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Human Rights Alert (NGO)

Joseph Zernik, PhD PO Box 31440, Jerusalem

12-12-15 Correspondence with IARIA CYBRALAW 2013 re acceptance of paper documenting large-scale fraud in the electronic records of the California, US courts
The linked paper [1] details large-scale fraud in the Israeli courts electronic record systems, including, but not limited to Net HaMishpat. The correspondence documents that the paper was accepted for publication and presentation in CYBERLAW 2013 through scholarly peerreview process. Later, it was "rejected" through a dubious process by a self-identified "volunteer" and "logistics" of the organizers - IARIA International Academy, Research, and Industry Association.


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12-10-19 Email communication with Mr Petre Dini, in re: CYBERLAW 2013 permission to file manuscript for review with long footnotes, including legal citations, to be moved the online appendix prior to camera ready submission 12-11-28 Email notice by Mr Petre Dini, in re: CYBERLAW 2013 - contributionid 70018 4 "accepted" 12-12-14 Email communication by Mr Petre Dini, in re: CYBERLAW 2013 - contributionid 70018, 70031 "rejection" 12-12-15 Request for clarifications/corrective actions by IARIA officers, in re rejection of peerreviewed CYBERLAW 2013 paper

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LINKS: [1] 12-10-19 Integrity, or Lack Thereof, of the Electronic Records of the Courts of the State of
Israel CYBERLAW 2013 paper - peer-reviewed and accepted [2] 12-12-19 PRESS RELEASE Large-scale fraud in the Israeli courts electronic record systems peer-reviewed by CYBERLAW 2013

12-10-19 Email communication with Mr Petre Dini, in re: CYBERLAW 2013 - permission to file manuscript for review with long footnotes, including legal citations, to be moved the online appendix prior to camera ready submission ---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------Subject: Re: Paper #70031 to Cyberlaw 2013 "Invalid Electronic Record Systems of the State and Federal US Courts" From: "Petre Dini" <> Date: Fri, October 19, 2012 2:41 pm To: -------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Joseph, No problem! We will work on the camera-ready for a fair publication. Cheers, + petre On 10/19/2012 8:15 AM, wrote: > Hi Petre: > > I have just uploaded to Cyberlaw 2013 paper #70031, titled: Invalid > Electronic Record Systems of the State and Federal US Courts Enablers of > Human Rights Abuse and the Financial Crisis. > > The body of the paper conforms to the guidelines. However, the entire > paper in its current form is longer than permitted - due to extensive > references/footnotes to relevant law of California and the United States. > Such references/footnotes were included in the submission for the benefit > of reviewers of the legal content, but will be removed from the final > camera ready submission, and transferred to an online appendix. > > Please let me know if there is any problem with this submission. > > All the best, and see you in Nice! > > Joseph Zernik, PhD > Human Rights Alert (NGO)


12-11-28 Email notice by Mr Petre Dini, in re: CYBERLAW 2013 - contributionid 70018 "accepted" ---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------Subject: CYBERLAWS 2013: Your contribution 70018 is accepted From: "IARIA Confirmation" <> Date: Wed, November 28, 2012 6:28 pm To: Cc: -------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Joseph Zernik, Congratulations! Your contribution 70018 to CYBERLAWS 2013 titled "Integrity, or Lack Thereof, of the Electronic Records of the Courts of the State of Israel False authentication, certification and undermined integrity of the offices of the clerks are inherent to the design and operation of the current electronic record " is accepted. There are some fixable issues that must be addressed before being ready for publication: - Scientific and technical; - English & punctuation, and - Sections and presentation flow. To proceed further, please register the paper and pay the registration. IARIA will allocate technical and linguistic resources to assist with the fixing process. The comments received from the reviewers will be the starting point for the interaction with the IARIA representative. The final revision and fixing process will start immediately after the registration transaction is successfully processed. Upon receipt of this notification, please proceed to complete your registration following these steps: - go to the "Registration form" on the conference site: - download the form - fill it properly out with all required information including the payment information - sign it by hand - fax it or email a .pdf form to the address indicated in the form header. Once the registration is successfully processed, somebody form IARIA will contact you to finalize the camera-ready based on reviewers' comments.

--------- Preparing the camera-ready process ---1. Registration processed and IARIA will contact you about your article 2. Work on the first round of comments sent after registration (additional rounds will come). Please consider the enforced action for English/punctuation/figures; see: the editorial guide posted at 3. Update validation and additional comments.

If you have any questions, contact directly The timeline of this entire process would be: 1. Registration successfully completed by December 13, 2012 2. You acknowledge your availability to work with someone from IARIA to finalize the paper at latest on December 25, 2012 Note that this work may extend beyong the posted camera ready deadline. Arrangements have been made with the publisher in order to accommodate this. Going beyond the official deadline does not jeopardize the publication of the article. Note that sometimes there are several articles needing assistance, so a reply to your email may be delayed. On behalf of the organizing committee, Petre


Human Rights Alert (NGO)

Joseph Zernik, PhD PO Box 31440, Jerusalem

12-12-15 IARIA CYBERLAWS 2013 request for clarifications/corrective actions relative to accepted contributions #70018 and #70031
TO: Board Chair, Pascal Lorenz, IUT, Colmar, France; Via:, Logistics Board Chair, Manuela Popescu, University of Besancon, France; Via: Publicity Board Chair, Dumitru Roman, SINTEF, Norway; Via: IARIA International Academy, Research, and Industry Association CC: North America - IARIA Liaison Board Chair, Ronald J. Kovac, Ball State University, USA; Via: Europe - IARIA Liaison Board Chair, Mario Freire, University of Beira Interior, Portugal; Via:,, Asia - IARIA Liaison Board Chair, Jun Bi, Tsinghua University, China; Via: Latin America - IARIA Liaison Board Chair, Carlos Becker Westphall, Federal University of Santa Catarina - Florianpolis, Brazil; Via: IARIA International Academy, Research, and Industry Association

RESPONSE WITHIN ONE BUSINESS DAY IS KINDLY REQUESTED. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE, GIVEN THE CONFERENCE PRODUCTION SCHEDULE. RE: IARIA CYBERLAWS 2013 request for clarifications/corrective actions in re: Scholarly peer-review and international civil society standards, pertaining to accepted contributions #70018 and #70031 The undersigned, Joseph Zernik, PhD, Human Rights Alert (NGO), is seeking immediate responses by the IARIA Logistics Board Chair, Publicity Board Chair, and/or the Board Chair on the conduct, outlined below, relative to his already peer-reviewed and accepted contributions #70018 and #70031 to the upcoming IARIA CYBERLAW2013 conference in Nice, France. The conduct, outlined below, must raise concerns, since: 1) The "Rejection" through an ambiguous procedure of dubious authority is employed to overturn the "Acceptance" outcome of scholarly peer-review; 2) The reasons, which are now provided for the "Rejection", are in part invalid, and in part ludicrous, and 3) The conduct amounts to effective censorship of novel, peer-reviewed reports, which detail large-scale fraud in the electronic records of the courts of three different jurisdictions, permitting the conduct of fraud on the courts and unlawful deprivation of liberty and property, undermining human rights and banking regulation under the current socioeconomic crisis. Brief History: 1) Dr Zernik first corresponded with Mr Petre Dini, relative to peer-review of the Dr Zernik's contributions to DATA ANALYTICS 2012, under the impression that Mr Dini was authorized as IARIA Elected Advisory Committees Board Chair. The contributions were


subjected to rigorous peer-review, were accepted, presented, and published. The contributions detailed the validity, or lack thereof, in the electronic record systems of the US and Israeli courts, primarily from the technology perspective, in a technology oriented conference. 2) Later, Dr Zernik corresponded with Mr Dini, prior to the submission of the undersigned's contributions #70018 and #70031 for peer-review to CYBERLAWS 2013. In such correspondence it was agreed that Dr Zernik would submit his contributions to CYBERLAWS 2013 with a reference section, which exceeds the permitted camera-ready format, in order to include lengthy legal citations for the convenience of the reviewers. With it, it was clearly agreed that such lengthy legal citations would be moved to the online appendix, and excluded from the camera-ready publication. Similar arrangements had been made also in the previous contributions to DATA ANALYTICS 2012. 3) Later, the undersigned received from IARIA notice of "Acceptance", and prepared his final camera-ready contributions for publication, now due. 4) In recent days, the undersigned has received correspondence from Mr Petre Dini, noticing "Rejection" of the previously peer-reviewed and accepted contributions to CYBERLAWS 2013. In such correspondence, Mr Dini insists that he is only a "volunteer", that some changes have taken place in his position, due to health problems, and that he now serves only as the conduit of communications on behalf of "logistics", in procedures that remains vague and ambiguous. However, Mr Dini continues to be listed, "Elected IARIA Advisory Committees Board Chair", under IARIA online pages even today. [i] Invalid arguments are now used for "Rejection" by "volunteer" Dini: The reasons for the "Rejection" by "logistics", as provided by "volunteer" Mr Dini in his December 14, 2012 communication (copied below, [ii]) are: 1) "Extra-long content; not sure what is the last camera-ready" This argument: - Was never raised by the primary reviewers; - Was never mentioned in the original "Rejection" notice; - Contradicts the written agreement prior to submission, which permitted the "extra-long" legal citations, based on the agreement to move the legal text to the online appendix for the final camera-ready paper, [iii] and - Appears to have been raised by a "volunteer", who states that his responsibility is only as a conduit of communications for "logistics". 2) "Self-plagiarism" - Mr Dini and "logistics" have so far provided no specifics on this matter, beyond these two words, regardless of repeated requests; - The parts, providing the outline of previous publications in technology journals, are clearly referenced in the current contributions; - The peer-review panel was adequately informed, and found no fault in the contribution as is; - The manuscripts are the first ever, which focus on legal-technological analysis of the three information systems, pursuant to the laws of the respective jurisdictions. The current contributions reach entirely novel conclusions and propose novel approach to the safeguard of the integrity of government IS systems, vis a vis the principle of separation of branches. Therefore, self-plagiarism on the central themes of the current contributions is simply impossible;


- Providing an overview of the main findings from the technology oriented papers, is necessary in order to set the stage for the legal analysis and to provide an independently readable report to a specialized technology-legal audience, and - The purported offence can be easily and expediently corrected, had specifics been provided, but no such opportunity has been provided so far, regardless of repeated requests. Request for clarifications/corrective actions: Therefore, the undersigned kindly requests response by the IARIA Board Chair, Logistics Board Chair, and/or Publicity Board Chair, relative to the conduct in recent days, pertaining to his already peer-reviewed and accepted contributions #70018 and #70031 for the upcoming IARIA CYBERLAW2013, including: 1) Specifics regarding the purported "Self-plagiarism", and 2) Specifics regarding the procedures, apparently now underway by a "volunteer" conduit and "logistics", the authorities of those conducting such procedures, and their foundation in rules (or equivalent) of the IARIA. The undersigned also asks that response(s) be provided in a manner, which is deemed by the IARIA valid and effectual electronic communication on legal matters. Time is of the essence Time is of the essence, given the conference production schedule. Time is also of the essence, since the undersigned plans to forward paper #70018, "Integrity, or Lack Thereof, of the Electronic Records of the Courts of the State of Israel", to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations in the next few days. The paper will be provided, as an appendix to the Human Rights Alert(NGO) submission for the 2013 Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Human Rights in of the State of Israel, scheduled for January-February 2013. The undersigned hopes that the submission would be forwarded to the HRC with the final IARIA response on this matter, be it as it may. The "Acceptance" notice already provided the peer-review, scholarly-merit stamp of approval for the validity and soundness of the study itself. The purported "self-plagiarism", does not change that fact. And the "Rejection" notice never challenged the validity of the study itself, either. Signed in Jerusalem on December 15, 2012,

____________________ Joseph Zernik, PhD Human Rights Alert (NGO)



2008 - 2012 Elected IARIA Chairs December 14, 2012 email communication by Mr Petre Dini, in re: CYBERLAW 2013 - contributionid 70018, 70031 "rejection". ----------------------------Original Message---------------------------Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: ++ Re: CYBERLAW 2013 - contributionid 70018, 70031 - Peer Review: Request for specific comments from the secondary review panel, re-review en blanc by a third review panel[. From: "Petre Dini" << Date: Fri, December 14, 2012 1:51 pm To: "Petre Dini" <> -------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Joseph, As I said, I am only volunteering, conveying the messages. Therefore, all your messages are under logistics' table. If I recap: -self-plagiarism -extra long content; not sure what is the last camera-ready -format [this is not an issue; and it was not[ as personal note; in the past, I took a longer time to work with some authors. my health doesn't longer allow me to do extra work, unfortunately Cheers, ++Petre
iii October 19, 2012 email communication by Mr Petre Dini, in re: CYBERLAW 2013 - contributionid 70031 permission to file manuscript for review with long footnotes, including legal citations, to be moved the online appendix prior to camera ready submission . ---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------Subject: Re: Paper #70031 to Cyberlaw 2013 "Invalid Electronic Record Systems of the State and Federal US Courts" From: "Petre Dini" <> Date: Fri, October 19, 2012 2:41 pm To: -------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Joseph, ii

No problem! We will work on the camera-ready for a fair publication. Cheers, + petre On 10/19/2012 8:15 AM, wrote: > Hi Petre: > > I have just uploaded to Cyberlaw 2013 paper #70031, titled: Invalid > Electronic Record Systems of the State and Federal US Courts Enablers of > Human Rights Abuse and the Financial Crisis. > > The body of the paper conforms to the guidelines. However, the entire > paper in its current form is longer than permitted - due to extensive > references/footnotes to relevant law of California and the United States. > Such references/footnotes were included in the submission for the benefit > of reviewers of the legal content, but will be removed from the final > camera ready submission, and transferred to an online appendix. > > Please let me know if there is any problem with this submission. > > All the best, and see you in Nice! > > Joseph Zernik, PhD > Human Rights Alert (NGO)


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