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System Development Life Cycle

The five stages in the systems development life cycle are: System Analysis Conceptual Design Physical Design Implementation and Conversion Operation and Maintenance

AS organizations grow and change, they may need more or better information. System analysis is the first step. It includes: Initial Investigation: Involves gathering the information needed to buy or develop a new system and determining whether it is a priority. System Survey: If the system is a priority, survey the existing system to define the nature and scope of the project and identify the strength and weakness of the system. Feasibility Study: Involves an in-depth study of the proposed system to determine whether its feasible. Determination of information needs and system requirements: It involves finding out and documenting what users and management need. This is the most important aspect of system analysis. Delivery of Systems Requirements: It involves preparation of a report summarizing the systems analysis work. This report is submitted to the information systems steering committee.

Conceptual Design:
In the conceptual design phase, the company decides how to meet user needs. Tasks in this phase includes: Identify and evaluate design alternatives: Possibilities includes Buying software Developing in-house Outsourcing Develop design specification: Involves writing up details of what the system is to accomplish and how it is to be controlled and developed. Deliver conceptual design requirements: These requirements will be forwarded to the information systems steering committee.

Physical Design:
In the physical design phase, the broad, user-oriented requirements of the conceptual design are translated into detailed specifications that can be used by programmers to code the programs. Tasks include: Design outputs, database and inputs Develop programs Develop procedures Design controls Deliver developed system Goes to information system steering committee

Implementation and Conversion

This is the capstone phase during which everything comes together. Tasks include: Develop an implementation and conversion plant Needed because of the complexity and trained or existing employees relocated Install any new hardware and software Train personnel New employees may need to be hired and trained or existing employees . Test the system and make any needed modifications Complete the documentations Convert from the old to the new system Deliver operational system send the final report to the information steering committee

Operation and maintenance

Once the system is up and running, operations and monitoring continue. Tasks include: Fine tune and do post-implementation review Operate the system Periodically, review and modify the system DO ongoing maintenance Deliver improved system.

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