Lesson 2: RMAN Architecture Workshop ........................................................... 2

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Backup & Recovery with RMAN: Solutions to Workshops

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-- Lesson 2: RMAN Architecture Workshop ...........................................................2

2004 SkillBuilders, Inc.


Backup & Recovery with RMAN: Solutions to Workshops

-- Lesson 2: RMAN Architecture Workshop

2004 SkillBuilders, Inc.


Backup & Recovery with RMAN: Solutions to Workshops

1. Assume you have twelve Oracle 9.0.1 databases that you are responsible for backing up. All can be reached from your workstation via SQL*Net. Answer the following questions: Q. How many copies of the RMAN executable will you use? A. One. Since all my databases are the same release, I can use one release 9.0.1 executable. Q. Where will you install the RMAN executable(s)? A. I will install the RMAN executable on my workstation. I will be able to control the backup and recovery operations for all twelve databases right from my workstation. Q. Will you use a Recovery Catalog? Why? A. Yes, because I have multiple databases to backup and recover. The catalog provides a single location for all backup metadata for all twelve databases. Q. If you will use a Recovery Catalog, where will you locate the catalog? Why? A. Either on my workstation or on the Oracle Enterprise Manager workstation. I want to keep the recovery catalog separate from the target databases so in the event I lose a production (target) database, I have the recovery information safe. Q. If you will use a Recovery Catalog, how will you backup the recovery database? A. I will use RMAN NOTCATALOG mode so that I do not have to set up another server just to back up my recovery catalog database. 2. Assume you have twelve Oracle databases that you are responsible for backing up. They range in release from 7.3 to 9.2. All can be reached from your workstation via SQL*Net. Answer the following questions: Q. How many copies of the RMAN executable will you use? A. I will use as many RMAN executables as different release databases I am supporting. The Oracle documentation says the release of the RMAN executable should be the same release as the target database. Q. Where will you install the RMAN executables? A. Since I have to have multiple copies, I install and execute RMAN from the target databases. Q. Will you use a Recovery Catalog? Why? A. Yes, because I have multiple databases to backup and recover. The catalog provides a single location for all backup metadata for all twelve databases. 3. Assume that you have one Oracle 9.2 database to backup, and only one machine at your disposal. Answer the following questions: Q. Will you use a Recovery Catalog? Why? A. No. In this scenario it is simpler to use the control file only there is

2004 SkillBuilders, Inc.


Backup & Recovery with RMAN: Solutions to Workshops little benefit of creating a recovery catalog on the same machine as the target database. Q. If you decide to backup every 7 days, what value will you set the control_file_record_keep_time parameter to? A. 8. 4. Look in the alert log on your sample database for the CREATE DATABASE command. What are the following set to: MAXLOGHISTORY: 1 MAXLOGFILES: 5 MAXDATAFILES: 100 5. Query v$controlfile_record_section. What are the RECORDS_TOTAL and RECORDS_USED for the following records types: DATAFILE - 100 REDO LOG - 5 LOG HISTORY - 226 Q. Do the values match the values specified on the CREATE DATABASE command? If not explain. A. Yes, except for LOG HISTORY. The CREATE DATABASE setting is 1 and the control file was created with the default of 226. 6. Log in as SYSTEM and execute: ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE; 7. Query v$controlfile_record_section again. What changed in the LOG HISTORY records area of the control file? A. The RECORDS_USED value in the LOG HISTORY section was incremented by 1.

2004 SkillBuilders, Inc.


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