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Good News You Can Use
Vol. 12 No. 44 November 1 - November 2, 2012 FREE
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Good New You Can Use

VOTE on November 6th.
It is time for your voice to be heard. You must participate in choosing who will lead your country and community. I hope each of you who is eligible will go out and vote in this years presidential election as well as local elections for the candidate of your choice. We cannot afford to make any assumptions. Each of us must vote. Congratulations to the recipients of the Herbert and Sylvia Woods Scholarships and Community Service Awards. (see page 14). Congratulations to Ruth Clarke on your birthday and the celebration of your life at the recent roast event held at Melbas on 125th. (see page 12). Congratulations to the Legend Awards winners who were honored at the recent Frederick E. Samuel Community Democratic Club event. (see page 12). Our heart goes out to all those who suffered loss during hurricane Sandys roar through the northeast. I am personally comforted in my belief that during this horrible event, we had the right leaders in place.

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Our Mission Statement The Harlem News Group, Inc. will publish positive news and information. Our mission is to deliver good and informative news to our readers focusing on health, education, housing, business and employment opportunities. We look for and publish results, not problems. We promote businesses, opportunities and events happening in the communities we serve. We are dedicated to providing our readers with valuable information they can use to improve the quality of life for themselves, their families and our communities.

Jose Ferrer - Hispanic Mkt. Mgr.

Hispanic Community Consultant

William A. Rogers - MWBE Consultant

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Harlem News Group November 1, 2012

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By Jeff Cosby, Wells Fargo Financial Advisor


Harlem News Group


iven the volatility of the job market over the past few years, job loss and other unexpected career disruptions or changes have become all too common for many Americans, and they can throw off one's long term plans and goals. When we encounter these types of major life changes, the more immediate need to adapt to our new lives and settle in to our new realities tends to take priority. However, in spite of the focus required for those day-to-day challenges, planning for retirement continues to be top of mind for many. According to the most recent Wells Fargo/Gallup Investor and Retirement Optimism Index, when asked to rank their most important savings priority, 41% of investors said "saving for retirement." But how to do it? Regardless of your personal circumstances, there are some basic steps you can take to plan for the day you retire. First, you should consider how much time you have left in the ranks of the employed, and adjust your planning based on your stage in life so that you will be financially prepared to retire. If you have at least ten years left before you plan to retire, you still have the advantage of time on your side. One of the most basic principles of investing is putting your money into different investment vehicles and then leaving it there so you can potentially reap the benefits of long-term returns. With more than ten years left to invest, you might be able to afford to take on a bit more risk with your investments. While equities - such as stocks - have an inherent risk of losing money, they also have a history of providing significant returns over a long period of time. Just keep in mind that past performance is no guarantee of future results. Probably the biggest advantage of getting an early start is the

benefit of compounding earnings. Based on the investments in your retirement portfolio, the money you put in has the potential to earn more money for you - whether through interest payments, dividends, or other means of growth. In many cases, those earnings can be reinvested into your portfolio, further enhancing the total value of your savings and allowing your money the opportunity to "make money" for you. If your retirement is less than ten years away, then it's time to start making subtle adjustments to your investment mix. Hopefully, at this point you're not just getting started, but rather taking a look at how your investments are allocated and making sure they appropriately match your risk tolerance, your investment objectives and your relatively short time horizon. Because you have less time to work with, you still want to have some investments that offer growth, but you also want to begin looking at preservation of principal through fixed income alternatives such as bonds, which may provide a little more stability in your portfolio and help reduce your overall risk. Finally, at some point you'll reach that day that you once thought was so far off. When you find yourself officially in the position to retire, you will have a whole different outlook on those funds you have set aside for just that purpose. Instead of making contributions to your retirement funds to help them grow, you'll need to maintain your income from those investments. You'll likely begin taking distributions from them to pay for your day-to-day expenses. A thorough review of your investments will help you clearly see just how much you have saved, and how you will have to plan your distributions so you don't run short on funds during your retirement.

Financial preparation for retirement is different for every individual. To make sure that you're on the right track, take the time now to assess your own situation and see what you can do to make sure you're

ready when it's time for you to retire. The good news is that with proper investment planning, you should be able to retire with confidence-if you get organized.

Harlem News Group November 1, 2012




By William A. Rogers


Harlem News Group

minority owned and women owned businesses. When you visit this site will provide access to new online application forms for faster MWBE certification and recerification. The site will also list bid and contract opportunities with state agencies and authorities. MWBE's will also be able to use this site to manage records and submit reports online. The new site will also allow MWBE's to establish contact with prime contractors in need of their services. Other online MWBE resources was the MWBE Resource Center on Business First this site provides technical assistance resources, certification application assistance, business development programs, surety bond training and financial assistance information. The New York State Contract Reporter has been upgraded online at This site is the official publication of procurement opportunities from state agencies and authorities. Access to this site is free for businesses that complete the required registration. One of the clear messages that became obvious at this year's MWBE Forum was the need for small businesses to understand how to use information technology it is now a necessity to if your business is to be competitive in the public and private sectors. I made a number of contacts at the forum that will allow me to post important state contracts and procurement opportunities when they are announced so keep reading the HNG MWBE column it can help you grow your business opportunities with the state.


"I'm behind in paying personal income taxes I owe New York State, but I can't pay that amount right now. What can I do?" ave you asked yourself that question lately? If so, the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance says there is indeed quick action you can take to address any lingering state income tax debt - ask the Department for a payment plan. "This program has helped thousands of New Yorkers put tax debt behind them. But the taxpayer must take the first step and contact us right away," Commissioner of Taxation and Finance Thomas H. Mattox said today. Sign-up For Free Taxpayers can arrange a payment plan with the Tax Department for free. It works just like other common payment plans: You reduce your debt over time with affordable monthly payments. Most of the state's 9.7 million income tax filers pay all the state taxes they owe when they file their returns. Many use the Department's e-payment option available at its Web site. Taxpayers who haven't paid, however, have received, or soon will receive, a BalanceDue Notice in the mail. "Hard times can fall on anyone, but whatever you do, don't ignore a tax bill," added Commissioner Mattox. "Unpaid taxes can lead to serious penalty and interest charges." Taxpayers interested in a payment plan should read Request an Installment Agreement online, or have a copy of their tax bill handy and call the Department at 518-453-8110. Looking ahead Want to increase the amount of tax paid during the year so that you may wind up owing less at tax time? Depending on the kind of income earned, you can do the following: -If you earn wages Use Form IT-2104, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate, to increase how much New York State tax is withheld from your paycheck (by reducing your allowances). Give the completed form to your employer. -If you pay estimated tax wages You can increase the amount of estimated tax you pay with Form IT-2105, Estimated Income Tax Payment Voucher for Individuals. For more information: Visit our Web site Follow the Tax Department on Twitter and YouTube

he State of New York had the largest minority and women owned business enterprise (MWBE) forum in the history of states MWBE program last weekend October 25th to October 27th in Albany at the Empire State Plaza Convention Center. Over 1,600 women and minority business owners were in attendance for the three day forum. I am the MWBE consultant to the HNG Publications and I attended this annual forum to obtain material and contacts for my HNG/ MWBE column. The conference was coordinated in the past by the New York State Dormitory Authority ( DASNY) under the leadership of Paul Williams president and CEO of DASNY and Carra Wallace Managing Director Office of Executive Initiatives for DASNY. This year the Governor's office played a larger role in the coordination of the forum. The main message through the three day forum was the state's commitment to provide 20% of its contracts to certified MWBE's. The forum provided a unique opportunity for MWBE's to meet key contract and procurement administrators and decision makers from state agencies and the private sector. The forum also provided business development opportunities seminars that gave insights on ways to do business with New York State. One of the highlights of the Friday seminars was the introduction of a new web-based system that simplifies how MWBE's can do business with the New York State. The New York State Contract System is a website gateway to attract and grow

Harlem News Group November 1, 2012


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By Norman and Velma Hill

act: The loose confederation of extremists that fall under the Tea Party banner has pushed the Republican Party further to the right than ever. Tea Partiers argue that government does not solve problems, but rather causes them. They call for drastically reducing the size of government, especially the footprint of Washington, and expanding the purview of the marketplace. We challenge these Tea PartyRepublican premises. Clarification: The issue is not government's effectiveness or size. What is crucial, and often forgotten, is government's role and to whose needs it should respond. The federal government has been an effectively positive force in so many ways that it seems absurd to name just a few; but this increasingly ahistorical environment may require us to do just that. In the eighteenth century, a strong central government established the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Post Office. In the next century, Washington subsidized canal and railroad construction, making a national economy possible. Government, big government if you will, established land grant colleges and the National Weather Service. And, by no mean feat, it abolished slavery. In the twentieth century, the federal government created food and drug inspection systems. It has funded important medical research. Washington adopted conservation measures to protect against environmental pollution. The universally admired GI Bill made it possible for World War II veterans to obtain college educations, obtain low-cost mortgages, and acquire loans for starting businesses. Especially significant for us, as civil rights and trade union activists for over 50 years, has been the vastly expanded federal role since 1900 in helping the less powerful and less wealthy: the lower middle-class, workers, the

poor, women, and minorities. Legislation has defended workers' right to unionize, established a minimum wage, barred employment discrimination by race and gender, and has provided work for the unemployed during hard times. It has been government, not unbridled private enterprise, that has enhanced the wellbeing of seniors through Social Security, the sole source of income for many of the elderly, and improved the health and life expectancy of seniors and the poor through Medicare and Medicaid. President Obama's recent Affordable Health Care Act, now self-described as ObamaCare, extended health insurance to 30 million limited income non seniors; and of course, congressional legislation and federal court decisions continue to eliminate the legal foundation for racial segregation and discrimination. Therefore, it's ridiculous for Republicans to claim the national government can do virtually no good and therefore should be downsized. In fact, Republicans' chief concern is not shrinking federal power. They actually want to expand and extend government's reach into the most intimate corners of our lives, denying contraception and abortion rights to women and dictating who can marry whom. Republicans are also not against government intervention in the form of aggressively providing tax breaks and subsidies for favored business enterprises. What about our massive military establishment? Shrink it? On the contrary- Republicans want to enlarge it, even against its will. What Republicans apparently want is to bless the powerful with more power and curse the less powerful with even less power that had been bestowed upon them through the federal government. Mitt Romney, now the head of his party as he presses his quest to capture the White House, opposes minimum wage increases. Romney's party supports

privatization of public services, which often leads to inferior services and always to lower wages. His party, not surprisingly, supports states pushing for union-busting right-to-work (for less) laws. Romney's party even wants to repeal the Davis-Bacon Act, which mandates that federal subcontractors pay no less than locally prevailing wages. November's election is about for whom the federal government will work. The Democrats historically, and President Obama today, have backed the interests of the lower middle-class, workers, minorities, and women. Republicans, and particularly today's Republicans, favor the well off. Romney's now infamous "47 percent" address to rich campaign contributors showed, in both word and tone, his contempt for ordinary Americans, whom he apparently views as moochers and deadbeats. Romney must be resoundingly defeated and President Obama reelected. It is the responsibility of the labor and civil rights movements to maximize that vote in order to enhance the prospects for us all of a more fair, fruitful and promising future.




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Published Weekly
Vol. 12, No. 42 November 1, 2012


Pat Stevenson, Publisher /Editor

P.O. Box #1775, NY NY 10039

Harlem News Group November 1, 2012


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By: Freddie Allen, NNPA Washington Correspondent

already tenuous standing with his base and may have limited any bounce that followed the first presidential debate. "I think the help has already been exhausted," said Lorenzo Morris, chairman of the Political Science Department at Howard University. "He moved enough to the center to make himself more credible with independent voters. Now payback is coming in." Morris said that when Romney embraced key provisions of the Affordable Care Act, pivoted on abortion rights, and backed President Obama's handling of Syria and Afghanistan he raised doubt of the "extreme" conservatism he boasted of in the spring. Now rallying his base may be an uphill battle. "He has to reinforce those conservative ties, because he can't abandon his base," said Morris. "They are the ones that are going to get him over." But some experts say that Americans still want to leave the voting booth with hope for a brighter future and that President Obama could lose last minute undecided voters in the weeds of a policy paper, especially given criticism of his "professorial" tone and lengthy explanations of his goals and accomplishments during his first term. "Some of Obama's failings is that he comes off as too technical," Morris said. Morris suggested that President Obama lose the bullet points and seek to inspire voters with a vision of a better tomorrow here in the United States and around the world. "Talk as Reagan did about the United States as a 'shining city upon a hill,'" Morris said. "Talk about the United States of tomorrow and that United States of tomorrow doesn't have to be a detail, it simply has to be a vision." Read more:

n Tuesday, the economy, unemployment, Big Bird, binders full of women and bayonets will take a backseat to the only poll that maters in electing a president and vice president - ballots cast in the polling booth. Either way, history will be made on Election Day. Barack Obama will become the first Black president elected to a second term (as well as the first) or Mitt Romney will become the first Mormon elected president of the United States. Obama is relying on his strong organizing ground game to propel him to victory, a strategy that relies heavily on Blacks, women, labor unions and youth. Romney is relying on high unemployment numbers and a sour economy to clear the path for a victory. However, David Bositis, senior research associate at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, a progressive public policy think tank in Washington, D.C., doesn't think that will be enough for the former Massachusetts governor. "A lot of White working class union employees, like in Ohio, know that [Romney] is anti-union," Bositis said. "He opposed the bailout of the auto industry. He and the Republicans opposed extensions of unemployment benefits." Unemployment may not be the strong issue that Romney has expected. Unemployment is down in seven swing states from August to September: Wisconsin (7.5 percent to 7.3 percent), Colorado (8.2 percent to 8 percent) Iowa (5.5 percent to 5.2 percent), North Carolina (9.7 percent to 9.6 percent), Florida (8.8 percent to 8.7 percent), Ohio (7.2 percent in August to 7 percent in September) and Nevada (12.1 percent to 11.8 percent). Obama hopes to get a bounce from news that the economy is recovering. The Commerce Department reported that new home construction was up 15 percent in September compared to August and up 34.8 percent compared to September 2011. The gross domestic product, which represents economic production

and growth in the United States, increased from 1.7 percent in August to 2 percent in September. Both camps are battling for the small slice of voters who are still undecided. According to data collected by Reuters and Ipsos, an independent research company, the undecided voter is typically a White female who didn't go to college and makes less than $25,000 a year. "They don't follow politics very closely. It's not like they've been thinking about politics for the past year," explained David Bositis of the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. Bositis said that now is when undecided voters are turning their attention to the presidential election. In an effort to reel in those undecided voters, the Obama campaign released the "Blueprint for America's Future," a detailed manuscript outlining the president's plan for his second term. The "Blueprint," the Cliff Notes from recent campaign speeches, includes steps to end the war in Afghanistan, a proposal for energy independence, strategies to add construction jobs for much needed infrastructure projects and 100,000 teachers to the nation's classrooms. After Romney took a decisive victory in the first presidential debate, President Obama sharpened his attack winning the last two debates. "He didn't come out of the gates swinging or running the fastest, he came out on top in the last debate," said Angela Minor, director of the Martin L. King, Jr. Forensics Program and debate team at Howard University. Minor said that President Obama's strong showing in the final presidential debate left a lasting impression with likely voters. "I would rather see a presidential candidate that progressively gets stronger than a presidential candidate that comes out of the gate stronger and then weakens as he goes," said Minor. Some political analysts believe that Romney's "Etch-a-Sketch" shift to the center following the Republican Primary weakened his


ear Fellow New Yorker: Hurricane Sandy left our state with unprecedented damage, particularly in downstate areas of New York. Long Island, New York City and the Hudson Valley were hit hard by the storm surge, which caused massive flooding and power outages in many neighborhoods. It is important that New Yorkers stay updated on what state officials are doing after the storm. You can stay updated on our efforts by visiting the Governor's website at On the website, you can view the latest transportation alerts for mass transit service, as well as bridge and tunnel reopenings. You can also view the latest power outage maps and reports from different power companies, as well as their contact information. You can also follow @NYGovCuomo on Twitter for the latest updates and tips for after the storm. If you need disaster assistance immediately, contact FEMA at 1-800621-3362 or the NYS Hurricane Sandy Helpline at 1-888-769-7243. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by the storm, and we thank our first responders for working through the night to help ensure the safety of New Yorkers and put us on a path for recovery. Sincerely, The Office of the Governor

Harlem News Group November 1, 2012


Nov 1, 5:30pm Opening Reception Community Works Debuts Spirit of Community: Art and Activism Exhibition at The Interchurch Center - A Part of the Community Matters NYC Initiative being held at 475 Riverside Drive @ 120th Street. It is the second installment of a two-part exhibition series examining the legacy of activism in Harlem. Open to the public. Nov 1, 8:00pm THE CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE WELCOMES THE METROPOLITAN OPERA BRASS. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine is pleased to welcome the Metropolitan Opera Brass to perform music from their recent album, which was recorded at the Cathedral last May, Sacrae Symphoniae: Antiphonal Motets of Giovanni Gabrieli, and to celebrate the album's release at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 1047 Amsterdam Avenue (at 112th Street), Manhattan. Tickets are $25 for general admission and $10 for students and seniors. For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit http://www. Nov 3 Family Concert: Who is John Coltrane? Being held at the Jazz at Lincoln Center, Rose Theater. The first of JALC's family-friendly concerts this season, Wynton Marsalis presents an introduction to the master saxophonist-composer John Coltrane (1926-67), who distilled his experiences into music on the highest level-and in doing so, changed the course of jazz expression. Free pre-concert activities at 12:15pm & 2:15pm. Tickets are $45 (regular $75) Nov 7, 7:30pm Dr. Khalil Gibran Muhammad: The Peace Incentive: Compassionate Progressivism in Urban America.presented by the Culture of Peace Distinguished Speaker Series. Dr. Muhammad is an internationally renowned historian and scholar on the African American Experience and author of the award winning book, The Condemnation of Blackness. He was recently appointed the Director of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture which is the world's leading repository on the global black experience. Dr. Muhammad will discuss, "The Peace Incentive: Compassionate Progressivism in Urban America." The Culture of Peace Speaker Series aims to present a wide range of views, and stimulate a meaningful conversation on what it takes to move our society toward a culture of peace. 7 East 15th Street, NY NY 212-727-7715. Nov 10, 8am-2pm ABENY, Association of Black Educators of New York will host their annual Education Conference at Frederick Douglass Academy, W. 149th Street and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Boulevard. The theme is "Parents, Educators and Community -based Oganizations, Empowering Black and Latino Youth to Achieve Success." The conference will include a continental breakfast, a plenay, twelve workshops related to the theme, educatonal vendors, community-based oganizations, door prizes to the first 20 attendees and 6 hours professonal development credit. Information-Dr. Sheilah Bobo (917) 412-9099 or email Nov 10, 3pm United Palace Cathedral & The Youth Ministry Invites you to participate in the 2012 Youth Talent & Fashion Show. Models needed. Children and Youth of all ages, come and model your latest fashions. All participants will receive a gift. Located at 4140 Broadway at 175th St. More info call (212) 568-6700 ext. 16. Nov 10, 12noon-4om CENTRAL PARK TO BE FILLED WITH JAZZ MUSIC THIS FALL AT FIRST ANNUAL JAZZ & COLORS EVENT. Thirty jazz ensembles will perform at iconic locations throughout Central Park as part of the firstever Jazz & Colors event, a free public concert set against the stunning backdrop of Central Park's fall foliage, Jazz & Colors will celebrate the musical tradition of jazz with a communal set-list of jazz standards that will be performed simultaneously at each of the venues from midtown to Harlem. The event is free and open to the public.The first Park-wide public arts program since Christo & JeanneClaude's The Gates in 2005, Jazz & Colors will feature an eclectic lineup of jazz groups ranging from small combos to big bands, performing at some of Central Park's most beloved sites - from the Naumberg Bandshell to Duke Ellington Circle. The event is produced by independent music and film entrepreneur Peter Shapiro, in partnership with the City of New York and the Central Park Conservancy.For a complete list of musicians, performance locations and the Jazz & Colors setlist, visit Nov 15, 6:30pm "Doctor" Bob Lee's 8th annual Make The Grade Foundation Awards Dinner. The Board of Directors will honor several individuals that have shown exemplary service in their commitment to education. The Gala will be held at Terrace On The Park in Flushing Meadow, Queens. Proceeds from the gala will benefit Make the Grade Foundation (MTG). MTG was founded by "Doctor" Bob Lee to raise awareness about the challenges facing our youth today. This is done through the collaboration between parent, teacher, student, clergy and community by connecting and providing education and resources for today's youth. MTG is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that facilitates and encourages academic achievement by implementing programs to tutor, mentor and motivate students, and providing incentives and funding. For sponsorship or tickets call Denise Rogers at 917 991-7933 or email for additional information.

Harlem News Group November 1, 2012

1838 2nd Avenue (@ East 95th Street 212-423-1826 55 West 116th Street (Bet. 5th & Lenox) 212-876-8800



11/30/2012 11/30/2012

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Harlem News Group November 1, 2012


Harlem News Group


The hallmark provision for children with asthma is the prohibition of the exclusion of children from health insurance due to a pre-existing illness. While this provision doesn't take effect until 2014, New York State - a leader in child-friendly health policies - already implemented this part of the law on September 23, 2010. Because of health care reform and New York's commitment to implement its provisions, Harlem's families can now be sure that their children will not be denied coverage because of a pre-existing diagnosis; and, that well child visits will be provided to them at no additional cost. Access to care for asthma management will inevitably impact the correlation of asthma incidence with school attendance, reducing the number of school days missed. Upholding the ACA in New York positively impacts families in many ways. The Children's Defense Fund has been working to create a level playing field for all of American's children for nearly 40 years. Today's competitive marketplace requires good health and the best thing we can do for children is to give them a healthy start on the path to adulthood. We give credit to the Affordable Care Act for making sure that Harlem's children get that healthy start.


By The Childrens Defense Fund NY
he communities of East and Central Harlem are important to New York City's culture and economic life. They are rich with brownstones, bodegas, houses of worship, small businesses and arts and culture. Unfortunately, East and Central Harlem communities are also leading the city with high rates of childhood asthma. In fact, according to the New York State Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System Data (SPARCS), East and Central Harlem carried the second and third highest rates of pediatric asthma hospitalizations in the entire City. Asthma is the most common chronic condition among children under the age of 18, affecting over 15,000 children under 14 in New York City alone. When asthma is left untreated, it affects a child's ability to learn, play, sleep and participate in school. In fact, asthma is the leading cause of school days missed because of a chronic illness. Given the direct correlation between asthma incidences and missed school days, how can we ensure that children with asthma are kept healthy and ready to learn? Childhood asthma can be managed with appropriate care and effective interventions. This is reason enough for

all children to have comprehensive health insurance coverage and access to preventive care. Such intervention paves the way for asthma management - vitally needed for disease stabilization - and makes the difference in educational outcomes. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) works for children! It requires that insurance companies cover all well-child visits from birth to age 21 without any expense to families. Families should never be in the position of having to decide between paying for groceries or medical co-payments, and with the ACA, they won't ever have to do that. Regular well child visits to the doctor and services that promote coordinated, quality health care for children go a long way in ensuring that the emergency room is used just for that emergencies. Beyond the well-child visits, the ACA includes several provisions that protect communities. Namely, lower- and moderate-income families can now acquire subsidies and tax credits for the purchase of care; young adults can stay on their parents' employer-sponsored health plans until age 26; seniors can have expenses covered for prescription medications; and, families and small businesses can now buy affordable health insurance.


rostate cancer, which affects 2 million American men, is a topic thats all too often ignored. Many doctors are urging men to pay better attention to their prostate health: Download free information on prevention, risk factors and early detection that you can share with loved ones, co-workers and friends at Beginning at age 40, talk to your doctor about your prostate health. Know your family history so you can provide crucial information to loved ones. If you are diagnosed, dont fight alone. Online community networks offer support and advice. Visit Join the online conversation and talk about prostate cancer on Facebook and Twitter at and Never be ashamed to speak up for your health.

Harlem News Group November 1, 2012


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Harlem News Group November 1, 2012

Harlem News Group


By Gideon Manasseh, photojournalist


By Gideon Manasseh, Photojournalist

L/R-Wilma Brown-Phillips (District Leader), Kenneth Anderson (honoree), Marlene V. Ramsey (honoree), Dolores M. Tonge (honoree), Sylvia L. White (honoree), Elois T. Banks (honoree), Tom Cheung (honoree) Standing rear: Assemblyman Keith Wright

he 6th Annual Frederick E. Samuel Community Democratic Club Legends Award Ceremony was held at Tian's Restaurant at River Bank park. The Democratic Club is an official Democratic Party organization in the heart of Harlem. The Annual Legends Award is a special event that honors individuals who go beyond serving the communityand excel in helping people in their community.

This year honorees were; Kenneth Anderson (K.A. Foundation), Elois T. Banks (Loyal Harlem Resident), Sylvia L. White (Chief of Staff Harlem Hospital Center), Marlene V. Ramsey (NY Public Library), Dolores M. Tonge (Owner, "Touch OF Dee"), and Tom Cheung (Tian's Restaurant).

(l-r) 1. Sylvia Lewis & husband Byron Lewis, Coreen Simpson, Ruth Clark, Gil McGriff, Sylvia Alston, Mrs. Faye Rodney & Mr. Rodney, Shirley Scott; 2. Ruth Clark with birthday cake; 3. Leslie Wyche, Ruth Clark, Shirley Scott, Sylvia Alston, John Holmes; 4. Ruth Clark, Councilwoman Inez Dickens, Bob Tate, Cynthia Holliday (jazz vocalist); 5.Gil McGriff, Malaak Shabazz, Ruth Clark, ILyasah Shabazz; 6. Melba, owner of Melbas on 8th Ave and Melbas 125 restaurant in the Harlem State Office Building. Photos by: Gideon Manasseh

conic women Ruth Clark, first black woman to own and operate a staffing-temporary service "Clark Unlimited Personnel" better known as (CUP) and founding President of "The Support Network" was roasted and praised for her entrepreneur leadership at Melba's 125 Restaurant at the Harlem State Office Building. CUP was one of the fewblack owned personnel firms in New York City that employed people in temporary positions. Ms. Clark was saluted by former employees who got their

start through working with CUP such as Curtis Archer, who is now president of the Harlem Urban Development Corp. Further, Ms. Clark was honored by councilmember Inez Dickens, with a Council Manic Citation. She also was a recipient of Congressional Acknowledgement from Congressman Charles B. Rangel, which was read aloud before more than one hundred people in attendance to the special dinner. Ms. Clark celebrated her birthday with cheers, laughter and friends.

Harlem News Group November 1, 2012


Harlem News Group


and a non-slip end piece for stability, so you can easily and comfortably follow your recipes accurately. More information on proper zesting can be found at Cook and Bake Ahead Not every kitchen task needs to happen on the day of your festivities. Lighten your load by prepping what you can beforehand. Bake cookies, brownies and breads in advance and store in the freezer with wax paper or an airtight container. Just be sure to let them cool to room temperature before storing. A sauce's flavor improves with time, so prep your sauces a day in advance. Dice vegetables for side dishes ahead of time and store in plastic baggies in the fridge. Make a salad the day before and dress just before serving. Don't let the joys of holiday entertaining be a cause for sorrow. Streamline your meal preparation with a little planning.

oliday cooking is no easy feat. Meals tend to be more timeconsuming and complex to prepare than standard fare. But by planning ahead, you can make all those delicious meals and treats in record time without undue stress. Stock Up Early Don't leave your grocery shopping for the last minute. The stores will be overrun with other eleventh hour shoppers. The first thing you should do is to plan your menu in advance. Then take inventory of your fridge and pantry, and compose a detailed shopping list accordingly. When you're crunching on time, the last thing you'll want to do is run to the store because you forgot that crucial ingredient. Beef Up Your Kitchen Be sure your kitchen is wellstocked with the right tools to ensure proper execution of all those tasty holiday treats. Be sure your knives are sharpened and ready for the onslaught of meal prep. An extra set or two of measuring spoons and mixing bowls is also a great idea when you're making so many dishes at once. You probably already have a food processor or traditional blender, but adding a hand-held immersion blender to your kitchen tool box will aid you in quick preparation of pureed soups, sauces and homemade whipped cream.


The wrong gear can ruin a great recipe. Many holiday recipes call for zesting to add flavor and garnish to cookies, cakes, pies and drinks. If you're trying to zest with a peeler or poor-quality zester, you may be adding the bitter pith of citrus fruits to an otherwise delicious treat. Opt for a zester with v-shaped teeth that skim across the surface of citrus. For example, the Edgeware Better Zester has non-stick coating, ensuring smooth zesting and easy clean up. It also features a container with measurements,


his winter, dont let your windows keep you out in the cold. According to the American Institute of Architects, windows are the primary source of heat loss in houses. To keep your house warm and energy bills down, caulk around windows, door frames, and other trim, while using weather stripping to seal drafty doors. And dont forget to close fireplace dampers. Planting trees and bushes around your house will help block out cold winter winds. This will help keep energy costs down and make your yard look great too. Finally, dont forget to fix leaky faucets. Even minor leaks increase energy consumption and electricity bills. To find an architect in your area that can help prepare your home for winter, visit http://architect


Harlem News Group November 1, 2012

Harlem News Group





l-r, Lew Zuchman, Leon Eastmond, Sabrina Brice, Nan Puryear, Princess Jenkins, Audrey Smaltz, Maurice Hines, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Woods

t was indeed a memorable evening as, the Woods family celebrated the eleventh annual Sylvia & Herbert Woods Scholarship Fund on October 26th at The Riverside Church. The scholarship Fund assist youth in their pursuit of a higher education. Earlier this year the family celebrated the 50th anniversary of the restaurant being in business and mourned the passing of Sylvia Woods. The 2012 Scholarship recipients are Monique Charles, Brandon Carter, Monique Edwards, Jewell Fowler, Kadija Small, Devontae Gonzalez and John Ingardia.

The Herbert Woods Community Service Awards were presented to Leon Eastmond, Owner EASCO Boiler Corp., Audrey Smaltz, Founder and CEO Fashion Industry's Ground Crew and Sabrina Brice, Asst. V.P., Branch Mgr., City National Bank (Harlem). The Sylvia's Award was presented to Princess Jenkins, owner, The Brownstone. The program host was Maurice Hines. Also recognized during the event was Lew Zuchman, Honorary Committee Angel and Nan Puryear, Committee Angel Chairperson.

1. Woods Family with Nan Puyear (center) and Maurice Hines (far left) 2. Honoree Leon Eastmond (left) 3. Honoree Princess Jenkins (right) 4. Honoree Princess Jenkins (second from right,, with husband Polo Greene (left), Pat Stevenson of Harlem News (3rd from left) and Colby Simons-Jenkins 5. l-r Honoree Sabrina Brice, Mrs. Kenneth Woods, Mrs. Nelson from City National Bank and Mr. Kenneth Woods 6. Audrey Smaltz Photos By JJ Thomas

Harlem News Group November 1, 2012


Harlem News Group




Harlem News Group November 1, 2012

Harlem News Group





This Friday - It's Ladies Night! The only place in Harlem where the Martini's are free for ladies. The ladies pay no entry cover and the music is right. Featuring Emilie Surtees and the Soul Providerz. Sponsored by Eric S --free light refreshments early during each set.
There are two sets and reservations are mandatory. There are two dinner seatings from 6pm-9pm and from 9pm-12am. Reservations are a must.

Please call 1-212-876-8838 ext. 2 to RSVP now.

Creole (Authenic Creole food)

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Harlem News Group November 1, 2012


Harlem News Group


he Cultural Competency Workshop is intended for community based organizations, prevention providers, coalition members, and others who are interested in refining their cultural competency skills. CPP/CPS/CASAC: 1.0 The workshop will be held at Interchurch Center, 61 Claremont Avenue (near Broadway & W120th Street), Conference Room C&D, New York, NY 10115. It is Free to the public. Due to limited spacing, you must RSVP by Monday, November 19, 2012. All trainings are free to the public and cover a wide range of topics that provide skills aimed at increasing prevention capacity and decreasing the negative effects of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and gambling. Many of the trainings provides CPP credit hours and are designed to communicate to a broad audience. For more information about this topic, contact NYC PRC Trainer, Jared Anthony at 917-286-1540 or email at The New York City Prevention Resource Center (PRC) is a partner with the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH). The PRC is committed towards providing technical assistance and training to NYC communities addressing the negative factors associated with underage drinking, tobacco and other drug use; through the formation and strengthening of coalitions that are implementing evidence based strategies and best practices.


By Howard Giske
Pictures: 1. Abiodun Oyewole with Elsie the Poet, and friend. 2 . F e l i p e Luciano.

he Last Poets were a famous group of poets from the late 1960s. Two of the original members performed at Bronx Lab: Abidoun Oyewole and Felipe Luciano. The two poets, alternated in spoken word and singing performances, interspersing their poems with lots of reminisces, including about the civil rights movement. Bobby Sanabria, along with Elena Martinez, is one of the curators of Bronx Lab, and he introduced the poets, saying "You don't have to go downtown, go anywhere to get great art. You can get plenty of art and music right here in the Bronx." Abiodun Oyewole recalled the formation of the Last Poets in 1968. "Gyland Kain was the one who gave us our aesthetic," and this is how Abiodun learned to be a poet. Abiodun uses a call and response pattern, like a prayer service. He demonstrated this with a chant- song that had the ending words: Free, Grow, Misery, Down, True, Sad, A Lift, and Here-- that the audience shouted out. This dramatic rhyming presentation, with audience participation had the mes-

sage to particularly African and Latino people to "learn to value yourself." When Felipe Luciano got up, he introduced the role of mothers and fathers. He then recited "This One's for You" dedicated to his mother, who recently passed away. "I was only 3. She screamed to my father-get out, and never come back. It was 1950, a bad year." He left her and 3 kids. Felipe remembered that, "I needed him badly." Abiodun responded with a rhyming song with the refrain "Daddy Joe, Daddy Joe, Tell me things I need to know. " Felipe continued, "She was abusive to me 'You look like him, you talk like him.'" He recounted how "she beat me" and that she didn't let him go to the prom. "That is how I became a violent person." Abiodun expanded on violence with a chant-song with the refrain: "Grenades in their eyes. Death is their prize. Peace will arise. Destroy the lies." This theme of confrontation, from in the family, and into political confrontation was resolved with a poem from

Felipe that he said was inspired by an actual dream, called "Spheres." It had the funny ending line. "Know that I am and that you are one--- derful. Also, a young lady, Elsie the Poet got up to say her short poem, her "16 bars." Felipe reminisced that Martin Luther King was in his own way also a poet. He had tremendous cadence in his speeches like "I've Been to the Mountaintop." He planned the deployment of Rosa Parks to challenge bus segregation, because she was light-skinned. King brought the children out in demonstrations, which created a huge backlash when the segregationists attacked the children. King was a master strategist. The impact of the two poets, and their poetic responses to each other made the evening an emotionally charged event. Bronx Music Heritage Center Lab is at 1303 Louis Nine Blvd and is a new venue for Bronx culture. Bronx Lab will be having weekly shows, see for details.

Harlem News Group November 1, 2012



Harlem News Group

By Luvon Roberson


cholastic. Aptitude. Test. Do those three words strike terror in your heart? When I was in high school, the SAT was as terrifying as facing trigonometry in my junior year. Then, something astonishing happened: I was put in a class that studied trig over three semesters rather than the usual two. In other words, I was put on the "slow" track. I ended up loving trig, because I was able to go slow and learn at my own pace. Ultimately I earned an A in trig! All through college and even afterwards, I did trig work problems whenever I was stressed or simply wanted the thrill of problem-solving. Trigonometry, as it turns out, is an excellent example of breaking down problems into smaller steps and learning the rules for each step. My advice to you about preparing for the SAT is to do the same thing: Take it slow. Take your time to get to know the SAT. In the end, doing well on the SAT is about learning the rules on how to take the SAT. This month's column will focus on the SAT rather than the ACT, the other college entrance exam, because most students in the Northeast region of the country take the SAT. How much do you know about the SAT? To find out, try this quiz (taken from

True or False The SAT is a test of a student's intelligence. The SAT is required for admissions to all 4-year colleges. The SAT tests college-level vocabulary. The SAT tests precalculus and trigonometry. The SAT tests formal written grammar. The SAT allows the use of most calculators for the math sections. The questions are arranged in increasing order of difficulty. A student will earn more points by guessing randomly than by leaving a question blank. The latest a student should take his or her first SAT is in the spring of his or her junior year. The more a student understands about the SAT, the better he or she will perform on the SAT. Why Prepare Early? For the answers to the True/False quiz, visit or e-mail me at Guide2CollegeResources At a recent SAT/ACT prep workshop, hosted by the Metropolitan Chapter Jack & Jill, I learned that preparing early is key to success. Take the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test) in 10th grade, so that you can see your areas of strength as well as weakness. Keep in mind that the colleges will never see your PSAT results! You can then work on those areas until you take the SAT in spring of your junior year. In addition, make it a habit to go on-line and take SAT or ACT practice tests - FREE of charge (visit www.sat.collegeboard. org or You might want to visit both websites daily, because you'll find new test topics each day, like "SAT Question of the Day" and other free test-taking tips. According to Akil Bello, co-founder of BellCurves, starting early to prep for the SAT or ACT is smart because you not only give yourself more time to learn how to take the test, but you also give yourself more options about which test results you want to share with your top college choices.

Harlem News Group November 1, 2012



Harlem News Group

William A. Rogers



e all know that breathing is the key to life; if we cannot breathe we will die. What most people do not know is how to breathe correctly. We associate breathing with the lungs which is partly true. The lungs are paired, cone-shaped organs located in the thoracic cavity. They are separated by the heart and by the plural membrane that encloses each lung. They are also separated from the abdominal cavity by the diaphragm. The lungs mix blood with oxygen, and expel used air, carbon dioxide, and other toxins. According to the Taoist Five Element System, the lungs are the Metal Yin organs and autumn is the season of Metal. The large intestines are the yang organs of autumn and during this time both should undergo a detoxification process to prepare for winter. A

Chunsoo Treatment at the Harlem Taoist Ki Center is a way to start the detoxification process for the lungs and large intestines. If you did not read my last article on options for detoxing the large intestines it is posted on my blog at Abdominal breathing is an ancient method used by Taoist and martial artist to detoxify the lungs. I was taught this many years ago by my teacher Grand Master Leon Wallace while studying Goju karate under him. His favorite Kata and what became my favorite was Sanchin also known as the breathing Kata. The Sanchin Kata was developed over 100 years ago by the founder of the Goju (hard/soft) Karate system Miyage Chojun as an exercise to develop breathing, thrusting and footwork. Grand Master Wallace would always say

Sanchin will make you strong and keep you healthy; it took me many years to truly understand his wisdom. I always gave abdominal breathing instructions before giving a Chunsoo treatment. Abdominal breathing is bring air through the nose to expand the abdominal area not the not diaphragm(a common mistake that people make when taking a deep breathe). When exhaling we push the abdominal area as far back as possible. This method allows the lungs to better expel toxins. When learning to meditate abdominal breathing is very important, it will help to relax the mind. When you were in your mother's womb you used abdominal breathing to receive and expel nutritional fluids produced by your mother. That is why many

Taoist call abdominal breathing baby breathing. Taoist organ massage treatments like Chunsoo (Korea) and Chi Net Tsang(Chinese) practitioners have their patients use deep abdominal breathing while manipulating the rib cage during the exhalation and inhalation phases. Taoist master Mantak Chia describes this method for lung detox in his excellent book Chi Nei Tsang: Internal Organs Chi Massage. If you are interested in this Taoist method of breathing correctly for improving and maintaining strong healthy lungs call the Harlem Ki center at 646 3296727 to schedule an appointment. During the autumn season I will give a free introductory treatment for first time callers. Remember learning to breathe correctly will improve the quality of your life.

Harlem News Group November 1, 2012



By Stacey K. Williams experience. It makes you feel closer to the end result. This is important. Don't be afraid to ask for help or advice when you feel stuck. There are things that can get in your way. You can move them or they will be removed if you stay in the race. The finish line awaits you as it has for so many who have achieved great things. Keep your eyes on the prize as you run your race. Stacey K. Williams is Trainer, Speaker, Business Strategist and Career Coach. She is committed to you finding your path to success through workshops and seminars. Ask Stacey your questions by visiting


o you remember what you said you would accomplish before the end of this year? Did you want to learn more skills, start a business or get a new job? It's okay if you don't remember. You probably wrote it down. If you didn't it's probably something you often think about. Your thoughts are a good place for your goals to begin. Then write them down. Also create a list of what you need to do in order to achieve your ultimate goal. Achieve the end result step-bystep. Each step moves you closer to your ultimate goal. Manage your list by reviewing and updating it often, checking off accomplishments and adding new tasks. Check off tasks that are completed. Do so with pride and the good feeling you deserve to

ob hunting can be a frustrating experience. Many times you can apply for what seems like the perfect job only to never hear back. With most open positions receiving an overwhelming number of applicants these days, its extremely important to set yourself apart from the pack. The most essential part of landing an interview is your rsum. Often your rsum is the only representation of you a hiring manager has. Typically, employers dont spend more than a minute or two looking over a rsum -a small amount of time to make a great impression. Landing an interview for the job you want is hard enough, especially now with so many people going after the same position, says Michael McAuliffe, President of Family Credit Management, a non-profit consumer credit counseling service. If your rsum contains flaws, from poor choice in wording to an overly-complicated format, then your chances of getting a call go from slim to none. Give yourself every chance possible to get the job. Make your rsum stand out among the crowd by following these four tips. Proofread! A misspelling or grammatical error on a resume could lead to your rsum getting tossed out at first glance. Use spell check and have a friend or family member look it over as well. You never know where an error could be lurking on the page. Get Expert Help Expert rsum review, such as the

service offered by Family Credit Management, can be an invaluable resource for any jobseeker. Seasoned hiring professionals look over rsums to correct any mistakes and offer advice as to how the rsum can be improved and be better received by prospective employers. Some companies charge for this service, but non-profits like Family Credit Management offer their expertise for free. You can e-mail to get feedback on your rsum and cover letter. You can also find contact information and more information about Family Credit Managements services at Be Appropriate A major red flag for hiring managers is an inappropriate email address. You dont want to be remembered as a joke, you want to stand out for your abilities. With free email services like Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo, there is no reason not to have a generic email address consisting simply of your name, says McAuliffe. Formatting Hiring managers need to be able to quickly find the information that matters most to the position. Using an unusual format could cause some of your accomplishments to get lost in the jumble. Make it as simple as possible for the hiring manager and stick with a traditional format. So take good care of your rsum. It is the first step to landing the job you want.

Solutions to Puzzle
page 26


Harlem News Group November 1, 2012




By La-Verna Fountain
to be, I began exploring who I was. There's not much I would change about my life, but I would take better care of my physical self. The aches and pains that greet me each morning would now be lessened had I taken better care of the body that I thought would not see 21 and now has already carried me for more than half a century. It's not too late, but it will be much harder to treat my body as I should. If there was a way to help young people zoom into the future and see their future selves, maybe they'd take better care of their physical, mental and spiritual selves while they are young and energetic. Every action has consequences. Every step we make leads us somewhere. The question is whether or not our actions have the consequences we want and whether our steps lead us where we want to go. My future is coming into my present. At this stage, the big picture is pretty clear. I have fewer years ahead of me than I have behind me. The smaller picture is coming into focus. I can visualize how I'd like to spend those years - however many there be. I've had a great life. Somehow, through God's grace, I've learned a few hard lessons and have only a few scars. Most of my wounds have healed and those that have not fully healed are being treated appropriately with love, grace and forgiveness. By zooming forward to think about my future, I am forced to live as I dream of living today. I want my future to be healthier so I must live a healthy life today. I want a secure financial future so I must live financially wise today. I want loving family and friends with me in the future, so I must love my family and friends today. I want a peaceful future so I


n general, I am not one of those people who can visualize my future. When I try to meditate, my mind wanders to everything that I still need to do. I wind up more tense than when I first started meditating. My inability to imagine my future also tends to prevent me from dreaming about what I can achieve. When I was 15 years old, I did not imagine I would reach 21. When I was 21, I did not imagine I would turn 30. When I turned 30 it started to dawn on me that maybe I should start considering that I'd make it to 40. I still struggle with imagining what my life will look like, but something has changed. Since I didn't die as early as I expected, now that I am in my mid-fifties I have begun to zoom forward and glimpse a future I want for me. To start, I looked over my past. In trying to get a better understanding of who I am and who I want

must live peacefully today. With a few important tweaks, the future that I see for myself is already present in my life today. It took me a long time to finally get it, but now I know. Gratitude for all that I am and all that I already have opened the door to the future I want. Gratitude allowed me to embrace my dreams and believe in my future. Gratitude allowed me to zoom forward to today. La-Verna Fountain is the President and Founder of the Defiant Hope Consulting and Training Company, author of The Alphabets of Life: A Simple Guide to Simply Living and an Instructor at Columbia University in the City of New York. She can be reached at or visit her website at

Harlem News Group November 1, 2012



Harlem News Group


Review by Terri Schlichenmeyer, Harlem News contributor or a quiet weekend getaway, there's nothing like a novel. With a novel in your hands, you can travel the world without going anywhere, seeing things your eyes can't show you. Reading a novel allows you to be someone - or something - else for a while. A good novel is just what you need when you need escape. But as you'll see in "The Black Count" by Tom Reiss, your favorite fiction may not be a fiction at all. The knock on the door came just before midnight. Alexandre Dumas, then four years old and the future author of The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers, remembered the sound, even as an adult. It was a knock that brought word of his father's death. Dumas' father, Thomas-Alexandre Delisle, was born in 1762 in SaintDomingue to a fugitive nobleman and a black slave. Known as a fine horseman, Thomas-Alexandre's life was idyllic until his father brought him to France in 1776. There, the boy was educated and later changed his name to become, as Reiss calls him, the "original Alex Dumas."

Though he was technically "owned" by his father, Alex Dumas pre's French education and his life as a nobleman's son was possible, says Reiss, because of several French laws and concepts. Slavery was allowed in France , but the French also embraced the "undeniable right to freedom" once a black slave landed on French soil. Though Dumas was dark-skinned, his appearance was "admired and celebrated," but not as much as his later accomplishments on the battlefield. Much taller than his contemporaries, Dumas was said to look like a centaur when riding. He was extraordinarily strong, wide-shouldered and well-built, and good with a sword. Though he joined the French Revolution as an enlisted man, he quickly worked his way up to General and eventually fought alongside Napoleon. But in 1799, on his way home from Egypt , the great soldier was cap tured by Italian forces and became a prisoner of war. Released two years later, betrayed by his country, he never fought again. Part classic literature, part biog-

raphy, and very steeped in French history, "The Black Count" explains the correlation between Alexandre Dumas' swashbuckling stories and the man who inspired them. And that's all good - if you're into French history, because that makes up a good portion of this book. Author Tom Reiss brings plenty of excitement to Dumas' story, but it comes between pages and pages of battle descriptions and details that are nice to know but that aren't necessarily integral to Dumas' biography. That tended to slow the story down, which often made me lose sight of its importance; specifically, that this inspirational, battle-tested historical and literary figure lived in a surprisingly enlightened time and died in relative obscurity. Reiss tells us why, but it takes awhile to get there. Overall, this isn't a bad book. It's a good peek into a slice of history, but it's slow at times. Beware of that, and "The

Black Count" may be just the right escape for you this weekend. "The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo" by Tom Reiss c.2012, Crown $27.00 / $29.95 Canada 414 pages, includes index


Offer good through November 30, 2012

Harlem News Group November 1, 2012

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By Rev Charles Butler
Question :Rev. Butler, we purchased a home in Harlem in 2004. At a much higher interest rate then the current ones, the value of our home has remained steady and may have increased a little since we purchased it. Do you think we should refinance our mortgage? es, refinancing is definitely something you would want to consider taking advantage of while the rates are at an all time low. If you have an adjustable rate mortgage this may be the time to refinance to a fix rate mortgage. Some people who have a first and a second mortgage may want to refinance to combine these two separate mortgages into one mortgage payment. If you have an interest only mortgage which will be completed with a balloon payment several years from now again this will be an excellent time to change the terms of that mortgage into something that may be more beneficial and manageable for you. The specific factors that will determine if refinancing is a good option for you at this time it (1) what will be the difference in your monthly payment? Most people who are refinancing are realizing a significant monthly savings on their payment. This saving is usually in the area of $200 - 300 per month! That is now money that you have at your disposal to use in a number of different ways i.e. to build up reserves, to make home improvements, to pay down some other debts are just a few things you can do with that extra money. Another factor to be considered in making this determination is (2) what is the cost to refinance my mortgage? Remember refinancing is expensive. You will have to pay costing cost again just as you did when you initially purchased your home. The bank will want to do another appraisal, there may be a number of fees which are associated with refinancing, application fee, title search, attorney fees, lien search etc. The big difference is that these fees may be included in your loan which will increase the amount of your monthly mortgage payment but you will not have any out of pocket expenses, thus making this option even more attractive. You must also consider the (3) current value of your home. The term 'under water' is being used quite frequently these days in the mortgage arena. This term basically means your home has depreciated in value and you now owe more on the home than it is worth. This is the situation many homeowners are facing today especially in neighborhoods where there has been a significant number of foreclosures or short sales. If your home is 'under water' refinancing is not an option but you may be eligible to apply for a loan modification through the government's Making Home Affordable Program. For information on attending the Home Buyer Education Workshop or questions related to the home buying process, contact Rev. Charles Butler at (917) 645-9835 or email at


Harlem News Group November 1, 2012

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Opportunity to work with a community newspaper in your neighborhood. You do not need to be a journalist you just need to be knowledgeable about your neighborhood. Must enjoy meeting people. Must have a cell phone and computer or laptop. Join the Harlem News Group. Training available. Areas available include: Long Island, New Rochelle, Yonkers, Westchester, Co-op City, East Harlem, Washington Heights, Astoria/Corona Queens, Crowne Heights, Bedford Stuyvesant, Downtown Brooklyn and Newark New Jersey. Email resume or bio to


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Harlem News Group November 1, 2012


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20. *Ali seem to relish it 22. Down Under bird 24. With an illustrious past? 25. *Fastest man on Earth 26. To crack, as in case 27. Inbox letter 29. We pledge allegiance to it 31. Pass 32. Continental money 33. Missouri River tributary 34. *Bela Karolyi prodigy 36. Mars, to the Greeks 38. *He was passed by Hammerin' Hank 42. Conversation starter 45. Sorrows 49. Not a thing 51. Colorful Mexican wrap 54. Order 56. Milk dispenser 57. Dull pain 58. Multicolored horse 59. Brazils or filberts, e.g. 60. Become gelatinous 61. Hokkaido language 62. Less than average tide 63. Blue hue 65. Future fish 67. Last, abbr.

STATEPOINT CROSSWORD THEME: FAMOUS ATHLETES ACROSS 1. Like winters in the North, e.g. 6. Western omelet ingredient 9. One of the Three Bears 13. Japanese port 14. International Labor Organization 15. Peeled or trimmed 16. Drawing support 17. A nervous ___ 18. Plural of #10 Down 19. *Most decorated Olympian 21. Unwelcome to a comedian 23. High rocky hill 24. Ditto 25. Wear and tear 28. Opposite of warp in weaving 30. Exhort 35. South of Market Area in San Francisco 37. Like Oscar in "The Odd Couple" 39. Composer of American military marches 40. Wing-shaped 41. *2002 gold medal skater, Hughes 43. Angelina's husband 44. Like a wall covered with certain evergreen 46. Hurtful remark

47. *Quipping Hall-of-Famer 48. *PGA great, Byron 50. Snakelike sushi staple 52. Last word of "America, the Beautiful" 53. Wasn't straight 55. Romanian money 57. *He led an army? 60. *"His Airness" 63. Rub hard 64. Boiling blood 66. Farewell, to ami 68. African tea or chew 69. Rank above maj. 70. Prison-related 71. Strong desires 72. ___ Aviv 73. Go the way of Vesuvius DOWN 1. Tiller's tool 2. Hurry! 3. Poison ivy woe 4. Clay pigeon shooting 5. Render something holy 6. Not misses 7. *Rhyming fighter 8. Cafe order 9. Central to NYC 10. Seed cover 11. *Soccer great known by single name 12. Online pop-ups 15. *Reggie Miller's team

Horoscopes: October 4 - October 10


Drive the speed limit this week or you could wind up with a ticket. Why rush? Serenity is available if you only stop and listen for it inside of you. Discharge your usual obligations with dignity and count your blessings. Soul Affirmation: I am guided by the joy within. Lucky Numbers: 1, 13, 49
TAURUS Justice is on your mind again this week. This may be in a cosmic sense, or you may still be speeding along trying to get a ticket. Slow down and relax your brain-energies! The universe knows how to take care of itself and of you. Trust! Soul Affirmation: Distant love is sometimes sweeter. Lucky Numbers: 8, 11, 13

CANCER Things speed up again this week and you are in a highly creative mood. An outspoken female in your circle may illuminate a thorny question for you. You'll be surprised and pleased by what you hear. Soul Affirmation: I look for the good in all that comes to me this week. Lucky Numbers: 25, 31, 36
LEO One of your most unique gifts is the power to change your mind. You know how to change the way you think, and it gives you great personal magnetism. This week you may be called upon to change the way you think about a person close to you. Do it. Soul Affirmation: Friendships are shock absorbers on the bumpy roads of life. Lucky Numbers: 10, 14, 22 VIRGO

A personal decision is made, and you are happy for the person who makes it. This person may be younger than you, but you've got a karmic bond between you. Enjoy the excitement of moment, and know that faith is being kept by your very actions. Soul Affirmation: This week I forgive myself for everything that has happened.

Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 10 SCORPIO

CAPRICORN Think things through before you act. Concentrate on small details. They will make the difference between success and failure in your endeavors this week. Don't go for the gusto just yet, your ideas need to be massaged a bit more before you present them openly. Call that special someone that has been on your mind. Soul Affirmation: True friendship is a mirror into which I look to see the beauty of my inner self. Lucky Numbers: 2, 17, 41

Harlem News Group November 1, 2012

Hidden resentments could surface and you'll want to be able to gracefully back away from arguments this week. Appreciate the good vibrations and ignore the negative. You'll be doing the universe's work! Soul Affirmation: What I've been waiting for has been here all along. Lucky Numbers: 15, 16, 36
SAGITTARIUS Charming, simply charming is what you are this week! Use your sparkle to set a few dreams in motion by meeting with those who can help you move forward. Wow! Have you got it going on! Keep your spontaneous side in check this week. Soul Affirmation: I know that enjoyment is a state of mind this week. Lucky Numbers: 9, 42, 51

AQUARIUS Your financial constraints will soon come to an end. Meanwhile, make a game of spending less. See how long you can go without letting lose a dime and you will be in a better position to make decisions about bigger ticket items soon. Start thinking about where you would like to take a short excursion. Soul Affirmation: I paint my world in colors of the rainbow. Lucky Numbers: 12, 19, 32

No need for rowdiness, wild ones. You can make your point without waving your hands and arms about wildly! Speak your wisdom softly, gently this week, so that others can hear it and benefit. Soul Affirmation: I face each week with a smile and the week smiles back at me. Lucky Numbers: 22, 27, 31

Focus intently on the personal this week. Others may seem scattered or impersonal, but it's not about you. Keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself until others are more receptive to your good vibrations. Soul Affirmation: I master fear by knowing that all is well. Lucky Numbers: 1, 5, 39

PISCES For the past two weeks you have been playing it safe. Now you can live on the edge a little. Luck is back with you again. You'll be aware of love prospects lingering around you. You'll see that your career is full of bright possibilities. Now is a good time to take a chance. Soul Affirmation: Self-confidence is the key to my success this week. Lucky Numbers: 13, 27, 53


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A corner of Italy in HarlemAVAI


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Harlem News Group November 1, 2012


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Pictured with BP Markowitz are, from left to right, New York Islanders PR Representative Kimber Auerbach, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Barclays Center Majority Owner Bruce Ratner, NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman and New York Islanders GM Garth Snow. n Wednesday, October 24, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz joined New York Islanders Owner Charles B. Wang, Barclays Center Majority Owner and Developer Bruce Ratner, New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, National Hockey League Commissioner Gary Bettman, Islanders General Manager Garth Snow, Barclays Center CEO Brett Yormark and Onexim Sports and Entertainment to announce that the Islanders will move to Barclays Center in Brooklyn. The 25-year agreement begins for the 2015-16 season. "Today is another great day for Brooklyn," said BP Markowitz. "When I first campaigned for borough president, I made the promise that I would bring a major league sports team to Brooklyn. But never, in my wildest dreams, did I think we would be home to both the Brooklyn Nets and the New York Islanders. It won't be a long journey for the Islanders; after all, Brooklyn is where Long Island begins, and Nassau County is just a short Zamboni ride away from the big stage of Brooklyn and the Barclays Center. With the Nets and the Islanders, Brooklyn is beginning a dominant power play." New York Islanders Owner Charles B. Wang, Barclays Center Major-

In photo (left to right): Peter Godwin, president, PEN American Center; Neil Giacobbi, AT&T; Larry Siems, director, PEN American Center's Freedom to Write Program; BP Markowitz; Paul Auster Photo by Kathryn Kirk n Wednesday, October 24, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz joined Neil Giaccobi from AT&T at Brooklyn Borough Hall to award Paul Auster-winner of this year's AT&T Fan Fave at the Brooklyn Book Festival-his $3,000 top prize, donated to the PEN American Center's Freedom to Write Program and accepted by PEN American Center's president, Peter Godwin, and the director of the Freedom to Write Program, Larry Siems. Auster, whose participation in this year's Brooklyn Book Festival coincided with the release of his latest novel, the memoir Winter Journal, finished first in fan voting; Dan Savage (donating his winnings to First Book) and Edwidge Danticat (donating her award to Three Little Flowers Center Inc.) placed second and third place, respectively. "This is the first popularity contest I have ever won," said Paul Auster, "but I'm glad it came with some money attached to it so I could give it to the most important literary organization in the world-PEN-the only human rights organization devoted exclusively to the defense of writers." "We are so grateful to the Brooklyn Book Festival and AT&T for making this possible, and to Paul both for honoring us today and for his constant support

ity Owner and Developer Bruce Ratner, and Onexim Sports and Entertainment announced today that the Islanders will move to Barclays Center in Brooklyn. The 25-year agreement begins for the 2015-16 season. The announcement was made at a press conference in the GEICO Atrium at Barclays Center, which was also attended by New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, National Hockey League Commissioner Gary Bettman, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, Islanders General Manager Garth Snow, and Barclays Center CEO Brett Yormark. In support of the illustrious history of the team, the New York Islanders name and logo will remain unchanged. "It was our goal from day one to keep the Islanders in the local New York area." Wang said. "We're thrilled to have the opportunity to play in Barclays Center, a first class arena. This has been a long journey for the Islanders family starting with our loyal fans, sponsors, and employees. I want to personally thank them for their patience, loyalty, and support. I am excited about today's announcement and I am looking forward to a long and successful future in Brooklyn."

for PEN's efforts to protect writers and defend freedom of expression around the world," said Larry Siems, director of the PEN American Center's Freedom to Write Program. "The Brooklyn Book Festival is a wonderful celebration of literature and the freedom to write. That spirit infuses and energizes our work throughout the year-and even more so this year, thanks to this very special recognition." "Park Slope's very own Paul Auster is one of those gifted writers who captures the character and characters of Brooklyn through stories about personal lives and the search for 'true self,' said Brooklyn Borough President Markowitz. "I am proud to join Brooklyn Book Festival fans and AT&T in honoring this 'literary lion' and the PEN American Center, both of whom have made outstanding contributions to the success of the Festival and to Brooklyn's rightful place as the epicenter of the literary universe in America." "AT&T congratulates Paul Auster, winner of the Brooklyn Book Festival's AT&T Fan Fave award," said Marissa Shorenstein, president, AT&T, New York. "There is no better way to celebrate this amazing Brooklyn festival which brought together readers-young and old-in the hub of the literary community."

Harlem News Group November 1, 2012


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aGuardia Community College is offering a free 14-week internship program for job-ready New York City young adults (between 16-24) who are not working or returning to school. Recruitment is ongoing. Participants in the Young Adult Internship Program (YAIP) will receive three weeks of orientation prior to the internship; 11 weeks of paid internship (20 work hours and five workshop hours per week); job counseling, and work-readiness training leading to the National Work Readiness Credential. Upon completion of the program, they can apply to college; enter into an occupational skills training program; earn a GED diploma; or connect with other job and educational opportunities. The program will be held in the colleges C building at 2910 Thomson Avenue, Long Island City.

LaGuardia Community College located in Long Island City, Queens, was founded in 1971 as a bold experiment in opening the doors of higher education to all, and we proudly carry forward that legacy today. LaGuardia educates students through over 50 degree, certificate and continuing education programs, providing an inspiring place for students to achieve their dreams. Upon graduation, LaGuardia students lives are transformed as family income increases 17%, and students transfer to four-year colleges at twice the national average. Part of the City University of New York (CUNY), LaGuardia is a nationally recognized leader among community colleges for boundary-breaking success educating underserved students. At LaGuardia we imagine new ideas, create new curriculum and pioneer programs to make our community and our country stronger.

eighborhood Housing Services of Jamaica, Inc. in collaboration with Council Member Leroy Comrie presented the 2nd Annual 2012 Multicultural Housing Expo and Financial Fitness Day on September 29th. The success of last years Expo led to it becoming an annual event. The Housing Expo provided information and access to a wide range of affordable housing resources, information on senior repair grants, low cost home improvement loans, closing cost and down payment assistance grants and mortgage placement. Financial fitness experts were available to help participants understand credit scores and reports. Exhibitors will provide live demonstrations on home repair and energy conservation savings. Industry panelists discussed the future of home ownership and conducted Question and Answer sessions with participants. Exhibitors included insurance companies, local banks, realtors,

attorneys, New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development, Legal Aide, and other community partners. The keynote speaker for the general session was Clyde Anderson, a seasoned CNN contributing finance expert, and author of What Had Happened Was During the lunch break, attendees were entertained with live music and Latin Caribbean Beats performed by NICODA (New International Center of Diverse Artists). The audience was engaged to sing, dance and learn easy Salsa and Merengue dance moves. We are excited about presenting all this information to perspective buyers. As we guide them through the process of purchasing a home, we feel confident that it will help them avoid foreclosure. said Cathy Mickens, Executive Director at Neighborhood Housing Services of Jamaica. For more information about Neighborhood Housing Services Call 718-291-7400 or visit:

For more information Visit www.laguardia and requirements, call (718) .edu to learn more. 609-2131.

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