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Laila Alami Kasri et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol.

2(11), 2010, 6646-6656


Laila Alami Kasri
Ecole Suprieure de Technologie Fez University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fez Morocco (USMBA) Route d'Immouzer BP 2427 30 000 Fez

Noureddine Chenfour
Faculty of sciences Dhar El Mahraz Fez University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fez Morocco (USMBA) BP 1796 Fez Atlas 30003 Abstract : The objective of this work is to define a model of storage represented strictly in XML, this model is based on the structure of the relational model using the types of the model object. We suggest then creating our database according to this model by requests SQL3. We thus realize a framework of management and administration of databases XML based on requests object relational SQL3. We analyze at first the mapping since a request SQL towards a structure of a document XML. We shall describe the mapping by using the language XML SCHEMA because the data must be validated in every operation on the database. The database structure, types and tables definitions will be transformed in an equivalent XML SCHEMA which will be used to store the valid XML data.

Keywords: SQL3; XML; XML SCHEMA; mapping Object-relational to XML.

1. INTRODUCTION Databases and systems which compose them are now essential for any application of management of the data. The relational model proposed by E. Codd, thanks to the simplicity of its mathematical foundation, was adopted for any application of standard management. The relational DBMS shows a high level of maturity, they have several qualities. These relational systems were able to evolve to manage more and more complex data and were able to integrate the type object. With the specification SQL1999 so known under SQL3, several possibilities were widened to resolve the limitations of the relational databases and so to give opportunities to send the fields which were not flatware by the model relational as the storage of textual, geometrical, geographical, multimedia data A few years ago, several Internet applications resort more and more to XML database [Bray et al.(2000)]. It became the inevitable standard for data exchange on the network. Editors of the systems of database management (DBMS) opted for this new format. XML provides elegant solutions for the storage and manipulation of persistent data and tends to operate within the database. The document XML can be described by XML SCHEMA [29, 30, 31]. The latter allows us to define an arborescent Template document and expresses many things through hierarchy and sequence which are absent in the relational Template. XML SCHEMA is a language of definition of data, allowing not only the description of the structure and types of a hierarchical XML document, but also and equally the links between different elements of the same document XML. In several applications, the data are stored in database tables and in case of need in are published in XML. Some providers have developed XML native databases (Software AG (Tamino1), Mark Logic2, eXist3, Berkeley DB XML4, dbXML5, LORE [McHugh et al (1997)], Strudel [Fernandez et al (1998)]). Others have
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Laila Alami Kasri et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6646-6656 attempted to store XML documents in RDBMS either as massive BLOB or CLOB objects or by the technique of "shredding", which consists in breaking the document XML in fragments that can be stored into relational tables, as DB2XML6, XML Extender dIBM7, XPERANTO[Carey et al (2000)], SilkRoute[Fernandez et al (2002)] and others [Bohanon et al (2002), Chen et al (2003), Florescu and Kossmann (1999)]. These methods are unsatisfactory. The first requires to reassemble the XML data before making requests and, depending on the volume, it can take time and fundamentally impact the performance, especially as these databases, relatively new on the market are expensive and do not replace relational databases. They rather serve as intermediate cache between Web applications and data sources to improve performance. The second breaks the structure of the XML document and makes it lose its properties. Algorithms have been proposed to realize the mapping between XML documents and databases, and vice versa [Lee et al (2001), Lee et al (2002), Wu et al (2001)]. Our objective is to combine the advantages of relational databases and objects databases in a storage model represented strictly in XML. This model is independent of any platform, it allows the storage of complex data of any kind (text, image, sound, ...), its structure is composed of a set of collections. In our model of storage, we adopt the global structure of the relational model by suggesting decomposing an XML document into several collections. Thus, we eliminate one of the main problems facing the storage of large volumes of data into one document: the repetition and the redundancy inherent to strictly hierarchical data. We propose the creation and manipulation of XML data via SQL3 queries. Our choice of language is due to the predomination of the relational model and to its evolution towards the objects and the possibilities it provides precisely by the support of the complex objects. We have developed a FRAMEWORK JAVA/XML, allowing the ultimate user write SQL3 queries in order to specify the structure of the database, creation of types, and definition of XML documents. Throughout this article, we present the different phases of the expression of SQL3 queries, the generation XML schema at the storage of the valid documents in relation to generated schema. This Solution helps define a visible correspondence between the relational-object Template and XML Template of database. It helps automatically provide the XML storage Template which we are proposing, limit the multiple imbrications of standard XML data, and remarkably reduce redundancy. 2. XML STORAGE TEMPLATE PROPOSES 2.1. Abstract Syntax of Template

Our solution consists of defining an XML storage Template that is based on the relational Template; its structure is made up of a set of collections. A collection is a document which contains elements that are simple (atomic) or compound, verifying constraints of keys and domains.

BD XML ::= {Collection }* + {Constraints }* Collection ::= {Element }* Element ::= {Components }* Component ::= {Element | Attribute } Constraints ::= {constraint key + constraint domains }

The global structure of our XML Template is similar to the relational Template, by considering relational table as a collection XML except that the attribute of relation is atomic whereas the collection can have components that are either attributes or elements of a simple or complex nature. We shall limit in our Template imbrications in order to reduce redundancy of standard hierarchical XML Template and gain certain flexibility in relation to the relational Template. We adopt such limitation in order to simplify the processing and representation of complex (or compound) data. 2.2. Structure of the directory containing database

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Laila Alami Kasri et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6646-6656 The database is organized in the form of a set of directories; each of which corresponds to a collection. The directory contains a file XML collectionName.xml which represents the collection. Generally, it is a large size and entirely operates in the server memory. Operations, such as adding, deleting, updating of objects of the collection, are so complex and cannot be applied to the entire collection. A sub-directory of xml-objects thus contains the different objects XML in distinct files. All updating operations will be therefore applied separately to objects XML. + database + .metadata + .resources + collection1 - collection.xml + xml-objects object1.xml object2.xml ... + .resources + collection2 - collection.xml + xml-objects object1.xml object2.xml ... + .resources + ... other collections
Fig.1. Structure of the database.

The database also contains a directory metadata defined in the root directory which contains metainformation on the collections. Another directory, resources is created to enclose external resources relating to the objects of the database. There are two kinds of resource; they are namely absolute resources and relative resources. The absolute resources are independent of any collection. They are defined in the root directory of the database to be referenced by any collection. The relative resources are specific to each collection. They are defined in a directory of resources linked to the collection. The correspondent objects of the collection can alone make reference to these resources. TheGeneralArchitectureoftheApplication

Fig. 2. The general architecture of the application.

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Laila Alami Kasri et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6646-6656

Fig.3. Diagram of main class

Figures 2 and 3 present the architecture of the application. The text SQL in entry is analyzed by SQL Parser. The latter analyzes the syntax and produces abstract syntax trees. A NodeVisitor skims through all the absolute syntax trees and creates objects which correspond to the queries. These objects are used to create either the schema XML (ParseTree2Xsd) for creations of queries (DDL), or documents XML (ParseTree2XML) for queries of insertion on the document XML (QueryTranslator). The documents that are inserted in the database should conform to the generated schema. It is compulsory therefore to create a validator of schema to check the coherence of the model and to allow the validation of the documents XML of the database. 3. Mapping between Types SQL3 and Types XML SCHEMA Our goal is to present data SQL in a model XML in a way that preserves the maximum of information. 3.1. Mapping predefined types SQL

To insure the correspondence between the predefined SQL types, the strategy consists of look at a correspondent XML Schema type that is close to a SQL type and to do a direct conversion or define a XML Schema type or define one on the basis of retrieved information on a SQL type.
Table1. Table of correspondence between the predefined SQL types and XML SCHEMA.


XML SCHEMA type xsd:string ou restriction du type xsd:string contenant xsd:length ou xsd :maxLength

xsd:hexBinary ou xsd:base64Binary, avec la facet xsd:maxLength Xsd:decimal, avec les facets xsd:precision et xsd:scale Xsd:int avec xsd:minInclusive et xsd:maxInclusive Xsd:float Xsd:double Xsd:Boolean

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Laila Alami Kasri et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6646-6656
Table1 (Continued)


Xsd:date Xsd:time Xsd:dateTime xsd:duration

Table 2. Example of mapping between SQL type and XML SCHEMA.








XML SCHEMA type <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:int"> <xsd:minInclusive value="-2147483648"/> <xsd:maxInclusive value="2147483647"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base=xsd:integer> <xsd:minInclusive value=-32768 /> <xsd:maxInclusive value=32767 /> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:decimal"> <xsd:precision value="13"/> <xsd:scale value="2"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base= xsd:base64Binary> <xsd:legnth value=12 /> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base=xsd:string> <xsd:maxLength value=33 /> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:timeDuration"> <xsd:patternvalue= "-?P\p{Nd}{1,4}Y\p{Nd}{2}M"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType>


Mapping of User predefined Type

A SQL object type defined by the user corresponds to a complex type in XML Schema. 1. If it has to do with a distinct type, it will be translated into an extension of the as it is shown in the following case: CREATE TYPE NAME_TYPE AS CHARACTER(100); 1: Create of complexeType defined by string type <xsd:complexType name="stringType"> <xsd:simpleContent> <xsd:extension base="xsd:string"/> </xsd:simpleContent> </xsd:complexType>

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Laila Alami Kasri et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6646-6656 2: Define the complexType name_type with complexType stringType for constrain the restriction maxLenght value = 100. <xsd:complexType name="name_type"> <xsd:simpleContent> <xsd:restriction base="stringType"> <xsd:maxLength value="100"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleContent> </xsd:complexType>

2. In the case of a type defined by the user which is not distinct, we create a complex type containing as sequence the attributes of the defined type CREATE TYPE XOD_TYPE AS( id CHARACTER(30), name CHARACTER(30), equivalent_names REF(NAME_)ARRAY [100] --others attributes );

became <xsd:complexType name="XOD_TYPE"> complexType defined <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0"> sequence of SQL type attributes < !element representing the SQL type attributes --> <xsd:element name="id" > </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> 3.3. Mapping of tables

A SQL table is transformed into a complex type element whose sequence contains the different columns of the table. Nevertheless, one table contains also constraints relating to columns in the manner of the types defined by the user. A table can contain 0 with several tuples; thus the complex type will include a sequence with minOccurs with value 0 as an attribute and an attribute maxOccurs with unbounded value. The columns with constraint automatically become elements whereas the columns with constraints, unique primary key become attributes as the following table shows:
Table 3. The correspondence between SQL concepts and XML SCHEMA

SQL Table Column without constraint Column of primary key Column with constraint not null Unique constraint Constraint foreign key and reference

XML SCHEMA element of complex type element of the sequence with complex type Attribute of complex type with attribute use= "required" element with attribute nullable="false" Attribute | xsd:unique element xsd:keyRef

Table 4. The correspondance between SQL create table and XML SCHEMA

Create a table CREATE colouring_compounds( index INT UNIQUE, description CLOB, iupac_name


Schma XML corresponding <xsd:element name="colouring_compounds"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:attribute name="index" type="xsd:int" ="required"> <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0">


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Laila Alami Kasri et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6646-6656 Table 4 (Continued) CHARACTER(100) ); <xsd:element name="description" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="iupac_name"> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:maxLength value="100"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element>


Express heritage through mapping

The types as well as tables that are created from a given type and the correspondent schema will be constructed from the extension from base type.
Table 5. Mapping of the table defined with a type

SQL CREATE TABLE dystuffs OF XOD_TYPE ( --defining constraints ); the additional columns and

XML SCHEMA <xsd:complexType name="dyestuffs"> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:extension base="xod_type"> <xsd:sequence> <!colonnes additionnelles--> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:extension> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType>

Table 6. Mapping of the heritage


XML SCHEMA <xsd:complexType name="resource"> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:extension base="resource_type"> <xsd:attributename="src" Use="required"> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:maxLength value="50"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:attribute> <xsd:attributename="type"use="optional"> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:maxLength value="50"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:attribute> </xsd:extension> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType>


Mapping REFERENCE type columns

REF type is directly mapped into reference in XML SCHEMA

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Laila Alami Kasri et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6646-6656
Table 7. Mapping of the columns with reference type.

SQL CREATE TYPE LINK ( src character(20) not null ); CREATE TYPE IMAGE_TYPE( images ref(LINK), -- others columns ); 3.6. Mapping types of named lines

XML SCHEMA ... <xsd :element ref="link"> ...

To map the ROW type column, the column is transformed into a complex XML type whose name is and that of the column and the sequence consists of elements representing ROW type columns. However ROW type is recurrent because it can in its turn contain columns of this type. We therefore apply recurrent mapping:
Table 8. Mapping of column with ROW type

SQL CREATE TABLE dyestuffs OF XOD_TYPE( biological_sources ROW (biological_source ROW (key CHARACTER(100) ) ), );

XML Schma <xsd:complexType name="dyestuffType"> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:extension base="xod_type"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="biological_sources"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name= "biological_source" maxOccurs="unbounded > <xsd:complexType> <xsd:attribute name="key" use="required">


Mapping of collections.

A collection type in SQL3 can be seen in XML SCHEMA as a complex type containing a sequence of an element whereby the type is that of the elements of the collection with an attribute maxOccurs with a value equal to the size of the collection. The following case illustrates a column equivalent_names containing a table of elements of name type whereby the number can go up to 50.
Table 9. Mapping of the collections

SQL CREATE TYPE XOD_TYPE AS( id CHARACTER(30), name CHARACTER(30), equivalent_names REF(NAME)ARRAY [50] );

XML SCHEMA <xsd:complexType name="xod_type"> <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0"> <xsd:element name="equivalent_names"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0"> <xsd:element name="name" maxOccurs="50"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType>


4. PARSER OF QUERIES SQL The aim of this part is to develop a SQL parser to check the syntax of text SQL entry and generate abstract syntax trees in entry. In order to be able to transfer the information into arborescent model XML, we shall represent in a structured and efficient manner all the notions which are presented in the form of a chain of characters of these queries in a structure which is adapted and manipulable.

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Laila Alami Kasri et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6646-6656 The parser is based on a specification of language SQL [ANSI-ISO IEC 1999 SQL SPECIFICATION] as a primary source of syntax SQL1999. The syntax is described in Backus-Naur Form or BNF (Language of definition of formal languages) can be found at the following URL: SQL3 grammar was not entirely implemented; the SQL instructions recognized by the parser are the queries DDL (Data Definition Language) for the Description of the structure of the database, the creation of types and tables, and insertion in queries DML (Data Manipulation Language). Below, we will define a table and provide the representation of the obtained abstract syntax tree, CREATE TABLE art_objects OF XOD_TYPE( type_of_object CHARACTER(100), title CHARACTER(30), collection CLOB, owner CHARACTER(100), historical_period CHARACTER(50), provenance CHARACTER(100), dimensions CHARACTER (100), description CLOB, creation CHARACTER(50), images ROW( img RESOURC ), samples ROW( sample ROW( key CHARACTER(100) ) ) ); The syntactic tree corresponding to the precedent query

Fig.4. Sample of an abstract syntactic tree

Taking into account, the number of grammar rules SQL3 to process, we have espoused a generator of syntactic analyser JavaCC. The tool reads the specifications of a grammar and converts it into program Java; it provides other possibilities relative to the generation of parser such as construction of tree and debugging. It includes module JavaCC to generate the parser and module JJTree to generate nodes. JJTree is a preprocessor for JavaCC which inserts the syntactic trees of actions of rules of a given grammar in various parts in the source JavaCC. It defines an interface Node which provides methods for operations such as placing the parent of node and adding and searching children.

Fig.5. Functioning of JJTree

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Laila Alami Kasri et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6646-6656 5. GENERATION OF SCHEMA XML AND VALIDATION The generation of code XML Schema should be done from a schema which complies with model XML. This part shows the different necessary steps starting from the extraction of the data of the table and types SQL to the generation of a hierarchical structure of elements appropriate for the norm XML. We have defined the process of transformation: queries of creation in schema XML, queries of insertion in documents XML, Mapping consists in browsing all the created objects, retrieving their property and transforming them into their equivalents; i.e. in element, or sequence of elements of a simple or complex type. A schema which is compliant with model can be derived from a conceptual schema of data using the formalism Entities-Relations. To achieve this objective, we have devised a semi-automatic method of transformation of schema. The main steps of this method are: The transformation of complex structures such as the relations of heritage or types of ternary associations; The construction of an arborescent structure deleting some cycles and the resolution of the conflicts of the father, The modification of cardinalities that are not accepted in a model; The specification of the mode layout of elements son in relation to father; The transformation of attributes of schema in elements or attributes XML.

Fig.6. Validation of documents XML against schema XML.

6. Comparaison and Perspectives Generally, the native database XML save documents XML by preserving the arborescent logical structure. The system DB2XML produce a document XML which directly represents the tables and their attributes in the document XML without taking into account the relations which can exist between the tables. The system XPERANTO and SilkRoute provide the user with a language of construction on database. It is evident that the manager of these systems is alone capable of using this language since it is only he who knows the schema of the database. The use of the system SilkRoute requires the knowledge of the language of the definition of views RXL. The system XPERANTO defines a global schema in XML Schema on the entire database and then the manager, if necessary, formulates the queries XML-QL which define the sub-views. Our solution allows for the production in model of storage for a database XML; the big advantages of this achievement is allow for the creation and manipulation of a database XML by queries SQL3 just in the same way as a relational-object database, which provides the users wich several possibilities to access and manipulate data without having to necessarily master neither XML SCHEMA, XQuery, XPATH or XSLT. On the one hand, the adopted relational structure considerably reduces the redundancy of the standard hierarchical model and allows the management of the relations between the collections, and on the other hand, the use of SQL3, allows us to introduce the complex types that are provided by XML Schema. Our perspective is to extend this work to provide a complete model of conversion of SQL3 to XML on the one hand, and to efficiently complete the management of the relations between the collections which applied in the relational model in the form of constraints of referential integrities. Conclusion The relational-object model and the XML hierarchical model have similarities and differences. Our contribution in this work is as follows: The prolongation of the relational model in XML format by making use of the advantages of XML such as simplicity, extensibility, portability, and integrability The introduction of the notion of object (to express heritage, definition of type ROW, array, REF ) expressed in SQL3 and defined in the complex type of XML Schema.

ISSN: 0975-5462


Laila Alami Kasri et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, 6646-6656 The visible correspondence between SQL3 and XML Schema for the description and validation of the data in the base. Minimisation of imbrication and redundancy produced by the standard structure of hierarchical XML The possibility provided to the user to work with the relational data on the Web with the advantage of having XML format; these data can easily transported and can be exploited and integrated by the applications The advantage of working with XML data without having to master the technological space linked to it.

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