Ing Career Asa Sales Person

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Dreaming Career As a Sales Person

Personal Selling and Sales Promotion

Course no-415 Career Opportunity as a Sales Person

Prepared For: SHEHELY PARVIN Assistant Professor Department of Marketing University of Dhaka

Prepared By: Jewel Chakma Roll: 177 Sec: A BBA 13th Batch Department of Marketing University of Dhaka

November 02, 2010

Executive Summary
This is the report on the actions and strategies of a senior sales consultant of RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR, Mr. Afjal Hossain. On the physical inspection and conversation with Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju) I have got some crucial information of their selling and promotional strategies. The strategies used there are the STP (segmentation, targeting and positioning) along with the marketing mix-the 4ps. Those 4ps are product, price, place and promotion. All of these strategies and marketing tactical tools are used as a co-ordination and collaboration with each other. All of these issues have strong relationship that one will affect another. From this analysis a strong idea about sales person, their strategies, tactics and practical attitude toward customers is achieved. These all will help a lot in the path of career building.

At first I like to thanks Almighty Allah for empowering me to finish such a critical task. Despite the fact that it was an individual assigned task a little bit of conversation with the friends and group members helped me a lot to conclude this task at an earliest convenience. The whole idea came from the practical experience of Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju), Managing Director of RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR. He helped me a lot providing all of the vital information that I really needed. My special thanks go to Mrs. Shehely Parvin, the course instructor for providing me the opportunity to make such a report on a salesperson that will work as a guideline to choose a career as sales consultant. This will help me a lot in implementing my dream as a sales consultant.

November 02, 2010

Mrs. Shehely Parvin Assistant Professor Department of Marketing University of Dhaka Subject: Letter of transmittal Madam, With great pleasure I like to inform you that I have completed my assigned task with in the due time frame. This report deals with the strategies and tactical tools used by Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju), the Managing Director of RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR. There are a lot of opportunities regarding learning new implications of marketing strategies and tactics. I can assure you that my maximum effort is given to do this. This is the report of my level best attempt. Eventually, I would like to thank you to be directing to do this and providing with various information throughout the time. For any adjustment beckon me at your convenience. Yours earnestly Md. Ariful Islam Roll: 037 Sec: A BBA 13th Batch Department of Marketing University of Dhaka

RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR is a renowned company in the Narayangonj City; situated opposite to new court at 32 Chashara. It was founded on 16 May 2002. Since last 8 years the firm is offering the customers the quality product. The firm is serving the city customers providing materials required to build and decorate houses. It is providing customers with many of products and services that are described in the later portion of product and service. RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR have both corporate and personal clients. They offer home delivery of their product. They mainly deal with personal clients but recently the number of corporate clients is increasing. They maintain the quality relationship with customers. They also offer after sales services to the customers. Their slogan is that We will stand by you, just at a single call, at anywhere, at any time.

About- Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju),

Afjal Hossain (Raju) the managing director and also the sales executive of
RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR, completed his Master degree from Jahangirnagar University at Economics in 2000. He also did MBA from a private university. He said that the RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR is now on its maturity stage and is also the market leader in the city. According to him the firm is also striving to maintain its position in the market because of the emergence of the market challenger.

Marketing Strategies
The main marketing strategies are defined as STP. The meaning of STP is depicted as below: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning. These are very significant for this firm. The sales executive Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju) has the consideration in every sales and services to these marketing strategies. He has very keen eyes to these marketing strategies. These are described as below:

Segmentation means dividing the market into various group of customers based on income, age, race, sex, social class, dependency, status, education and others geographic, demographic, behavioral and psychological aspect. Among the demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral segmentation the sales executive of RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR, Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju) can choose all or a combination of them as well. But Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju) emphasizes on demographics, high income level there are also some product for the citizen who fall to the mid-range income category. Geographically Chashara is the main customers area for RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR. So their Segmentation strategies can depicted as below:
High income segment of customers Medium income segment of customers Steady income segment of customers Artistic class people Upper & mid-level social class Quality sensitive segment of customers

Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju) segments his prospect on the basis of the above criteria set by the firm RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR. It is deemed to me that they are very clever in choosing their customer segment. I also noticed that they are always seeking to find new segment of customers.

Targeting means selecting one or more market segments to enter. RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR doesnt go for much promotional activities for their target market. Talking with Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju) I came to know that all of the upper and upper middle class of people and also those seeking quality are their target customers. As RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATORs products are costly in

compare with the other brands. It is not affordable for the general people having low level of income. So their target markets are depicted as below:
People making new flat/home.

People looking for decorative instrument. Business clients seeking for furnishing materials. House Building companies.
Interior Designers. House Contractor

Positioning means highlighting certain features of the products to hold in the mind of customers. Positioning is very crucial in sustaining in the dynamic business world. Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju) has thorough knowledge about positioning. He knows better about how to position his product in mind of customers. There are different positioning strategy that depends on the product life cycle and many other factors. RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATORs product selling strategies for positioning new and emerging products include the following: Develop new level of expectation) Change habits. Establish new standard. Build desire for product (by creating attention and attraction). Focus on creating new market. Emphasis company superiority. Emphasis brand superiority. Point out unique feature. Point out the point of parity and point of differences. Provide outstanding customer service. In addition to this, RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR provides following benefits for their customers: Offer service after sales.

Offer free maintence service. Frequent contact with customer. Inform about the new innovation etc.

Marketing Mix Strategy

Marketing Mix Strategy is the combination of some tactical tools, which is known as the 4p. The 4p is the tactical tools that are used by RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR in marketing their product and services. These are the basic tools that help this company to burgeon them within a very short period of time. The strategies are regarding the product & Service, Price, Place and Promotion. These all are depicted as below:

Product and services

In the RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR, all of the sales persons deal with their limited number of product line and services. In the city there are few corporate clients of RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR. The RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR has the following products for the customers: Metal Ceiling Glass Black Auto Door Glass Door Hardware Internal Decoration Vertical Blinds Aluminum Fabrication etc.

Price is the amount that is to be paid by the customers to obtain the desired products or services. Price is the only tool of marketing mix strategy that

brings the profit for the firm. The pricing policy of a company depends on many factors. Positioning is a very important factor on which pricing depends. Organizations objective like- profit maximization and enhance market share are also factors that influence pricing. Every business firm should pick one of the three disciplines- 1) best price 2) best product or 3) best service In case of price, Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju) has no other choice other than giving in fixed price with better service and quality and service after sales. The RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATORs entire product has fixed price. This pricing is by image and quality pricing, value added pricing by Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju), because of the features of the product and service. This is the responsibility of the sales consultants to prove and make the customer understand about the product and price relationship. High quality creates high value that leads to higher price. Here is a plus point because all the customers of RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR are quality, innovation and image concern other than price. Thats why Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju), has no much worried about the high price of the products. So their pricing strategy is especially the value based pricing at the same time very effective too.

Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju) said to me that whole the Narayangonj City is the target market for his firm to provide products. He works in the office or sales show room of RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR. He needs not to go out of the show room like the general sales persons. This is the criteria of the professional sales people or senior sales consultants that they work at their office and customers come to them. Whenever customers come to their office they come with a positive attitude towards the brand, product, service or the company. That is why sales peoples outing cost is less and they have no time and amount investment in transportation.

Here sales person or consultants has no opportunity to give any compensation to the customers regarding price. All of the products are less deductible. If the authority wants to give discount they can give with certain

situation but the salesperson cant. RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR go for much promotional activities. RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR spends huge amount in billboards, newspaper for advertisement all over the city. That has much effect that as a local reseller the organization need not to spend much money. The promotions tools that are used by Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju) are public relation on behalf of the company and direct marketing.

Learning and perception about selling career

A rolling stone gathers no moss. So if a sales person wants to see himself at the zenith of success then he must be determined and committed with his profession. From this report others valuable learnings are depicted as below: How to work under pressure in the seismic business world aligning with mission & vision. How to build long term relationship with both customers and the business partners. How to build profitable relationship with customers and derive value from them. How important the knowledge of company and product to be succeeded. Importance of the knowledge of competitors strength and weakness. Above all the importance of marketing mix & STP can clearly be understood from the report. Now a day, selling profession is becoming a flourishing career opportunity all over the world. This boom is because of the rapidly increasing number of professional sellers. The sales persons work is no longer confined to selling but as professional sellers and sales executives, or sales consultants their work is becoming vast. They are working as seller as well as executives, consultants, team members, partners, after sales service provider and so on. These fit to the work of Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju).

Guidelines for successful sales executives

The criteria or qualifications that are necessary to be a successful sales person are depicted as below:

Courtesy and trustworthiness Knowledge about company, product, service or brand Understanding customers Providing after sales service Can better relate product feature with customer benefit (making bridge statement) Building long time relationship with the customers Ensuring to provide quality and value to the customers In choosing sales consultants RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR tries to find out people with the above criteria. Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju) has the above qualifications that help him to act as a partner to the company. By achieving the above qualifications anybody can be professional salespeople.

Sales Person: Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju), the managing director and also
the sales executive of RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR

G. L. Manning and B. L. Reece, 2008 Selling Today Building Quality Relationship, Pearson Publication.

Visiting Card of Mr. Afjal Hossain (Raju), the managing director and also the sales executive of RABBANA THAI & STEEL FABRICATOR.

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