December Parent Letter

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December 17, 2012 Dear Parents, Grandparents, and Community I am truly saddened by the tragic events that occurred

in Connecticut last week. All of us hurt and grieve for the victims, and we pray that they find comfort in our thoughts for each of them. Many of you have questions about what Cassville R-IV School does to protect children and what procedures are in place in case an event (weather, fire, or intruder) would take place. We have provided the following information to you to review with your family. Please talk about it with your children and extended family as well, so that they are informed and knowledgeable about our plans. We understand that there are times when you become frustrated by procedures, but we ask that you remember that we do this to provide organization and systems where order can be provided. While we hope these precautions are never needed our goal is to be prepared for any emergency. Our first priority is to protect all students, staff, and guests from harm. In order for our emergency plans to be effective, we depend on the cooperation and assistance of many people and agencies. We also depend on YOU, as parents, to support our emergency planning and response efforts. Your cooperation is vital to helping us protect the safety and welfare of all children and school employees. Therefore, we ask all of you to make sure that you understand and observe the following procedures: 1. CommunicationWe utilize a school calling system. This system allows us to call, text, and email you with information. Make sure that you have updated contact numbers and addresses with your childs office. 2. Telephone callsIn the case of an emergency event, remember that you likely are one of 2,000 people calling the school at the same time and may not get through to an office. You need to know that we have specific procedures in place to ensure children safety. 3. Coming to schoolIn the case of an emergency, our buildings go into lock-down. This means that you will have limited, if any, access to our buildings. This is to ensure that all students are safe and that response agencies have an opportunity to keep children safe. So, do not come to school until instructed to do so, or at least understand, we must keep buildings secure until the authorities authorize access. 4. Talking with childrenTalk to your children and emphasize how important it is for them to follow the instructions of their teachers and school officials during an emergency.

1501 Main Street Cassville, Missouri 65625

5. Stay calmWhile no one will attempt to understand the feelings you may have during an emergency situation, it is vital that you remain calm and focused in an emergency situation. Your willingness to stay calm and remember procedures will assist in children remaining calm and focused. 6. Be informedCarefully read information you receive from the school. Be informed about our emergency plans and procedures. Know where your child will be and how you can help to ensure that every child, not just your own, remains secure and safe. Cassville R-IV School District is dedicated to all our children. We love them and care for them each and every day. We are extremely grateful for the trust you extend to us each day when your child gets on a bus or enters our door. Christmas has always been a time of celebration for so many. We celebrate the birth of Jesus and celebrate the joys of the past year and the hopes for the New Year to come. We celebrate the excitement of Christmas morning with gifts and things that we just had to have. However, this year I ask that you share in the effort to be thankful for friends and family that we are truly blessed to have. I am proud to know, work, and to live with such great people that we can call neighbors. I am thankful for each of you and wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. God bless you and your family. Respectfully,

Richard L Asbill
Superintendent Cassville R-IV School District

1501 Main Street Cassville, Missouri 65625

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