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P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Endothelial Cells Grown in
Three-Dimensional Matrigel Construct as an Enabling Platform Technology: I.
The Effect of Glial Cells and Valproic Acid on Phosphometabolite Levels
M. Sterin a; I. Ringel a; S. Lecht a; P. I. Lelkes b; P. Lazarovici a
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel b Laboratory of Cellular Tissue Engineering, School of
Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Online Publication Date: 01 September 2008

To cite this Article Sterin, M., Ringel, I., Lecht, S., Lelkes, P. I. and Lazarovici, P.(2008)'<b>31</b>P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of
Endothelial Cells Grown in Three-Dimensional Matrigel Construct as an Enabling Platform Technology: I. The Effect of Glial Cells and
Valproic Acid on Phosphometabolite Levels',Endothelium,15:5,288 — 298
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/10623320802487841
URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10623320802487841


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Endothelium, 15:288–298, 2008
Copyright © Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
ISSN: 1062-3329 print/1543-5261 online
DOI: 10.1080/10623320802487841

P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Endothelial Cells
Grown in Three-Dimensional Matrigel Construct as an
Enabling Platform Technology: I. The Effect of Glial Cells
and Valproic Acid on Phosphometabolite Levels

M. Sterin, I. Ringel, and S. Lecht

Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

P. I. Lelkes
Laboratory of Cellular Tissue Engineering, School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health
Systems, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

P. Lazarovici
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine,
Downloaded By: [Lazarovici, P.] At: 07:07 23 December 2008

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

such as glycerophosphocholine. This endothelial model will be use-

Very few studies describe endothelial cell (EC) properties under full as an enabling platform technology for tissue engineering.
three-dimensional (3D) conditions using 31 P magnetic resonance
spectroscopy (MRS). The authors developed a model in which liv- 31
Keywords 3D, Endothelium, Matrigel, P MRS, Phospholipids,
ing ECs growing in Matrigel threads (3D conditions) for 5 days Phosphometabolites
are monitored by 31 P MRS, providing the fingerprint of the major
EC phosphometabolites. Organic extracts of membranal phospho-
lipids were also analyzed by 31 P MRS. For comparison and as a
model for two-dimensional (2D) tissue culture conditions, 31 P MRS Endothelial cells (ECs) represent valuable cellular models
spectra of aqueous extracts of EC phosphometabolites grown un- for studying hemostasis, vasomotor control, angiogenesis, and
der 2D conditions were also evaluated. The phosphometabolites inflammation (Kirkpatrick et al. 1997) and for blood vessel
fingerprint of the cells cultured under 3D was significantly differ-
tissue engineering (Nomi et al. 2006). ECs are the key compo-
ent from that of ECs maintained under 2D. Moreover, the pattern
of phosphometabolites was affected by coculture with C6-glioma nents of the tumor microvasculature and play a major role in
cells and upon treatment with valproic acid, which is under clinical tumor progression and metastasis (McDonald and Foss 2000).
investigation as an antioangiogenic anticancer drug. The major ef- Furthermore, ECs can be maintained in three-dimensional (3D)
fects were modulation of (i) energy metabolism intermediates such conditions in bioreactors to study cell-cell and cell-biomaterial
as phosphocreatine, (ii) precursors of phospholipids such as phos-
interactions (Isenberg et al. 2006; Williams and Wick 2004).
phomonoesters, and (iii) degradation products of phospholipids
Natural extracellular matrix–derived biomaterials, such as
Matrigel (MG), can serve as a template for endothelial cells
Received 9 July 2008; accepted 7 September 2008. attachment, growth, and differentiation (Schnaper et al. 1993).
The generous financial support from the Pharmalogica Consortium, MG, isolated from the murine Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm sar-
MAGNET Program of the Israeli Ministry of Trade and Industry, is coma, is comprised of a complex mixture of basement mem-
gratefully acknowledged (I.R. and P.L.). This work was also supported brane proteins, containing 60% to 85% laminin, 5 to 30% type
at Drexel University in part by a grant-in-aid form the Stein Family
Foundations (P.L. and P.I.L.). I.R. and P.L. are affiliated and supported
IV collagen, 1% to 5% nidogen, 1% to 10% heparin sulfate
at Drexel University in part by David R. Bloom Center for Pharmacy, proteoglycan, and 1% to 5% entactin, as well as some essen-
School of Pharmacy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. S.L. is tial growth factors and cytokines, such as transforming growth
supported by “Eshkol Fellowship” from the Israeli Ministry of Science, factor-β (TGFβ), epidermal growth factor (EGF), insulin-like
Culture and Sport. growth factor-1 (IGF-1), basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-
Address correspondence to Prof. Philip Lazarovici, Department of
Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, School of Pharmacy, 2), and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF; Vukicevic et al.
Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91120, Israel. 1992). Due to its unique composition and viscoelastic properties,
E-mail: philipl@ekmd.huji.ac.il MG provides a permissive environment that induces organotypic


differentiation of diverse cell cultures (Kleinman and Martin both in vitro and in vivo (Neves et al. 2003; Neves and Brindle
2005). MG is widely used for a variety of in vitro and in vivo 2005; Stabler et al. 2005) and tumor biology (Griffin and Kaup-
angiogenic assays to study endothelial functionality (Auerbach pinen 2007). Although MRS of cells grown under 2D conditions
et al. 2003). Furthermore, by freezing and lyophilization and/or can be performed only with organic or aqueous extracts of cell
electrospinning, MG can be manufactured into biologically ac- extracts, MRS of cells grown under 3D conditions enables the
tive, 3D scaffolds capable of supporting growth and differentia- online acquisition of MRS signals in intact living cells in a
tion of a number of different cell types (Lazarovici et al. 2007). noninvasive fashion and without the requirement for prior ex-
In the past, we established an immortalized endothe- traction. Living cells maintained under appropriate conditions in
lial cell line that was generated as a result of spontaneous the MRS instrument are metabolically stable and proliferating
somatic hybridization in a coculture between rat adrenal and represent a suitable cellular model to study phospholipid
medullary pheochromocytoma cell line (PC12) and bovine metabolism (Sterin et al. 2001, 2004).
adrenal medullary endothelial cells (Lelkes et al. 1992). The Being a versatile technique, MRS is able to detect a wide
result of hybridization between a neuronal cell line and pri- variety of elements that are found in cells, such as 31 P. 31 P
mary endothelial cells was a novel, stable, cross-species, and MRS is able to identify compounds belonging to several groups:
highly tumorigenic hybrid cell line, named PC12EN. Under (i) molecules involved in generation of energy, such as nu-
conventional two-dimensional (2D) culture conditions, these cleotide triphosphates (NTPs), which give rise to three sig-
endothelial cells attain a histiotypic cobblestone/spindle-like nals representing the α, β, and γ location of the phosphates
morphology, form a tubular network on MG, take up acetylated in the NTP molecule, phosphocreatine (PCr), and inorganic
low-density lipoprotein, and express an endothelial-specific an- phosphate (Pi); (ii) compounds involved in the metabolism
Downloaded By: [Lazarovici, P.] At: 07:07 23 December 2008

giotensin converting enzyme isoform (Rasouly et al. 1996). We of phospholipids such as phosphocholine (PC) and phospho-
utilized this endothelial model to develop an in vitro blood- ethanolamine (PE), which are phospholipids precursors and
brain barrier (BBB) model upon coculture with C6-glioma cells represent the major components of the phosphomonoester
(Lecht et al. 2003). In situ, glial cells are amongst the major (PM), glycerophosphoethanolamine (GPE), and glycerophos-
cellular contributors to BBB properties. Among the different phocholine (GPC) signals, which are products of phospholipid
critical effects of glial cells on endothelial cells is ability of degradation; (iii) phosphorylated sugars, such as uridinediphos-
glial cells to tighten the endothelial monolayer (Megard et al. phosugars (UDPS), generate two signals that represent the dif-
2002). C6-glioma, a cell line isolated from a rat glioma tumor, ferent locations of the two phosphates in the (UDPS) which
has been frequently used in 2D coculture with a wide variety of generate molecule.
endothelial cells (Tan et al. 2001). To date, very few studies have attempted to characterize
In recent years, it has become evident that the transition endothelial phospholipid metabolism and adenosine triphos-
from 2D to 3D cell culture models provides a more realistic phate (ATP) content by MRS (Culic et al. 1997; Gorodetsky
approach to study in vitro cellular functions and morphogenetic et al. 1999; Mori et al. 2003). The purpose of this study was to
processes, such as cell-cell interactions, which are pivotal for compare the phosphometabolite fingerprints in an endothelial
successfully engineering tissues for diagnosis and implantation cell model cultured under 3D conditions to that of ECs cultured
(Mueller-Klieser 1997; Kunz-Schughart et al. 2004). Further- in 2D. The usefulness of 31 P MRS in endothelial research, and
more, 3D tissue culture models play an invaluable role in tumor more generally in studying 3D tissue assemblies, is emphasized
biology research, providing important insights into tumorogenic by our results, which show distinct and significant changes
cell transformation and as models for tumor therapy (Friedrich in the phosphometabolite fingerprints upon coculture of the
et al. 2007). By increasing our understanding of homeostasis, endothelial cells with glial cells in 3D and upon treatment with
cellular differentiation, and tissue organization, these 3D mod- a common, BBB-permeating drug, valproic acid.
els provide a well-defined environment for research, in contrast
to the complex environment of an in vivo model and the sim- MATERIALS AND METHODS
plicity of 2D cultures. 3D homotypic and heterotypic cultures
are currently being developed to understand some of the com- Materials
plexities of tumor biology (Sung and Chung 2002; Kim 2005; Matrigel was prepared according to an Institutional Animal
Gottfried et al. 2006). Characterization and optimization of the Care and Use Committee (IACUC)-approved protocol and fol-
performance of the diverse cell types interacting with each other lowing published procedures (Kleinman et al. 1986). Dulbecco
in these 3D tumor models requires novel experimental strategies modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM), fetal calf serum (FCS),
to evaluate, e.g., cell viability, cell metabolism, tissue formation, horse serum (HS), L-glutamine, penicillin and streptomycin,
histological properties, and interactions with drugs. trypsin, and other culture medium constituents were purchased
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is among from Biological Industries (Beit Haemek, Afula, Israel). Val-
the few noninvasive analytical techniques that yield such infor- proic Acid (VPA) sodium salt (>98% pure) and all other chem-
mation from living cells. In the past decade, MRS has become a icals were purchased from Sigma Chemical (St. Louis, MO),
useful technique to study the development of engineered tissue unless otherwise stated. A stock solution of VPA was dissolved

in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO); the VPA final concentration in were maintained in the MRS tube and perfused continuously
the MG threads did not exceed 0.1% v/v. The control cells were with fresh medium containing or lacking VPA at 37◦ C at a flow
treated with 0.1% DMSO. rate of 0.5 ml/min using a peristaltic pump. The medium was
gently bubbled with a mixture of 5% CO2 and 95% O2 from a
Cell Culture gas tank to ensure sufficient oxygenation and to maintain a pH
Endothelial cells (PC12EN) were maintained in DMEM sup- 7.4. The perfusate medium flowing through the MG construct
plemented with 7.5% FCS and 7.5% HS, as previously described in the MRS instrument tube was collected in a waste beaker.
(Lelkes et al. 1992). Glial cells (C6-glioma) were maintained in The MRS probe containing the MG threads was maintained
DMEM supplemented with 10% FCS and 2 mM L-glutamine, at 37◦ C.
both media containing 100 µg/ml streptomycin and 100 U/ml
penicillin (Lecht et al. 2003). The cultures were maintained in Cell Growth in Matrigel
T-175 flasks (Nunc, Rochester, NY) in a humidified incubator at Cell viability in the MG threads prior to the MRS experiments
37◦ C in an atmosphere of 95% air/5% CO2 . The growth medium was tested in several threads using the 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-
was replaced twice weekly. The cultures were passaged once a 2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay (Mosmann
week at a 1:10 ratio after treatment with 0.25% trypsin. For 2D 1983). Viable cells were stained blue, thus enabling both light
experiments, monolayers of endothelial or glioma cells were microscopy visualization as well as spectrophotometric estima-
dissociated with 0.25% trypsin, centrifuged and washed several tion of cell numbers (Mosmann 1983).
times with fresh medium, carefully resuspended to prevent ag-
gregate formation, and plated in three culture dishes (15 cm in Phosphometabolites
Downloaded By: [Lazarovici, P.] At: 07:07 23 December 2008

diameter) in a dilution that would bring the culture to ∼90% Phosphometabolites were extracted using perchloric acid
confluence after 5 days (2 × 107 cells per dish). The medium (PCA) as previously described (Sterin et al. 2001). Briefly, the
was changed after 3 days of culture. To generate a 2D coculture, cell cultures were harvested as above, washed with ice-cold
endothelial and glioma cells were mixed at 1:1 ratio before cul- saline, trypsinized, and pelleted. Ice-cold PCA (0.5 M), 1.5 ml,
turing, After 5 days the ratio of the two cell types, which exhibit was added and mixed followed by sonication for 5 min at 4◦ C.
similar population doubling times, had remained unchanged. The extracts were neutralized with about 0.5 ml 5 M KOH and
For 3D experiments, the cells were grown as above and, upon centrifuged for 10 min at 10,000 rpm. The supernatants were
harvesting, introduced individually or as 1:1 mixture into the treated with 50 mg/ml Chelex-100 for 1 h to remove param-
MG threads (see below). agnetic ions. Thereafter, the Chelex was removed by filtration,
the pH was adjusted to 8.0, and the water was removed by
Preparation of Matrigel Threads and Treatment with lyophilization. The dried solid material was stored at −70◦ C.
Valproic Acid Prior to MRS analysis, the samples were dissolved in 250 µl
To ensure adequate VPA penetration into the MG threads, D2 O and 250 µl of 20 mM EDTA. Before extracting phospho-
the cell suspensions were preloaded with drug by incubation metabolites from the cells loaded in the MG threads, the cells
with a 0.5 mM VPA for 1 h. The cell suspension was mixed were isolated by treatment of the MG threads with Matrisperse
every 10 min to prevent attachment. To generate MG threads, for 1 h on ice. Thereafter, the phosphometabolites were extracted
the cells were centrifuged at 4◦ C, as above. The precooled cell from the cells as above.
pellet was mixed with liquid ice-cold MG at a ratio of ∼1:3
(v/v). For EC–glial cell cocultures, the cells were mixed at Phospholipids
a ratio of 1:1 prior to admixing them to the MG. The cold Phospholipids were extracted as previously described (Sterin
cell/MG mixtures were poured into a plastic syringe by an et al. 2004). Briefly, cell cultures from three culture dishes of
attached syringe (Figure 1A) and left to partially gelate at 15 cm diameter were washed with ice-cold saline, scraped and
room temperature for 15 to 60 s. To generate the threads, collected into 20 ml of ice-cold methanol. Each sample was
the gel was extruded into the growth medium containing the supplemented with two volumes of chloroform (40 ml) fol-
same VPA concentration and maintained for 2 days to ensure lowed by shaking and filtering into separation funnel. The ex-
VPA effect on the cells. Each thread was 60 cm long and 0.5 tract was washed with 12 ml of 1 M KCl and the phases were
mm in diameter. Threads were transferred to the sterilized left overnight at 4◦ C for separation. The lower phase (chloro-
MRS perfusion system. As a control, a similar procedure was form) was collected, evaporated using a rotatory evaporator to
performed using a solution of 0.1% DMSO in culture medium. remove the chloroform, and stored at −20◦ C under nitrogen.
All procedures were carried out under aseptic conditions. Before the MRS analysis, the samples were dissolved in 1.2
ml chloroform and 0.6 ml of a mixture of methanol and 40
Perfusion System mM of K4 EDTA at a ratio of 1:4 v/v, respectively. To calculate
The perfusion system (Figure 1B) was used as previously the level of membranal phospholipids, the area of each sig-
described (Daly et al. 1988; Sterin et al. 2001). Briefly, the cells nal was divided by the total areas of all signals and multiplied
Downloaded By: [Lazarovici, P.] At: 07:07 23 December 2008

FIG. 1. Characterization of an MRS experimental system to study endothelial cells phosphometabolites in 3D. (A) Preparation of MG threads by injecting
semi-solid MG-containing cells through a plastic tube into a Petri dish. The presence of the cells in the MG thread is visualized by the MTT blue color staining
of the living cells (magnification 200×, right figure). (B) The perfusion system used during collection of MRS spectra of perfused cells. (a) 95% O2 , 5% CO2
tank; (b) container of growth medium to be perfused in the MRS tube; (c) peristaltic pump; (d) MRS Varian instrument; (e) tube containing the endothelial cells
embedded in MG threads; (f) container collecting the medium from the tube. (C) A typical 31 P MRS spectrum representing the three phosphates at α, β, and
γ positions in ATP molecule, the inorganigc phosphate (Pi), and typical phosphometabolites: 1 = phosphomonoesters; 2 = glycerophosphoethanolamine; 3 =
glycerophosphocholine; 4 = phosphocreatine; 5 and 5* = uridinediphosphosugars.

by 100. Therefore, the results represent the percentage of each with a 10-mm probe operating at 121 MHz with the following
phospholipid normalized to the total level of phospholipids in the characteristics: delay time of 2 s; acquisition time of 0.5 s; spec-
samples. tral width and number of points of 8000; flip angle of 60◦ . Broad-
band Waltz proton decoupling was used. For each spectrum 1000
scans were accumulated over a 1-h period and processed using
P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 10-Hz line broadening. Chemical shifts were referenced to the
P MRS of cells embedded in MG threads superfused with GPC signal at 0.49 ppm as internal standard. Peak areas were
culture medium were recorded on a Varian Inova500 instrument normalized to the β-ATP signal. We also compared individual

peak area to total phosphate (sum of all signals excluding Pi), degradation. Activated sugar forms, such as UDPS, are denoted
which originates mostly from the perfusion medium and the re- as signal number 5 (Sterin et al. 2001). The phosphometabolite
sults were qualitatively the same. The time delay and flip angle data from three independent measurements for endothelial cells
were sufficient for full relaxation of all signals, except for the cultured under 2D and 3D conditions are summarized in Figure
Pi signal, between scans. This was confirmed by using a 10-s 2B. It is evident that the level of PM, GPC, and PCr (signal num-
delay. bers 1, 3, and 4, respectively) are significantly increased in 3D
As described previously (Sterin et al. 2001) and shown here compared to 2D by six-, nine-, and sevenfold, respectively. In
in Figure 1C, 31 P MRS of cells is able to identify compounds contrast, the levels of GPE (signal number 2) and UDPS (signal
belonging to several groups: (i) molecules involved in gener- number 5) were not affected by growing the cells in 3D versus
ation of energy such as nucleotide triphosphates (NTPs), gen- 2D.
erating three signals that represent the α (α-ATP), β (β-ATP),
and γ (γ -ATP) location of the phosphates in the NTP molecule,
phosphocreatine (PCr, peak 4), and inorganic phosphate (Pi); Characterization of Phosphometabolites of Endothelial
(ii) compounds involved in the metabolism of phospholipids Cells in the Presence or Absence of Glial Cells under 3D
such as phosphomonoesters (PM, peak 1), glycerophospho- and 2D Conditions
ethanolamine (GPE, peak 2), and glycerophosphocholine (GPC, Endothelial cells are a key component of the tumor vascu-
peak 3); (iii) phosphorylated sugars such as uridinediphospho- lature and hence play a major role in spreading metastases.
sugars (UDPS, peaks 5 and 5*; for quantitative calculations of Of particular interest in the development and progression of
UDPS concentration, only the well-defined down-field 31 P sig- gliomas in the brain is the influence of the tumor microenviron-
Downloaded By: [Lazarovici, P.] At: 07:07 23 December 2008

nal [peak 5] was used). The phosphometabolites average level of ment on endothelial pathophysiology (Frontczak-Baniewicz et
each signal (relative to β-ATP) was calculated from several inde- al. 2008), as manifested, for example, by the increased leakiness
pendent experiments. For comparative purposes, the calculated of the blood-tumor barrier, which can be measured by magnetic
additive contribution of the individual cell type cultures is pre- resonance imaging (Cao et al. 2005). To evaluate such an influ-
sented in addition to the experimentally measured signals level ence on phosphometabolites, we performed a series of experi-
of coculture, which represent combined contribution of each cell ments with ECs under 3D and 2D conditions, in the presence
type. or absence of C6-glioma cells. By comparing the global (total)
phosphometabolite signature measured in a well-defined cocul-
ture of these two cell types to that of the signals originating from
Statistical Analysis of the Data
the individual cell types, we might get an insight into the cell-
Each experiment was performed at least three times. The cell interactions as inferred from differences in the levels of the
results are presented as the mean ± SD. Statistical comparisons various phosphometabolites. Figure 3A shows the signature of
between experimental groups were made using InStat program phosphometabolites in endothelial and glioma cells cultured in
and included the analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by 3D either alone or upon coculturing at a ratio 1:1. The averaged
Dunnet’s multiple comparison test; p < .05 was considered phosphometabolite data from 31 P MRS of three independent
significant. measurements are summarized in the Figure 3B. A compari-
son of the signals in the 3D coculture to the calculated additive
RESULTS values (based on the individual contribution of each cell type)
might indicate differential effects of the coculture on specific
Pattern of Phosphometabolites of Endothelial Cells phosphometabolites. The only statistically significant change
Cultured under 3D Compared to 2D Conditions observed was on the level of PM (signal number 1), which was
To assess the influence of a 3D environment on endothelial increased in coculture by fourfold compared to the twofold ad-
cell function, some recent studies compared their behavior under ditive level of the endothelial and glial monocultures signal.
2D and 3D culture conditions (Matsumoto et al. 2007; Sun et al. Therefore, the increased change in the level of PM in coculture
2006; Martins and Kolega 2006). Several studies described the represents a synergistic effect of the coculture conditions on this
use of MRS to evaluate EC function in vitro (Culic et al. 1997) phosphometabolite.
and in vivo (Barber et al. 2004). The data presented in Figure 2 Because 31 P MRS of aqueous extracts (2D) is more sensitive
show a comparison between the phosphometabolites of ECs cul- than MRS of living cells (3D; Pianet et al. 1991), we evalu-
tured under 2D (aqueous extracts) versus 3D (living cells) con- ated the effect of the coculture on phosphometabolite pattern
ditions. As expected, 31 P MRS of all endothelial cells indicated in 2D conditions (Figure 4). It is evident that the levels of PM
the presence of several compounds involved in generation of cell (signal number 1), GPE (signal number 2), GPC (signal num-
energy ATP, PCr (signal number 4); phospholipid metabolites, ber 3), and PCr (signal number 4) were significantly higher
PC and PE, which are precursors of phospholipids, are main than the additive contribution of the respective signals of each
components of PM signal (signal number 1). GPE (signal num- cell type. These findings emphasize the sensitivity of 31 P MRS
ber 2) and GPC (signal number 3) are products of phospholipid with aqueous extracts and further support the synergistic effect
Downloaded By: [Lazarovici, P.] At: 07:07 23 December 2008

FIG. 2. Typical 31 P MRS spectra and signal intensities of endothelial cells grown under 3D (living cells) and 2D (aqueous extracts). For the 2D conditions, the
cells were grown in tissue culture dishes for 48 h, harvested, and phosphometabolites were extracted by PCA, partially purified by Chelex 100, and submitted for
MRS analysis, as described in Materials and Methods. For 3D conditions, the cells were grown in MG threads for 48 h, transferred to the NMR tube, and perfused,
as detailed in Materials and Methods. (A) 31 P MRS spectra; (B) averages of phosphometabolite data from 31 P MRS spectra; Signal areas are normalized to that of
β-ATP. Gray bars, 2D conditions; black bars, 3D conditions. The values represent the mean ± SD of three independent experiments. *p < .01. Assignments of
the signals are 1 = phosphomonoesters; 2 = glycerophosphoethanolamine; 3 = glycerophosphocholine; 4 = phosphocreatine; 5 = uridinediphosphosugars; PC
= phosphocholine; Pi = inorganic phosphate.

measured at the level of PM with living cells under 3D conditions from 31 P MRS, such as shown in Figure 5A, are summarized in
(Figure 3). Interestingly, the level of PC decreased by 2.3-fold Figure 5B. These results indicate that VPA induced a significant
under 2D coculture conditions. Because PC levels were signifi- decrease in PM, GPC, and UDPS levels in ECs cultured in 3D.
cantly lower in the glioma cells than in the ECs, the low level of Furthermore, VPA also had a distinct effect on the level of ex-
expression in the coculture suggests a drastic decline in the PC pression of some of the membranal phospholipids. Specifically,
levels in the ECs under these conditions. We note that the levels the levels of two negatively charged species were differentially
of UDPS were not changed significantly under our coculture regulated: cardiolipin levels were decreased, whereas those of
conditions. phosphatidylserine were elevated. Interestingly, VPA-treated
ECs had also increased levels of plasmenyl phosphatidylcholine
The Effects of Valproic Acid on Phosphometabolites and (Table 1), suggesting that the increased cytoplasmic GPC may
Phospholipids of Endothelial Cells under 3D and 2D be derived from the mebranal phosphotidylcholine pool. From
Conditions the summary of the data in Figure 5B it is evident that for some,
In this study we used VPA, an endothelium/BBB-permeating but not all, phosphometabolites, the VPA-induced effects in 3D
drug (Fischer et al. 2008) to paradigmatically investigate its pos- were opposite to those observed in 2D. For example, VPA sig-
sible effects on 31 P MRS phosphometabolites in the above 3D nificantly increased the level of PM (signal number 1) and PCr
cell culture systems (Figure 5). The phosphometabolite data (signal number 4) in 2D cultures, whereas the levels of the same
Downloaded By: [Lazarovici, P.] At: 07:07 23 December 2008

FIG. 3. 31 P MRS spectra and signal intensities of living endothelial and glial cells and their coculture at a ratio 1:1. The cells were grown under 3D conditions
in MG threads for 48 h, transferred to the NMR tube, perfused, and the level of cellular phosphometabolites was monitored by NMR measurements. The
signals shown are typical for three independent experiments. (A) 31 P MRS; (B) averages of phosphometabolite data from 31 P MRS spectra. Signal areas are
normalized to that of β-ATP. The values represent the mean ± SD of three independent experiments. *p < .05. White bars, endothelial signal; gray bars, glial
signal; striped bars, calculated sum of endothelial and glial signals; black bars, coculture signal. Assignments of the signals are 1 = phosphomonoesters; 2 =
glycerophosphoethanolamine; 3 = glycerophosphocholine; 4 = phosphocreatine; 5 = uridinediphosphosugars; β-ATP.

phosphometabolites were decreased in ECs cultured in 3D in inside MG threads. We found significant changes of phospho-
the presence of VPA. metabolites in ECs growing in 3D versus 2D growth conditions,
as well as upon coculture with glial cells and treatment with
DISCUSSION the drug VPA. The analysis of the phosphometabolites focused
Using 31 P MRS, we evaluated the pattern of the phospho- on species related to energy metabolism and species related to
metabolites in a novel model of endothelial cells growing in 3D phospholipid metabolism.
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FIG. 4. 31 P MRS spectra and signal intensities of aqueous extracts of phosphometabolites from 2D cultures of endothelial cells, glial cells, and their coculture at
a ratio 1:1. The cells were grown under 2D conditions in tissue culture dishes for 48 h and harvested. Phosphometabolites were extracted by PCA, partially purified
by Chelex 100, and submitted for MRS analysis. Signal areas are normalized to the β-ATP (100%). (A) 31 P MRS. (B) The phosphometabolite data from 31 P MRS
of three independent measurements. The values represent the mean ± SD. *p < .05; **p < .01. White bars, endothelial signal; gray bars, glial signal; striped
bars, sum of endothelial and glial signals; black bars, coculture signal. Assignments of the signals are 1 = phosphomonoesters; 2 = glycerophosphoethanolamine;
3 = glycerophosphocholine; 4 = phosphocreatine; 5 = uridinediphosphosugars; PC = phosphocholine; β-ATP; γ -ATP.

The phosphometabolite fingerprint of the endothelial cells the majority of the signals measured by 31 P MRS. These signals
in 3D versus 2D revealed increased levels of the high energy can be further classified according to the phosphorus head group
metabolism intermediate PCr, which is responsible for the nu- into PM, including predominantly phosphorylethanolamine and
cleoside triphosphate synthesis, as also reflected by a higher phosphodiesters, such as GPE and GPC. The significant in-
PCr/ATP ratio in the 3D cultures (Figure 2). This increased crease in PM under 3D versus 2D conditions in ECs (Figure 2)
metabolism in 3D versus 2D indirectly supports our fnding of most probably reflects alterations in the plasma membrane lipid
high mitochondrial activity of the cells in the MG threads (Figure packing related to the surface pressure in 3D conditions, activat-
1C), as evident from the MTT staining of the cells (the chro- ing a phospholipase A2 (PLA2 )-based mechanosensor (Ko and
mogenic conversion of MTT reflects mitochondrial oxidation). McCulloch 2000). In addition, forces applied to the ECs under
Phosphorylated metabolic intermediates denoting precursors 3D conditions may be transduced from the plasma membrane
and products of membrane phospholipid metabolism represent to the cytoskeleton, affecting the microfilament-microtubule
Downloaded By: [Lazarovici, P.] At: 07:07 23 December 2008

FIG. 5. 31 P MRS spectra and signal intensities of endothelial cells grown under 3D and 2D upon treatment with VPA. The cells were grown under 3D (white
bars) conditions in MG threads or under 2D (gray bars) conditions in Petri dishes for 48 h in the presence or absence of 0.5 mM VPA. Cellular phosphometabolites
were assessed as above. (A) 31 P MRS of control (black spectra) and VPA-treated (gray spectra) cultures. Assignments of the signals are 1 = phosphomonoesters;
2 = glycerophosphoethanolamine; 3 = glycerophosphocholine; 4 = phosphocreatine; 5 = uridinediphosphosugars. (B) The phosphometabolite data from 31 P
MRS of three independent measurements. Signal areas are normalized to the β-ATP. −, absence of drug; +, presence of drug. The values represent mean ± SD.
*p < .05.

interaction (Ko and McCulloch 2000). These interactions in level of GPC under 3D in ECs may reflect a membranal pro-
turn may change the phospholipid metabolism, in particular tective effect in the plasma membrane. The profound elevation
GPC level, as evident from studies in which cell treatment with of GPC was also reported in human umbilical vein endothe-
antimicrotubule drugs induced a profound elevation in intracel- lial cells treated with cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin
lular GPC that was not associated with the phospholipid com- and monitored by 1 H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR; Mori
position of cell membrane (Sterin et al. 2001). Therefore, it is et al. 2003). This effect may be explained by a selective induction
tempting to hypothesize that the increase in the GPC signal upon of actin-cytoskeleton reorganization induced by the drug (Jain et
culturing ECs in 3D conditions (Figure 2) may reflect EC cy- al. 2004) or by shifting the arachidonic acid from the cyclooxy-
toskeletal dynamics. Furthermore, GPC and GPE were found to genase pathway to the PLA2 /lysophospholipase pathway.
act as competitive inhibitors of lysophospholipase activity, thus In another approach, we used 31 P MRS as an enabling plat-
reducing lysophospholipid hydrolysis in the cells and lowering form technology to assess the levels of phosphometabolites upon
the rate of membrane phospholipid degradation (Fallbrook et interaction of ECs with glial cells cocultured in the MG threads.
al. 1999). Therefore, we may also suggest that the increased According to the 31 P MRS data, these coculture conditions

TABLE 1 ple, in experiments designed for tissue engineering purposes.

The levels of membranal phospholipids extracts of endothelial This technique will be useful for noninvasively monitoring the
cells in 3D and treated with VPA proliferation and energy levels of the cells, the interactions of
multiple cell types in the same constructs, and for analyzing the
Control VPA effects of drugs. Thus, this system represents a novel enabling
Phospholipid (% of total) (mean ± SD) (mean ± SD) technology for more realistic evaluations of the ECs organized
Phosphatidic acid 3.48 ± 0.28 3.56 ± 0.23 in engineered tissue-like constructs.
Cardiolipin 4.17 ± 0.27 2.95 ± 0.27*
Plasmenyl 11.95 ± 1.89 11.71 ± 1.01
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Phosphatidylethanolamine 10.81 ± 0.3 11.08 ± 0.25 esis assays: A critical overview. Clinical Chemistry, 49, 32–40.
Phosphatidylserine 4.72 ± 0.47 6.16 ± 0.5* Barber P.A., Foniok T., Kirk D., Buchan A.M., Laurent S., Boutry S., Muller
Sphingomyelin 6.02 ± 0.14 6.27 ± 0.46 R.N., Hoyte L., Tomanek B., and Tuor U.I. (2004) MR molecular imaging
Phosphotidylinosine 7.11 ± 0.37 6.63 ± 0.24 of early endothelial activation in focal ischemia. Annals of Neurology, 56,
Plasmenyl 2.57 ± 0.26 3.34 ± 0.25*
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phosphatidylcholine stimulation of endothelial cell PAF synthesis is mediated by group V 14
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