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Neuroprotection by monoamine
oxidase B inhibitors:
a therapeutic strategy
for Parkinson’s disease?{
Rinat Tabakman,{ Shimon Lecht, and Philip Lazarovici*

Summary Recent investigations into the neuroprotective mechan-

Parkinsonism (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder of the ism of propargylamines indicate that glyceraldehyde-3-
brain resulting in dopamine deficiency caused by the phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), MAO-B and/or
progressive death of dopaminergic neurons. PD is char- other unknown proteins may represent pivotal proteins
acterized by a combination of rigidity, poverty of move- in the survival of the injured neurons. Delineation of the
ment, tremor and postural instability. Selegiline is a mechanism(s) involved in the neuroprotective effects
selective and irreversible propargylamine type B mono- exerted by MAO-B inhibitors may provide the key to
amine oxidase (MAO-B) inhibitor. This drug, which in- preventive novel therapeutic modalities. BioEssays
hibits dopamine metabolism, has been effectively used in 26:80–90, 2004. ß 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
the treatment of PD. However, its therapeutic effects are
compromised by its many neurotoxic metabolites. To
circumvent this obstacle, a novel MAO-B inhibitor, rasagi-
line, was developed. Paradoxically, the neuroprotective Introduction
mechanism of propargylamines in different neuronal Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive movement disorder
models appears to be independent of MAO-B inhibition. that affects 1–2%of the adult population over 60 years of age.
The main symptoms are tremor at rest, muscular rigidity and a
decrease in the frequency of voluntary movements (hypoki-
Department of Pharmacology, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of nesia).(1) For many years, it has been known that PD synd-
Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel. rome is due to a disorder of the basal ganglia, brain structures
*Correspondence to: Philip Lazarovici, Department of Pharmacology
regulating motor activity and innervated by one of the brain’s
and Experimental Therapeutics, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of
Medicine, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 91120, Israel.
major dopaminergic pathways. The neurochemical basis for
E-mail: the disease was discovered in 1960 by Hornykiewics,(2) who
This review is part of a PhD thesis to be submitted to the Hebrew showed that the dopamine content of the substantia nigra (SN)
University of Jerusalem by TR. and corpus striatum in postmortem PD brains was extremely
The scientific views and opinions expressed in this article are solely
low (less than 10% of normal). Pathologically, PD is charac-
those of the authors and are not to be construed as having any
commercial interest.
terized by progressive degeneration of pigmented brain stem
DOI 10.1002/bies.10378 nuclei, mostly the pars compacta of the SN, along with the
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( formation of characteristic eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions
known as Lewy bodies.(3) The disease progresses slowly for
many years. The clinical symptoms are due to the degenera-
tion (death) of dopaminergic neurons in the SN, resulting in a
Abbreviations: PD, Parkinson’s disease; UPDRS, unified Parkinson’s dramatic decline in dopamine level. Diagnosis can be made
disease rating scale; SN, substantia nigra; DA, dopaminergic; MAO-B,
when at least 60% of the dopaminergic SNc neurons are lost.(4)
type B monoamine oxidase; GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
dehydrogenase; SOD, superoxide dismutase; NADþ, nicotinamide
Many factors are considered to contribute to the pathogenesis
adenine dinucleotide; FAD, flavin adenine dinucleotide; BDNF, brain- of PD: genetic,(5) age-related,(6) enviromental toxins,(7) and
derived neurotrophic factor; NGF, nerve growth factor; GDNF, glial oxidative stress.(8,9) In the past decade, novel hypotheses
derived neurotrophic factor; DMS, desmethylselegiline; MPPþ, 1- have been forwarded suggesting important pathological con-
methyl-4-phenyl pyridinium; MPTP, N-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetra-
tributions to dopaminergic neuronal cell death: glutamate
hydropyridine; 6-OH-DA, 6-hydroxydopamine; OGD, oxygen–glucose
deprivation; PET, positron emission tomography; fMRI, functional
neurotoxicity,(10) mitochondrial abnormalities, disturbances in
magnetic resonance imaging; IC50, 50% inhibitory concentration; Ki, intracellular calcium homeostasis, altered iron metabolism
inhibition constant; PC12, pheochromocytoma cells. and apoptosis.(9,11 –14) Although the genes responsible for
a few rare familial cases have been uncovered,(15–17) the

80 BioEssays 26.1 BioEssays 26:80–90, ß 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


molecular basis for the more prevalent idiopathic PD remains Therapeutical approaches
unknown. Novel technologies including DNA-microarray(18) to Parkinson’s disease
and single nucleotide polymorphisms(19) are expected to As the cause of the death of the dopaminergic neurons is not
pinpoint the pathogenesis of this disorder. In addition, new known, drugs that can arrest and/or reduce and/or delay the
techniques in neuroimaging such as positron emission tomo- cell death process in dopaminergic neurons are not available.
graphy (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging However, significant symptomatic relief has been obtained by
(fMRI) may provide better means of assessing SN function.(20) the use of different dopaminergic drugs that fall into the follow-
In this review, we briefly summarize the emerging knowledge ing categories: dopamine precursors (levodopa); compounds
regarding the complex mechanism of action of type B mono- mimicking (agonists) the action of dopamine (bromocriptine);
amine oxidase (MAO-B) inhibitors, an important family of agents that prevent dopamine degradation (MAO-B inhibitors
drugs used to treat PD. While the search for MAO-B inhibitors such as rasagiline).
has turned up some promising propargylamine candidates, Levodopa, a dopamine precursor that crosses the blood–
their mode of action in ameliorating PD cannot be explained brain barrier, is initially effective in most patients, but often
solely by MAO-B inhibition. Today, the basis for their neuro- loses its efficacy after several years of treatment, the period
protective mechanism of action is being actively pursued. We varying from one patient to another. Complications associated
hypothesize that the beneficial role of MAO-B inhibitors in PD with its use are involuntary movements, which occur in many
is due to a shift from neurotoxicity to neuroprotection of the patients within several years, and an unpredictable ‘‘on–off’’
injured dopaminergic neurons. effect in the course of treatment.(31) Other adverse effects
include queasiness (nausea), a drop in blood pressure
(hypotension), and, occasionally, psychotic symptoms.(31)
Apoptosis and Parkinson’s disease Levodopa treatment requires a certain number of live dopami-
Since 1996, when apoptotic death was discovered in nergic neurons to convert this metabolic precursor into the
dopaminergic cells of Parkinsonian patients,(21) many addi- neurotransmitter dopamine (DA). As a result, the amount of
tional studies have suggested the involvement of an apoptotic synaptic DA is increased and the DA deficiency characteristic
mechanism in this disorder. Apoptosis, a delayed form of cell of PD is corrected. The disadvantage of this therapeutic
death associated with the activation of a ‘‘genetic program’’, is approach is the augmented cell death of large numbers of DA
an important biological process controlling cell number in neurons during PD progression, leading to less DA synthesis
various tissues. This mechanism plays an important role in the during levodopa treatment and rendering it less effective.
development of the nervous system(22) and is also triggered Drugs that mimic DA (agonists) are less effective than
following pathological events such as stroke and neurode- levodopa.(32) They activate postsynaptic DA receptors in the
generative diseases.(14) The SN of PD patients shows an SN and improve motor function independently of DA neuron
increase in caspase activity and in the pro-apoptotic Bax degeneration.
protein, as well as nuclear translocation of glyceraldehyde-3- The first generation of MAO inhibitors, originally synthe-
phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), indicating the activation sized in the 1950s, was used as antidepressants due to their
of apoptotic signals.(23–25) However, it is not clear whether the inhibitory effect on the metabolism of monoamine neurotrans-
degeneration associated with PD involves a fast ‘event’ in mitters. These inhibitors are both irreversible and non-selec-
which a significant number of dopaminergic neurons deterio- tive. However, their use as antidepressants was restricted
rate as a result of unknown factor(s),(26) or a very slow one that because of hepatotoxicity(33) and due to an increase in blood
may last several decades.(27) Furthermore, other postmortem pressure (hypertensive response) following the ingestion of
studies, based on nick-end labeling of fragmented DNA,(28) some foods and drinks containing tyramine,(34) which are nor-
Bcl-2 and Bax apoptotic protein markers,(27) failed to show a mally metabolized in the gastrointestinal tract by MAO.(34,35)
significant contribution of apoptosis to SN dopaminergic As a result of MAO inhibition, the ingested tyramine enters the
neuronal cell death. An additional complication adding to the circulation and is actively taken up by peripheral adrenergic
cell death controversy in PD is the finding that, in postmortem neurons, displacing stored noradrenaline and giving rise to a
tissue, apoptotic markers are present in the glia but not in SN hypertensive response that can be fatal.(36) This side-effect
neurons.(29,30) In general, nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons pharmacological phenomenon(37) was named the ‘‘cheese
are lost with age. This phenomenon is dramatically acceler- effect’’, since many cheeses are rich in tyramine. The next
ated in Parkinson’s patients. The grounds for the vulnerability discovery was made by Johnston,(38) who showed that the
of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons are unknown and the MAO enzyme exists in two forms: A and B. This led to the
precise mechanism of cell death awaits further investigation. synthesis of a new generation of MAO inhibitors exhibiting
The gene-expression microarray technique is expected to greater selectivity toward the individual isoforms. MAO-A
make a significant contribution to the identification of gene inhibitors are potent antidepressants but, since MAO-A is the
products involved in cell death and leading to PD.(18) major isoform in the intestine, they induce the ‘‘cheese effect’’.

BioEssays 26.1 81

The finding that MAO-B inhibitors have weaker antidepressant consists of propargylamine derivatives. These are irreversible
activity, do not induce the ‘‘cheese effect,’’(39) but can amelio- inhibitors, which would ensure continuous dopaminergic
rate PD symptoms, was the basis for modern Parkinson stimulation, considered a major therapeutic goal. Lazabemide,
therapeutics,(39,40) using the MAO-B inhibitor selegiline and a 2-aminoethyl carboxamide derivative, which is a reversible,
rasagiline. Selegiline has been approved for use in the USA as highly selective antioxidant, was developed as a MAO-B
an adjunct to levodopa but not for monotherapy; rasagiline is a inhibitor for treatment of PD.(46) Clinical trials with this com-
new addition to the MAO-B inhibitor group. pound were discontinued in phase III of the clinical study due
to the abnormal liver functions that developed in patients
Monoamine oxidases and inhibitors undergoing this treatment. To date, of the variety of selective
in Parkinson’s disease MAO-B inhibitors investigated, only one, selegiline (l-depre-
MAO (EC oxidatively deaminates monoamine neuro- nyl) (Table 1), has been in clinical use since the mid 1970s.(47)
transmitters (norepinephrine, epinephrine, serotonin and Rasagiline (N-propargyl-1-R-aminoindan) (Table 1), a novel,
dopamine), as well as exogeneous amines (e.g., tyramine). potent, selective, and irreversible inhibitor of MAO-B, absorb-
The end products of the enzymatic reaction are aldehydes and ed after oral administration,(48,49) is currently being evaluated
hydrogen peroxide, both toxic to DA neurons. The physio- in phase III clinical trial.(40) In contrast to selegiline, rasagiline is
logical role of MAO is to terminate the action of several not metabolized to potentially toxic amphetaminic metabolites
neurotransmitters and to detoxify exogenous monoamines. and its major metabolite, 1-R-aminoindan, has exhibited
Two MAO subtypes, MAO-A and MAO-B, were defined in beneficial effects in animal models of PD.(50) Because of its
1968,(38) based on their differential sensitivity to irreversible selectivity towards MAO-B, rasagiline does not trigger the
inhibitors. 20 years later, the corresponding cDNAs of these ‘‘cheese effect’’,(51) and was found to improve motor and
two subtypes were cloned. Sequence comparison indicated cognitive function in PD animal models.(50) A recent clinical
72.6% amino acid homology.(41,42) The genes encoding the trial demonstrated the beneficial influence of rasagiline mono-
two subtypes have been localized to human chromosome therapy in early stages of Parkinson’s disease.(40) To evaluate
Xp11.23-Xp11.4.(43) The MAO-A and MAO-B genes are homo- the safety and efficacy of rasagiline, a multicenter clinical trial
logous at the level of intron–exon organization and in co-factor was carried out in which a total of 404 patients in early stages of
FAD-binding site, and both enzymes are located at the outer PD were included. The participants were randomly assigned to
mitochondrial membrane.(44) Along with the similarities, MAO- groups receiving rasagiline at a dose of 1–2 mg per day or
A and MAO-B display differences in their numbers of amino corresponding placebo. A one-week escalation period was
acids, 527 and 520, and molecular weights 59.7 kDa and followed by a 25-week maintenance period. The efficacy of
58.8 kDa, respectively. The in vivo substrate affinity in humans treatment was evaluated according to the Unified Parkinson’s
also differs: MAO-A metabolizes mainly serotonin, norepi- Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS); rasagiline monotherapy at
nephrine and epinephrine, whereas MAO-B metabolizes both doses proved effective.(40)
dopamine and phenylethylamine.(44) Both MAO-B and MAO- Although inhibition of MAO-B is of prime importance in
A are widely distributed in the human body, the ratio between controlling PD symptoms, it appears that this inhibition under-
them varying in different tissues. The highest value (>69) is lies many additional effects in the brain. An interesting analogy
found in platelets; lower ratios were detected in the human can be drawn between PD patients chronically administered
brain, the highest of which (5.5) was found in the SN.(45) The MAO-B inhibitors and knockout mice lacking the gene encod-
selectivity toward different endogenous substrates, together ing MAO-B. Chen et al. demonstrated significant upregulation
with tissue-specific localization, determines the clinical poten- (30%) of D2 receptors in the striatum and the functional
tial of each isoform. Inhibition of MAO activity in the brain supersensitivity of D1 receptors in the mouse nucleus accum-
increases the synaptic level of the neurotransmitters seroto- bens.(52) This upregulation resembles similar regulation of the
nin, noradrenaline and dopamine. This mechanism was dopamine receptors observed in PD patients chronically
exploited to treat depression, first with nonselective MAO treated with MAO-B inhibitors. It has been suggested that
inhibitors and, more recently, with selective MAO-A inhibitors. MAO-B makes a smaller contribution than MAO-A to dopamine
Today however, inhibitors of MAO-A are not the drugs of first metabolism in the mouse, as compared with man,(53) making it
choice in the treatment of depression, mainly because of the difficult to conclude that similar changes occur in MAO-B
development of novel antidepressants that act by different inhibitor-treated patients. However, subjects in whom the
pharmacological mechanisms, without eliciting the cheese MAO-B gene is deleted (atypical Norrie disease) have normal
effect. levels of DA metabolites in their plasma.(54) The parallelism
Many selective MAO-B inhibitors, potentially applicable to between MAO-B knockout mice and humans with a deleted
PD treatment, have been synthesized. They are categorized MAO-B gene, suggests a similarity in the lack of change in
according to chemical structure, each including several DA metabolites levels This additional circumstantial evidence
derivatives (Table 1). The most-potent and selective group leads us to postulate that upon treatment with MAO-B

82 BioEssays 26.1

Table 1. Classification of MAO-B inhibitors of clinical relevance, according to chemical structure, potency,
mechanism of action and selectivity
MAO-B inhibition Mechanism Selectivitya
Chemical group Chemical structure (IC50 nM) of inhibition MAOB/MAOA References

Propargylamine derivatives 6 Irreversible 233 95


Rasagiline 30 Irreversible 100 95

Allylamine derivatives 100 Irreversible 50 95

2-aminoethyl carboxamide 37 Reversible 26568 95


N-allenic indolalkylamine 25–25000 Irreversible >1 96


4-substituted 120–260b Irreversible — 97

cubylcarbinyl amines

Ratio between MAO-B and MAO-A (IC50). High value indicates greater selectivity towards MAO-B.

inhibitors, DA receptors undergo alterations seen in the MAO- strategy in the last 15 years has been based on the DA
B knockout mice. However, changes in dopamine receptors precursor levodopa, which raises the DA level. The adverse
are not the sole effect of the MAO-B inhibitors. Recent studies effects of the treatment, the fact that this compound does
show the potential for an additional beneficial activity: not arrest dopaminergic cell death and disease progression
neuroprotection. Cumulative in vivo and in vitro evidence and the possible contribution of apoptotic cell death to
points to the neuroprotective properties of propargylamine Parkinson’s disease, prompted the search for new neuropro-
MAO-B inhibitors, such as selegiline and rasagiline.(55–57) tective approaches. A neuroprotective therapeutic or disease-
modifying modality may be defined as an intervention that
MAO-B inhibitors and neuroprotection delays or prevents neuronal cell death and thus affects
in different neurotoxic models disease progression.
Since PD progresses very slowly and over many years, its Selegiline aroused considerable interest as a potential
diagnosis poses a tremendous challenge. Because the trigger neuroprotective drug. As summarized in Tables 2 and 3,
for dopaminergic cell death is unknown, the therapeutic preclinical studies point to the neuroprotective effect of the

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Table 2. Neuroprotective in vitro effects of MAO-B inhibitors selegiline and rasagiline

Neurotoxicity Neuroprotective
MAO-B Inhibitor Insult Model mechanism mechanism References

Selegiline Excitotoxicity Mesencephalic Depolarization and Yes 98

dopaminergic, primary calcium overload Independent of MAO-B
Hypocampal glia and Oxidative stress Yes, release of NGF 99
MPP Dopaminergic neurons Oxidative stress Yes 100
mesencephalic and
striatal cells
BSO L-buthionine-(S,R)- Mesencephalic neurons Glutathione depletion Yes 101
sulfoximine Independent of MAO-B
Serum and NGF NGF-partially Oxidative stress and Yes 102
withdrawal differentiated rat growth factor Independent of
PC12 cells starvation MAO-B, induction
of transcription
Natural cell death Mesencephalic neurons Apoptosis and Yes 49
combined with serum oxidative stress Serum-enhanced 103
deprivation 104
Serum deprivation and E1A-NR3 immortalized Oxidative stress and Yesa 105
hypoxia retinal neurons hypoxia
SIN-1 Neuroblastoma Oxidative stress Yes 77
SH-SY5Y cells
Rasagiline Natural cell death Mesencephalic neurons Apoptosis and Yes 49
combined with serum oxidative stress Serum-enhanced 103
SIN-1 Neuroblastoma Oxidative stress Yesb 75
SH-SY5Y cells 76
6-OHDA, SIN-1 Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y Oxidative stress Yesb 76
cells Independent of MAO-B
N-methyl(R)salsolinol, Neuroblastoma Oxidative stress Yesb,c 106
6-OHDA, peroxynitrite SH-SY5Y cells Independent of MAO-B
N-methyl(R)salsolinol SH-SY5Y cells Oxidative stress Yesd 107
overexpressing Bcl-2
Serum and NGF Partially differentiated Free radical-induced Yes 48
withdrawal PC12 cells apoptosis
Oxidative stress Independent of MAO-B
OGD NGF-differentiated Oxygen-glucose Yes 57
PC12 cells deprivation Independent of MAO-B 60

Regulation of apoptosis-related gene expression.
Stabilization of mitochondrial potential.
Suppresion of caspases and DNA fragmentation.
Prevention of nuclear accumulation of GAPDH.
Increased gene expression of anti-apoptotic targets (proteins).

propargylamine MAO-B inhibitors selegiline and rasagiline. sult,(57,60) prevents deficits in behavioral parameters following
This is illustrated by in vitro studies using a variety of hypoxia in adult and senescent rats,(61) protects from experi-
dopaminergic and nondopaminergic neurons taken from mental focal ischemia in the rat,(62) and from closed head injury
different species and exposed to a range of neurotoxic insults in the mouse.(63) The last three are in vivo models. Although the
(excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, depolarization, growth factor neuroprotective in vitro effect of selegiline, and even more so
withdrawal and oxygen glucose deprivation). For example, of rasagiline, is clear-cut, the lack of reliable pathophysiological
rasagiline prolongs the survival of cultured primary human and models for the disease has led to some skepticism among the
rat DA neurons under serum-free conditions,(58) reduces Parkinson medical community. The PD models using neuronal
glutamate toxicity in hippocampal neurons,(59) protects nerve cultures treated with 1-methyl-4-phenyl pyridinium (MPPþ, a
growth factor (NGF)-differentiated pheochromocytoma PC12 metabolite of the neurotoxin N-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetra-
cells from oxygen-glucose-deprivation (OGD-ischemia) in- hydropyridine (MPTP)) and 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OH-DA)

84 BioEssays 26.1

Table 3. Neuroprotective in vivo effects of MAO-B inhibitors selegiline and rasagiline

Neurotoxicity Neuroprotective
MAO-B Inhibitor Insult Model mechanism mechanism References

Selegiline Permanent or transient Rat Focal or whole Yes 99

occlusion of cerebral artery Mouse brain ischemia 108
Gerbil 109
Selegiline Unilateral MPPþ neurotoxicity Sprague-Dawley rat Oxidative stress Yes 110
Independent of MAO-B
Rasagiline, Selegiline MPTP Monkey Oxidative stress Yes 111
Rasagiline Permanent middle cerebral Wistar rat Brain ischemia Yes Independent of MAO-B 62
artery occlusion
Rasagiline Closed head injury Mouse Mechanical brain Yes 48

to trigger cell death, are the most common, and less cultures lacking MAO-B on the one hand, and the absence
disputable. They are the main models used for screening of any neuroprotective effect by clorgyline, a MAO-A inhibitor,
and developing novel drugs for PD treatment, although the on the other, also support the lack of correlation between
animals injected with the neurotoxin MPTP do not exhibit Lewy neuroprotection and MAO inhibition.(57) Furthermore, the
bodies, a hallmark of PD. propargylamine concentration required for neuroprotection
While a variety of neurological deficits are triggered by the both in vitro and in vivo is 1 mM, whereas the IC50 or Ki value for
above-mentioned insults in in vivo animal models, mainly the in vitro MAO-B inhibition is in the range of 6–30 nM. As shown
MPTP model partially mimics the PD syndrome. In rats fed in Tables 2 and 3, the major insults evoking neurotoxicity and,
selegiline, the lifespan of the animals was increased, in parallel in many cases, leading to neuronal apoptosis, are depolariza-
with enhanced catecholaminergic activity in the brain.(64,65) tion, calcium overload and oxidative stress. Conceptually,
This phenomenon was unrelated to MAO-B inhibition and therefore, the neuroprotective effect of propargylamines might
was a topic of controversy. The neuroprotective effects of the be grounded in the prevention of cell death or the activation of
MAO-B inhibitors selegiline and rasagiline have also been pro-survival pathways minimizing cellular stress.
investigated in mice, gerbils and monkeys (Table 3), in brain- Rasagiline and selegiline exert their antioxidant effect
ischemia, head-trauma, and under MPTP toxicity. As opposed by upregulating the enzymes involved.(68) Selegiline(69) and
to the clearly neuroprotective effects of propargylamines in rasagiline,(70) promote free radical scavenging by activating
in vitro cellular systems and in vivo experimental animal superoxide dismutase (SOD1 and SOD2) and catalase or by
models, clinical studies with selegiline have failed to distin- increasing the SOD protein level,(71) upon chronic adminis-
guish between the contribution of MAO-B inhibition and tration to rats. In vitro experiments in our laboratory using cyclic
MAO-B induced neuroprotection to the amelioration of clinical voltammetry further substantiated the antioxidant properties of
symptoms.(66) Although selegiline delayed the need for levo- these compounds. Selegiline displays antioxidant effects
dopa, its effect on disease progression has not been proved. in vivo, which are probably not related to MAO-B inhibition
As for rasagiline, a placebo (control) study revealed that since selegiline reduced the free radical level at a pM con-
patients with early PD who were treated with rasagiline for centrations too low to inhibit MAO-B activity.(72) The neuro-
12 months, showed less decline in neurological symptoms protective effect of selegiline could also be mediated indirectly
(UPDRS score) than patients whose rasagiline treatment via antagonistic modulation of the polyamine’s binding site on
was delayed for 6 months. These clinical results cannot be the NMDA receptor, thereby reducing NMDA-receptor-gener-
explained by the purely symptomatic effect of rasagiline,(67) ated excitotoxicity.(73) Moreover, rasagiline and selegiline act
and they may represent a neuroprotective effect. directly as anti-apoptotic agents, probably by interfering with
the cellular apoptotic cascade (pro-survival) (Table 2). Several
Insights into the neuroprotection mechanism: studies have shown that treatment of cells with rasagiline
lack of correlation between neuroprotection causes upregulation of putative anti-apoptotic and antioxidant
and MAO-B inhibition proteins such as Bcl-2, SOD, glutathione and BCLXL.(74) It has
The neuroprotective effect of propargylamines, demonstrated been suggested that rasagiline protects cells from apoptosis
in different insult models, both in vitro and in vivo, suggests that by stabilizing the mitochondrial membrane potential(75,76)
it is not due to MAO inhibition (Tables 2 and 3). The finding that since such stabilization showed a causal relationship to inhibi-
propargylamines induce neuroprotection in neuronal cell tion of caspase activity and prevention of DNA fragmentation.

BioEssays 26.1 85

In any event, the propargyl group of rasagiline and selegiline apoptotic process in the cells. It is very tempting to suggest
is essential to MAO-B inhibition and the anti-apoptotic that the active site of these proteins possesses an FAD-
effect.(77) binding domain such as in MAO-B.(83) Recently, the structure
of human MAO-B was determined by crystalization at 3Å
Molecular neuroprotective mechanism resolution. Electron density analysis revealed that pargyline, a
of MAO-B inhibitors selegiline analog, binds covalently to N5 of the flavine
The precise target and details of the molecular mechanisms nucleotide.(83) Therefore, it is conceivable that the insertion
involved in the neuroprotective effect exerted by propargy- of propargylamines into the FAD pocket(83) of certain proteins
lamines are not known. A major obstacle in mechanistic with a structure similar to that of MAO-B will be followed by
studies on selegiline is that the molecule is largely (/80%) covalent binding to FAD or NAD, as in MAO-B, resulting in
converted into amphetamines, some of which display neuro- neuroprotection.
toxic activity.(78) Cumulative evidence suggests that brain Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is a by-product of the
injury following amphetamine and methamphetamine admin- enzymatic reaction catalyzed by MAO-B, has been shown to
istration is due to increased free radical formation and mito- inhibit GAPDH. This inactivates the glycolytic and mitochon-
chondrial damage, leading to a failure in cellular energy drial pathways of ADP phosphorylation, resulting in a drop in
metabolism followed by secondary excitotoxicity-induced intracellular ATP level and cell death. It was shown that MAO-
seizures.(78) The neuroprotective activity of selegiline derives B inhibition by propargylamines confers neuroprotection
from a minor metabolite, desmethylselegiline (DMS), which from H2O2-induced injury due to GAPDH damage.(84) It
was shown to be neuroprotective in vitro.(79) However, the was recently demonstrated that the level of GAPDH and its
amphetamine-like major metabolites may cause cell da- nuclear accumulation increase in apoptotic models of serum
mage(80) and thus could reverse the potential beneficial withdrawal, growth factor deprivation and MPPþ-induced
effects of DMS. Indeed, the addition of L-methamphetamine neurotoxicity, pointing to the enzyme’s essential role in apop-
to oxygen–glucose-deprived PC-12 cells substantially in- tosis.(85,86) Furthermore, propargylamines prevented both
creased cell death.(57) When both L-methamphetamine and these phenomena, suggesting that this activity rather than
selegiline were added to PC-12 cells exposed to OGD, the MAO-B inhibition, may contribute to the neuroprotective
protective effect of the latter was reduced.(57) In contrast to effect.(85) Another important finding was the subcellular redu-
selegiline, whose neuroprotective activity derives from its ction in GAPDH activity in Alzheimer’s disease and Hunting-
minor metabolite, DMS, that of rasagiline is mediated solely by ton’s disease.(87) The investigators posited that intracellular
the parent drug(57,81) and its major metabolite, 1-R-amino- formation of complexes between GAPDH and proteins chara-
indan, is not toxic.(57) cteristic of neurodegenerative disorders, such as a-synuclein
An interesting attempt to identify the target of the propargy- in PD, b-amyloid in Alzheimer’s or huntingtin in Huntington’s,
lamine anti-apoptotic effect was made by Kragten et al. in may represent an emerging cellular phenotype of neurode-
1998.(82) They synthesized a selegiline derivative (CGP 3466) generative disorders The major challenges in this field will be
that is neuroprotective but does not inhibit MAO and is not to further clarify the apoptotic role of GAPDH, the pathophy-
metabolized to amphetamines. Using affinity binding, labeling siological meaning of GAPDH complexes, to identify novel
and BIAcore technology (in which CGP 3466 was covalently anti-apoptotic and/or pro-survival FAD- or NAD-binding
bound to the surface of a flow cell with a CM5 sensor chip(82)), proteins and to delineate the interaction between these novel
they detected in rat brain lysates four protein bands of enzymes and propargylamines in neuroprotection.
38,43,50 and 299 kDa, all putative endogeneous binding sites
for CGP 3466. One of these proteins (38 kDa) was identified Neuroprotection strategy perspectives
as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). In the present review, we have focused on the neuroprotection
Using GAPDH antisense oligonucleotides, the investigators of MAO-B inhibitors, their chemical characterization and their
established the importance of this enzyme in mediating the cellular and molecular mechanisms of action. It is impossible in
neuroprotective effect of CGP 3466. Although the precise so brief a review to cite all the earlier work recently summarized
role of GAPDH in neuronal apoptosis and in the neuroprotec- by Magyar and Vizi.(88) We have included a few examples to
tive mechanism of propargylamines awaits further investiga- illustrate the newly emerging apoptotic concept of dopami-
tion, GAPDH is the first selective target reported for these nergic neuronal degeneration and have described selected
compounds. GAPDH binds nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide studies on the neuroprotective contribution of MAO-B inhi-
(NADþ)(82) at a site structurally similar to that of the flavin bitors such as propargylamines. The majority of in vitro and
adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-binding enzymes, to which MAO- in vivo PD studies attribute the neurodegeneration of SN
B belongs. Therefore, we propose that propargylamines bind dopaminergic neurons to a long series of insults such as:
to GAPDH or other proteins with a tertiary structure similar to mitochondrial impairment and oxidative stress, Ca2þ overload,
that of the active site of MAO-B, thereby initiating an anti- iron metabolism, neurotoxins, excitotoxicity, neurotrophins,

86 BioEssays 26.1

oxygen and glucose deprivation, depolarization and inflam- agonists could prove beneficial in the treatment of this
mation. It is conceivable that the neuroprotective effect disorder. Development of MAO-B inhibitors with neurotro-
of propargylamines is due to a shift in the neurotoxicity- phin-like activity may be a future strategy in PD therapy. This
neuroprotection balance towards survival (Fig. 1). MAO-B, possibility is supported by the recent finding that rasagiline
GAPDH and other FAD/NAD-binding proteins represent increases GDNF production and release by neuroblastoma
pivotal targets of the balance, as reflected by the neuropro- cells.(92) Despite the uncertainties and difficulties attendant
tective effect of selegiline and rasagiline. Therefore, a pharma- upon neuroprotective therapy in PD, clinical trials with innovat-
ceutical approach towards neuroprotection would be to ive neuroprotective agents must proceed for neuroprotection
synthesize novel MAO-B/GAPDH inhibitors. Such inhibitors to become a reality.
should help to launch mechanistic studies aimed at elucidating In addition to the use of low molecular weight drugs for PD
the molecular interactions of these compounds in anti-apo- treatment, modern therapeutic tactics focus on cell and gene
ptotic and/or survival signaling pathways. A crucial need in PD therapy. Cell therapy includes implantation in the SN of em-
drug development is the establishment of new in vitro and bryonic or neuronal stem cells, which can synthesize and
in vivo models of the disease. Once these models are avail- release dopamine to correct the PD syndrome.(93) Gene
able, it will be necessary to identify neuronal dopaminergic therapy in PD should aim both at supplementing the low SN
apoptotic pathways, as well as survival pathways. One of the dopamine level by introducing the genes encoding dopamine-
most remarkable changes recently observed in the nigro- synthesizing enzymes into non-dopaminergic cells in the
striatal region of the PD brain is the decreased level of neuro- striatum, and at supporting the survival of dopaminergic
trophins supporting dopaminergic neuron survival, such neurons by preventing apoptosis through the introduction of
as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), NGF(89) and genes blocking this process.(94)
glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF).(90) Therefore, re- We anticipate that, in coming years, the cellular pathophy-
combinant neurotrophins or compounds increasing the local siology of Parkinson’s disease will be clarified, allowing the
production of neurotrophins,(91) and/or neurotrophin receptor- design of new drugs and novel therapeutic approaches.

Figure 1. Schematic depicting the balance be-

tween neurotoxicity and neuroprotection in Par-
kinson’s disease. Upper part: Normal population of
SN dopaminergic neurons, consisting mainly of
live neurons (blue) and a few dead neurons (red).
Enzymes (green) (targeted by propargylamines)
pivot the balance between cell survival (#) and cell
death ("). Insults shift the balance towards
neurotoxicity; rasagiline and selegiline tip the
balance towards neuroprotection.

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