TWR Notes

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:.,/^$/-1!fmt Sorry for delay. The usual holiday distractions along with the usual day to day.

These notes are mostly thoughts that came to me as I read, not editorial suggestions. My thoughts should give you an idea whether or not an at least sympathetic reader is getting the ideas you're putting across. p4 "The White rapper is now an authentic category in the pantheon of White achievements ...". Yeow! There's your soundbite! p17 The white rapper as "Elvis", who conveys the "good" "natural resource" to those titillated by the "hero" who braves the darkness and returns with something good, but having left the "dross" behind, as evidenced by his unsullied appearance. Elvis is a "friendly" stereotype, at least to the titillated. Your 'appropriation' at the bottom of p22. p18 Note 7. The exploitation and the rationalization are co-determinant, growing together and each facilitating/stimulating the other. An emergent behavior, if you will, no planning required. p20 Allport quote "know better". The serious Racist does "know better", but not in the way suggested by Allport. See for example inity-of-the-founding-fathers/266099/, the quote from James McPherson's "This Mighty Scourge". You get into this difference in meaning later in the page. p21 and finally, even if the white rapper/audience member does "know better" in the Allport sense, some measure of instinct and cultural inertia steers emotion and hence behavior. There is also the simple excitement in the *form* of Rap (and other Hip-Hop elements) that leads to the discarding of the troublesome component ("dross" above), appropriation and fitting of a new (teen angst, for example) component, this very appropriating and purifying operation being an essential operation of the SIPP! The willing and able WR might work to deliberately "culture jam" this operation (more below) but retaining an audience would be challenging! p22 "spirit of Hip Hop" more on this forthcoming, I hope. End of page, "coup": spell-checker helped by respelling co-opt? p24 "Racially assertive" - The more "benign" WR, failing to come to terms with American racism shaping the conditions in the location of the development of the original form in NYC, may attempt a "post-racial", "world music" stance, which will still lose sight of the significance of Race and therefore the culture (no, not Hip-Hop culture! :-) ) in which the form developed. The interest in precursor forms, like Jamaican toasting, or the African djeli or griot tradition, seems to me to have as motivation in part to set aside the context of the origins of Rap, by some strange sleight-of-hand avoiding the mention of the route of transmission!

From here on is the Appendix. p84 Yes, the effect of Racism on the White person! As I was reading, I was thinking "this is not explicitly mentioning the White Person enough" even though the WP is the subject! Such is the power of the SIPP that I could easily read it as talking about "someone else". Even Jefferson (see the link above) wrote about the negative effects of slavery on the slave holder (and yet ...). This is a message that the WR can carry to a White audience - the corruption, the self-delusion, the crippling effects on *them*. A message, I would say, at least in the beginning, that a Black rapper cannot carry, for obvious reasons, both the superficial ones, and those inherent in the operation of the White Supremacy SIPP machine. p92 The bailing of a boat without attention to closing a hull breach is a good metaphor. The effort to set right the effects of the SIPP machine without dismantling the SIPP are ultimately futile. A more timely metaphor would be the leaking nuclear reactor (chemical plant, mine, etc.), and payments for damage caused, while the source remains in operation, certain to damage again, perhaps to become a Fukishima. Reparations strike me rather like loans from the IMF/World Bank. Somehow the White guys end up with the money again, and things are worse than they were before, because, obviously, the exploitative machine is still in operation! p94 "Legislation is merely a cork in the bottle of a Racial Champagne.". Now there's a fine metaphor. All the tastier for the wait!

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