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Rotation of Chart

Depending on the relation between the querent and the person in question, the chart should be rotated. The planet positions are the same and only the cusp positions are rotated clockwise. The question can be from different sources: A person asks the question pertaining to him. In this case, there is no need to rotate the chart. For example, Shall I get French VISA tomorrow? The astrologer would like to know out his personal interest. In this case, there is no need to rotate the chart. For example, Will Mr.XYZ win the election? A person asks the question about things related to somebody else. In this case, the chart should be rotated based on the relation between the querent and the person in question. Below is the list indicating the relation and the rotation: Relation Younger Brother Mother First Child Maternal Uncle Wife Husband < /font> Partner Opponent Second Child Father Unknown Person Rotate 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 9

Elder Brother
Elder Sister

11 11 11 12

Friend Paternal Uncle

Note: Rotate = 3 means that the 3rd cusp will become the Ascendant and all the other cusps move in the same manner (4th cusp will be 2nd,...).

Ruling Planets
The Ruling planets is one of the inventions of Sri KSKji who has used intensively in most of his studies and proved to be very effective. This is very simple technique and easy to use independently to time the event; in KP Horary astrology; in Natal astrology. The Ruling planets are: (a) Strongest: Lagna star lord (b) Lagna sign lord (c) Moon star lord (d) Moon sign lord (e) Weakest: Day lord (Sun rise to sun rise) (f) Planets in conjunction, aspect by above planets (a to e) (g) Nodes (Rahu and Ketu) connected (conjunction or aspect (also star lord level) by planets) to planets from (a to d). NOTE 1: The group of RPs at generation of birth chart will be same as RP at the time of query, at the time of judgment and at the time of fructification of the event. NOTE 2: A significator which becomes an RP simultaneously will definitely a stronger significator and rather a fruitful significator. Below are some hints to select fruitful Ruling planets:

If a RP is in the sub of another RP who is detrimental to the houses to be judged for a particular matter by being a significator of houses 8 and 12 to the house to be judged, then this RP will not be fruitful Ruling Planet. If a RP is in the sub of a retrograde planet, then this RP is not useful. If Rahu and Ketu were to be in conjunction with another planet or aspected by another planet or if it is in a sign, Rahu/Ketu will act as an agent for them.

Is the Question Genuine?

The question can be of any sort but one thing that has to be kept in one's mind is that the question should be clear and the question should be a genuine one. This system gives correct results when the querent is serious to know the answer. Moon is the indicator of the querents mind. For the question to be genuine, the Moon should signify (The significators are: ownership, occupation of Moon; Moons star lord; Moons sub lord) the prime and associated houses related to the question. For example, for a question on marriage, the Moon should signify 2,7,11.

The Lagna indicates the person himself and so one should also analyze if the Lagna sub lord signifies the prime and associated houses related to the question.

Recent research studies also confirm the genuine of the question using Moon and Lagna. The Moon star lord, sub lord should related to Lagna star lord, sub lord for the question to be genuine. If the Moon star lord, or sub lord is same as Lagna star lord or sub lord, then the querent is very keen to know the answer.

Is Matter Promised?
The planet is the source; the star lord is the indicator of the nature of the event and the sub lord is the deciding factor. Hence one should analyse the sub lord to see if the matter is promised or not.
The question asked by the querent is converted into an event (For more details see the documentation of the software KP Horaray Astrology by AstroOpenSource ( that is associated with primary (for example 7 for marriage) and associated cusps (2, 7, 11 for marriage). The matter is promised satisfies the following conditions:


The concerned Cuspal sub lord or its star lord or its sub lord is not retrograde. (Note: This is still a disputed rule and several versions of this are: (a) The retrograde state of a planet has no effect as retrograde is not really retrograde and it is only a virtual effect, (b) The retrograde planet (Cuspal sub lord) if deposited in the star of a planet in direct motion, the event will materialize after some obstacles and delay, (c) the planet (Cuspal sub lord) failed to offer the result when it is in a sub of a retrograde planet. The primary Cuspal sub lord is the significators of any one of the required houses (For example, 2, 7, 11 for marriage).

The matter is not promised if:

Both star lord and sub lord of the primary Cuspal sub lord are connected to the negative houses (For example, 6, 10, 12 for marriage).

Verify also if Lagna Cuspal sub lord (success in ones effort) and 11 indicator for the materialization of the query

Cuspal sub lord

(fulfillment of desire) signifies the houses related the question. This is a supportive

The significators are used to determine the time of the event. One should find out all possible significators of the houses corresponding to the

question and then find out the fruitful significators that are used to time the event. The significators of the cusps are classified as (The order is from strongest to weakest): PCO: Planets in the constellation of the occupant (PCO are the strongest significators) OCC: Occupants PCBL: Planets in the constellation of the Bhava Lord BL: Bhava Lord ASP: Planets conjoined or aspected by the planets of PCO, OCC, PCBL, BL. NOTE: The strength of this planet is proportional to the strength of the planet with whom it is connected. NOTE 1: Aspects (Conjunction) are generally seen from sign to sign. But specifically to be seen within the ORB (+ or - 8 degrees). A planet within + or 2 degrees is called in RAPT conjunction or aspect. The nodes Rahu and Ketu: Ra and Ke becomes the representatives of significators when they are connected with any of the 4 fold significators (PCO, OCC, PCBL, BL) in the following order of strength: Conjunction Aspected by the significators Occupied in the star of the significators Occupied in the sign of the significators NOTE: Conj and Aspect are from sign to sign. The Cuspal sub lord of certain Bhava qualifies itself as a significator of that Bhava in the absence of planets in its stars even if sub lord negates the Bhava. For example, to find out the significators of marriage, find out the significators of the cusps 2, 7 and 11.

Fruitful Significators
One should find out all possible significators of the houses corresponding to the question and then find out the fruitful significators that are used to time the event. In most of the cases, one will obtain all nine planets as

significators. Here is the challenge to find most beneficial significators that can be used to time the event. Below are the guide lines to select the fruitful significators: Significators those are common with Ruling planets at the time of judgment. Significators from PCO and PCBL are stronger. Significators which are the Cuspal sub lords of the required houses. The Cuspal sub lord becomes the strongest significators, if there is no planet in its star. Significators which appear several times amongst the Ruling Planets and/or significators. The significators which also signifies the negative houses will never give the positive result. In general avoid using the significators to the 12 th Bhava to the concerned house. A strong and single significators of the negative houses should be rejected. Reject the significators which is in the star of the retrograde planet as it cannot give the results during its DBAS period. If a significators of a cusp is very close to the adjacent cusp (within 3.333 degrees), then the significators signifies the adjacent house and the occupied house. If there is no planet in the adjacent house then it is strongest signifier of that adjacent house. If the sub lords of two cusps are the same then those two cusps are strongly connected to each other. Example: if 1 st Cuspal sub lord is same as the 11 th Cuspal sub lord, then it is strong indication of promise of fulfillment of desire. Each planet is associated with the nature of the event and the planet is called the chief significators (Kaaraka) of that matter. A Kaaraka signifies the relevant Bhava (if it is a KP Significator) stronger than any other planet. The following table gives the details: Planet Signification Sun Father, Government, Profession Moon Mind, Journey, Liquids Mars Courage, Brothers, Sisters,

Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Operation, Accident, House, Building, Quick grasping, Engineering Education, Communication, Power of speech, Commerce, Two minds Wealth, Progeny, Children, Education, Law, Judgment Marriage, Spouse, Vehicle, Luxury items Longivity, Services, Servants, Delay, Land, Mental Imprisonment Moksha, Danger

Dasa, Bhukti, Antara, Sookshma

In KP Astrology, only Vimsottari dasa is used. The Vimsottari dasa periods are calculated using 365 days per year. The default total duration of the life is taken as 120 years. In the K P Horary software from, it is possible to select different values. This is useful when the life of the event is limited to different period (For example, Life of a Parliament member is 5 years). After selecting the fruitful significators, one has to select DBAS to time the event. Below are some hints to select the DBAS:

All D/B/A/S lords should have positive effect for the event to be positive. DBAS is not applicable for the events to happen within few days. For an event to take place, the appropriate D/B/A of significators of the event should be running. Check if the chart shows any delay related to Saturn or Punarphoo. For an event to happen: It should be signified in the chart. The appropriate D/B/A of significators of the event should be running.

Transits should agree (or favorable for the event).

Transit at the time of event

After carefully selecting the fruitful significators, find out the DBAS that agrees with the significators. Once this DBAS period is selected, one has to find a suitable date during this DBAS period that agrees with the transit.
Find out the duration between the date on which the chart generated and the DBAS period. Based on this duration, one has to use the transit of Jupiter, Sun, Moon and Lagna.

If the event is to happen in a few hours, the transit of the Ascendant is to be concerned. If in a few days the transit of the Moon and then Lagna is to be considered. If in a few months, the transit of the Sun and then Moon and then Lagna is to be considered. If in a few years, the transit of Jupiter, and then Sun and then Moon and then Lagna is to be considered.

Find out the best period (within the DBAS period) when Jupiter transits through the fruitful significators. Then find out the best period (within the Jupiter transit period) when Sun transits through the fruitful significators. Then find out the best period (within the Sun transit period) when Moon transits through the fruitful significators. Then find out the best period (within the Moon transit period) when Lagna transits through the fruitful significators. This final period is the period in which the event will be materialized. Please note that depending upon the duration between chart generation date and the DBAS period, one has to use Jupiter, Sub, Moon, Lagna as per the rules indicated above. For example, if the duration is within 27 days, then it is enough to see Moon transit and Lagna transit.

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