28 Databases

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Database Unit
Read the questions and tick the answers that you think are correct 1. A database is used to a Calculate figures b Store data in a logical order c Layout pages attractively d Present material using animations and graphics 2. The software that we would use to create a database is a Microsoft Publisher b Microsoft Excel c Microsoft Word d Microsoft Access 3. In a database, data is stored in a Tables b Forms c Reports d Queries 4. Which of the following would be used to uniquely identify a record? a Validation b Data type c Primary key d Field size 5. The best data type to choose for a postcode would be a Number b Text c Date/Time d Currency 6. The best data type to choose for date of birth would be a Number b Text c Date/Time d Currency

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Student Name:_______________________________________Date:_____________

7. A required field is a form of a Validation b Verification c Data Entry d Data Output 8. A postcode is usually written in the same format e.g. LLNN NLL (L=letter, N=number). The most suitable type of validation to use in this instance would be a Input Mask b Required Field c Range Check d None 9. The best data type to choose for a postcode would be a Number b Text c Date/Time d Currency 10. a b c d 11. a b c d 12. a b c d To find a particular set of data in a database you would use a Table Form Query Report Besides entering data directly into the table, you could use a Field Form Query Report To display the data from a query in a professional format you could use a Table Form Query Report

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Student Name:_______________________________________Date:_____________

The local zoo has created a database to store records about each of the animals. A copy of their Animal Breed Giant Panda Giant Panda Penguin Lion Lion Crocodile Gorilla Zebra Snake Parrot main table looks like the one below: Age Name Gender Pongo Bongo Pingu Hermes Tarsa Spike Gemella Stripey Leyla Robina

Food Bamboo Bamboo Fish Fresh meat Fresh meat Fresh meat Fruit Grass Live mice Nuts and seeds


8 7 5 4 4 7 122 8 2 25

1. How many fields are there in the zoo database? 2. How many records are stored in the database? 3. One of the fields has been sorted into ascending order. Which field is it? 4. One item of data in the database looks incorrect. Which one do you think it is?. 5. Explain your answer 6. A code has been used for the gender field. What do you think the code stands for? . 7. Why might a code be used? 8. How many animals are there in the database which are female? 9. Give the names of the animals which eat fresh bamboo? 10. Give the name of the animal which eats fresh meat and is female?

www.teach-ict.com All Rights Reserved Mr Harji

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