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Devi Tide <devi@sufihealingorder.

org> Subject: Healing E-Class #7 Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 10:15:55 -0500

Beloved Lord, Almighty God, pour Thy healing power through my breath, my thought, my glance, my words and my touch. Amen

Healing with Light Further Development of the Capacity to Heal with Light
Pir Vilayat: Instead of thinking that our body is emerging out of the fabric of the star dust, think that it is an integral part of the light of the stars, and that there are several levels of light.
The following class includes practices that come from the teaching of Pir Vilayat, given in 2001. In this teaching Pir suggested one do this work over a period of months, allowing ones experience to deepen and grow. As one develops the ability to work with light in ones self, a byproduct will be the ability to heal with light. Start with yourself. Go slow. To push forward giving yourself shallow experience, you will miss the deeper awakening that allows one to heal. Youll know this practice is working when you feel that somehow it is helpful to you. Perhaps youll notice, as you do the practices, that your own physical, mental, emotional, etc symptoms shift, transform or change. With these practices more is not better. It will not help for you to become otherworldly. The Divine Intelligence is not a concept but rather an experience of Self; when your glance and thought convey something transformative and healing something of the Divine glance and thought, youll get feedback from the world. Hint: If you feel important, powerful, like you are right when others are not, like you know whats really happening, these are signs of a need to work with a feeling in the self that needs healing. As you do the practices be present to that feeling and it will heal. Before offering these practices I want to remind you that our work is allowing something that is natural to emerge. Dont try to make something happen with these practices. Rather, be open to an experience in harmony with your being.

Sufi Healing Order

PO Box 807, New Lebanon, NY 12125 Email: office@sufihealingorder.ort

PH: 518-794-0030

Work with light: 1.Concentrate on a color - choose one that comes to you at the suggestion of healing. Feel as if your entire being is bathed in that color. Or instead of concentrating on a color concentrate on light itself, feeling that warmth or clarity or light or lightness being absorbed in your being. 2.Now also include your shoulders, your cells and the atoms of your body as you bathe in that color/light. 3.Notice how that color/experience of absorbing light affects your mood, your thought, your emotions, your experience. Be present to what comes up, allowing it to soften, to heal and transform.
Concentrate on the color/light until you feel that it is enough, no longer than 2-3 minutes. Keep in mind that more is not better. Stop if you find that any color is producing a difficult effect. Remember we are practicing healing of our self first. Note: Pir Vilayat used red, vermillion, orange, gold/yellow, green, light blue, violet, clear light. Feel free to use one of these colors, to alternate colors, or to use another.


Sufi Healing Order

PO Box 807, New Lebanon, NY 12125 Email: office@sufihealingorder.ort

PH: 518-794-0030

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