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God so loved that He gave...

Jesus !
Austin & Katy Van Wyk

Serving in Hohenfels, Germany with Club Beyond Facebook: Austin & Katy Van Wyk CMR 414 Box 1434, APO AE 09173 Phone: 641-569-7246 Dear friends, Tis the month before Christmas, and all through Hohenfels Were shopping and wrapping presents, singing carols and ringing bells Wherever this season finds you, celebrating with many or with few We hope you enjoy reading this, our year-in-review

Katy is participating in the chapels handbell choir this Christmas season The first part of the year, we escaped German winters gray, and traveled home for YFC MidWinter, in Denver we did stay. Austin traveled to Romania, a preview of the Service Project in June; In the snow they surveyed sites where our teens would build soon. Austin meeting the town officials on his Service Project pre-trip Springtime sunshine brought Adventure Camp with grades six through eight. Biking, climbing, caving, and team building made for a week that was great! In the month of May, Austins parents, Bryce and Thelma Van Wyk Came to visit and stayed awhile. Time with family was nice!

Us with Austins parents during their visit in May Our summer months were very busy with Service Project and VBS, Stateside fundraising trip, though unexpected, was far from a mess. EPICicitys games, BBQs, and a visit from our friend Eric Wright, Time with family and supporters, evidences of Gods might. Austin and Eric, who came for a few days before he helped out as our contractor Fall brought the unexpected news of transition, moving, change, New ministry in this new place has been wonderful and strange. Throughout the year, in each new phase God has proven His Word true. We are thankful for His provision, His great gifts, and most of all for YOU!

We would love to be your missionaries for 2013! Please prayerfully consider joining our monthly support team Or blessing our ministry with your year-end giving!

Our first taste of missions together, with Emmaus Bible College in 2005 As you celebrate this season and remember Jesuss birth, That unexplainable mystery - the Son of God coming to earth, May you experience all the joy that this season is meant to bring. Please pray for us, and for our teens, that all would know Christ as King!

Contribuons are under the control and administraon of YFC/USA and are tax-deducble.
Please make checks payable to:

For the ministry of:

Austin & Katy Van Wyk

Donation Information:

Account: 30607 Serving in Hohenfels, Germany with Club Beyond Check #_________Amount__________
Please apply this to my pledge. This is a new pledge per month of:$300 $200 $150 $100 $50 other This is a special gift for the ministry I would like to give via credit card. Electronic Fund Transfer information is on the back. Donate online:

PO Box 4478 Englewood, CO 80155

Gift By Credit Card I would like to give today. I authorize a recurring gift by credit card on the 5th of each month or the 20th of each month Please charge my gift of $______ to my Visa MC Card Number____________________________________ Code#______ Expiration Date_______/______ Daytime Phone____________________ Name as it appears on card ________________________ Card Holders signature

Gift by Electronic Fund Transfer I authorize an automatic Electronic Fund Transfer from my bank account each month. This authorization shall remain in effect until I notify Youth for Christ to end this agreement, which I may do at any time. Enclosed is my gift by check for the first month made payable to Youth for Christ with missionary account number 30607 on memo line. Please choose the date you prefer your gift to be transferred: 5th of each month or 20th of each month Signature__________________ Date____________

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