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Kelompok Efrista Nabilah Oghi Prima Ramisa Elisa Kristiani Risa Dini Putri Riska Ayu Hanifah Suci

Amalia Kelas X.1 SMAN 14 Pekanbaru

Suci Ramida Suci Ramida

: Hai, what are you doing now? : I want to make a statue of white cement : Can you make this? : Yes, I can. Its easy to do

When they were talking about that, suddenly risa and riska come to us Risa Suci Ramida Riska Ramida : What youre busy? Can we join? : Yes, you can join it : We are making craft sculpture : If I can know, What about the ingridients? : White cement of kg Water of 240 ml Bowl Spoon Paint Mold Brush Wire Riska Risa Ramida Riska Ramida : And how if we make this craft now? : Yes, thats good idea. But, how to make this? : Dont worry, I can teach you to make this : Are you sure? : Yeah, oke The first,prepare the tools and ingridients, than mix the white cement with water of 240 ml Risa Ramida : Okey, than what? : Next, stire until smooth, after that pour into a mold

Riska Ramida Suci Riska Risa Riska Risa Riska Ramida Riska Suci Ramida

: Whats again? : Than drying this in the sun : How long to drying this? And what will we do after this drying? : Painting, right? : Yes, thats true. Im forget about that> : But, I think yo never to forget something : Up to you what you want to say : Okey, the painting is important to make beautiful the craft You are right : while we wait for the statue is dry how about we talk about the colour of paints cluptures? : Okay, than if I will give natural colour. How about you all? : I same with you

Statue finally they dry too and they are painted with colours that they agree, when they are painted suddenly oghi and nabila come Ogi and nabila Ramida Ogi, nabilla Ramida Nabilla Oghi Ramida : Oh no my sculpture fall down Im sorry. Im not inadvertenly : How about this? Because I will collect this go to my teacher : Please, please Im sorry : Yeah Im sorry. How about to changes it? : But, I have no time again. Im leaving soon English course : Hai.. (suprising as they patted the soulder)

Nabilla Ramida

: Okey like this. I and oghi will making it again. So you can go to course : Okey

After ramida back from course, the statue have been finished Ramida Nabilla Oghi Ramida Oghi,nabila : How, its beautifull I think : How about you oghi? : Its nice not bad. so, we can make this right : Thank you, that you have been changes my statue : No problem because I have make mistake, that I must changes

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