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MCA-502 Analysis and Design of Algorithms :

Introduction:- algorithm definition and specification Design of Algorithms, and Complexity of Algorithms, Performance analysis. Elementary Data structures:- stacks and queues trees dictionaries priority queues sets and disjoint set union graphs basic traversal and search techniques. Divide and conquer: - General method binary search merge sort Quick sort The Greedy method:-General method . Question bank for MCA V semester First sessional examination 2012 Subject : Analysis and Design Of Algorithm 1. Define the term "ALGORITHM". 2. Write basic steps for the complete development of the algorithm. 3. Give complete specification of algorithm. 4. What do you mean by space complexity of the algorithm? 5. What do you mean by time complexity of the algorithm? 6. Write Recursive algorithm for finding min/max from an array. 7. Write Recursive algorithm for Quick-sort algorithm. 8. Calculate Time complexity for the following algorithm.. 1. Algorithm Rsum(a,n) 2. { 3. if (n<=0) then 4. return 0.0; 5. else 6. return Rsum(a,n-1)+a[n]; 7. } 9. Write Insertion and Deletion algorithm for a priority queue. 10. Explain general method of divide and conquer. 11. Write Insertion and Deletion algorithm for circular queue. 12. Write recursive algorithm for Binary Search technique. 13. Write Insertion and Deletion algorithm for simple Queue. 14. Describe general greedy method. 15. Write control abstraction for greedy method.

Embedded System
An Overview of Embedded system, Requirements, Challenges issues, and trends in software development. Application market segments, control system and industrial automation, Data communication, Networked Information Appliances, Telecommunications.Hardware Architecture: Processor, Memory, Application specific control, Display units, keypads, DSP 1.ExplainindetailtherequirementsofEmbeddedsystems. 2.ExplainthetrendsinEmbeddedSoftwaredevelopment. 3.DefineEmbeddedSystem.ExplaintheCategoriesofembeddedSystem. 4.ExplainindetailthechallengesandissuesinEmbeddedSoftwareDevelopment 5.Howtheprotocolconverterisusedinsatellitecommunication.Explainwithdiagram. 6.Whatisthedifferencebetweenasimpledesktopsystemandembeddedsystem. 7.Discussthedifferenttypesofmemories(primaryandsecondary)usedinEmbeddedsystem.Focuson FlashMemoryalso. 8ExplaintheDSParchitectureindetailwithblockdiagram. 9ExplainProtocolconverters.Whytheyareused. 10WriteshortnoteonFieldInstrumentation. 11.Whatdoyoumeanbyprotocolencapsulation.Explainusingsuitablediagram. 12Discussthevariousoutputdevicesusedinembeddedsystem. 13.HowtheEmbeddedsystemisusefulindevelopingconsumerelectronicsapplications.?Explain. 14Whicharethe3categoriesofProcessorswhichareusedinEmbeddedsystems?Explainallofthem givingexamples. 15.Discussthevariousinputdevicesusedinembeddedsystem.

16ExplaintheuseofWATCHDOGTIMER. 17.DifferentiatebetweenMicrocontrollerandMicroprocessor. 18.WriteashortnoteonGPSreceivers. 19.WhatarenetworkedinformationapplianceswithregardstoEmbeddedSystems. 20ExplainApplicationSpecificControlCircuitry. 21.ExplainBluetoothdevices.WhatisBluetoothhardwareandBluetoothsoftware. 22.Designanembeddedsystem(blockdiagram)thatusestheIVRS,

GeoInformatics Q1. Q2. Q3. Q4. Q5. Q6. Q7. Q8. Q9. Q10. Q11. Q12. Q13. Q14. Q15. Q16. Q17. Q18. DefineGeoinformaticsinbrief ExplainRealWorldtoGIStransformationsystem. WriteapplicationsofGIS DefineGISmodelintermsofPresentationandStorage WhoaretheusersofGIS?Explain ExplainGeoDatamodel. HowGraphicalrepresentationofObjectsiscarriedinGIS ExplainVectorModelinbrief ExplainRasterModelinbrief ExplainSpaghettiModelinbrief ExplainTopologyModelinbrief WhatistheneedofDataCompressioninGISMODELLING? ExplaintheQuadTreemethodofRasterModel. HowVectormodelisconvertedtoRaster?Explaingivingsuitableexample HowRastermodelisconvertedtoVector?Explaingivingsuitableexamples. ExplainfunctionalityandapplicationsofGIS ExplaintheconceptoflayeringinrepresentingtheGeoinformation Writeshortnoteontypeoftopologies

MCA-503 Wireless Technologies

Introduction, wireless transmission - frequencies for radio transmission - signals - antennas - signal propagation - multiplexing - modulation - spread spectrum - cellular systems medium access control - specialized MAC - SDMA - FDMA - TDMA - aloha - CSMA collision avoidance - polling - CDMA - comparison of S/T/F/CDMA- localization and calling handover -satellite systems- broadcast systems - digital audio broadcasting - digital video broadcasting, Wireless LAN - infrared Vs radio transmissions - infrastructure and adhoc networks - IEEE 802.11 b/a/g - bluetooth - IEEE 802.16, Mobile network layer - mobile IP packet delivery - registration - tunneling and encapsulation.

1. What do you understand by modulation? Explain. 2. What is multiplexing? 3. Explain the basic difference between modulation and multiplexing. 4. What do you understand by tunneling and encapsulation? 5. Explain different types of IEEE standards in the wireless communication with the help of an example of each. 6. What is multiple access? Explain different techniques of multiple access. 7. What do you understand by signal? How analog signal is different from analog? Explain. 8. Compare the different techniques of multiple access with the help of suitable examples. 9. Explain the difference between FDM, TDM and SDM with the help of example of each. 10. What do you understand by broadcast systems? How broad systems are different from telecast systems? Explain. 11. Explain the concept of cellular systems with the help of an example. 12. What do you understand by satellite systems? Explain. 13. Explain the concept of collision in CSMA. 14. What do you understand by collision avoidance? 15. What do you understand by satellite communication? Explain. 16. What do you understand by ALOHA?

17. How pure ALOHA is different from slotted ALOHA? Explain. 18. What is antenna? Explain. 19. Explain the concept of spread spectrum in satellite and wireless communication systems. 20. What do you understand by radio transmissions? Explain. 21. How frequency is different from amplitude? Explain. 22. Discuss the different applications of wireless communication. 23. Explain the concept of localization. 24. What do you understand by handover? Explain.


Object Oriented Software Engineering Unified Modeling Language, Basic structures and modeling classes, common modeling techniques, relationships, common mechanism, class diagrams. Advanced structured modeling, advanced classes and relationships, interfaces, types and roles, instances and object diagram. Basic idea of behavioral modeling.

Object- oriented concepts and principles. Identifying the elements of an object model.

1. Explain the different concepts of object oriented concepts. 2. What do you understand by class diagram? Explain. 3. Describe the common modeling techniques of OOSE. 4. Explain the use of UML in OOSE. 5. What do you understand by behavioral modeling? Explain. 6. What do you understand class diagram? Explain with the help of suitable example. 7. What do you understand by advance classes? Explain. 8. How interfaces are different from classes? Give example and explain.

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