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Management is the art of getting things done through and with the people. Management is the field of human behavior in which managers plan, Organize, Staff, direct and control human physical a financial resources in an organized effort in order to achieve desired individual and group objectives with optimum efficiency accomplishment of objectives by utilizing physical and financial resources through the efforts of human resources. Thus human resources is a crucial subsistent in the process of management.


The management of Human Resources is a very important and challenging job, because it is a job not of managing men but of administering a social system. No two persons are similar in mental abilities, tradition, sentiments and behavior, they differ widely as groups and are subject many and varied influences. Therefore need a tactful handling by management personnel.


Human Resource Management is primarily concerned with the peoples dimension in the organization. It is a crucial subsystem in the process of management. The success and failure of an organization not only depends on material, machines and equipment but also under personnel who are put in their best efforts for an effort for an efficient performance at the job. Human Resource Management refers to a set of programs, functions and activities designed and carried out in order to maximize both employees as well as organizational effectiveness. Human Resources Management at micro level spells the total sum of all the components likes skill and creativity, ability possessed by all the employees.


1. Group interactions: People in any organization manifest themselves not only through individual sections but also through group interactions. It establishes relationships between employer and employees, and also between employees and employees. It includes all levels of employees (lower level, top level, and middle level) etc. 2. Based on Principles: It is based on different well-defined principles. Management workforce is a difficult job, because, each individual worker has his own attitude, beliefs. 3. Integrated approach: It aims at attaining the goals of organization individual and society in an integrated approach. 4. Process: It is a continuous and never ending process. 5. Development of Human Resources: It is concerned with the development of human resources, i.e. knowledge, capability, skill, potentialities and attaining and achieving employee goals, including job satisfaction. 6. Management of Human Resources: It involves the application of management function and principles. The functions and principles applied to acquisitioning, developing, maintaining, and remunerating employees in organization.


The functions of Human Resource Management can be broadly classified into two categories: 1. Managerial Functions and 2. Operative Functions. 1. MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS: Managerial Functions of Human Resource Management involve planning, Organizing, Directing and Controlling. Planning: It is a predetermined course of action. Planning is determination of personnel programs and changes in advance that will contribute to the organizational goals. It involves forecasting and determining manpower requirements, changing values, attitudes and behavior of employees and their impact on the organization. Organizing: An organization is a means to an end. It is essential to carry out the determined course of action. Once it has been determined that certain personnel functions contribute towards the firms objective, the personnel among job, personnel managers must form an organization by designing the structure of relationships among jobs, personnel and physical factors. Organization establishes relationships among the employees so that they can collectively to the attainment of company goals. Directing: Directing is concerned with intimation of organized action and stimulating the people to work. The personnel manager directs the activities of people of the organization to get its functions performed properly. Directing is getting people of the organization to go to work willingly and effectively. Controlling: Controlling is concerned with the regulating activities in accordance with the personnel plan, which in turn was formulated on the basis of an analysis of fundamental organizational goals, thus, action and operation are adjusted to predetermined plans an standard through.

Operating functions of human resource management involve employment, human resource development, compensation, and human relations. Employment: It is the first operative function of Human Resources Management. Employment is concerned with securing and employing the people possessing the required kind and level of Human Resources necessary to achieve the organizational objectives. Human Resource Development: It is a process of improving, mounding and changing the skills, knowledge, creative ability, aptitude, values and commitment etc, based on present and future job and organizational requirements. This is an activity of very great importance and will continue to grow because of the changes in technology, the realignment of the jobs and increasing complexity of managerial task. Compensation: It is one of the most important functions of personnel management. It is the process of providing adequate, equitable and fair remuneration to the employees. This function is defined as the adequate and equitable remuneration of personnel for their contributions to organizational objectives.

Human Relations: The maintenance and promotion of harmonious

relations between employees is a function of personnel of HR department. It relates to establishing harmonious relations between individuals, groups, unions and management.


Performance management system is to build a culture of performance by aligning individual and organizational objectives and encouraging open communication and continuous feedback. Performance management is a method by which the performance of an employee is measured (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost and time). Performance is always measured in terms of results and not efforts. Performance management is a method of evaluating the behavior of employees in the work spot normally including both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of jobs performance. It indicates show well an individual is fulfilling the job demand. Performance appraisal is a part of career development. Performance appraisal is a regular review of employee performance with in organizations the focus of the performance management for executives to appraise then on different components of managerial responsibilities, consisting of performance, managerial competencies, values and potential. Generally, the aims of a scheme are to give feedback on performance to employees, identify employees training needs, document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards, form a basis for personnel decisions-salary (merit) increases, disciplinary actions, etc., provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and development, and facilitate communication between employee and administrator. Every executive will have a set of key performance area to be identified through discussion and achieve them during the performance period. The system is to develop the competencies by involving and executive in setting targets and identifying key performance areas.

WHAT IS PERFORMANCE? Performance means outcomes achieve (or) accomplishment at work. Performance is going to be measured when the contribution of individual (or) team is at strategic goals of organization like clear image, economical value of the firm and partners satisfaction etc., of the firm should satisfied. Performance is behavior that should be distinguished from outcomes. -CAMPBLE Performance is a comprehensive version of both behaviors and results. -BRUMBACH


The study on performance appraisal is needed in order to: 1. Provide information about the performance tanks basing on which decision regarding salary fixation, conformation, promotion transfer, and demotions are taken. 2. Provide feedback information about the level of achievement and behavior of sub-ordinate. 3. Determine Training and Developmental needs & evaluation techniques by identifying the areas of weaknesses 4. 5. 6. 7. Provide information, which helps to council the sub-ordinates. Prevent grievance and in disciplinary action. It is helpful in motivating employees to give a better workforce. To promote effective communication with in organization through the interchange of Dialogue between supervisor & subordinate. 8. It need for program assessment in organization.


1. 2. To do a comprehensive study on performance Appraisal System. To study the design of performance Appraisal System existing in the organization. 3. To measure the satisfaction level of existing Performance Appraisal System of the organization. 4. 5. To help the superiors to have a proper understanding about the sub-ordinates. To know the growth and development of employees through Training and Development programs. 6. 7. To help in creating a desirable culture & tradition in the organization. To improve organizational development by identifying people with promotion potential & pinpointing development needs. 8. To provide inputs to system of rewards (comprising salary, increments, transfers, promotions, demotions or terminations) and salary administration. 9. To generate adequate feedback & guidance from the immediate superior to an employee working under him. 10. To help the employee to overcome his weaknesses & improve his strengths so as to enable him to achieve the desired performance.


The study is confined to performance appraisal function of the activities of the organization and does not cover any other aspect of Human Resource Management. Further the study is restricted to the respondents of maha Cements and not any other organizations. The focus of the study was to understand the existing performance appraisal system with an eye on the lacunae, which might have crewed in to the system and also the drawbacks of the system.

Required data for analysis will be collected through Primary data Secondary data

Primary data: Information that is collected directly from employees or any person is known as primary data, it is otherwise called as first information. It is collected through questionnaires and interviews.

Secondary data: Information that is gathered from books, companys previous records, magazines are known as secondary data. This study is based mainly of primary data. The main sources of primary data are employees of Maha cement The secondary data is gathered from the status reports, records and personnel manual of MAHA CEMENT, JUPALLY, HYDERBAD.

60 Employees(including executives and non-executives) from various departments like PERSONNEL & ADMINISTRATIVE, FINANCE, ACCOUNTS, MATERIALS & MANAGEMENT, TECHNICAL SERVICE, PLANT OPERATORS etc were chosen randomly for this study.


The data gathered for analysis belongs to the period of 45 days.



Tools used for data collection were as follows: Unstructured discussion Structured discussion

UNSTRUCTURED QUESTIONNAIRE: Under this method of data collection the respondent personally come in contact with the respondents from whom the information is to be gathered certain crucial elements are also be discussed. The person who wants the information raises the concerned topic and should allow the other persons to freely express his views and opinions of the respondents are more clear and true. STRUCTURED QUESTIONNAIRE: It is usually associated with the self-administered tolls with items of the closed or fixed alternative type. The respondents feel great confidence in the anonymity of questionnaire then in that of any interview. It place less pressure on the subject of immediate response. There were the reasons for choosing questionnaire as one of the tools for data collection. The investigator framed questionnaire including 19 questionnaires other than respondents details. The questionnaire consists of three types of questions: 1 2 3 Multiple Choice Dichotomy Questions Open-ended Questions

The multiple-choice questions offer the respondents with a choice of specific answers. While a dichotomous questions offers two choices YES OR NO. An open-ended question is accurate with space provided for the responses. Different areas that were proposed with questionnaire were namely personal information, promotion policy, interpersonal lationship, job satisfaction and other related areas.



The report was presented in 5 chapters. Chapter-I : Deals with Introduction about the topic. Chapter-II: Deals with various aspects of the organization profile adopted. Chapter-III: Deals with Theoretical Concepts Chapter-IV: Absolutely deals with profile of the respondents Data Interpretation or Data collected through questionnaire through performance management system. Chapter-V: Clearly gives the suggestions, conclusions and feedback on the entire report.



The following limitations are considered: 1. 2. 3. 4. The study brings the general opinion of the employees but it will not reflect the exact opinion of all As the study will be conducted in MAHA CEMENT, in HR division it indicates the perception of the employees in that division only. The study restricts up to 60 samples. It will not consider all the employees in the organization. The study focuses on the attitudes and perceptions of employees only; it will not cover the financial of the employees.


In India the manufacture of cement was started in Tamilnadu as in 1904. Since the India cement Industry process. The output of the major and mini cement plants has increased form 57.96 million tones in 1993-94. It has been raised to 68 million tones in 1995-1996.In 1996-97 the output has increased to73.98 million tones. India is the fifth largest cement producer after china, Russia, Japan and U.S.A. with turn over of more than 57 companies with 115 plants. The cement industries in India is poised to state new height Thanks to the liberalization policy of the Government adoption of state of the art technology and the massive investment of Rs. 100 billions by the year 200A.D. Capacity of this industry is likely to reach the impressive level of 100 million tones. India is presently producing several varieties of cement. These include the ordinary Portland cement (OPC),Poland pozzolana cement, oil well cemented white cement. India is also producing high strength cement like grade 43 and grade 53 When coming to the consumption of cement is only 25 Kgs has against 380 Kgs in Swede. 730 Kgs in Japan and 366 Kgs in Britain. It is however hoped that with increase in the construction activity in the country, the percapita of cement will increase in future.


The cement industry occupies a position of predominance not only as on of the basic infrastructure for development but also it is the eighty largest in the world which directly employees about one million persons. The first cement factory was established around in the year 1890 in Canada, Portland and Australia. While it was found in 1884 in New Zealand. However in India it came to established during the beginning of the twentieth century. Today, Portland cement is an essential commodity on which our modern standards of living is greatly dependent Building, water supply projects, dams, bridges, roads, Hydroelectric power projects, seaports, Airports, irrigation schemes etc., all dement cement.


Cement is manufactured either by wet process or by dry process or semi-dry process. Wet process remained popular for many years with the modern development of the techniques of dry mixing of powered material using compressed air, the dry process gained momentum. Now a day in the most of the plants cement is being manufactured by dry process. The basic raw material for manufacturing cement is limestone, which is available in plenty in the form pf limestone deposits in nature. Limestone is excavated from mines by mechanical equipments with the help staker and reclaimed the correct blending of limestone is ensured. The same is processed through crushers to bring it opt the required size. The raw material consisting of limestone, iron ore, and Bauxite or Laterite in the correct proportions are fed into a grinding mill where they are reduced to a very fine powder. It further, blends and corrected for the right composition and mixed by means of compressed air. The powder from the storage sides is fed in to rotary klin through preheated cyclones in he rotary kiln; the material is subjected to a temperature of about 1500c chemical reaction takes place between the various materials resulting in the formation of cement compounds.


My Home Industries Limited (company ) is a public limited company originally incorporated with the name of Devi Cement Limited under companies act,1956 under the jurisdiction of registrar of companies,Andhra Pradesh , on 5th September,1984 having registration no 01-4951,with the object of manufacturing and dealing in the cement and cement projects. In the year 1998, My Home Group of companies having a good image in the corporate world with Dr. J. Rameswara Rao, as its chief promoter acquired the company. Consequently to the change in the management, the name of the company was changed to My Home Cement Industries Limited and since then there was substantial enhancement in the growth of the company. Its first cement plant (unit-1 dry process plant) was set up in the year 19971998 with an installed capacity of 1.98 lakh tones per annem at Mellacheruvu Village, Nalogonda District. In the state of Andhra Pradesh at a cost of Rs.78 crores.the said capacity was expanded to .95 lakh tones per annum in the year 2000 with further invested Rs 35 crores. The companys product is manufactured and marked under the brand MAHA Cement. It comes in the premium category and the company had established very good market for its brand i.e., MAHA in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Orissa. It is recognized that the brand MAHA Cement has been accepted and gained reputation like other Cement brands in India. Having successfully established its brand MAHA Cement and considering the increasing demand for cement, the company enhances its operations by setting up of unit-2 process plant with the capacity to manufacture cement of 6.60 lakhs tones P.A in the year 2002 with a project cost of Rs 110 crores. As per the state government policies 16

existing in 2000 company availed huge benefits of sales tax incentives for setting up unit-2, Since both the units were capable of producing higher capacity, they registered capacity of both the units were enhanced to 15.60 lakhs tones p.a. In few years it achieved optimum capacity utilization. For the financial year 2004-05, the company had achieved turnover of Rs 277.77 crores on sale of 13.78 tones of cement. For the financial year 2005-06 the company achieved the sales of 16.13 mt and also the sales (Rs. In crores) i.e. 351 and the as the year 2010-2011its production has been reached to 17.19mt (lakhs) and turnover is reached to 502crores of cement. Due to recession in the cement Industry in the year 1998, the management considering the highly profitable opportunities, vast experience of the promoter in the field of constriction and Infrastructure, intended to carry out them and company started venturing in to the said fields by including those objects clause of the Memorandum of the association of the company. With a view to diversify the companys activities into other fields and explore the emerging opportunities in the fields of ceramics, textiles, power, bulk drugs and pharmaceutical, the companys main objective were changed and subsequently the name of the company was changed to My Home Industries Limited.

1. To receive consider and adopt the audited profit and loss account for the financial year ended 31thMarch,2007 and the Balance Sheet as on that date and the reports of the directors and Auditors thereon. 2. To ratify the payment of interim dividend (15%) and to declare final dividend on equity shares for the year ended 31thMarch 2007. 3. To appoint a director in place of Shri B .Kamalaker rotation and being eligible offers himself for re-appointed. Rao who retires by



To appoint a director in place of Shri J. Jagapathi Rao, who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers him for re-appointment.


To appoint Auditors and fix their remuneration.

Board of Directors

1. To produce, manufacture, refine, prepare, import, purchase, sell and generally to deal in all kinds of Portland poozzolona cement, Portland slag cement, Portland rapid hardening cement, white and colure cement etc. 2. To produce lime stone, carbonate, carbide gypsum kancar and/ or by products allied chemicals there of and in connection there with to erect, construct,establish,operate workshops and other works. 3. To carry on any business relating to manufacturing, fabrication and sale of various machineries and there components, spares fur the cement industry. and maintain cement factories, quarries,



To construct, execute, undertake, carryout, run, establish, acquire, maintain, remodel, alter, develop, control, manage, take on lease purchase (or) acquire under any other terms and conditions.


To manufacture, designs, polish, cut, process, import, export, purchase, sell market and deal in all types/sizes of ceramic wall tiles, sanitary wares and decorative boarder tiles for interiors and exterior, table top products, table ware, dinner war etc.


To construct, establish, operate, maintain, manage, power stations, boiler houses, steam turbines, diesel generators, switch yards etc.


To carry on the manufacture of cotton, silk, woolen and synthetic textiles and textile goods and to establish spinning mills, power looms, and hand looms.


To carry on the business of buyers, sellers, dealers, indenting agents, importers and exporters whether in wholesale (or) retail of cotton, silk, artifical silk etc.

Directors are recommended a final dividend of 10%for the year 2010-2011 in addition to the interim dividend of 15% paid during the year. The dividend will absorb a sum of Rs. 14.68 crores (previous year Rs. 5.81 crocres) including dividend tax.

Setting Up Of Unit-III
Unit-III has commenced commercial production with effect from 28th March, 2007. With the commission of Unit-III the installed capacity of the company has increased from 15, 60,000 MTs to 27, 60,000 MTs.

Captive Power Plant

In the year under review, the 15 MW captive Power Plant (CPP) that commenced generation of power on 24.03.2006 has stabilized its operations and 19

generated 1000 lakh units. As the cost of generations is only Rs. 2.22 paisa per unit of power, the company derives very good financial advantage.

Grinding Unit
The company wants to setup one grinding unit near Visakhapatnam with capacity to manufacture 1.2 Million M.T. of slag cement by utilizing the slag available at Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. We are in the process of estimating the cost of project and the necessary financial tie up will be made in the due course of time.

Future Prospects
The Indian cement industry is experiencing a boom driven by soaring housing sector and increased activity in infrastructure development. The cement industry witnessed a significant growth of 11.3% during 2006 against 9.4% during 2005. During the year, most cement companies operated at high capacity utilization levels to meet increasing demand. While the pricing environment was favorable during the year, there were significant increases in costs particularly in energy and transportation. The government of India has given highest priority for development of infrastructure like housing, real estate, roads, railways, ports and airports. In addition, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has taken up construction of large and medium irrigation projects during the next two years. As the irrigation projects require huge quantities of cement, the demand for cement will go up rapidly. In view of this, it is expected that the demand for cement will grow @10% p.a to 12% in the coming years. With rapidly growing housing, infrastructure and special Economic Zones (SEZs), the cement industry is expected to record excellent growth in the near future.

Capital Expenditure
During the year 2006-07, the company has incurred capital expenditure of Rs. 273.77 crores and capital work-in-progress of Rs. 7.40 crores.


Shifting of Registered Office

The registered office of the company has been shifted from IV Floor My Home Jupally, Ameerpet Road, Greenlands, and Hyderabad-500016 to own premises at 9th Floor, Block-3, My Home Hub, Madhapur, and Hyderabad-500081 with effect from 29.06.2007.

ISO 9001:2000 Certification

During the year 2006-07 your company has obtained ISO 9001:2000 certification on 18th july 2006 by AQA International, LLC a leading international certification company.

Sales of Shares held in My Home Power Ltd. (Subsidiary Company)

As your company has established its own captive power plant at Mellacheruvu, (Village & Mandal), Nalgonda District, Andhra Pradesh, it has sold 54,99,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each held in My Home Power Limited (subsidiary company) @ Rs.11.25/- per share to the promoters and associates of promoters of the company and the sale amount was utilized for the new Project-Unit-III.

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Performance appraisal is an evaluation of employees of current and past performance relative to his / her performance standards. Managers have recognized the importance of performance appraisal in the organizations after selecting. Training & Developing the employees it is also necessary to appraise & reward them it is more serious issue in today organizations and they felt it as a continuous process which in term called as performance management. Performance Management is a continuous process that consolidates goal setting, performance appraisal & development into a single common system, the aim of which is to ensure that the employees performance is supportive the companies strategic aims. 21

Why performance Management:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 It reflects on TQM concepts. It reflects on the vast use of Traditional PAs that are productive. Every employees efforts focus on companies strategic goals. It improves the employees efforts with the approach of continuous guiding, Continuous improvement is achieved through or by avoiding the following. Wastes of over production Defective products Unnecessary down times Unnecessary Transportation Processing cost Unnecessary inventory

developing and appraising employees performance.



Every job has a set of functions to be performed by its holders. In manual jobs generally these are clear and specific. As one goes up in the organizational hierarchy, for supervisory and managerial jobs, the activities and functions become complex and many keep on changing priority from time to time. For example, a marketing manager may need to focus more on market surveys during a certain period, on training his salesmen in another period and may have to spend his time mostly on promotional activities during another time. In view of these changing priorities and complexity it is necessary to identify, review, recapitulate and reflect upon the keep functions periodically. Researchers across the world in the past have demonstrated the existence of role ambiguity in several jobs leading to poor performance. Hence periodic joint discussions may enable employee to become clearer about his important functions. This helps also in subsequent appraisal of performance on these functions. In the confidential form of appraisal the employee never gets to know if he is being rated low on some functions for which he is giving less importance. In addition the identification of KPAs, it is useful to set targets for the period of appraisal. These targets should deal with the tasks expected to be accomplished by the executive under each KPA during the period that will be reviewed later. Such target setting helps the appraise to be clear of the expectations and also provides an opportunity for his to ask for the assistance required from his boss in order to accomplish whatever was set for him. The target setting should be done through a process of mutual consultations and discussions. This it self may become an educative process in terms of understanding each other. A trusting climate should be established. It is not fair to assess the performance of any employee on tasks and targets that have not been made clear him and that do not take into consideration his own difficulties and capabilities.



To build a culture of performance by aligning individual and organizational objectives and encouraging open communication and continuous feedback.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PMS is applicable to all executives of MAHA CEMENT (E1-E9) Executives who join MAHA CEMENT on deputation or those retaining lien while in service of MAHA CEMENT are also covered by this scheme. Executives who join in the middle of the PMS cycle (see next section), but have served for a minimum period of three months. MAHA CEMENT executives who are on second ment or are lent on service to subsidiaries and joint ventures with MAHA CEMENT management. Parameters for performance measurement are pre-defined. Objectives are prioritized. Individual performance is enhanced by clear definition of deliverables. Role of individuals is clarified within overall organizational context.


1 2 KPA setting for all executives in consultation with the reporting officer. KPAs to be set by referring to the KPA Directory and taking inputs from the MOU targets, functional plans, individual responsibilities and cascading of KPAs from the top. 3 The KPAs, once finalized, to be signed off by the reporting officer and the executive.


1 2 3 Functional competencies for the executive to be identified and written in the PMS form by referring to the Competency Directory. Managerial competencies to be identified from the prescribed set on the PMS form. Competencies to be signed off by the reporting officer and the executive.

1 2 3 4 5 6 Performance management is not an event but an ongoing process. Helps in objective annual evaluation. Provides early warnings of non-performance, avoids year end surprises. Opportunity to revisit KPAs, change weightages or measures. Reinforces good performance in time. Provides an opportunity for executive to express his thoughts on progress made and roadblocks encountered.

1 2 3 4 5 6 Self appraisal to be completed Discussion on KPAs Competencies, Potential and Values to be conducted Reporting officer to document discussion Reporting officer and executives to discuss changes in KPAs, if necessary All KPAs to be re-filled in the form if any changes made in either KPAs, weightages or targets Justification for change to be documented



1 2 3 4 5 Change in roles and responsibilities of executive Changes in organizational goals Unanticipated projects Abandonment of project as per corporate directive Situations beyond control of the executive such as accident or emergency situations.

1 2 3 Formal process to ensure performance is assessed annually. Opportunity for reviewing officer to offset rating biases. Provides inputs for other HR systems: Rewards and Incentives Career Development Training and Development


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Evaluate performance against KPAs by comparing actual performance to targets set Evaluate. Functional / technical competencies (chosen at the beginning of the year). Managerial competencies (3 mandatory and 3 optional). Values. Potential Complete section on Special Achievements. Transfer scores from all sections to the section on Total Marks for consolidation. 26

Complete Individual Training and Development Plan.



1 2 3 4 Review the marks given for each section by the reporting officer check for overrating or underrating. Hold discussion with reporting officer in case changes in scores are required. Rationale for changes in scores must be documented on PMS form. Reviewing officer and reporting officer sign-off on the PMS form.

PMS Linkage with Other HR systems:

Performance Management has much wider implications than purely improving individual performance in the given year. PMS provides the basis for achieving a number of fundamental aims of HR strategy for the organization as mentioned below.

Linkage with Training and Development system:

1 PMS lays strong emphasis on continuous learning and development. The twoway communication between reporting officer and executive creates an environment of trust and self-learning. 2 PMS is the basis for the organization to maintain data on an individuals skill gaps, take necessary action to meet the training needs, use it for foreign training / assignments and company sponsorship of long-term educational programs etc. 3 PMS would also provide the means to determine the collective level of competencies and strengths available within the organization as well as gaps for planning for organizational development initiatives. 4 Learning and development initiatives fundamentally rest with the individual with the organization facilitating the same through creating a learning environment and providing suitable opportunities etc. The executive would be responsible for making use of the same to the maximum extent possible.


Linkage with Rewards System:

PMS is a tool for rewarding successes / achievements and contribution of individuals to motivate them to continuously strive for excellence in their respective responsibilities. 1 2 It would provide inputs to the organizations Rewards programmes. PMS results will be used to identify high performers for the purpose of rewards and recognition. 3 Additionally, it would be used to aid counseling for improving performance and dealing with consistent non-performance. 4. The detailed processes and systems are outlined in the Rewards Policy.

Linkage with Career Development System:

1 PMS results of the executives would be used as one of the inputs in the Career Development System. It would provide inputs for assessing an individuals readiness for higher responsibility and career advancement. 2 PMS input would also help in decisions relating to job rotation and placement in special assignments commensurate with demonstrated potential. The detailed processes and systems relating to this are outlined in the Career Development.



Role of Executives:
1 The executive shall fill out appropriate portions of the form, attend the PMS meetings at all stages (performance planning, mid-year review and annual assessment) and be prepared to have an open and frank discussion about his / her performance. 2 3 The PMS aims at creating amity and convergence of individual and organizational goals and it should be taken in that spirit. The executive is required to show the necessary flexibility and adaptability to the organizational needs and display system discipline through adherence to all PMS requirements.

Role of Reporting Officer:

1 The reporting officer shall cascade the KPAs based on MOU targets to the executives reporting to him in a fair and achievable manner with necessary stretch for individual excellence. 2 The reporting officer should set up performance planning, mid-year review and annual assessment meetings with all the executives reporting to him within the specified periods as per the PMS calendar. 3 The reporting officer shall maintain a brief log of all critical incidents occurring within his scope of work as an aid to memory while completing the mid year review, annual assessment and giving feedback to the executive. 4 The reporting officer shall carry out the PMS scoring of all executives reporting to him in an objective manner and such that the scores are distributed in a manner requiring minimum adjustment and / or normalization by either the reviewing officer or the Performance Management Committee.


Role of Reviewing Officer:

1 The reviewing officer shall go through PMS forms for all executives under his preview and ensure that the reporting officer has been objective and unbiased in his scoring of various executives, particularly with respect to the sections relating to Competencies, Values and Potential. 2 Where required, the reviewing officer may recommend some changes to the scores after carrying out a detailed discussion with the respective reporting officer. 3 The reviewing officer shall also carry out an integrity check to ensure that the scores awarded to all the executives under his / her purview are distributed in a manner requiring minimum normalization by the Performance Management Committee. 4 Where an executive has a grievance against the reporting officer regarding the PMS process, the reviewing officer shall intervene and settle the grievance in a fair and objective manner. 5 6 The reviewing officer shall also be responsible for ensuring stretch targets for executives under his charge. The Reviewing Officer shall cascade the KPAs in an open and transparent manner with each reporting officer by sharing his KPAs and targets.

Role of PMS Officer:

1 2 A PMS Officer would be designated for each location (plant / project / region / corporate). The PMS Officer would be responsible for implementing PMS as well as for periodic administration, follow-up, tracking and analysis of PMS activities as per schedule in his / her respective location. 3 To ensure collection, collation and forwarding the Individual Development Needs forms to the concerned EDC / Regional HRD / PMI.


Performance assessment years have been set up as follows:
For E6 and above: The performance assessment year commences from 1st April of each year and continues until 31st March of the following year. For E1-E5: The performance assessment year commences from 1st January of each year and continues until 31st December of the same year.

Communication and Feedback of Scores:

After the process of normalization of the scores is completed, the Performance Management Committee hands over all the PMS forms to the respective HR department. 1. HR then consolidates final scores, relative rankings and the feedback from the Performance Management Committee for all executives. 2. HR prepares a summary sheet of scores, relative ranking and feedback from Performance Management Committee for the executives under each reporting officer along with the individual Feedback forms, duly filled (see Annexure for format) and sends the same to the reporting officers. 3. The concerned reporting officer signs off the individual feedback forms as per the summary sheet provided by HR and hands over the same to the executives in order to communicate the final score, relative ranking and the feedback.


Administration of PMS:
1. Executive Directors and General Managers will facilitate implementation of PMS by monitoring progress, removing any difficulties or roadblocks and ensuring completion of assessments and submission to HR as per the dates provided in the PMS calendar for their respective Units / Departments / Regions. 2. The concerned business unit head / functional head should cascade his KPAs to the executives reporting to him based on MOU targets for that year with suitable stretch targets to ensure organizational excellence. This process may be finalized in an SMC meeting / departmental or group heads meetings as the case may be, which is to be held in the second half of March of each assessment year. 3. The primary responsibility for filling up the PMS form and setting the process in motion rests jointly with the reporting officer and the executive as per the time frame provided. 4. Any difficulty or difference that may rise between the reporting officer and the executive in the process of implementation of the system would be sorted out through the intervention of the Reviewing Officer. If the executive is still not satisfied with the decision of the reviewing officer, especially in the case of annual assessment and / or the final score awarded by the PMC, then the concerned executive may place his case before the next higher authority above the PMC. In the case of E1-E5 level executives, since the PMC includes the GM of the plant, the final authority to settle the issue will rest with the ED, Region. Similarly for executives where normalization is being done at the level of ED, Region, the executive may approach the concerned functional Director and where the PMC consists of functional Directors, the final authority to settle the grievance will rest with the CMD. 5. If any executive does not participate in the PMS process (setting up KPAs attending mid-year review or annual assessment meetings, filling relevant sections of the form etc. on time) despite being given ample opportunity to do so, the reporting officer has the authority to complete the form in the absence of the executive and forward the same to the Reviewing Officer indicating the 33

non-participation of the executive. The Reviewing Officer may offer an opportunity to the executive to be heard. Having verified that indeed the executive has voluntarily decided not to participate in the process despite being given sufficient opportunity, the Reviewing Officer forwards the form to HR, duly completed and with his approval of the process followed under the circumstances. 6. In the event of the creation of a new role or department, the concerned HR department will develop KPAs and Functional Competencies for that particular role / department in consultation with the respective head of department. Also, if for an existing role, new competencies / KPAs are required to be added, the concerned HR department would compile the same in consultation with the respective head of department. Such new roles or competencies defined should be validated with Corporate HRD. 7. The key for the HR department in the PMS administration is to: Issue PMS forms as per the PMS calendar Collect forms as per schedule Monitor adherence to dates Highlight non-compliance / exceptions to top management Send copy of Individual Training and Development Plan to concerned HRD / EDC / PMI Convene Performance Management Committee meetings


1. The appraisal system in the organization S. No.

1 2 3 4

Very good Good Satisfactory Average Total

No. of Respondents
8 29 13 10 60

% of respondents
13.33 48.33 21.67 16.67 100

The above graphs shows that out of 60 employees 48.33.% respondents are saying that the appraisal system in the organization is good and 21.67% respondents saying satisfactory, 16.67% members saying average and 13.33% respondents saying the appraisal system is very good.

2. Rewards,

remunerations and others systems for employee

motivation 35

1 2 3 4

Very good Good Satisfactory Average Total

No. of Respondents
12 24 11 13 60

% of respondents
20 40 18.33 21.67 100

From the above diagram we can interpret that out of 60 employees 40% of respondents saying that rewards, remunerations and systems are good to motivate employees.

3. The management performance and feedback system in the

organization -



No. of Respondents

% of respondents

1 2 3 4

Very good Good Satisfactory Average Total

7 18 22 13 60

11.67 30 36.66 21.67 100

The above diagram shows that out of 60 employees 36.66% of the respondents are saying that management performance and feedback system in the organization is satisfactory and 30% respondents are saying that it is good.

4. Is the performance management system helpful in achieving objectives or goals of organization? S.No.
1 2 3 4

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree

No. of Respondents % of respondents

6 37 9 8 10 61.66 15 13.34 37




The above diagram shows that out of 60 employees 61.66% of the respondents are agreeing that the performance management system is helpful in achieving objectives (or) goals of the organization.

5. Is the performance management system an important activity of

the staffing?

1 2 3 4

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree

No. of Respondents
7 30 10 10

% of respondents
11 50 23 16 38




The above diagram shows that out of 60 employees 50% of the respondents are agreeing that performance management system is an important activity of the staffing.

6. Are you satisfied with the role given to you as manager?

1 2 3 4

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Total

No. of Respondents
6 34 7 8 55

% of respondents
10 56 11 23 100


The above diagram shows that out of 60 employees 56% of the respondents are saying that role given to them is satisfied as manage and manager.

7. Is the performance management system giving the confident / accurate information about the rating? S.No. 1 2 3 4 Options Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Total No. of Respondents 11 25 13 9 58 % of respondents 18.97 43.10 22.41 15.52 100


The above diagram shows that out of 60 employees 43% of the respondents are agreeing that performance management system is giving the confident (or) accurate information about the rating.

8. Is the performance management system creating a competitive environment at work place?

1 2 3 4

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Total

No. of Respondents
10 31 7 12 60

% of respondents
16.66 51.67 11.67 20 100


The above diagram shows that out of 60 employees 51% of the respondents are agreeing the performance management system creating a competitive environment at work place.


9. How is the spirit of co-operation among all the levels of the


1 2 3

Satisfactory Neutral Not satisfactory Total

No. of Respondents
25 23 12 60

% of respondents
41.66 38.34 20 100


The above diagram shows that out of 60 employees the organization.

41.66% of the

respondents are satisfactory about their spirit of cooperation among all the levels of

10.Which principle do you prefer for promotion, increment or



1 2 3

Merit Seniority Merit cum seniority Total

No. of Respondents
13 11 36 60

% of respondents
21.66 18.34 60 100


The above diagram shows that out of 60 employees 60% of the respondents are saying that merit-cum-seniority is best principle to prefer for promotions increments and incentives.

11. Does the management give you opportunity to give innovative

ideas on performance?


1 2 3

Often Frequently Never Total

No. of Respondents
12 30 18 60

% of respondents
20 50 30 100


The above diagram shows that out of 60 employees 50% of the respondents are saying that management frequently give opportunity to give innovative ideas on performance.


12.Are you satisfied with the existing performance management system?

1 2 3

Satisfactory Neutral Not satisfactory Total

No. of Respondents
18 22 20 60

% of respondents
30 36.66 33.34 100


The above diagram shows that out of 60 employees 36.66% of the respondents are neutrally satisfied with the existing performance management system.


13.Which of the following performance management system is suitable for your organization?

1 2 3 4 5

Performance appraisal Potential appraisal Performance cum Potential appraisal Team appraisal None Total

No. of Respondents
15 4 25 8 8 60

% of respondents
25 6.66 41.64 13.33 13.33 100

The above diagram shows that out of 60 employees 41.64% of the respondents are saying that performance-cum-potential appraisal is suitable for the organization.


14. Whether controlling officer or management discuss with you

before rating? S.No.

1 2

Yes No Total

No. of Respondents
27 33 60

% of respondents
45 55 100


From the above diagram controlling officer or management discuss with you
before rating

60% respondents are saying yes for performance management system used in identifying.

15. Is the performance management system used in identifying or improving standards of employee?

1 2

Yes No Total

No. of Respondents
41 19 60

% of respondents
68.34 31.66 100

From the above diagram we can interpret that out of 60 employees 68.34% of the respondents are saying yes for performance management system used in identifying (or) improving standards of employee.

16. Are you satisfied with the feedback and review discussion



S.No. 1 2

Options Yes No Total

No. of Respondents 29 31 60

% of respondents 48.34 51.66 100

From the above diagram we can interpret that out of 60 employees 51.66% of the respondents are saying no for the feedback and review discussion methods.

17.Even under extreme conditions, the superior works safely and thoughtfully?
S.No. Options No. of Respondents % of respondents 50

1 2

Yes No Total

42 18 60

70 30 100

From the above diagram we can interpret that out of 60 employees 70% of the respondents are saying yes that even under extreme conditions the superior works safely and thoughtfully.

18. Does the superior understand the need to activate his employees

not by hectic behavior but by well directed activity?

S.No. 1

Options Yes

No. of Respondents 42

% of respondents 70 51

No Total

18 60

30 100

From the above diagram we can interpret that out of 60 employees 70% of the respondents are saying yes for the superior understands the need to activate his employees not by hectic behavior but by well directed activity.

19. Do the employees feel that they and their work are fairly judged?

S.No. 1 2

Options Yes No Total

No. of Respondents 29 31 60

% of respondents 48.33 51.67 100


From the diagram we can interpret that out of 60 employees 51.67% of the respondents are saying no that their work is fairly judged.


20. When the top management points outs mistakes and short

comings, does the superior help by suggesting corrections?

S.No. 1 2

Options Yes No Total

No. of Respondents 32 28 60

% of respondents 53.33 46.67 100

From the above diagram we can interpret that out of 60 employees 53% of the respondents are saying yes, when the top management points outs mistakes and short comings the superior helps by suggesting corrections.



All the executives are aware of modification of Performance Management system known as performance and competency for excellence.


Most of the respondents are clear about the objectives of performance and competency for excellence.


More than half of the executives feel that proper communication is there between executives and appraisers.

4. 5.

30% of the executives feel that sufficient time is not provided for interaction. Annual assessment is not conducting in a fair manner and ratings are not given based on actual performance.

6. 7.

Timely feedback is not giving to the executives. Still there is an ambiguity in executives about PMS can create an environment to attain higher level at performance.


Performance and competency for excellence ratings are utilized as input to HR reward system.

9. 10.

Reviewing officer is unable to satisfy executives for the marks given to them. It is not at all suitable for MAHA CEMENT, unless the culture of buttering to bosses is changed.


1. Annual assessment are not done through mutual discussions between appraise and appraisers. 2. Annual assessment is conducted to some extent in fair manner. 3. Implementation of pace sys meets the satisfaction of executives to some extent. 4. Priorities is uses for promotions, PMS has not role in promotion practically. 5. There are no discussions, interactions between executives and reporting officer. 6. No proper information is provided regarding any change in Key Performance Area (KPA) setting. 7. All executives should have same assessment period of a better setting of KPAs. 8. There is no feedback regularly. 9. Management should be serious in implementing irrespective of any system. 10. Goals are not being set for individuals. 11. Exact measurement are not being followed and required parameters suitably incorporated in PACE. 12. Self appraisal which was there in previous years having a scope to write individuals achievement. But in the PACE there is not such facility. 13. Job rotation is not done regularly. 14. No communication is received while the final assessment is done. 15. No counseling is provided to the executives, if the executive does not reach the target. 56

1. 2. 3. 360 degree appraisal system is recommending by the most of the executives. Implement the performance and competency excellence. Performance management system is implementation schedule is followed to Some extent. 4. Provide the weight age for the expertise in the performance and competency excellence program. 5. Responsibility along with required authority only can make the key performance area setting in proper way. 6. 360 degree feedback will give better way of achieving the objectives.



NAME: _____________________________________ DESIGNA TION: _____________________________ DEPARTMENT: _____________________________ AGE:_______________________________________

1. The appraisal system in the organization Very good [ ] Good [ ] satisfactory [ ] Average [ ]

2. Rewards, Remunerations and others systems for employee motivation Very good [ ] Good [ ] satisfactory [ ] Average [ ]

3. The management performance and feedback system in the organization Very good [ ] Good [ ] satisfactory [ ] Average [ ]

4. Is the performance management system helpful in achieving objectives or goals of Organization? Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Neither agree nor Disagree [ ] Disagree [ ] 5. Is the performance management system is an important activity of the staffing? Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] neither agree nor Disagree [ ] Disagree [ ]

6. Are you satisfied with the role given to you as a manager? Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Neither agree nor Disagree [ ] Disagree [ ]


7. Is the performance management system giving the confident/ accurate information about the rating? Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] neither agree nor Disagree [ ] Disagree [ ]

8. Is the performance management system creating a competitive environment at work place? Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] ] neither Agree nor Disagree [ ] Disagree [

9. How is the spirit of co-operation among all the levels of the organization? Satisfactory [ ] neutral [ ] Not satisfactory [ ]

10. Which principle do you prefer for promotion, increment or incentives? Merit [ ] seniority [ ] merit cum seniority [ ]

11. Does the management give you opportunity to give innovative ideas on performance? Often [ ] 12. Frequently [ ] Never [ ]

Are you satisfied with the existing performance management system? Satisfactory [ ] Neutral [ ] Not satisfactory [ ]

13. Which of the following performance management system is suitable for your organization? Performance appraisal [ potential appraisal [ ] potential appraisal [ ] Performance cum ] Team appraisal [ ] none [ ]

14. Whether controlling officer or management discuss with you before rating? Yes [ ] No [ ]

15. Is the performance management system used in identifying or improving standards of employee? Yes [ ] No [ ]


16. Are you satisfied with the feedback and review discussion methods? Yes [ ] No [ ]

17. Even under extreme conditions, the superior works safely and thoughtfully? Yes [ ] No [ ] employees not by

18. Does the superior understand the need to activate his hectic behavior but by well directed activity? Yes [ ] No [ ]

19. Do the employees feel that they and their work are fairly judged? Yes [ ] No [ ]

20. When the top management points outs mistakes and short comings, does the superior help by suggesting corrections? Yes [ ] No [ ]


1. K. Aswathappa 2. P. Subba rao Human Resource & Personnel Management Essentials of Human Resource Management And Industrial Relation 3. Chadda 4. T.V Rao Performance Management System Performance management & Appraisal system

5. Micheal Armstrong Performance management WEBSITES: Email ID:


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