CR Book Launch Poster EMB

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l i c aty Rad

s R e s p on
C ght of e thou CkS t in g t h a than Sa Celebr R d Jo n a b b i Lo h ie f R a
by e d it e d o ld , l ry n h , d a n ie h a r r is J. ht iC h a el a W r ig M & ta M r

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of a e chimera centur y, th r the illusion enty-first vealed fo In the tw has been re while the internal ith universal fa Thus, aling with ays was.... s that of de rows out, that it alw n remain th sh questio rnal world Jewi e exte daism in ges that th l texts of Ju those the challen the eterna tion that terpreting e no and rein lves th them, th al wi fy themse ed to justi e order to de has becom lar faith ne of a particu r of universal reason remains un ba t religion before the pressing. Ye ly in the post-9/11 s mewhat les n. Particular s so religion ha gatio der interro people assume that ry society. ra any contempo world, m oblem in e pr ght become th by the thou ion made ly contin contribut at it not on dition The special Sacks is th bbi ical tra of Chief Ra ble Jewish philosoph face of nera ith in the ues the ve ditional fa moves taining tra s, but also enge of main core Jewctual chall w lle ternal inte showing ho as of the ex by is tradition dilemm beyond th dress the ngs can ad ish teachi itself. rld n) secular wo Introductio (from the

o n s i bi l ity


l d i ciaty Ra li
sib R e s p on he thought of
by e d it e d o ld , l ry n h , d a n ie is t J. h a r r h M iC h a el & ta M r a W r ig

S aC k S at in g t n at h a n Celebr o R d Jo abbi L C h ie f R

a imera of ur y, the ch e illusion -first cent th the twenty s been revealed for In rnal ith ha ile the inte universal fa Thus, wh aling with ays was.... s that of de rows out, that it alw n remain estio world th Jewish qu e external daism in ges that th l texts of Ju those the challen g the eterna that reinterpretin them, the notion s and with themselve al fy ed to justi e order to de has becom lar faith ne of a particu r of universal reason ains unrem t religion fore the ba be g. Ye 9/11 less pressin in the post- s somewhat rticularly religion ha gation. Pa der interro people assume that ry society. any pora world, m in contem e problem ought become th e by the th ution mad ly continntrib special co at it not on dition The is th bbi Sacks ical tra of Chief Ra ble Jewish philosoph the face of nera l faith in ues the ve traditiona g also moves maintainin ual challenges, but of Jewtellect g how core e external in by showin mas of th is tradition the dilem beyond th n address ca teachings ish rld itself. n) secular wo Introductio (from the

e s p on s i bi l i t y


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