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Flash Note
17 December 2012

Co. Reg No: 198700034E MICA (P) : 099/03/2012

Singapore Property Update

Premature to Declare Victory
Wilson LIEW (65) 6432 1454 Home sales hit 11-month low. New private home sales data for the month of Nov 2012 have been released by the URA today. Excluding Executive Condos (ECs), developers sold 1,087 homes sold in Nov, which was an eleven-month low. It was a 44% decline from the previous month. In fact, the units launched by developers reached a 3year low at 773 units, as they exercise caution a month after the government introduced new measures to curb the tenure of home loans. This brings the number of new homes sold to 21,288 units YTD, on track to reach our estimated 22,000 units for the full year. Buyers hunting for value. With the new restrictions on home loan tenures, it appears that activity largely surrounded the projects where there is perceived value. The best-selling project was Eco Sanctuary, a project by Malaysia-listed SP Setia. 140 units were sold at a median price of SGD1050 psf, which was slightly below the median price of SGD1120 psf for units transacted at Foresque Residences nearby. This was followed by CapitaLand's D'Leedon, where 300 new units were released for sale, of which 133 were sold at a median price of SGD1431 psf, slightly lower than the YTD median transacted price of SGD1,519 psf. In the high-end segment, the unlisted Far East Organisation still managed to sell another 10 units at The Scotts Tower for >SGD3,000 psf each. Their median price was SGD3,459 psf, which suggests that high-end property prices remain fairly firm, Too soon to declare victory. We see signs that the marginal buyers are increasingly trading down, potentially turning their attention to the EC segment if they satisfy the monthly household income eligibility of not more than SGD12,000 per month. The various cooling measures are also turning investors' attention to projects where value appears to be surfacing, such as those mentioned above. However, as it is merely a couple of months since the last round of cooling measures, it may be too early to suggest that the property market has effectively cooled to the government's satisfaction. No let-up in land supply. Looking forward, we expect the government to remain steadfast in ensuring ample supply via the Government Land Sales (GLS) programme unless developers start to put in tepid bids. Just last week, the 1H13 GLS programme was announced, with the government putting up sites sufficient to yield ~14,000 homes. The 13 sites on the Confirmed List can potentially yield 6,935 residential units, out of which 3110 will be for ECs. We are not ruling out further rounds of cooling measures, especially if the demand rebounds significantly without a corresponding improvement in economic conditions. What else can the government do? In our view, one possible measure would be to restrict existing HDB owners from buying private property if they want to still hold on to their HDB units, even if they have fulfilled their Minimum Occupation Period (MOP) of five years. YTD, purchasers of new non-landed private property with HDB addresses


Singapore Property Sector

make up 54% of all transactions, up from 48% in 2011 and 38% in 2010. There are a few implications and potential impact from such a move, if implemented. Firstly, it will prevent Singaporeans from being overly exposed to the property market by owning both HDB and private property. Secondly, as HDB units are generally accepted to be the affordable option for the general public, compelling owners to sell their HDB units if they wish to upgrade to private property may potentially free up more HDB units in the resale market. Hence, resale prices and cash-over-valuation may come down over time to more affordable levels. Last but not least, as a matter of principle, many buyers of HDB units obtain various grants which effectively subsidise their HDB purchases at the point of purchase. By subsequently upgrading to private property and renting out their old HDB units, this could be perceived as inequitable as the owner would have benefitted from the original government subsidies and now making attractive investment returns by renting the unit out. Stick with high-end developers for Singapore exposure. Overall, we still expect the mass market segment to face the greatest downside risks, correcting by up to 10% in 2013, while high-end property prices should hold firm as more investors seek out relative value. Reiterate Wing Tai (WINGT SP; TP: SGD2.14) and Ho Bee (HOBEE SP; TP: SGD1.95) as our top picks within the Singapore residential segment.
Non-landed new private home sales (by month)






Units launched (ex EC)

Units sold (ex EC)

Source: URA

Profile of non-landed private property buyers

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2010Q1 2010Q2 2010Q3 2010Q4 2011Q1 2011Q2 2011Q3 2011Q4 2012Q1 2012Q2 2012Q3 2012Q4* HDB addressee Private addressee 37% 36% 39% 39% 45% 49% 48% 48% 58% 53% 54% 48% 63% 64% 61% 61% 55% 51% 52% 52% 42% 47% 46% 52%

* Preliminary

Source: URA

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Singapore Property Sector

P K BASU Regional Head, Research & Economics (65) 6432 1821 WONG Chew Hann, CA Acting Regional Head of Institutional Research (603) 2297 8686 ONG Seng Yeow Regional Products & Planning (65) 6432 1453

Suhaimi ILIAS Chief Economist Singapore | Malaysia (603) 2297 8682 Luz LORENZO Economist Philippines | Indonesia (63) 2 849 8836

WONG Chew Hann, CA Head of Research (603) 2297 8686 Strategy Construction & Infrastructure Desmond CHNG, ACA (603) 2297 8680 Banking - Regional LIAW Thong Jung (603) 2297 8688 Oil & Gas Automotive Shipping ONG Chee Ting, CA (603) 2297 8678 Plantations Mohshin AZIZ (603) 2297 8692 Aviation Petrochem Power YIN Shao Yang, CPA (603) 2297 8916 Gaming Regional Media Power TAN CHI WEI, CFA (603) 2297 8690 Construction & Infrastructure Power WONG Wei Sum, CFA (603) 2297 8679 Property & REITs LEE Yen Ling (603) 2297 8691 Building Materials Manufacturing Technology LEE Cheng Hooi Head of Retail Technicals

Gregory YAP Head of Research (65) 6432 1450 Technology & Manufacturing Telcos - Regional Wilson LIEW (65) 6432 1454 Hotel & Resort Property & Construction James KOH (65) 6432 1431 Logistics Resources Consumer Small & Mid Caps YEAK Chee Keong, CFA (65) 6432 1460 Healthcare Offshore & Marine Alison FOK (65) 6432 1447 Services S-chips Bernard CHIN (65) 6432 1146 Transport (Land, Shipping & Aviation) ONG Kian Lin (65) 6432 1470 REITs / Property Wei Bin (65) 6432 1455 S-chips Small & Mid Caps

Sukit UDOMSIRIKUL Head of Research (66) 2658 6300 ext 5090 Maria LAPIZ Head of Institutional Research Dir (66) 2257 0250 | (66) 2658 6300 ext 1399 Consumer/ Big Caps Andrew STOTZ Strategist (66) 2658 6300 ext 5091 Mayuree CHOWVIKRAN (66) 2658 6300 ext 1440 Strategy Suttatip PEERASUB (66) 2658 6300 ext 1430 Media Commerce Sutthichai KUMWORACHAI (66) 2658 6300 ext 1400 Energy Petrochem Termporn TANTIVIVAT (66) 2658 6300 ext 1520 Property Woraphon WIROONSRI (66) 2658 6300 ext 1560 Banking & Finance Jaroonpan WATTANAWONG (66) 2658 6300 ext 1404 Transportation Small cap. Chatchai JINDARAT (66) 2658 6300 ext 1401 Electronics Pongrat RATANATAVANANANDA (66) 2658 6300 ext 1398 Services/ Small Caps

Katarina SETIAWAN Head of Research (62) 21 2557 1125 Consumer Strategy Telcos Lucky ARIESANDI, CFA (62) 21 2557 1127 Base metals Coal Oil & Gas Rahmi MARINA (62) 21 2557 1128 Banking Multifinance Pandu ANUGRAH (62) 21 2557 1137 Auto Heavy equipment Plantation Toll road Adi N. WICAKSONO (62) 21 2557 1130 Generalist Anthony YUNUS (62) 21 2557 1134 Cement Infrastructure Property Arwani PRANADJAYA (62) 21 2557 1129 Technicals


Edward FUNG Head of Research (852) 2268 0632 Construction Ivan CHEUNG, CFA (852) 2268 0634 Property Industrial Ivan LI, CFA (852) 2268 0641 Banking & Finance Jacqueline KO, CFA (852) 2268 0633 Consumer Andy POON (852) 2268 0645 Telecom & equipment Alex YEUNG (852) 2268 0636 Industrial Warren LAU (852) 2268 0644 Technology - Regional Karen Kwan (852) 2268 0640 China Property

Michael KOKALARI, CFA Head of Research (84) 838 38 66 47 Strategy Nguyen Thi Ngan Tuyen (84) 844 55 58 88 x 8081 Food and Beverage Oil and Gas Ngo Bich Van (84) 844 55 58 88 x 8084 Banking Trinh Thi Ngoc Diep (84) 844 55 58 88 x 8242 Technology Utilities Construction Dang Thi Kim Thoa (84) 844 55 58 88 x 8083 Consumer Nguyen Trung Hoa +84 844 55 58 88 x 8088 Steel Sugar Resources

Luz LORENZO Head of Research (63) 2 849 8836 Strategy Laura DY-LIACCO (63) 2 849 8840 Utilities Conglomerates Telcos Lovell SARREAL (63) 2 849 8841 Consumer Media Cement Kenneth NERECINA (63) 2 849 8839 Conglomerates Property Ports/ Logistics Katherine TAN (63) 2 849 8843 Banks Construction Ramon ADVIENTO (63) 2 849 8845 Mining

Jigar SHAH Head of Research (91) 22 6623 2601 Oil & Gas Automobile Cement Anubhav GUPTA (91) 22 6623 2605 Metal & Mining Capital goods Property Ganesh RAM (91) 226623 2607 Telecom Contractor

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Singapore Property Sector DISCLOSURES

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Ong Seng Yeow | Executive Director, Maybank Kim Eng Research

Definition of Ratings
Maybank Kim Eng Research uses the following rating system: BUY HOLD SELL Return is expected to be above 10% in the next 12 months (excluding dividends) Return is expected to be between - 10% to +10% in the next 12 months (excluding dividends) Return is expected to be below -10% in the next 12 months (excluding dividends)

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Some common terms abbreviated in this report (where they appear):

Adex = Advertising Expenditure BV = Book Value CAGR = Compounded Annual Growth Rate Capex = Capital Expenditure CY = Calendar Year DCF = Discounted Cashflow DPS = Dividend Per Share EBIT = Earnings Before Interest And Tax EBITDA = EBIT, Depreciation And Amortisation EPS = Earnings Per Share EV = Enterprise Value FCF = Free Cashflow FV = Fair Value FY = Financial Year FYE = Financial Year End MoM = Month-On-Month NAV = Net Asset Value NTA = Net Tangible Asset P = Price P.A. = Per Annum PAT = Profit After Tax PBT = Profit Before Tax PE = Price Earnings PEG = PE Ratio To Growth PER = PE Ratio QoQ = Quarter-On-Quarter ROA = Return On Asset ROE = Return On Equity ROSF = Return On Shareholders Funds WACC = Weighted Average Cost Of Capital YoY = Year-On-Year YTD = Year-To-Date

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Singapore Property Sector

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