Dus Humantus Avoid Prometheus

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Dus Humantus Avoid Prometheus! Is Shiva god? Bhoot Satire!

By Mahaveer Hussian From trillions of years humen are in quest to satisfy their need should we say greed. They are in search of a partner who can quench their thirst. As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God Psalms 42:1. This one or that person or should we say that statue! Is it not like a passionate going to market place in search for an idol (harlot) so that he can render his worship, reverence, adoration and veneration to convert his meekness into weakness? Take in hand gadgets to enjoy so thought protected adultery (idolatry)! Wonder what it loses to possess agarbathi, ghee, cotton deepaks, and flowers jasmines would be wonderful, cow milk with saffron, mithia tainted with opium mean to say made holy, vermillion on forehead and what not. Oh! How wonder is the pooja plate, idol set in emerald flowers and apparels. Oh! How magnificent are the Upanishads chants those who hear them will be allured into clutches of entrainment. Now! Time has come to start to proceedings. All will be set made available readymade obviously at a meager price if become welcomed to a temple (brothel). Oh! What an ultimate enjoyment. Can the idol (prostitute) support thy compassion? What about health hazards? As per Hinduism (not Aryanism or Paganism or Pantheism) there are four ways to achieve Moksha Danam Marga, Bhakthi Marga, Krama Marga and Gayana Marga. If you purchase new HDD which method will make your PC perform after right installation? Now the first is that you should beg for OS from your friend or job it. Fortunately if you slap your friend on the right he should show left otherwise he is not thy neighbor. The Bhakthi is that you should load right anti-virus and see to it that idolatry, adultery, murder and fornication (iam f?) does not affect it. The Krama is that you should be hard-working for PC should interact with thy ataman not thy foolish brain (mind). The Gayana is that you should understand PC; any design software like Ansys, Staad.Pro, AutoCAD, 3DS Max , vice-versa seems impossible. Italy Catholic Pantheism and European Conspiracy Theory have ruined the lives of Shias to the extent that they have become drainage insects because of terrorism - weakness advantage. I am right! I accept! You need not accept or fight! Its like wrap up thread coil. But who will recoil it? Sunnis and Aryans will run away! Christians will put Namaste! Shias are always forced to solve for there seems to be no other way. Thats why nobody forgets attack even goes near nations like Italy. Canaan and Hindustan are not far away. Become Buddha avoid Pantheism! th In 17 Century the Hindukoosh king forced 48 of Lieu tent General Ahmed Khan (under Duke Babur Khan James the Just Mahesh Where is he? Where is his Jesus?) Of Delhi Regiment to move to Peshawar Regiment to solve minor problem as such disclosed which turned out into bloody war. When Muslims (Hindus) do not give any rights to Sunnis why do they allow them to loathe in their areas? 850 had blocked International Highway at Herat. 500 were convinced to migrate to Algeria. 130 were poisoned; 220 were beheaded, casualties 10 assault none. What about bulla and chute Aryans? Shias aim at Sunnis these strike them from behind. Forget not Gandhians (Sabarmathi Ashram - www.sanghparivar.org) and Nazis. Go to Aryaprant! Down they will get mutton biryani everyday almost without toil but they migrate to Prithivi and enjoy pork biryani to profess it is best and cheap. If it was not so what was the reason due to which Nazis had to th attack that Poland Dam in 20 Century due to which Euro war was initiated. Why is it that even today Nathuram Godses assault M K Gandhis? Is it not that their pantheism, humanism, communism is Anti-kshathriya? North Spain soldiers enjoy total annihilation of opium tainted Brazilian and Algerian ships and reentry via South Spain routes. This encourages Sunnis to attack and assault many Persians unaware of Spartan hypocrisy. Poor Persians fall into Sun, some blasted, some splinted (Tamil enjoy worship, adore, venerate and revere such Kartikeyans) others pulled them out to top. Dear Sunnis! So is it done? If you kill body what about ataman? Did you watch Prometheus? Twenty two thousand years ago there was bloody holi in Algeria people saw soldier bodies fall like dead eagles. Eight thousand were thrown to death. Who did it? Do Algerians and Brazilians want it to be repeated for their blind support to Opium Jihad? Forget not that th General who cleared the ground of fugitives in South of Spain. By the by! In 14 Century, why did England burn to death Joan of Arc? That present France desires her! Are we from United Kingdom? Become British remain Bri-tish! Do you know Angrezi? Whats the saga of recent Morocco war? Mughals killed 10,000 Sunnis. How many did NATO? Lets guess the reasons behind a decade ago Twin Tower (present cost INR 150 Crore) attack 9/11 and recent Mumbai Taj (present cost INR 25 Crore) attack 26/11. Is it not the tussle between allopathic and ayurveda? If Sunnis makes Potato Chips then Corporate manufactures Lays and Kurkure, how can it be problematic? If Legal Companies manufacture Missiles for Military it does not mean some sort can do so business of illegal weapons. Are these the days of war lords? If pharmacy companies manufacture Paracetamol tablets it does not mean that Sunnis can adulterate to more than 50% Para-opium death pellets. If legal rubber tranquilizer bullets are used by Military it does not mean that Sunnis can shoot Lithium Cadmium or Potassium Nitrate or Permanganate non curable atamic poisons. Century ago soft wooden arrow dipped for months in comet powder and cobra venom with metal stem was their favorite. Plagiarisms and duplicity are allowed in food, shelter and clothing obviously cannot be tolerable in blood. Lithium Cadmium can never be converted into organic; potassium has to become calcium; manganese has to become cerebral plutonium. How many more successive lives it will take no one knows? What are the side effects? Partial blindness soars in mouth, brain pain, and split personality, phobia to red chilies, sugar even low-grade cereals and pulses. The only option remains is to annihilate all Sunnis! Become savior find not any favor even in next life. Does this article match with diplomacy and protocol ideology of Bureaucracy Be subjective to the state not objective? Hindu Pracin Shia Naveen Aryan Matheen Sunni Artheen Christian Chute Catholic Bulling!

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