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Q. How testing is done in Health care domain? A. In Healthcare domain, we can deal with Health insurance and Validation Testing are the best things whatever may be the application may be. For Healthcare domain, we need to concentrate on HIPPA rules for USA based Clients. Q. Give some examples for Areas in Healthcare Industry? A. Hospital Management, Health Insurance system, Claim Processing system etc.. Q. Modules in Hospital Management System A: Base Modules are: Appointments Registration Consultation (OP) Ward Management(IP) Billing and Accounts Packages and Health Plans Corporate and Insurance Electronic Medical Records Services (Test/Results) Specialty Modules are: Cardiology Nephrology Gastro-Enterology Ophthalmology Obstetrics and Gynecology Orthopedics Physiotherapy Neurology Oncology Dermatology Medical Imaging Ayurvedic Medicine Chinese Medicine Herbal Treatment Add-on Modules are: Stores and Pharmacy Dietary

Blood Bank Waste management Complains/ House Keeping Financial Accounting Attendance and Payroll Duty Roster System OT Management Radiology Emergency/ Casualty Ambulatory Services Medical Transcription Linen and CSSD Material Management Asset Management Q. What are the Challenges Faced by Testers in the Healthcare Domain? A. Challenges Faced by Testers in the Healthcare Domain are as follows: Testing Healthcare software is a difficult task for testers as it requires a vast knowledge of the domain. It also poses many challenges because of the complexity of the design, diagnosis, and the day to day development of the patient. Moreover, the product needs to conform to various Safety and Regulatory Standards such as IHE, HL7 and others. With an increase in the demand for Healthcare software, there is also a rise in the complexity of the product. 1. Healthcare Standards Testers should be aware of the various standards in the healthcare domain such as DICOM, HIPAA and others while testing the product for various aspects. Testing a healthcare product without having knowledge of the various standards will result in the inadequacy of testing. 2. Domain and System Knowledge Testers should be well aware of the various functionality, clinical usage, the environment the software will be used and others while testing healthcare products. 3. Safety and Hazards If the healthcare product is not tested adequately for safety and hazards, it will have a fatal impact not only on the product but also on the patient. Testers must be able to identify the various hazards and their impact. 4. Process Compliance Healthcare products also need to comply with various standards like FDA, ISO and CMMI before they can be used. Testers must be well trained on the various standards so as to ensure that the product meets the requirements of the various standards. 5. Cross Dependency of Software Complex software has different components and layers. Changes in one component or layer can lead to some side effects on the other. Testers must ensure that there will be no side effects on the other layers whenever there are changes. Q. What are the terms in Health Care?

A. Common Healthcare terms: 1. Payer 2. Plan 3. Provider 4. Member 5. Subscriber 6. Claim 7. Product 8. COB (Coordination of benefits) 9. PCP (Primary Care Provider) 10. Capitation 11. HIPAA Q. Why we do UAT testing in healthcare domain testing? A. UAT testing in healthcare domain testing: Healthcare Organizations (HCOs) buy complex software that require frequent upgrades, hot fixes and service packs. Given the criticality of the software, they would like to ensure that the software works flawlessly before they go live with a major release. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is done to ensure the software meet user expectations by: Validating that the software is functionally fit for purpose. Validating business workflows. Validating performance measures. Q. What are the advantages of HealthAsyst UAT services to the HCOs? A: HealthAsyst UAT services offer several key advantages to the HCOs: Deep healthcare domain knowledge of the testers. Save significant amount of clinical staff time. Ability to address demand fluctuations - Flexibility to ramp up and down depending on work load. Q. What are the challenges in executing UAT in HCOs? A. HCOs face challenges in executing UAT properly because of: Paucity of time with the clinical staff who are often called upon to do it. Considerable effort required for Test data setup and Test environment validation . Q. What is the approach, strategy or methodology followed to derive effective system tests for health care domain products? A. Since in healthcare domain the database is going to expand vigorously, load and performance testing (automated) is a must. Regarding functional testing - the test cases and scenarios will be based on software system requirements document, and will also depend on if it is a web based architecture or client server based or standalone. Based on this the unit testing, module testing, integration testing etc. will be done.

DOMAIN: BANKING Q. What should test in BANKING DOMAIN application?

A. You would like to test: Banking Workflows Data Integrity issues Security and access issues Recovery testing All the above needs to be tested in the expected banking environment (hardwares, LAN, Op Sys, domain configurations, databases) Q. What is special about testing in the banking industry? A. There are 3 characteristics that pose specific challenges to testing for banks: 1. Frequently changing market and regulatory requirements 2. High data confidentiality requirements 3. Complex system landscapes including legacy systems

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