Callory Chart

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Indian Calorie Chart

Indian Calorie Chart

Name Nuts Apricots Dates/ currants Figs Walnuts Raisins Sweets Barfi Halwa Gulab Jamun Jalebi Mysore Pak Rasogolla Ladoo Petha Baln shah Imarti Patisa Mesu Rasmalai Sohan Halwa Malpuri Meat Mutton Cooked in oil (1tbsp)with spices, onions,tomatoes Fish(boiled) Mutton (Boiled) Ham Chicken Mutton chops Tandoori Chicken

Quantity Calories 15gm 15 20 15 gms 20 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 40 gms 40 gms 40 gms 40 gms 40 gms 40 gms 40 gms 40 gms 40 gms 1 cup 306 317 55 102 315 100 570 100 200 357 150 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

Name Snacks Dal Wada Pakoda Samosa Potato chips Tapioca Chips Dahi wada Meat Puff Mathri Godam Pongal Muruku Namak Para Papad (grilled) Papad(fried) Bhel Puri Papri Pani Puri Drinks

Quantity 30 1 1 10pcs 100 gms 1 1 1 Large 2 pcs 2 pcs 1 1 One cup 1 plate 1 plate

Calories 200 200 256 110 570 364 200 420 356 583 326 25 43 280 25 125 95 25 50 95 45 22

Apple Juice Cider 1 bottle Coffee without Sugar Coconut Water Orange Juice Tomato Juice Tea without Sugar Beverages Coke 1 bottle 2 tbsp 1 bottle 1 cup 1 glass 1 glass 1 glass 1 cup

95 35 75

1 cup 1 cup 1 thin slice 1 cup 1 2 pcs

100 100 100 220 100 450

Lime Juice Ginger ale Alcoholic Drinks Beer Brandy Dry Wines

1 glass 1 peg 1 wine glass

100 70 75


Fish Fingers Sheekh Kababs Crab Bread & Rotis Bread Chapati Phulka Eggs Fried Omelette Poached or boiled Miscellaneous Jam Marmalade Honey Horlicks Ovaltin Bournvita Mango Pickles Sugar

3 pcs 2 pcs 2 cups

162 300 67 19 60 100 75 100 110 80

Champagne Whisky Rum Gin Oil Vegetable Oil Salad Oil Milk

1 glass 1 peg 1 peg 1 peg 1tbsp 1tbsp 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 glass 1 cup cup 1 tbsp 1 scoop cup cup 1 tsp

115 75 75 105 130 125 100 320 45 60 60 206 120 114 150 100 82 16

Shrimps(fried&rolled) 1.5 cup 1 slice 1 1 1 1 1

Milk & Milk Products Condensed Milk Skimmed Milk Skimmed Buttermilk Curds Khoa Butter Ice cream Blue cheese Cheese Cottage Cheese

1tbsp 1 tbsp 1tbsp 2 tbsp 3 tbsp 1 pc 1 tbsp

100 100 30 41 38 65 60

Shredded cheese cup

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