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Fall/Winter 2012 Fall/Winter 2012


Doug Hamer, Doug Hamer, Director Director

Matthew Churchill, Matthew Churchill,
Program Manager Program Manager
Jon Gillespie, Jon Gillespie, Facilities Manager Facilities Manager
Wendy Hamer, Wendy Hamer, Office Manager Office Manager
Brenda Youngmeyer, Brenda Youngmeyer,
Food Service Manager Food Service Manager
Kim Deitrich, Kim Deitrich, Accountant Accountant
Part Part- -time time
Sarah Hamer & Kati Printy Sarah Hamer & Kati Printy


Gordon Blankenship, President Gordon Blankenship, President
First Christian Church First Christian Church- -Blandinsville Blandinsville
Mark Nichols, Vice Mark Nichols, Vice- -President President
Burnside Christian Church Burnside Christian Church
Kevin Deitrich, Treasurer Kevin Deitrich, Treasurer
Burnside Christian Church Burnside Christian Church
Sue Althiser, Secretary Sue Althiser, Secretary
Berean Christian Church Berean Christian Church
Joe Anderson Joe Anderson
Madison Park Christian Church Madison Park Christian Church
Myra Lo Arntzen Myra Lo Arntzen
Maple Avenue Christian Church Maple Avenue Christian Church
Rob Harrison Rob Harrison
Table Grove Community Church Table Grove Community Church
Mike Moore Mike Moore
LaHarpe Christian Church LaHarpe Christian Church

LaMoine Christian LaMoine Christian
Service Camp & Retreat Center Service Camp & Retreat Center
2760 E. County Road 1600 2760 E. County Road 1600
Tennessee, IL 62374 Tennessee, IL 62374

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202 Cmp lcssngs nd SIIsIcs
1he Summer of 212 was HO1 and DRY, but spirits
remained high as Cod's Kingdom continued to grow!
,3 Cmpcrs, 3 Summcr cmp scss0ns, $b,5.b7 0vcn I0 Mss0ns,
39 pIsms, 5 RcdcdcI0ns & ChrsIn scrvcc dccs0ns, 37 RcIrcIs
& 0y 0uIngs, 0 0Ihcr Cmp sp0ns0rcd pr0grms. 0urng Ihcsc
Pr0grms m0rc Ihn 2,500 pc0plc uIlzcd Ihc cmp.
NEW IN Z013; LCSC Sports Cump| This comp wiII be heId June
bfh-8fh ond is for sfudenfs going info ofh-8fh grodes. The sporfs
offered wiII be: girIs voIIeyboII, boys boseboII, boys & girIs soccer,
ond boys & girIs boskefboII. More informofion wiII be ovoiIobIe of
fhe Summer Comp Iick-off Meefing, Morch I4, Z0I3l

We ore currenfIy seeking quoIified voIunfeers fo be our Comp
Murse for o week sforfing fhe Summer of Z0I3. If you or someone
you know is o PM or higher quoIified medicoI professionoI ond ore
inferesfed in voIunfeering o week of your summer fo heIp ensure
fhe sofefy of our compers, pIeose confocf DorIene Horrison, PM,
of (309)3I8-I373 for more informofion or fo sign-upl
Old Camp Bell
Taking Sealed Bids
until December 15, 2012






Money will go toward the
cabin/bathroom renovations.
Cabin Features:
heat/air conditioning
bathroom facility
storm shelter
Annual MeetingOctober 18, 2012
Summer Camp Kick-OffMarch 14, 2013
As the Lord leads, give as an
individual, family, small group,
Sunday School class, or
take up a one-time special
offering as a church.
ron Dou's dcsk...
Dear Friends of LaMoine Christian Service Camp,

Our 2011-12 Fiscal Year is completed, and with it another year of the faithful support of our Christian camping partners and
Gods rich blessings. First and foremost, I thank all of you who have covered our camp and our campers with your prayers
throughout the past year. As my years in this ministry begin to add up, it becomes more and more evident how dependent we
are upon Gods blessing and protection, and how faithful He is to the prayers of His saints.

Let me share just a few of the blessings of this past year. During our summer camp season, we hosted 1,113 campers, 54 of
whom made life-changing decisions for Christ while at camp. Our campers also gave over $6,000.00 to missions. Hundreds
others volunteered their time to teach, lead, mentor, supervise, or work in our kitchen. Thank you all so very much for serving
God at LaMoine this past summer! Other camp programs included; the Junior High Fall Retreat, two Womens Scrapbook
Retreats, the 10th Annual Open House & Auction, our 21st Annual Golf Benefit with CSC at WIU, and our always popular
Senior Saints Day. Our brand new tractor and finish mower were purchased and put into operation this fiscal year as well.
Some safety enhancements were also made to our playground equipment, with the goal of adding a new playground area for
younger campers when the funds become available. A huge blessing of this past fiscal year is that with our Program Manager,
Matthew, was on staff for his first full year and that we were able to accomplish all these things while keeping our expenses
within our income. Incorporating the cost of a new full-time employee into our operating budget in less than two years speaks
volumes to the trust and support of our camp partners as well as Gods blessing on the direction we are taking as a camp for
the future. Please join me in thanking God for another year of His blessing on our wonderful camp!

For our fiscal year beginning October 1, 2012, we have set a budget of $335,000.00. This new budget represents less than a
1% increase over last years budget. This budget will allow us to continue to operate our camp at a high standard and allow us
to make some positive programming and facilities enhancements as well. With the continued faithful prayers and financial
support of our Member Churches and individual donors, I am confident that we have a very accurate and manageable budget
for the upcoming year.

At this time, I am also announcing plans to move forward in a more aggressive manner with the modernizing of our cabins;
adding restrooms, heat and air-conditioning, and storm shelters. A drive for $50,000 in 5 months will go from now until our
Summer Camp Kick-off Meeting in mid-March of next year. The money received during this time will give us the remainder
we need to complete our first cabin project. Your Camp Staff and Board of Directors have already committed $10,000 of this
$50,000 goal. I am extremely excited and encouraged that the leadership of our camp would commit to 20% of our $50,000
goal. I am now asking that our Member Churches and individual camp partners continue their giving ways to bring in the
additional $40,000 over the next 5 months. Please pray, spread the word, and give if you are able. With Gods blessing, we
will have the financial resources to begin our first cabin project after next years summer camp season.

In closing, I thank you for your support of this valuable ministry in our own back yard. I continue to be humbled by all that
God has done and is doing here at LaMoine. I ask God to bless all of you who are a part of this ministry and I am confident
that God will continue to bless LaMoine Christian Service Camp.

Serving Our Savior Together,
Doug Hamer/Director

Mark Your Calendar Now for These EXCITING Upcoming Programs!!!

2013 Camp Team Meeting 2013 Senior Saint`s Day
February 7th, 9:00 am through a delicious Noon lunch May 11th, 9:00 am through 2:30 pm
For all Area Ministers & Camp Deans A Poor Rich Mans Band w/Cindy McClintock
Fun, Food, Fellowship, Deans Meeting Andy Avery returns and Elvis will be
Speaker: David Upchurch/LCC Director of Church Ministries in the house once again as well!
Get out of the Office and come be Encouraged! Registration info. available in mid-March
Please RSVP in January Let Us Entertain You!
LaMoine Christian Service Camp
2760 E County Road 1600
Tennessee, IL 62374
Phone: 217.654.2238
Fax: 217.654.2297


Nonprofit Org.
US Postage
Tennessee, IL 62374
Permit No. 1

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Inc wcwcrq c{ nc riqnccus -i|| vc u v|cssinq.`
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In emar, at
Hary Ruth Jones: Marlyn Jones and Family
ob 6rum: FV & MH Anderson, M/M Dennis Pettit,
Ron & Pat Briscoe
||| 6rab|||: M/M Eugene Scanlan, Friends at
LaHarpe Christian Church
F|oss|e Horr|s: Stephen & Ruth Hurt, Joe & Linda
Luthy, Maxine Prather, Carl & Carolyn Wiggins, Class
Of 1953 c/o Nancee Rebman, Mike & Joyce Dyche,
Ann Chelette, John & Rita Corson, Margaret Miller,
Michael & Pam France, Tim & Carolyn Wright, Ark
& Ivagene Quinn
|ma Jean ycroft: M/M Larry Moore, M/M Mike
Kirby, M/M Brad Beard, M/M Larry Robinson, Phillip
Keefauver, Elizabeth Keefauver, Don & Phillis
Kettering, Kenton & Lori Allaman, Sidney & Beth Smith
/ivinq emoriol ifI Form

In Loving Memory Of
In Honor Of

Enclosed is my gift____________

iven bq

Camp W|sh L|s|

New B|b|es 24 @ $12.5O each ($8OO)
2 new |w|n ma||resses @ $125 each ($25O)
New pro[ec|or for |he Re|rea| Cen|er ($85O)
$5O,OOO |n 5 Mon|hs for Cab|n Renova||ons

Thank you so much Roger Br|er|on of Car|hage,
lL and our fr|ends a| |he Church of Chr|s| |n
Rushv|||e, lL for |he purchase of |he new
washer and dryer for |he camp k||chen!
WHe Gtott onU MoozU ot
IoNoIne OHzIstIon GezwIee Oong
wIsH you onU youz tonIIy
o wezy Nezzy OHzIstnos onU
o MIesseU Mew eoz!
Check out our website for the 2013 Summer Camp Schedule to help plan your summer activities early!

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