Sceintific Review of HHO Kit

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Prepared by Mr. Asim Riaz, Senior Research Engineer Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan


1) Is Water a Fuel or Not?
Essential for life, water indeed is the most important resource in our planet, although it is mostly unpriced. Water has always fascinated man due to its vitality and amazing properties. This review is not to deny the importance of water but to discuss whether water is a fuel or not. Water appears to be an Ideal fuel as it is abundantly available, economical and renewable. It is safe to handle and easy to store and transport. It is nontoxic/poisonous both in short and long term besides being environmentally friendly. It deals with problems of demand growth, energy security, supply challenges and climate change. This sound too good to be true! The fact is that it is impossible to use water as a fuel with the present day technology. One of the overarching property of any fuel is its heating value which is usually measured in BTUs per unit. Water has no heating value as it does not burn at all. The only way water can produce heat is through nuclear fusion reaction of its deuterium/tritium isotopes. The fusion reaction of water requires tens of millions of degree centigrade temperature to start in order to overcome the repulsion of positively charged proton in the nucleus of Hydrogen atom. Water is a stable compound which is in oxidized state. It is a spent fuel which comes out from the exhaust of the car IC engine. In simple words, water is an ash when hydrogen is burned, just as when wood is burned (i.e. oxidized) it results in ash. An Internal Combustion engine of any vehicle is a heat engine which requires fuel as a source of heat to create a hot reservoir and a coolant for the ejection of heat to cold reservoir. It is an interesting paradox that in an HHO car, water is being used for both proposes i.e. as a heat source & as a coolant.

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Prepared by Mr. Asim Riaz, Senior Research Engineer Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan


Violation of the Fundamental Laws of science by HHO kit inventors

The claims of HHO kit inventors violate the most fundamental scientific and

physical laws of nature. These laws are following, 1) Law of conservation of energy, 2) First law of Thermodynamics, 3) Second law of Thermodynamics and 4) Law of conservation of mass. The explanation of how the HHO kit claims violate these laws is given below. a) Law of conservation of energy

In water fueled car kit system, the chemical energy of fuel is first converted into heat (combustion) and then mechanical energy (Heat Engine), then to electrical energy (AC current by Alternator), then to direct current (DC Battery) and then the DC electrical energy is converted back to chemical energy through electrolysis, which is fed in the engine to be converted back to heat and then to mechanical energy. In all these steps, we returned back from mechanical/chemical energy input to mechanical/chemical energy output. Even if we take efficiency to be 100% of every step we get same units which were given as input as energy can neither be created nor destroyed. The maximum overall efficiency of the HHO water kit is only about 8%, however, the mileage of an HHO vehicle does not decrease significantly as alternator use only a fraction of vehicles engine power.
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Prepared by Mr. Asim Riaz, Senior Research Engineer Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan

b) First law of Thermodynamics First Law of thermodynamics states that it is impossible to construct an engine which will work in a cycle and produce continuous work from nothing. Car running purely on water clearly violates first Law of thermodynamics as there is net gain of energy in HHO system (output > input) according to the claims of HHO kit inventors. c) Second law of Thermodynamics According to second law, there will be net loss of energy when the chemical energy of petrol is converted to chemical energy of HHO as it is impossible to convert heat energy to any other form of energy with 100% efficiency. The engine runs from heat energy provided by the fuel i.e. CNG, LPG, Petrol or HSD. Alternator runs from mechanical energy provided by the engine. HHO kit is drawing electrical energy from alternator through battery. HHO kit converts electrical energy which is the most versatile and useful form of energy to chemical energy of HHO to be used to produce heat, which is the most raw form of energy. d) Law of Conservation of Mass The atomic mass of Hydrogen is 1 and oxygen is 16. This implies that 1 kg/liter of water only has 112 gram of Hydrogen gas. The quantity of water used by HHO kits are negligible compared to the engine fuel requirement as 9 liters of water is required to produce 1 kg of hydrogen gas.


Economics of HHO kit

In an electrolysis process, the cost of producing Hydrogen gas is directly

proportional to the cost of electricity. One of the most expensive way to produce electricity is by using alternator of vehicle as its efficiency is only about 50%-55%. Hence, producing HHO through electrolysis using car battery cell is not economical.

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