessons. The CDPRE embraces Diversity, recognizing that every person is unique and that the person learns in their own way, leading educators and peers to respect and accept it. It is important to teach and enforce diversity in our students in order for our society to become more tolerant. In my opinion, this is the main reason of violence in our country. The center also encourages creativity in the students. All students are encouraged to think and express their opinions in a creative way. The center knows that creativity and diversity are vital in the educational process, especially in the little ones. At this stage, the students are curious and like to create, and, as a teacher, we have to encourage our students creativity.

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Learning Goals The learning goals of each unit are based on the Content and Standards and Grade Level Expectation documents of the English curriculum for the Kindergarten students. Because this year it is for most of my students the first encounter they have with the English language. I have to develop objectives and goals were my students meet the grade level expectations. I will have to include lots of visuals and repetitions drill to reach my students. For this level in Puerto Rico the Department of Education expect to all the students in Puerto Rico reach the following goals in the areas of Listening/ Speaking, Reading, and Writing. The standard for Kindergarten in L/S is the following: The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts. The Grade Expectations for Kindergarten in Puerto Rico in L/S are the following: ___ L/S K.1 Listens and responds to basic commands, instructions, and routine questions during story time using expressions to demonstrate engagement. ____L/S K.2 Demonstrates the development of early phonemic awareness and the alphabetic principle when participating in listening and speaking activities. ___L/S K.3 Uses basic vocabulary to identify familiar concepts related to self, family, and to interact with peers. ___L/S K.4 Offers and responds to greetings and farewells using appropriate courtesy expressions. ___L/S K.5 Uses both verbal and nonverbal forms of communication to express feelings and needs; reacts to pictures and simple language cues after listening to read aloud.

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The standard for Kindergarten in Reading is the following: The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop and understanding as well an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction. The Grade Expectations for Kindergarten in Puerto Rico in Reading are the following: __R.K.1 Identifies vowels and consonants; associates the sounds. __R.K.2 Uses basic aural phonemic awareness strategies to manipulate sounds. __R.K.3 Use context clues and illustrations to identify details and to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. __R.K.4 Demonstrates awareness of main character(s) and uses picture cues to identify similarities and differences between characters within narrative texts. The standard for Kindergarten Writing in is the following: The student effectively communicates to a variety of audience in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age vocabulary. The Grade Expectations for Kindergarten in Puerto Rico in Writing are the following: __W.K.1 Identifies and traces the letters of the alphabet using linear and curved strokes; recognizes uppercase and lowercase letters. __ W.K. 2 Writes the letters that represent first name. __W.K. 3 Forms the letters of the alphabet using a variety of manipulative, identifies the initial consonant in words or pictures by tracing and circling, and attempts to write the letters using print techniques. __W.K.4 Illustrates to express feelings, concepts related to family, and personal experiences. Page |7

The Grades Level Expectation I will be using to prepare my Lesson Plans and Assessment will be the following: Listening /Speaking L/S.K.1 Listen and respond to basic commands, instructions, and routine questions during story time using expressions to demonstrate engagement. L/S.K.3 Uses basic vocabulary to identify familiar concepts related to self, and to interact with peers. L/S.K.4 Uses both verbal and non-verbal forms of communication to express feelings and needs; reacts to pictures and simple language cues after listening to read aloud. Reading R.K.3 Uses context clues and illustrations to identify details and to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. R.K.4 Demonstrates awareness of main character(s) and uses pictures cues to identify similarities and differences between characters within narrative texts. Writing W.K.4 Illustrate to express feelings, concepts related to family, and personal experiences.

In the Unit of Class Time the goals are: recognize and name school item. recognize and name colors red, blue and yellow. understand and react to commands. In the Unit of Shapes and Colors the goals are: recognize and name geometric shapes. recognize and name colors. understand and respond to simple questions. understand and react to commands. communicate simple ideas orally using pictures. illustrates using their favorite colors. Page |8

In the unit Our body the goals are: recognize actions. name body parts. relate an action to a body part. understand and respond to simple questions. understand and reat to command. communicate simple ideas orally using pictures. Illustrate to express concepts related to personal experiences. In the unit The family the goals are: recognize and name family members. compare different types of family. understand and respond to simple questions. understand and react to commands. communicate simple ideas orally using pictures. illustrate to express their concept of family and their family experiences. In the unit of Clothes We Wear the goals are: recognize and name clothing items. recognize and name colors. understand and respond to simple questions. understand and react to commands. communicate simple ideas orally using pictures. illustrate their favorite clothes. From Webbs DOK most of the time I use the level 1. In this level the student will use, memorize, repeat.

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Unit # 1

Learning Goals


Format of Assessment


GLE and DOK L/S.K.1 R.K.3 W.K.4 DOK L1

Class Time


recognize and name school item.


Brainstorming to know what they know about school items. In a worksheet with two images the student will draw the school items missing in one of the picture.

Write the words school items big in the board and ask what they new about it.

Formative Assessment

Circle in a handout only the school item.

Make the illustrations bigger and more space in between. Be more carefull when send it to look around the classroom from items such as scissors. Provide more time to the students to think before give them hint.


The student divided in groups will seek around the classroom to find the school item that the teacher send.


recognize and name colors red, blue and yellow.


Brainstorming to know what the student knows about the colors. In a handout the student will use the color I ask for to draw something in the handout. Have the students from the mix of the primary colors obtain the secondary colors.

Formative Assest

Provide more time for this activity and make sure that the paint are good and gave the same color. The pictures more bigger.


A test with school items where they will circle the school items using the color I ask for. In this assessment I ckeck both their knowledge about the school items and colors.

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Unit # 2

Learning Goals

Assessm ent Pre-test

Format of Assessment Student will draw in a paper a circle, square and triangle. Create a collage with pictures and objects that have geometric shapes.


1. recognize and name geometric shapes.

GLE and DOK Provide L/S K.1 extra time to R.K.3 the student. W.K.4 DOK L1



I arrange the pictures according the shape they will be working in they tables. I cut previously the geometric shapes before hand.


Create a house pasting geometric shapes in a paper.

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Narrative Assessment
Assessment must be planned with its purpose in mind. Assessment for, as and of learning all have a role to play in supporting and improving student learning, and must be appropriately balanced. The most important part of assessment is the interpretation and use of the information that is gleaned for its intended purpose.

Assessment is embedded in the learning process. It is tightly interconnected with curriculum and instruction. As teachers and students work towards the achievement of curriculum outcomes, assessment plays a constant role in informing instruction, guiding the students next steps, and checking progress and achievement. Teachers use many different processes and strategies for classroom assessment, and adapt them to suit the assessment purpose and needs of individual students.

During the first unit: Class Time, the first goal is to the student recognized and name school item for this purpose I start the unit using a brainstorming to elicit the background knowledge about the school items. Also in the workbook they do an activity drawing the objects missing from one picture to the other. During the formative stage the student will be able to circle the school item. In the post test the student will show what they have learn they have to seek around the classroom for the objects that the teacher ask for it. This activity is align it with the Grade Level Expectation L/S.K.1

The second goal in the unit Class time is recognize and name colors red, blue and yellow for this to happened I start with a brainstorming to elicit what the student know about the subject then the student will go to the tables and using the colors I ask for and color anything they want (creativity). In the formative the students will use finger paint using the primary colors to obtain the secondary colors. This activity is align it with the Grade Level Expectation L/S. K.1

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During the second unit: Shapes the first goal was to recognize and name geometric shapes. In the stage of pre-test the student will draw in a page a circle, triangle and square. In the formative assets I will have the students to bring pictures or objects as homework and use it to create a collage in each table. In the card board inside of one of the geometric shape they will paste the images. In the post test the test consist of the student identify the shapes the teacher ask for it and paste to form a house. This activities are align with the Grade Level Expectation L/S K.1

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Design for Instruction Result of Pre-assessment To design for instruction, as a pre-assessment, students should draw a school item in a blank piece of paper. Also in a worksheet that bring two pictures where they have to find the school items that are missing from the other picture. The students where continuously asking what to do but when I was explaining they were talking. Then when they stop talking I proceed to explain to them and they all perform well in the pre-assessment. I create a handout with school items where the students will circle only the school items. The students perform well in the formative assessment. In the post-test the student will show if they understand and identify the school item and look for it around the classroom. The students all perform excellent find in the right object showing me that they understand commands in English, identify the school items and colors. I didnt need to make any change because the students master the skills. Only one or two students have point less because not follow instructions but they knew identify correctly the item.

Class Time (School Item and Colors)

100% 96% 5% 14% 9% 5% 67% 87% 83% 79%

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50 5%

100 95%

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Unit Overview I prepared a unit in Class Time. Day 1 Learning Goal Recognize and name school item. Activities Take the students outside the classroom in an orderly manner. Have them make a line in front of the entrance door. Stand inside the classroom, next to the door, and then tell them, Welcome to the classroom. With my hands, invite them to enter and sit back in a circle. Extending the hand on my forehead say What do I see? Walking around the classroom to the door, a window, a chair, a table, the board, and a book.

Recognize and Show them a large bag containing most of the classroom name school item items presented. Take one object from the bag and have them to identify the object. Recognize and Paste a picture of the school item in a construction paper name colors. with the color yellow, blue, red, green, purple, and orange. Identify and In this test the student select the school item that I ask color the school for and circle and color it using the color predetermine. item.

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Activities After revising the students diagnostic test giving by the CT, I realized that the students did not master basics vocabulary. Also, 80 % of the student did not know the names of the colors. I use this as my starting point and I design different activities to help the students to learn this term. Some of these activities included searching for object, matching pictures to vocabulary words, playing games and others hand of experiences. I developed a unit that allowed the integration of art, math, and the development of fine motor skills. Some of the materials that I used to carry out these activities were finger paints, school objects (such as pencil, crayons and books), wooden blocks, and color chalk. Im also implemented technological resources such as the computer, power point presentation, videos, and songs. During this process the students completed worksheet, play games, identify objects, and produce orally. They were giving written tests and also individual oral tests. I integrate the four core values as follow: Diversity in the activities I ask to the students which item and what color they like the most. The students had different answer and explain to the rest that you see each person is different to the rest and this is good. It is okay like, do, and believe in different things and we need to respect those differences. Creativity: Providing the space to them to create through drawings, and painting. Leadership: Promote that the student choose a leader in their group in the activities. Social Transformation: When they create the collage they displayed in the front wall where the entire community can observed taking their job outside the classroom. P a g e | 17

Instructional Decision-Making In my case because the students perform very well I didnt need to make major modification in the teaching process. Because of the good outcoming in the assessment and test I continue teaching in the same way. Where I have to do a lot of modification was in the classroom management and the behavior of my student. This area was for me the most challenging. I have to have in mind all the time to provide extra time to some students in my classroom. I have one student that have problem interacting and participating in class.

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Analysis of Student Learning In the firt test cover the following material Colors and School Items. The value of the test was 12 points (1 point for selecting the right school object and 1 point for coloring with the color ask for), In this test 14 students out of 21 score 100%, follow for 1 student with 96%, two students 87%, three students with 83%, and 1 studnent with 79. The minimal point of execution was 70%. All the students master the skill.

Class Time (School Item and Colors)

100% 96% 5% 14% 9% 5% 67% 87% 83% 79%

In the second test that cover shapes, the value of the test was 6 points. In this tes 20 of my students score the 6 points and 1 students score 3. The 99% of the students master the skill.
100, 0.9523809 52

50 5%

1 0.5 0



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Reflection and Self-Evaluation I consider that Im good in planning but when it is time to deliver the class I lacked of skills. I know that my skills in grammar are bad and Im working on it. You make ask why then did I decide to become an English teacher? The answer to that question I do love the language and not always was like that. When I was studying in the early years I never care about it, until I move to the states and the need make me learn it. What make me choose this career was to motivate others students to reflect themselves on me and learn it at school. I like to prepare good lesson plans where my students having fun learn. If something make me really happy no matter if I pass my practice teaching is that my students learn. This level is not my comfort zone but I can say that I really loved the experience. The Cooperative Teacher helped me a lot and thanks to her I have confidence in myself. Is not better evaluation of the performance that the learning progress of my little ones.

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