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2 January 2013

Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association Medical Plan may cover this examination. Contact your plan provider to verify.



No. 06

LAFRA AnnuAL Open HOuse pARty
The doors were thrown open and hundreds took advantage of the invitation to enjoy time with friends and family, and honor Andy Kuljis for a lifetime of service. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06

Presidents Message ................................................................................05 Firefighter Workout by Mike Caro ...........................................................12 Battalion News ..........................................................................................15 Retired Guys .............................................................................................25 Retirement Dinner Announcements ..........................................................26 Retirement Dinners Joe Porras .............................................................................................27 Ruben De La Torre ................................................................................29 Department In Action ................................................................................30 Taste of LA FireFighter Cook-oFF .............................................................................33 Mailbox .....................................................................................................34 Station Fridge ...........................................................................................37 LAFD Handball AnnuAl turkey Burner tournAment .........................................................39 Memorials .................................................................................................40 LAFD Crew 3 CAdets stAFF moBile work ForCe ..............................................................41 Firefighters for Christ PAnAmA mission triP ...............................................................................42 Search & Rescue - Part 22 Mittendorf Discusses More Techniques ................................................47 Dollars & Sense ..........................................................................................49 LAFD-HS History

eL COyOte MexiCAn CAF HOsts WODFF FunDRAiseR

The Korea Town Krusaders, Team 86ed, and Perros Locos were just a few of the firefighter culinary squads that competed in the first-ever battle of the blenders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08


130 hot rods, custom cars and exotic trucks all vie for the top prize at this annual family fun and fundraiser event. . . . . . . . . . 10

PHYSICAL RESCUE, North Hollywood
Photo submitted by Mike Meadows

The 100th Anniverary of the Brennan Hotel Fire .....................................51 Minutes of the Board of Trustees ..............................................................54 Classifieds ................................................................................................57 Tailboard ...................................................................................................61

On the cover:

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Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association. No material may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.
Notice: Production of The Firemens Grapevine magazine is very expensive, and while your dues serve to underwrite a portion of the magazines costs, the bulk of funding comes from advertisers. Many businesses advertise in the Grapevine. This does not mean that LAFRA endorses these advertisers. Use of a Grapevine advertiser is at the risk of the member. If you are interested in any of the advertisements, we urge you to use any and all means at your disposal to investigate them.

January 2013 3

Paid Advertisements:

Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association 815 Colorado Blvd, 4th Floor, los angeles Ca 90041
owned and published by the

dave Wagner Juan-Carlos Snchez Project Eric Santiago Creative david Vienna Web/Social Media displayAdvertising....................................(323) 259-5200 ext. 231, 232, 260
Matt Spence, Brian HuMpHrey, erik Scott


Mike MaStro, Frank Borden, Marc eckStein M.d., JoHn MittendorF, MicHael SteFano, Monte egHerMan, Jody HouSer


david Blaire, doc deMulle, keitH culloM, roB curtiS, Harry garvin, Juan guerra, Brian HaiMer, gavin kauFMan, ryan ling, rick Mcclure, Mike MeadowS, lloyd payne, JeFF ZiMMerMan, yvonne griFFin, laura licHter.

John JaCoBsen .........................................................preSident Juan alBarran .................................................vice-preSident andrew KulJis ........................................................Secretary

boARd oF tRuStEES
Barry HedBerg cHriS Hart cHriS Stine craig wHite david lowe david ortiZ david peterS doak SMitH Frank HernandeZ gary MatSuBara gene BednarcHik JaMeS e. coBurn JeFF cawdrey kurt StaBel Mark akaHoSHi Mike overHolSer rick godineZ roBert SteinBacHer Steve tuFtS Steven doManSki tiM larSon


greg w. giBson...............Sr. cHaplain danny leon...........................cHaplain george a. negrete...............cHaplain aquil F. Basheer...................cHaplain


hershy Z. ten........................cHaplain riCK a. godineZ.....................cHaplain MarK r. woolF......................cHaplain Jesus Pasos..........................cHaplain

tELEPHoNES Fire-relieF ................................................................(323) 259-5200 relieFassoCiation toll Free nuMBer ...........................(800) 244-3439 relieF MediCal Plan ..........................(866) 99laFra- (866) 995-2372 Fax nuMBer ................................................................(323) 259-5290 LAFRA MANAGEMENt david ned sMith exeCutive direCtor............................(323) 259-5201 Marlene Casillas develoPMent & MarKeting direCtor(323) 259-5217 BeCKy valverde huMan resourCesadMinistrator.......(323) 259-5247 todd layFer Controller/treasurer.........................(323) 259-5243 BoB dillon oPerations Manager................................(323) 259-5233 ana salaZar MeMBer serviCes Coordinator...............(323) 259-5223 HealthSCoPE benefits

$38.75 per Shield Plus UPS

wayne sherMan MediCal ClaiMs Manager...................(323) 259-5211

tHE FIREMENS GRAPEVINE (USPS 191-060) is published monthly by the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association, 815 Colorado blvd. 4th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90041. Annual $24 Subscription included with Association membership; Non-members: $36. Single issues $3 postpaid. Back issues $6 postpaid. Periodicals postage paid at Los Angeles, CA and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: tHE FIREMENS GRAPEVINE Magazine, P.O. BOX 41903, Los Angeles, CA 90041. Printed by Collective Color, Los Angeles CA. For Classified and Display Advertising rates please call (323) 259-5200, ext. 231, 232 or 260. All editorial matter must be received by the Editor eight weeks prior to the month of publication. The opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Los Angeles City Fire Department or the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association.

4 January 2013

By John Jacobsen date of January 1, 2013. As a reminder, this subsidy is tied to the LACERS plan as set in the Administrative code. The non-Medicare retiree health subsidy has not yet been discussed and uses July 1st as an effective date for increases. About 18 months ago we sent a benefit and information statement to you. The idea behind this was to allow you to make sure all of your information is correct. We are working to gather complete and accurate data on our members and their families, but we need some help. I will be the first to say that calling around to verify my information with several organizations is like having a tooth pulled. Our hope is to make it as easy as possible by sending you exactly what we have or dont have on file. Email addresses, dependents names and ages, coverage and benefits, deductions from payroll, are to name a few fields. Some of you have been diligent about updating all of this throughout the years, while others . . . not so much. This data will help us to serve our members to the best of our abilities. We will be sending out an updated version in the near future, so keep an eye on the mailbox. We talked throughout the year about Workers Compensation and all of difficulties associated with it. The passage of SB 863 has left us with some great concerns. We have a considerable number of W/C claims that are identified after the fact and should be considered presumptive. The new law will make it next to impossible for a health plan to collect claims dollars that should have been paid by the employer. We will work toward a plausible solution to ensure that all of our members can get the treatment they deserve while preserving our medical plan dollars. Any dollars that are paid out for presumptive care and not recovered have a direct effect on the plans premium increases. Additionally, the newly formed independent medical review process included in SB 863 will essentially take away a significant part of the employees due process. There are a multitude of challenges coming our way this year, but rest assured we will be trying to stay one step ahead and manage them in the most practical manner possible. I look forward to another productive and prosperous year, and wish all of you the same. Respectfully,

appy New Year to all of you. I hope everyones holidays were spent with the people you care about most. The tail end of every calendar year seems to send us into overload status, so its great to feel the fresh start that the New Year brings. Thanks to all of you who came to LAFRAs Open House and helped us recognize Andy Kuljis for his tireless efforts and service to this organization. While the attendance varies from year to year, there was a noticeable spike upwards this year. Its great for everyone to see an old friend, put a face to the name of a staff member that may have helped you, or at the very least eat, drink and be merry. Several of our business partners and fellow organizations attended and its a great reminder of the depth of our associations relationships. I think it is asked every year by a few, Why dont you guys do this every year? They are gently reminded that we do, so be sure you put it on your calendar for next year. The financial woes of the country are still looming as of this writing. I say this because the fiscal cliff discussions have not been resolved or produced any significant consensus as of yet. While the country as a whole is dealing with a multitude of economic issues, we are continuing to dig a little deeper into our local picture. I always wonder which should go first, the good news or the bad news. Lets start with the good. The Relief Associations financial condition is good and continues positive grow steadily. Our philosophy has been to earn consistent returns, while maintaining capital preservation. This has kept us focused on the longevity and future of our organization. Now the bad news - there hasnt been any new hires on the LAFD for a considerable amount of time. New hires starting a career in the fire service always breed energy and enthusiasm. As many of our senior veterans are leaving us in waves, we have missed the influx of recruits to attempt to fill the void. Our Relief benefits are paid for through payroll deduction by the membership. You will notice a slight increase in your dues effective January 1st ($2.10 active and $0.21 retired monthly). This is due to the COLA that we received in our current Memorandum of Understanding. Active members dues are collected as a percentage of a firefighters salary and retirees are 10% of those. While you can see that all of us will pay the same while we are active and then retired, the lack of new recruits has begun to take a small toll on active membership dues. We are trying to continually evaluate what this means for future budgeting needs and the potential affects that these types of situations will bring. I think its important to paint as clear a picture possible for our members. Close to 90 LAFD veterans will be leaving us for a happy and healthy retirement in the first several months of 2013. Those of you who are of Medicare age will receive a slight increase in your health plan subsidy from the Pension Department. This was approved at the December Pensions and should have an effective

John E. Jacobsen (323)259-5200

January 2013 5

great way to kick off the holiday season, the LAFRA Annual Open House provided the perfect venue for firefighters, friends and family to enjoy time together. The doors of the LAFRA offices were thrown open on December 1st and hundreds took advantage of the invitation.
Executive chef Jason Sperber outdid himself again with a huge array of culinary creations. From hand-carved smoked tri-tip and savory ham to pastas, kabobs, and BBQ ribs, undoubtedly no one went away hungry. There were even burgers and hot dogs for the kids, and an open bar serving whatever adult beverage one could dream up. Those in the know saved room for dessert though, as there were two rooms of delicious treats from which to choose. Delicacies included macadamia swirl brownies, kiwi fruit tarts, New York cheesecake, raspberry mousse tarts and the ever popular chocolate cappuccino cups. LAFRA staffers, a cadre of cadets and a large group of dedicated volunteers all made the event flow smoothly. Under the direction of LAFRA events coordinator Juliet Brandolino, this open house party was another delightful success.

6 January 2013

For his lifetime of service to LAFD members and the citizens they serve, Andy Kuljis was recognized and honored at the LAFRA Annual Open House Party. Growing up in San Pedro, the son of Croatian immigrant parents, Andy was quite the rascal. Shoe-shine boy, pool hustler, tuna boat deckhand, Andys life could have turned out much different if not for the mentoring he received at the San Pedro Boys Club. With their help he became an All-City gymnast and then joined the US Navys submarine service. He prowled the Pacific Theater during the Korean War aboard the USS Bowfin and then decommissioned the sub at wars end the Bowfin is now an exhibit at the Pearl Harbor Museum complex. On November 1, 1956, Andy started at Drill One (where S&M is now) and soon found himself on the tailboard of Engine 33-A 33s was a dingy old triple house and we had not yet gone three platoon. Andy worked his way around Battalion 13 and was at 64s during the Watts Riots. Andy worked as a dispatcher at the Westlake Signal Office (in MacArthur Park) before utilizing his naval/fisherman experience on Fire Boats 4 and 2. He also did a special duty stint in the Public Relations office when FDHQ was on the third floor of Fire Station 3. Studying for captain while tillering at 9s paid off for Andy when he was promoted to Captain Zero at Heavy Duty Task

Force 61. He honed his supervisory skills at 68s, profiled himself at 78s and went to OCD to help with the move from the old Westlake location. Andy made deuce in 1976, making a home for himself at 66s. There he started the Explorer program, mentoring young men as he had learned from his Boys Club experience. His post turned out dozens of future fire officers and scores of firefighters. An active member of the Fire and Police Protective League, Andy became a recruiter for the newly formed UFLAC when we broke away from the cops. He was a director and on the negotiating team for ten years, and then became union president in 1982. As union boss, Andy was responsible for our first-ever multiyear contract and implementing our own dental plan. He finished his LAFD service as the Boat 2 skipper before retiring in 1988. In 2006, Andy came over to LAFRA to fill the secretarys position. He duties involve making notifications when firefighters pass away, helping with funeral arrangements for LAFRA members both retired and active, and taking calls from and comforting grieving families. Andy celebrated his 80th birthday last year, and he and Marjorie will celebrate their 58th wedding anniversary this year. They are enjoying their retirement together - although Andy often puts in 50 hour weeks at LAFRA. He also stays busy working with his son at their business - Argo Motor Sports - crafting after-market modifications on cars and trucks.

January 2013 7

alsa Chingon! what else would you expect from the Perros Locos team out of Fire Station 98? But theres more - how about Team 86ed (FS 86) who mixed up a salsa they called The Mangover or the Korea Town Krusaders from 29s who created a tomatillo and roasted poblano concoction they dubbed The Truckie Tamer? Eight crews of firemen met in a parking lot on Beverly Blvd. on a Saturday in November for a battle of the blenders. When the cilantro had settled and the Cuisinart motors were finally silent, there was only one winner of the First Annual El Coyote Firefighters Salsa Competition. El Coyote Mexican Caf has been an LA institution since 1931. The family owned restaurants over-the-top decor is right out of an old Carmen Miranda movie. The menu features venerable family recipes and new ones highlighting the cuisine of their Latin American chefs. Weve been a part of the community here for 82 years, said owner Rose Cristoffersen. The competition is one way for us to stay involved and give something back. The hot salsa, the firefighters, and the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund as the beneficiary - all a perfect match! The El Coyote chefs grilled up chicken and carne asada tacos for those attending the event. Guests then perused the firefighter prepared salsas and selected their favorites. Wendy Burch and Lynette Romero from KTLA, Kim Baldonado from KNBC, Robin Abcarian from the LA Times and Miss Studio City were the judges who had the last word on deciding which salsa was best. David Ortiz and the gang from Fire Station 3 whipped up something they called Salsa de Abuela made from three different kinds of chiles and avocado. The Firefighter Salsa Competition here at El Coyote is a great opportunity for me as a trustee to interact with the many Relief Association families, supporters and volunteers, said Ortiz. These folks

work tirelessly at our events knowing that it is for a good cause. In addition to preparing their spicy Fire Roasted Tomatillo salsa, the amigos from 12s really stepped up. Actually, a couple of the guys climbed up onto the wooden seat above the carnival dunk tank and took turns splashing into the ice cold water below. When they dried off, they posed with guests at the fireman photo booth. But they did have a little competition from the Maestro Dobel Diamond Tequila ladies who gave away free shots while posing for photos with the crowd. In the end, hometown favorite Fire Station 61 walked away with the trophy for their Blended Salsa with Cilantro. El Coyote will also have a perpetual trophy with each years winner that remains in the lobby of the restaurant. The team from FS 109 was another big winner, producing the victorious raffle ticket entitling them to a custom made BBQ from Red-Nek. Red-Nek produces custom made backyard cookers powder coated 55 gallon

drums with fire axe handles, loads of diamondplate and even a dinner bell attached. In addition to their Fire House Red Barrel BBQ they have also designed, Harley Davidson, Budweiser and specialty themed football BBQs. You can take a look at their products at While the event was a huge success for WODFF, its safe to say that it went off without a hitch due to the dedication of Juliet Brandolinos cadre of volunteers including Donna Lee Norrington, Karen Paek, Ginny Newcomb, Stina del Giudice, MariAnne Nguyen, Melissa McComas, Nayanika Barker, Cathy Smith, Danielle Porche, Lori Madden, Rose Franco, Melinda Arnold, Donna Capelouto, Griselda Trejo, John Rivas. The El Coyote crew is already hard at work pre-planning next years event. According to Cristoffersen, Next year the competition will be even bigger and better. In the meantime, well be helping out at Hope for Firefighters, sponsoring a food booth and gearing up for the next firefighter salsa contest.

8 January 2013

January 2013 9

oh, still cold and dark outside and a little chilly. No traffic . . . that is nice for a change. At least the lights are on in the parking lot. Well, what do you know? Over there next to the building? What is that? Oh, I see a couple of bodies moving around . . . but its 5 am on Sunday. And so it starts - the conversion from a dark, empty, almost abandoned parking lot to the best Los Angeles Fire Department Car Show to date! Little by little the tables go up. Then you can just make out the faint odor of BBQ. More tables and more helpers arrive. Now it is getting busy. The sun starts to peek out and it just starts to warm up enough to get rid of that sweat shirt. Off in the distance you hear a rumbling . . . and its getting closer. The first of more than 130 hot rods and custom cars pulls in. The rumble turns to roar as the cars start to line up and get placed in their temporary homes for the next eight hours. The vendors pull up to the front of the lot, and like little busy bees place their wares on display tables. The raffle prizes arrive by the truckload and are all laid out for inspection. The pinewood derby track is up and running. The D-Jay sets up his stage and now its getting lively with the music playing. And before we know it, the parking lot of the old Devry School in West Hills is gone. In its place is a FANTASTIC car show! Light Force 87 arrives and gets ready for two demonstrations of Auto Dismantling 101. Mike McKnight and team get the tri-tips ready for the hungry masses. Kenny gets his TShirts on display for sale. Nick Pellegrini and the Quest team get the raffle set up and the tickets are selling like fools gold. The guys from FS 106 come over to give the site a thorough inspection and look for any safety hazards. And just like that, its now 3pm - the trophies are given out, the pictures are taken, and the food is gone, the cars are gone and alls left is to clean up. Another L-A-F-D Car Show is in the history books. A special thanks to all that helped with the presentation of the 12th Fire Department Car Show. Nick Pellegrini, Phil Bowin, Mike McKnight, Kenny Breskin, Jeff Arnold, Tom Stires, Lee Marshall, Jim Morrow and ALL the other volunteers - you guys did GREAT! See you again next year.

10 January 2013

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January 2013 11

STATIoN #1: Take a curl bar with one 10 lb plate and use a push/ pull ceiling motion. Do 10 reps with the right hand high, followed by 10 reps with the left hand high. Works the shoulders, traps, grip and core.


Michael caro,
EnginEEr, FS 107-B OwnEr/gM, BadgEFightS MixEd Martial artS lEaguE

odays firefighter must physically train at a level different than before. The days of just jogging a few miles and doing some curls and bench press are long gone. With the influx of Cross Training, Cross Fit, Core Training and every other type of name you can come up with - the bottom line is - we as firefighters need to physically train as specifically as we can for our job tasks. Ive had the opportunity to speak with some of the best coaches and trainers of Professional Mixed Martial Artists. They all seem to have the same idea. If you want to be good at a specific sport, you must train the body and mind to endure during those moments of physical exhaustion. Obviously Im not talking about golf or playing poker. The following is a challenging, task oriented, job related workout that can be done at the fire station. Its great for camaraderie and allows for all types of variations. This workout should be done the first and last shift of a segment. Be sure to properly warm up by walking, biking or some light jogging for 10 minutes or so. We may find ourselves doing some of these actions in a moments notice on scene. This is a circuit type routine and you can start at any one of the stations. Add a push up, pull up and jumping jack station. Do 10-15 reps at each one. After youve completed all the stations, start again. Shoot for four or five complete rotations. Go as hard as you want or as easy as you want, just DONT STOP MOVING !! You can finish this workout in about 35-40 minutes. This workout, with walking or jogging to the next station, closely resembles how we operate at an incident. Stretch and cool down after. Hopefully you will give this circuit routine a shot. If you are already doing this type of workout at your station I would love to hear about it. We can feature your workout in another issue!! Train Hard, Train Safe

Special thanks to FF/PM Mike Mattison, FS 72-B (Male Model) for demonstrating each exercise.

STATIoN #6: Using good form, pick up and carry two dumbbells, preferably different weights (example - 35lbs and 45lbs) and walk 100. Turn around and walk back to starting location. Works grips, traps, legs, back, and endurance.

12 January 2013

STATIoN #2: Using an exercise mat,

place yourself in a plank position. Be sure to keep your back flat. Control your breathing. Hold for 30-45 seconds. Works the abs/ core.

STATIoN #3: Take a section of 1 1/2 hose, loop it around the base of the hose tower. In a Giddyup motion (like riding a horse) do 15 reps each arm, either separately or at the same time. For a better description watch YouTubes Battling Rope Work Outs. We purchased a 2 Poly/Dacron Rope 50 ft. that works well. You can cap one end of the hose line and put water othinside for extra weight. A simple knot on the other end works fine. Works shoulders, grip, core, and legs.

STATIoN #7: Using an over

hand grip, take an Olympic bar, lift it from the ground to your shoulders. Press it over head. Put it back down. Do that 10 times. If you dont have an Olympic Bar you can substitute with a pike pole. Use full range of motion. Works the whole body.

STATIoN #5: Using a sledgehammer, strike a tire 20 times, switching grip each hit. Use an overhead swing - NOT an axe chop swing.(I got an old tire from a tire shop. Select one about the size we use on our heavy apparatus) Works grip, shoulders, core, back, and legs.

Take two sections of 2 1/2 hose and ladder strap or tape them to keep them from unrolling. Use the halyard from the hose tower and hoist e package two times. All the way up...all the way down. Hand over hand. Works the grip, lats, and shoulders.



January 2013 13

Invites you, your family and friends to

Date: January 18-21, 2013 Win cash and prizes, in an off-road adventure ride. Bring motorcycles, quads, buggies or four wheel drives.
Look for green LAFD signs on highway 78 before and at Cahilla Rd turnoff. Follow green course markers for about 1 1/2 miles.

the Family Ride will be on Saturday the 19th. Sign-ups will be at 7:00am Saturday. Raffle starts at 3:00 pm sharp. Fee for the ride will be $20.00 Per Person .

All proceeds will be donated to the Relief Association Widows, Orphans & Dsiabled Firemens Fund. For Info: Mike Reitmayer FS 1-B or Cell 760-822-1641 Doug Weber FS 17-C or Cell 951-453-2520

14 January 2013

the views expressed by the battalion News writers do Not necessarily reflect those of the Firemens Relief Association

Greetings and Happy New Year from the sinners and the saints of the Second Battalion. A tearful/cheerful goodbye to newly promoted Battalion Chief Gene Bednarchik as he leaves Lincoln Heights to assume control of Battalion 13 on the A. Hopefully there will be someone there who is old enough to get the obscure movie quotes. It was fun while it lasted, and remember . . . only pretend to drink the Koolaide. We also have a push in the gain and loss columns as Engineer Ronny Holguin leaves 55s on the C for 42s on the B. To fill the void in Lincoln Heights, at least for now, is Capt. Percy Jones. Remember, we start off liking you, youll have to do something to change that.

This months story comes from the heroes of Highland Park. Turns out that a younger member whose promotion to engineer forced his departure from Fire City has been regaling the rest of his crew for the past year or so with stories of heroics, and attempting to instill a strong sense of responsibility and tradition in others. When his paramedic cert comes in the department mail, he is rightfully proud of his accomplishment and explains how this is just one more thing that makes someone an asset to the LAFD. Then one of the paramedics goes off duty and no one is signed up in the City. The explanation of not being comfortable with his advanced medical skills hangs heavy in the air as the possibility of being stuck on the box

and having a sleepless night driving the rescue looms on the horizon. The decision is made to keep the member in his comfort zone and run one and one. Later engineer do as I say, not as I do finds a position of comfort in his nest for the evening. Sleep becomes elusive however when the ping pong table that calls the dorm home is suddenly pressed into service to determine the ping pong champ of Highland Park. Singles . . . and doubles. Its the sort of thing that could take all night . . . or until the next long ring. Thats the story I heard, anyway. Send your version of the truth, or idle threats to

aFter the taxi driver tooK the sCeniC route, lF 1, engine 2 and resCue 1. no inJuries to the Passengers and no tiP For the driver.
he leFt his three Fares to Be extriCated By

January 2013 15

the guys FroM Fs 95 got together at the Credit unions annual Chili CooK-oFF and gave it their Best shot. they were sure they Made the Best Chili . . . But the Judges thought otherwise. Photos By david Blaire

Well, lets start off by wishing all the members of the Fire Department a Happy New Year! I hope you all got everything you wanted for Christmas. Its been a while since we had a writer in this great battalion. We have since acquired some of Battalion 2s misfits due to the merger. They will fit right in even though many are not happy about the move. Speaking of the misfits, I hear there are a couple of captains at 56s that are very happy with themselves for what they have done to the front office. On a happier note, a congratulations goes out to Capt Greg Olson on the new addition to his family! The Olsons welcomed a new baby boy they named Calvin, who weighed in at 7lbs, 13ozs. Mom and baby are doing great. Congrats also go out to A/O Domingo Albarran for getting voted

into the Union! Alby will be a director on the UFLAC executive board. Another good one I heard was that Darin Crandel over at FS 27-B has got his eye on the place kicker spot should an NFL team finally make it to LA. Hes certain that he can kick a 50 yard field goal. Well Darin, post the video of your kick on YouTube because this Ive got to see! And on that note, if you have any good news, send it to me so we can let everyone in on it!
Battalion 5
FireFighters worK to extriCate a Man FroM an iron FenCe he Fell onto iMPaling his leg on

noveMBer 9, 2012.

16 January 2013

Photo By riCK MCClure, ePn

The optimist thinks that this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears that this is true. Robert Oppenheimer Greetings once again from Battalion 10. This month we have some departures to announce. First, we say farewell, congratulations, and good luck to FF/EIT Joe Porras. Joe, being true to tradition and a first class guy put on an outstanding farewell dinner at 39s. Thanks again Joe and enjoy your retirement. Also leaving battalion 10 is Steve the hook Hopkins who moves on from 39-C over to 78-B. Well miss you Steve and Im sure youll be missing us. Coming in to 39s to take Steves place is Wes Blackwell who trades in Skid Row for beautiful Van Nuys. Welcome Wes - as long as you like country music, engines, and NASCAR you should fit right in on the C shift. Finally, we say goodbye to FF/EIT Charlie Creeper Taggart who returns to the tailboard after many years in the buggy. Its going to be a long hard road Charlie: we have ePCRs now, we face forward in closed apparatus, new breathers, and a whole bunch of new stuff that we didnt have back when you were on this side of the F-666. To ease the pain of losing Charlie, we get former A/O Logan Fields to come over and drive Chief Campos on the B shift. Ever since Logan has arrived, the sedan has never looked cleaner and the drivers side no longer sits lower than the passenger side as it rolls down the street.

that class because each of them put themselves in the cooking rotation once they came into 39s and have stuck to it ever since. The hard work and participation are appreciated, thanks for helping to bridge the gap.

FS 100 has a new mascot Rex the wonder dog. Wonder if Rex really likes riding to work in the little basket attached to the front of his masters bike? Wonder if Rex minds sleeping in a TV chair in the old rescue office curled up in his masters lap every night? You can drop by or call 100s on the A shift to find out! Matt Lievense over at 88-C wanted to help Capt. Tom Yost celebrate his 34th anniversary on the job. He created a cookbook entitled Cooking with Yost to honor the good captain. Page one highlights The Bucko, a recipe that took Yost 17 years to perfect. Its as easy as 1, 2 . . . and takes almost no effort at all!!!!! The ingredients are: meat, and the cook time: till crisp. Page two features Sausage Lips, a recipe that is not for the inexperienced chef. The ingredients here are: pork (enough for 12), and the

cook temp: start at 200 degrees, if not ready by 7:30 crank it up to 500. Suggested sides for this meal are bag o salad. This cookbook makes for a great gift, so contact 88s for your copy today. By now Capt. Yost will have been transferred to MLU, so if you have any IOD problems (food poisoning?!?) just give him a call. Thanks for sharing Tom! To wrap this months article up, I would like to commence with the much requested Cohens Corner. Seeing how Captain Dave Cohen over at 81-B makes such an effort to get himself mentioned in just about every Battalion 10 article, we figure it would be easier just to give him his own section. So if you have any stories, please send them in because we dont want all his hard work and effort to go unnoticed. So here it goes the 1st installment of Cohens Corner: It is a Saturday at 81s and there happens to be a FF/PM detailed to 81s from another station in the battalion. For the drill of the day, Captain Cohen decides to have this member give him an inventory drill on Engine 81. During the drill, Cohen decides to turn up the heat on this member by asking him where the lockout kit is located. The member is stumped at first, because he didnt remember seeing a lockout kit on the rig. Both the detailed member and Captain Cohen begin to look for the lockout kit without success. It wasnt till three hours later that they discovered that the kit was indeed LOST. Stay tuned for Episode 2 of Cohens Corner next month. Until next time, stay safe and take care of each other out there. Send all your news and photos to

The accompanying photo was submitted by an anonymous member who would like to point out that Chief Hayden (Batt 10 C) apparently missed the Im a chief now class when he promoted. As a matter of fact, it seems like possibly all three of the chiefs now in the Battalion 10 office may have missed

steve sChroBsdorF enJoyed thanKsgiving with his FaMily at the Firehouse

January 2013 17

FireFighters were Credited with resCuing an adult FeMale FroM her residenCe in sun valley whiCh was well involved with Fire on noveMBer 10, 2012. she suFFered Burns to aPProxiMately 25% oF her Body. Photos By riCK MCClure, ePn

a trash truCK Fire at the 5 and 405 interChange was handled By Battalion 12 CoMPanies noveMBer 21, 2012. Photo By adaM vangerPen, the los angeles FireFighter


engine 77 resPonded to a range rover that Caught Fire at la tuna Canyon and the 210 Fwy on noveMBer 13, 2012. Photo By doC deMulle, the Foothills PaPer

18 January 2013

Make A Difference
an attiC Fire in a single FaMily hoMe on telFair ave in 98s distriCt was KnoeCKed down in aBout 15 Minutes. Photos By MiKe Meadows

The Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund is a one-of-kind charity ready to help you and your loved ones in times of unexpected crisis. It is here for you thanks to our kind donorsmore than half are re ghters themselves. One of the easiest ways to give is to include a charitable contribution in your will or trust. By pledging now and paying later, it is extremely a ordable. More important, your gift will help someone in need and make a huge di erence in their lives. We invite you to join this special group of donors, committed to supporting your Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund, by leaving a planned gift.
Marlene Casillas, Development & Marketing Director, at
(323) 259-5217 or email me at
January 2013 19

For information call

Greetings from the Battalion that never sleeps! I hope that everybody is recovering from the Holiday Season and got everything they hoped for and deserved! Now its time for some of us to buckle down and work on re-reducing the mid-section area that always seems to become a little extra jolly after all the Christmas eating! Its also not too early to start working on those New Years Resolutions . . . but staying with them is definitely a challenge. Now lets get into the stories! I know theres a whole array of talent on this job. Weve got athletes, musicians, artists, craftsmen, politicians and more! Now we can add two more actors to that list. From what Im told, one of them is an internet sensation and the other is a Spanish-style-reality-actingDog the Bounty Hunter star - and both of them hail from 64s. I wonder if they trade monologues at relief? So the scene was set. The street was clear, the damsel was in distress, and he was dressed in turnouts. After the ladder was perfectly spotted and a perfect dismount, FF Rankin proposed to his girlfriend . . . and she said yes. This was all filmed for an internet series and was posted on Yahoo. I hear that it was one of the most watched videos for a few days. On a serious side note, congratulations! Now to the other bit. If you see FF De La Torre and wonder why he has a funny haircut, all you have to do is tune to

Telemundo and look for him en la television. Apparently he plays a bounty hunter based on a real person - and of course his name on the show is . . . El Bombero! I would really love to dig into this one but unfortunately I dont have enough information and we should move on. Good luck with getting your SAG cards fellas! This next one is a real doozie! The story I got was that one of the FFs at 64s unfortunately received an 1104-Notice to Improve on an incident to which he responded. The Notice was signed by the member, handed back to the chief, and after a little training and instruction from the EMS Battalion Captain, the issue was resolved. Plenty good. Interestingly, a month or so goes by and this same member then receives a Notice of Commendation for the skills and knowledge displayed on this same incident . . . uhhhh really? (finger scratching head picture) Oh and Im sure youll find this a little farfetched, but it was signed by the same chief that issued the 1104. Seems odd that actions performed on one incident could get sent through our thorough and in-depth CTS system, and that a member could/would receive both a bad boy and an atta boy . . . actually, the more I think about it and the way things have been running, it makes perfect sense! While having a little SOD back has been nice, it can also throw a wrench into the normal routine. Turns out one of the guys got a SOD day over at 21s. Being part of a normal carpool operation, this member had to try and figure out transportation to and from 21s, and also back to his homestead. With a little finagling, FF Jamal was able to wrangle a

vehicle to get over to 21s and at least start his SOD day and relieve the member waiting to go home. Just prior to bedtime (which I hear at 21s is around 2000 hours) FF Herman at 57s was sent a text asking if he and his carpool partner could take the last minute SOD member home to Simi Valley on their way home in the morning. Of course they obliged, just asking that he make quick relief at 21s so they could get on the road. No problem, right? The next morning, no sign of this member was to be had and finally at 0700, fearing for his safety, they made a call to 21s to see what had happened. Turns out, nothing had happened. No last minute run or relief issues, he just hadnt woken up yet. Turns out that the alarm clock had been accidentally set for 6:00 pm instead of 6:00 am! This is the very reason why we use military time! Apparently he told his waiting carpool members to leave without him, but holding true to the code, they wouldnt leave a man behind. Finally over an hour later, the member arrived at 64s and they were able to hit the road and sit perfectly still in gridlock traffic. Apparently it was a VERY quiet two hour ride home with only the sound of car horns and the radio. Recently FF Morris left 65s to go to 85s to get some experience for the anticipated captains test. I was a bit concerned that we would run out of information from 65s for the upcoming Grapevine articles . . . boy was I wrong! Unfortunately the Morris Chronicles have been put on hiatus, but no worries as the Sankey Agenda is about to be activated. The story I heard was that FF Sankey, the new B shifter at 65s, calls his relief on RA 865 and asks, Hey do you mind if I come in tomorrow

engine 57 handled an auto Fire at 82nd st and grand ave. Photo By andrew roBerts, australian Fire serviCe

20 January 2013

morning around 0730 or so? The firefighter replied sure and asked why he needed to come in later, thinking maybe he wanted to take the kids to school or something important. FF Sankey reply was, No Im just really tired after running personal errands all day and I wanted to sleep in an extra hour. Fully caught off guard by this unbelievable request the firefighter was stuck in a mental whirlwind and before he could say anything. FF Sankey says, Cool. CLICK! Turns out that at relief the next morning it was duly confirmed that FF Sankey really had nothing going on except that he just wanted to sleep in an extra hour. The moral of the story is that if FF Sankey is your relief, and he runs personal errands the day before, dont plan on getting early relief at 0630 to beat traffic and get a start on your day. On a side note, if you live in Simi Valley and you dont get relieved until 0800, you might have an in with FF Jamal . . . just sayin Finally, a couple of Atta Boys. First, it was relayed to me that a couple of rated members at 66s rode RA 866 for a whole shift so that a few of the guys could get some acting time and a little reprieve. Im sure the effected members really appreciated it and

hopefully they got some experience out of the day as well! Second is a story from Thanksgiving Day. E 46 was dispatched to a structure response in their district along with TF 33. Turned out to be an oven fire and unfortunately the entire Thanksgiving feast was ruined. E46 and 33s extinguished the fire and cleaned up the mess. Seeing the disappointment on the families faces just didnt sit right with the crew and they wanted to do something for them. E 46 called the station and had their visitors wrap up one of the uneaten turkeys and all the fixins and had it waiting curbside. They swung by the station, picked it up, and headed back to the fire scene. There they were able to give the food to the family and really make a difference in their day! Nice work E 46 and Thank You for representing the LAFD in such a positive manner! Well thats all Ive got for this month! I cant believe that the year is over! We should all take a moment to look back and reflect on the past year

and all the amazing things that our LAFD members do on a day-in-and-day-out basis. Thank you for all your hard work this last year and thank you for doing the things you do to make stories. Keep it up and get ready for the New Year. Stay safe out there and remember: 2+2 makes sense, play nice, know your audience, get a cool nickname, figure out which formula to use before the media gets ahold of it, you get out what you put in, FI-1, read the label, and if youre tired - sleep in! Take care of each other! Keep sending your stories to:

engine 46 saves the day!

Crews FroM Fs 89 and air oPerations

treated and transPorted a six Month old near drowning viCtiM on

27, 2012.


Photo By MiKe Meadows

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January 2013 21

Battalion 14



a woMan FroM her Car aFter it was PoliCe on

struCK By a PiCK-uP Being Chased By

noveMBer 11, 2012.

Photos By MiKe Meadows

Five year-old Jack-Hyatts interest in firefighters came about after he got to know some of the guys at Fire Station 87 through a meeting at the grocery store. When Jack learned that the firefighters had to work on Thanksgiving rather than being home with their families, he was worried about them not having a holiday meal. He decided to spend the money he had been saving up his whole life to make sure that they had a Thanksgiving dinner. Luckily, the crew at 87s was already set for Thanksgiving. But Jack-Hyatt still wanted to give his money to help firefighters, so with the help of Jason Knight, he and his parents were introduced to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund. Jack ended up presenting his donation to the LAFRA Board of Trustees one morning before school. He was actually surprised that so many people wanted to meet him - he thought that everyone donated to help others the way he had.

Battalion 15 CoMPanies resPonded to the Crash oF a sMall single-engine Plane atteMPting to MaKe an eMergenCy landing on the Csun athletiC Field on sunday, noveMBer 25, 2012. MediCs transPorted the Planes two oCCuPants to the hosPital with non-liFe threatening inJuries. Photos By Juan guerra and MiKe Meadows

22 January 2013

CoMPanies FroM Battalion 17 handled a BlaZe in a striP Mall at 7832 alaBaMa ave daMaged three units in the early Morning oF on noveMBer 22, 2012. one FireFighter was inJured in a Fall FroM a ladder. a Mans Body was Found in one oF the Burned-out Businesses. Photos By Juan guerra, Juanguerra.sMugMug.CoM



struCture at

resCue 72 worK an inCident involving a vehiCle 21435 sherMan way on noveMBer 17, 2012.


Photos By Juan guerra, Juanguerra.sMugMug.CoM

January 2013 23

Happy New Year everyone and hello from the 18th hole. I hope eveyone will have a great year ahead and try to keep those New Years resolutions. So lets get started with congrats going out to newly promoted Captain Shamburger and Captain Le Cesne. Way to go guys make the Battalion look good! Now one for the all the handball players. Over at 92s they have the normal handball ladder that tells everyone whos the top player in the station, and in this case, since the handball commish works there (Capt. Harvey) they have a Department ladder. Now the rules of the game are you can challenge anybody on the ladder, and if you win you move up in the ranking. Well, if anybody knows Chad Rolish, then youre gonna love this story. First of all Rolish loves to talk alot of junk (lack of a better word). So the other day he challenged Capt. Nielsen and won. WOW! Nielsen must have been off his game. Now this story gets better. Rolish, of course, starts talking mess as usual. So within a few days Rolish gets challenged by someone who hasnt played in a few months and gets beat. This may have been the shortest time on the Department Handball Ladder in the history of the game. Call 92s for all the details. Every 3rd Saturday in October, Battalion 18, and Fire Stations 94 and 34 have the great pleasure to be a part of the annual celebration of the Taste of Soul. This year we had the pleasure of TV personality Kym Whitley who stopped by our recruitment booth to lend a hand. More than 250,000 people attended the event and it is in its 7th year running. Thanks to all who came out to show their support for the community. Our department focus is normally on service to the citizens of LA. Sometimes though, we are required to provide immediate help to one of our own. According to a Request for Board of Honorary Awards Review, the members of Light Force and Rescue 61 did just that. On April 3, 2012, they performed to the best of their abilities to save the life of their own Captain II Andre Raya. Rich Garcia, Chris Aguirre, Joe Luna, Raice Wicklas, Stan Miner and Ivan Covin have all been recommended for the highest of our awards for living our core values and together helping to save one of our greatest and most valuable assets. Thats all for this month. Be safe out there.

Battalion 18 FireFighters Join queen latiFah and others at the taste oF soul CeleBration

tasK ForCe 61

24 January 2013

vine, in hopes that one day Ill be sprung from the editors Doghouse. Back to Las Vegas. We also have a collection of Player Cards from the various casinos. You know, the plastic cards you stick in them slot machines to earn points. I dont think weve earned many points playin penny slots, but points can be earned in other ways. Take for instance them high end buffets. Im not sure, but I think points are accumulated by how many times you go back and fill up your plate. So, if my calculations are correct, I figure we should be gettin a call for a 3 night stay in a penthouse suite at the Bellagio! Well, we just got back from Las Vegas, again! Not that I didnt want to go, but because it was my wifes birthday and because, a Happy Wife means a Happy Life, I figured I had no choice. Just kiddin dear! We really had a good time, but my wife had a better time because she added to her hand bag and necklace collection. I finally figured out that my wife believes theres no such thing as ownin too many handbags or jewelry. Anyway, were also not gamblers by any stretch of the imagination, but since we arrived on her birthday, she decided that it might bring us luck if we gave the roulette wheel a spin. This was our first ever attempt at this game and talk about dumb luck. I put $50 on Black 8 and won. The dealer spun the wheel a few more times and I eventually lost all my remainin chips, but we did walk away with $150 to the good. Its not nearly enough to put a down payment on my dream of ownin a private jet, but it did give me a feelin of what them retired Captain IIs must feel like after gettin their monthly pension checks. I also dont plan on makin a habit of this because I know my gamblin luck has run out and I dont want my wife enrollin m e in some Stop the Madness gamblin clinic. Shes already registered me and demanded I attend an Appropriate English Humor class on recognizin acceptable jokes for the GrapeCoWBoY HUMoR This guy was watchin TV as his wife was out cuttin the grass durin a hot summer day. He finally worked up the energy to go out and ask his wife what was for supper. Well, his wife was quite irritated about him sittin in the air conditioned house all day while she did all the work, so she scolded him. I cant believe youre askin me about supper right now! Imagine Im out of town and go inside and figure dinner out for yourself.

So he went back in the house and fixed himself a big steak, with potatoes, garlic bread and a tall glass of iced tea. The wife finally walked in about the time he was finishin up and asked him, You fixed somethin to eat? So where is mine? Huh? I thought you were out of town. KEEP SMILIN! AC
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January 2013 25

ToNY M. VARElA, Assistant Chief, Training and Support Bureau THURSdAY, JANUARY 31, 2013
Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training center 1700 Stadium Way Los Angeles CA 90012 Check-in: 11:00 AM Lunch: 11:30 AM $35 per person - includes tax, tip & gift Call Rachel Abad - (213) 893-9860, Rosie Tavera - (213) 485-6130 or Georgi Navarro - (213) 893-9890. RSVP by January 17, 2013

MIcHAEl cAMEllo, Arson Investigator, Arson/Counter Terrorism Section FRIdAY, JANUARY 25, 2013
Brookside Golf club 1133 Rosemont Avenue, Pasadena CA 91103 Social Hour: 6 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM $50 per person, includes tax, tip & gift Checks payable: Arson House Dues Call FHMTC Arson Office - (213) 893-9850 or In person or by mail: FHMTc Arson office, 1700 Stadium Way, Suite 109, Los Angeles CA 90012 If interested in golf before dinner call Tim Crass - (213) 893-9827

MIKE BREHM, A/O, Fire Station 12 SATURdAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2013

Ports ocall Berth 76 San Pedro CA Social Hour: 4:30 Dinner: 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM chicken or Steak - $50 per person, including tax & gift Call Fire Station 12 Grapevine - (323) 256-9563

JoHN l. PEcEl, Captain II, Fire Station 15-B WEdNESdAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2013
Sportsmens lodge 12833 Ventura Blvd Sherman Oaks CA Social Hour: 6:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM $50 per person - including food, tax, tip & gift Call Fire Station 15 Grapevine - (213) 745-8841 or (213) 485-6215

dAVE WAGNER, Captain I, Fire Station 109-C SUNdAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2013
old 27s Hollywood Museum 1355 N. Cahuenga Blvd, Hollywood CA 90028 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM

RoBERT BoB BARocAS, Lead Paramedic, Rescue 60-B WEdNESdAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2013
The odyssey Restaurant 15600 Odyssey Drive Granada Hills CA 91344 Social Hour: 6:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM Buffet Style - $50 per person, including tax, tip & gift Call FS 60 - (818) 756-8660

Taco Bar/Beer/Wine - No cost Contact Info: Firemens Grapevine - (323) 259-5260 or email: or FS 109 - (310) 476-0272. RSVP by February 18th. All are invited!

PHIllIP WEIRETER, Firefighter III / Staff Assistant North Division A-Platoon FRIdAY, MARcH 15, 2013
The odyssey Restaurant 15600 Odyssey Drive Granada Hills CA 91344 Social Hour: 6:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM dinner Buffet - $50 per person, including tax, tip & gift Call North Division - (818) 756-863

RoGER dUKE, Captain I, Fire Station 98-A TUESdAY, MARcH 05, 2013
The odyssey Restaurant 15600 Odyssey Drive Granada Hills CA 91344 Social Hour: 6:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM dinner Buffet - $50 per person, including tax, tip & gift Email: or Call FS 98 - (818) 756-8698

dEAN STIVASoN, Captain I, Fire Station 40-B SATURdAY, APRIl 13, 2013
San Pedro Elks lodge, #966 1748 Cumbre Drive, San Pedro CA 90732 Lunch: 12:00 Noon - 4:00 PM Buffet Style (Prime Rib & Salmon) $35 per person, includes tax, tip & gift Call Fire Station 40 - (310) 548-7540 or Rachel at Harbor FPB (310) 732-4593

26 January 2013

n a very rainy November 17, approximately 100 friends and family members of Firefighter Joe Porras gathered at Knollwood Country Club to honor and celebrate Joes retirement. True to Joes attitude, the dinner was low key and casual, but one of tradition and respect well, maybe not so much respect - in recognition for his 35 years of service to the city of Los Angeles. The evening started with drinks and a social hour. Plenty of Joes favorite adult beverages (beer) were consumed. The line at the bar always had at least 6 or 5 people in it at all times. Prior to the dinner being served, the Master of Ceremonies, retired B/C Rob LL Willcox, gave the rowdy crowd an admonishment about drinking and driving. Following the admonishment, Double L introduced all of Joes family. Man, he has a lot of family - and like Joe, most of them are Raider fans. On a side note, prior to the date of the dinner, Rob told me in confidence that he was really excited about being the Master of Ceremonies because he really misses being the boss now that he is retired. He said Tina never lets him be in charge at home. Prior to the BBQ buffet dinner being served, Apparatus Operator Danny Leon gave an invocation blessing the food and guests. After dinner and dessert were consumed, Double L started off the evening explaining why Joe would want him to MC his dinner. He also acknowledged his own wife Tina, stating that he had test run all of his jokes on her first - poor girl! LL went on to give an overview of Joes life and career. Joe was inspired to become a fireman by his Uncle Mikey Alba and his friend Dave Bias. Joe began his career in February of 1977 at Drill Tower 40 on Tuna St. Anybody who ever worked at old 40s will certainly remember why it was called Tuna St. Joe finished his probation in Battalion 2 and went on to work at many assignments as a firefighter, including old 87s, 104s, 69s, 89s and OCD. When Joe was thinking about leaving OCD, he decided that he wanted to become a Chiefs Aide. In 1992, Joe hooked up with Chief Mike Bowers. For the next three years, Joe drove Chief Bowers in Follow Battalion 18. Following Bowers, Joe drove many Battalion Chiefs, including Roy Kozaki, Mot Butch Rose, Scott Mottram, Greg Reynar, Jeff Marcus, Rob Willcox, and Pat Hayden. In the middle of driving all of those B/Cs, Joe spent a couple of years driving Divi assistant chiefs at Division 2. They were Scott Mottram and Greg West. There were many through presentations throughout the evening. The first one up was Greg Reynar, who made a presentation of a non-

existent Fire Commission Certificate. Following Greg was Butch Rose who presented Joe with his PRB, Greg West presenting a non-existent 30 year pin, Adam Knabe represented UFLAC, George James represented CSFA, and Bob Steinbacher from the Relief Association presenting Joe with his retirement badge. With his retirement badge in hand, Joe presented Amy, his lovely bride of 34 years, with her very own retirement badge. The guys from 39s presented Joe with an axe/helmet plaque that was made by Mike Jacalone and Jason Knight. Joes final ride, Battalion Chief Pat Hayden, hands down stole the night with the gift from everybody present. As we all know, Joe is a long-time Raiders fan. One day while driving the battalion, Joe and Pat saw a neon Raiders sign and Joe mentioned how he would some day like to get one. Pat tucked that information away for a rainy day. On this rainy evening, Pat presented Joe with his very own personalized Raiders neon light customized with his name, hire and retire dates, and his badge and Centennial badge numbers. Needless to say, the crowd was very pleased and awed by the gift that they had bought for Joe. Im not sure which group was larger or rowdier, Joes family or the group that came to represent Gangrey. By my estimate, there had to be close to 30 past and present members and their spouses. For those of you who dont know, Gangrey is the softball team that Joe played on and managed for the last 20 or so years. Tommy Czubek and Sean Millett spoke on their behalf and presented Joe with a certificate for a 2-night stay in a hotel in Oakland and an official NFL Raiders jersey. Through out the evening, Joe was flanked by his wonderful family; Amy, their girls Tiffany and Caitlin, and their son Joe Jr. with his wife Misty and their three kids. Also in attendance were most of Joes family, including his mother Jeanne and stepfather Robert (the only non-Raiders fan in the family), his brothers Louie, Frank, JT and their families, and his aunts and uncles. Joe Jr., Tiffany and Caitlin spoke of their fathers love for his family, the job, and of course his Raiders. They presented Joe with a magnificent air brushed helmet painted with a Raiders and fire department theme. It was rumored that the helmet had been John Comerfords last helmet that he wore prior to his retirement. Following the presentations, the podium was opened up to those that wanted to speak. Keith Masey, Scott Mottram, Joes aunt and brother were among those who got up and praised Joe and gave him well wishes in his retirement. There were some of us present that were afraid that Charley Casper would get up to speak. Luckily he didnt; otherwise we might still be there. It was finally time for the man of the hour to take the podium. As always, Joe was very gracious and spoke for a few minutes about his love and appreciation for his wifes 34 years of support and encouragement. Joe didnt refute any of the stories that were told about him, and he thanked everybody. Joe, we all wish you a long, prosperous, and fulfilling retirement. May God bless you, your wonderful family and your Raiders in the years to come. You are truly a class act. Thank You!

January 2013 27

ick is no stranger to Los Angeles. Born in LA and raised in the San Fernando Valley, he was close enough to the action to be able to chase fires on his bicycle as a wee lad. He has been shooting emergency action photos ever since (for over 40 years), and always had his camera ready during his 39 years of dedicated service as a member of the LAFD. He retired as a Captain/ Paramedic from Metro Fire Dispatch earlier this year. A regular contributor to the Grapevine and the Los Angeles Firefighter, Ricks work has also been published in the Daily News, LA Times, former Herald Examiner, AV Press, Signal, Associated Press, as well as many other Fire and EMS publications. Rick currently lives in Santa Clarita with his wife. His four daughters and three grand-

daughters live close by. McClure says that, since retirement I have been able to spend more time with the grandkids and have been getting out to shoot a lot more pictures. My plans for the future are to travel, have more time with the family and friends, and work with my photography. Besides his most current photos appearing in the Grapevine, Rick has pix on his site at under Rick McClure Photography. Members requesting photos can contact him at

Young Rick at age 14 in 1967

28 January 2013

uben De La Torre, after completing nearly 29 years on the LAFD as a Firefighter/Paramedic, has decided to hang up his apron at Fire Station 108 and become the permanent cook at home. Many on Rubens closest friends, family and neighbors came together on October 20, 2012 at Luminarias restaurant in Monterey Park. The site of the event was a cozy and beautifully decorated room with Mariachis serenading guests as they arrived for the festivities. I, Keith Douglass, was honored to be selected as the MC for the evening. I introduced the guests to the Ruben from the early years, hustling around the station wearing the paint off the apparatus, and to the most recent Ruben, seen on every entertainment show as Brittany Spears personal paramedic. The night progressed into a buffet dinner and some outstanding presentations from a number of distinguished guests, friends and family. Ruben was honored by the presentation of Jason Knight with a well-crafted mounted fire axe with a placard engraved with Rubens

particulars relating to his time at LAFD. Howard Kormann followed with the UFLAC Retirement Plaque and then Rubens brother Chuck presenting the Certificate of Retirement. Rubens own Captain Sam Faruzzi gave an eloquent speech while presenting him with his Retirement Badge. Wrapping up the speeches were Rubens wife Denise and his daughter Lora talking about how proud they were that he had chosen this line of work and that his unselfish giving was infectious to others. Ruben presented his wife Denise with a gold badge, and told everyone that he accepted that from now on she was the chief and that he would be following orders. The night concluded with a DJ playing music and all guests dancing until late into the night. It was a memorable evening for all who attended. Ruben, thanks for the hard work, dedication and the attitude of leaving the Department better than you found it. Have a happy and healthy retirement!

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A portion of fire-related jewelry profits donated to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund.

January 2013 29

Sherman OakS
Photos by Rick McClure, EPN
on November 27, 2012, two people were injured when the vehicles they were driving collided head-on at Fulton Ave and Riverside drive, causing one of the vehicles to overturn. the driver of the Lexus had to be extricated by firefighters.

30 January 2013

January 2013 31


Photos by Rick McClure-EPN, Bernie Deyo-EPN Info by Erik Scott, PSo
Just after 9:00 pm on November 29, 2012, firefighters arrived to 18471 Ventura boulevard to find thick black smoke billowing out of a cellular phone store, threatening a connected furniture store to the west. Flames quickly spread through the entire attic of the 70 x 25 building, resulting in a 30 portion of the roof to begin sagging. With approximately 100 firefighters on the scene, a knockdown was declared in 36 minutes.

32 January 2013

orld-renowned chefs, along with backyard burger champs and our own local firehouse gourmets gathered for The Taste, an LA Times food festival. The annual event at Paramount Studios in Hollywood is a three-day affair held over the Labor Day weekend. Times columnist Steve Lopez acted as master of ceremonies and also co-judged the Firefighter Cook-Off. The competition was stiff but Mark Currys (Fire Station 29) pot stickers edged out Cruz Macias (Fire Station 87) mole enchiladas, giving Curry bragging rights until next year. The idea was to showcase healthy firehouse meals . . . so listen up. Weve got Currys low-carb creation for you to try this month and will let you have a look at Macias gourmet creation in a future issue. Buen provecho! Douzo meshiagare! Bon appetit!

For Filling o pound raw shrimp o pound ground veal o Rice wine vinegar o 2 Tbsp Sriracha sauce Rooster Sauce o 2 Tbsp Sesame oil o Salt and pepper to taste Sauce o o o o o o (2) 15 oz cans of Coconut Milk 1 cup Rice wine vinegar 4 Tbsp Curry powder 4 Tbsp Sriracha sauce 4 Tbsp Sesame oil 4 Tbsp Soy sauce Make the Filling Using a food processor, process the shrimp using the pulse setting until they begin to break down, do not over process. Mix shrimp into the veal and then add the rest of the ingredients. Assemble the pot stickers Mark makes his own pot sticker wraps but you can buy them pre-made at any supermarket. Set out one wrap, dip your finger or a pastry brush in water and moisten the edges of the wrapper. Fill with a small amount of the filling, fold in half (if using square wraps, fold to make a triangle) and gently press the edges together. Set aside on a floured tray. Leftover filling can be cooked and added to the noodles at the end. Make the Sauce Mix all of the ingredients, set aside Cook noodles according to the package instructions. Cool under cold water and set aside (can be made 1-2 hours before serving). In a wok over high heat, heat approximately cup of vegetable oil and cup of sesame oil. When hot, add the noodles and allow the noodles to get nearly burned on the bottom of the wok. Add approximately 2 cups of the coconut/curry sauce and toss to coat. Finish with cilantro, sesame seeds, and any of the leftover cooked filling. In a non-stick pan over high heat, heat up a small amount of vegetable oil almost to smoking. Sear approximately 10 pot stickers at a time. Allow pot stickers to cook until the bottoms look nearly burned. Add approximately 1 cup of the coconut/curry sauce and immediately cover the pan with a tight fitting lid. Turn the heat down to low. Hold down the lid and give the pan a good shake to allow the pot stickers to tip over and become coated in the sauce. After two minutes, remove the lid. Using a spatula, toss the pot stickers in the sauce. Repeat with the rest of the pot stickers. Plate noodles and top with 4-5 pot stickers per person.

Noodles o One package of Chinese-style noodles (Such as Somen) o Cilantro o Toasted sesame seeds o Vegetable oil

January 2013 33

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Relief Association: My name is Mark Gilchrist and I work at Metro Fire Communications on the A shift. Almost 13 years ago, as you know, I had a motorcycle accident that left me a paraplegic. I lived in a two story house at the time and the Relief Association helped me with getting a stair lift to be able to get up to the second floor, and a second manual wheelchair for the second story. I was also blessed with a GMC van from Battalion 9 at the Firemans Centennial Christmas Ball in 2001. The Relief Association helped get the van converted for me to drive and the van has almost 200,000 miles on it now and is running great. I have one of those stories about Kaiser that is rare. They have been wonderful to me with my medical coverage. Kaiser covered most of my medical needs and my doctor is great. When Kaiser could not help me with a medical need, the Relief stepped in to help. I cannot say thank you enough. My life has been forever changed by the help from the Relief Association. I am facing immediate and significant surgery to correct pressure related sores and skin breakdown because I have to be in a seated position constantly due to my paralysis. I contacted the Relief Association to see if they had a standing wheelchair because it would help with my pressure sores. They did not have one but said they might be able to purchase one for me. This piece of equipment is crucial for the rest of my life to stop the continuing destruction of skin and hopefully future surgeries. I wanted to say thank you for the financial help in paying for and acquiring my standing power wheelchair in such a timely fashion. It has been 13 years since I was able to stand up. The standing chair helps with my circulation, bone density and relief of skin breakdown from sitting all day. Thank you to the Relief and all its members for the assistance offered to me. My life has been forever changed. Mark Gilchrist MFC (OCD) -A

Dear Andy & Loan My deepest gratitude to both of you. Your help was unbelievable. My doctor and pharmacist think you are the greatest and asked that I pass it on. Medco has never given me a problem so I figure Express Scripts is just flexing their muscle! Life is always on to new challenges it seems. God bless you both in the New Year. My kindest regards, Esther Pat Lloyd Gentlemen: I am enclosing a donation in memory of a dear friend and lovely lady Majorie Nowlin. We had many years of enjoyable times with our firefighters who lived in the San Fernando Valley. Many of us moved to the San Diego area and stayed in touch. There was a party going on all the time. There are a few of us widows still hanging on! Thank you for taking such good care of us now that our guys Van Nowlin and Prescott Walker - are gone. Please use the donation for what is needed most. In appreciation, Bessie E. Walker La Grange, KY LAFRA Please accept this donation in memory of Gil Maga. He was a great friend and pal who I will miss very much. We had some great years at 11s that I will never forget. Sincerely, Ed and Anna McAdams Avila Beach, CA

LA Firemens Relief Association, Please accept the enclosed check for the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund in memory of Ronald Neville, son of retired LA City Fire Dept. Bill Neville and his wife Barbara. Bill and Barbara are members of the Grass Valley group. Thanks for all your good work. Barbara Jane Brown Grass Valley, CA LAFRA Enclosed find a donation for the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund. This is for the use of the wheelchair for my wife Marjorie. It is appreciated. It makes me proud to belong to such a fine organization. Donald J. Brown, Jr Lake Hughes, CA John Jacobsen, Juan Albaran & Andy Kuljis, My apologies for allowing this to go unsaid far too long. Thank you seems inadequate to express appreciation of you guys and the Relief Association. I recently needed a wheelchair and walker for my mother-in-la visiting from Switzerland. When I called the Relief, I spoke to Andy Kuljis and Jim Dolan. They said, Don, how can we help you? What do you need? And it was provided that day. Too often we, me included, take for granted what the LA Firemens Relief Assoc. does for us both the active and retired members and our families. No outside agency or group could look after us and provide the kind of service and commitment that you folks do. It comes from the dedicated ranks of the LAFD. As an elected officer of UFLAC for 28 years, Im keenly aware of the personal sacrifice and time commitment you and the Relief board makes. As my friend Jim Perry RIP would

34 January 2013


have said, A tip-o-the-helmet to you. And in LAFD parlance, a giant ATTA-BOY job well done! I also wish to mention that with my small donation to the Widows and Orphans Fund, I must include a mention of two great friends and co-workers now departed: John Squire, who provided us his leadership and firefighting skills, and my old partner from Squad 27 Gordon Fries. Gordie was the PC and I was his assistant while at old 27s. We managed to drill, shop and fix both lunch and dinner for 28 guys between runs every shift. Gordie could fix a meal in record time. Everything was cooked at 500 degrees for 5 minutes. It was my honor to work with both these outstanding men. Again, thanks for all you do, every day, taking care if and looking after the LAFD members and our families. Thanks to all the hardworking staff as well. Sincerely, Don Forrest, LAFD retired John Please accept this donation to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fnd in memory of Gil Maga. Pam and I enjoyed our friendship with Donna and Gil, our dinners out and our trips to the Grass Valley Reunions. Gil was not only an outstanding officer on the department, a handball extraordinaire, but he was an outstanding human being. Bill and Pam Finn Granada Hills, CA


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January 2013 35

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36 January 2013

January 2013 37

e are approaching the end of yet another year and would like to extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation to all our members, families, friends and to our sponsors who make this club possible! The LAFD Boat & Ski Club has been boating and camping together since 1953! Destinations have included the likes of Lake Mead, Buena Vista, and the Parker Strip (even back when there was no such thing as a motorhome or air conditioning) Lake McClure, just east of Merced, has been the Hot Spot now for many years. The club reunites for two annual trips, one week in June and the other in August. An entire area is reserved exclusive to family and friends of the LAFD, which includes a pavilion where we gather for the Meet-n-Mingle potluck, ice cream social, raffle, bingo, and T-shirt tie-dye Horseshoe and volleyball tournaments are always among the annual events. And everyone loves to participate in the poker tournaments and singing karaoke The younger ones stay very busy with tiedye, the playground, the lagoon, the obstacle course, the wildlife, movie nights, popcorn, ice cream, and just the great ole outdoors!

Most of the time out is spent out on the lake. The club secures a line across a cove for all the boats to back up and hook on to which provides seclusion for everyone to swim and float within the cove. Whether you are skiing, wake boarding, skurfing, wake-surfing, air-chairing, knee boarding, tubing or giving an occasional bare footing demonstration . . . you might not see each other until you are back at camp. The Boat & Ski Club welcomes new fire families (the little ones are almost grown up and we need some new competitors). Next years trips are reserved for June 14th thru the 21st and August 5th thru the 12th To reserve your spot next year or for more information, please call Gary Maga at (661) 755-6072 or Dale Shrode at (661) 7137664. A big thanks to our supporters and sponsors: Interstate Batteries - Sun Valley, Tillys Marine - Ventura, Alohas Steakhouse - Ventura, Eric Ericcsons - Ventura, Billys Board Shop Castaic and Tig Boats. Please support those who support our club.

38 January 2013

n Saturday, November 24, 2012, the USHA and Los Angeles Fire Department hosted the annual Turkey Burner Handball Tournament at Los Caballeros. Owen Gloves, Southern California Handball Association, and BK Just4U sponsored the event. Each player received a shirt, lunch and unlimited refreshments. Winners were awarded letterman-jacket styled sweatshirts and Owen gloves, and finalists received Owen gloves. Most teams in this tournament consisted of a civilian player and a firefighter. Chris Yokoyama (92-B) and Curtis Irwin defeated Fausto Castro and Marques Toledo (64-C) in the Other Hot Division. Larry El Presidente Fisher and Mark Shelgren defeated Jesus Pasos (LAFD Retired) and Dan Jones in the Hot Division. Jesus Castillo and Ruben Lopez (MFC-C) defeated Tony Bautista and Mike Bowers (LAFD Retired) in the Mild Division. The proceeds from this tournament were donated to support youth and collegiate handball. There was movement on the Department Handball Ladder this Month. Chad Rolish (92-B) defeated Craig Nielsen (92-C) for the 20th spot on the ladder. Five days later Rolish was feeling really good about himself, continuing to celebrate his big victory and telling anyone who would listen how much his game has improved and what a great handball player he was. Branden Silverman (71-B) finally heard enough, and chal-

lenged Rolish for his spot. According to witnesses, Silverman took no prisoners and totally dominated Rolish. This established five days as the LAFD Record for shortest time on the Handball Ladder. Joe Steiner (92-B) is establishing quite a reputation as a right side specialist in doubles. He participates in lots of tournaments, and has compiled quite a collection of handball gear. While playing a match, Steiner left the court for a shirt change but returned after changing his shorts, shirt, socks and gloves - which were all color coordinated. He called this a Full Libby changeover! He really did look good, and the distraction changed the momentum of the game, and he got the win. I dont have all of the details, but there have been rumors from FS-26 about someone known only as The Champ. Maybe he can call Chad Rolish and compare notes on the best way to fire up an opponent before getting beat. Fire Station 92 has just celebrated the one-year anniversary as the Top Handball House on the LAFD! Rumor has it that the plaque has been permanently mounted. Where are the challengers? There is a special Firefighter Discount being offered at Los Caballeros in Fountain Valley. If you are a handball player and live near Los Cab, contact Roy Harvey for details.

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January 2013 39

SiStoS SedilloS, FireFighter iii. Appointed MAy 19, 1958. RetiRed on A seRvice pension MARch 06, 1988 fRoM fs 80-B. Passed away November 04, 2012. Gilbert l. MaGa, Captain ii. Appointed ApRil 01, 1957. RetiRed on A disABility pension JAnuARy 14, 1988 fRoM fs 93-A. Passed away November 12, 2012. Jack t. Sperow, Captain ii. Appointed ApRil 01, 1942. RetiRed on A seRvice pension ApRil 01, 1972 fRoM fs 12-c. Passed away November 12, 2012. Jerva d. HarriS, engineer. Appointed MARch 15, 1948. RetiRed on A disABility pension June 01, 1974 fRoM fs 54-c. Passed away November 16, 2012. williaM M. apperSon, FireFighter. Appointed septeMBeR 23, 1957. RetiRed on A disABility pension August 03, 1978 fRoM fs 75-c. Passed away November 17, 2012. walter M. Moore, Captain ii. Appointed August 26, 1946. RetiRed on A seRvice pension feBRuARy 01, 1977 fRoM fs 35-B. Passed away November 22, 2012. williaM l. HoStetter, Fireman. Appointed septeMBeR 23, 1946. RetiRed on A disABility pension JAnuARy 01, 1964 fRoM fs 42. Passed away November 22, 2012. GeorGe v. Guidera, engineer. Appointed deceMBeR 14, 1948. RetiRed on A seRvice pension June 01, 1978 fRoM fs 42. Passed away November 23, 2012. ronald c. robey, engineer. Appointed June 21, 1954. RetiRed on A disABility pension deceMBeR 31, 1986 fRoM fs 108-A. Passed away November 25, 2012.

etHel G. oSburn, suRviving spouse of ARnold l. osBuRn, Passed away November 12, 2012. yola c. riviere Jr, suRviving spouse of RAyMond t. RivieRe JR, Passed away November 30, 2012. MarGie wixon, spouse of RichARd Wixon, Passed away december 10, 2012. luann Miller, spouse of WilliAM t. MilleR, Passed away November 18, 2012.

40 January 2013

he Los Angeles Fire Department has embraced the concept of a mobile work force since July of 14, 2006, as a concept became a reality with the formation of Crew 3. Comprised of LAFD cadets and supervised by LAFD members, Crew 3 is available to provide the citizens of Los Angeles an additional emergency or non-emergency resource. Crew 3 is similar to the fire crews that are employed by the Los Angeles County Fire Department, Ventura County Fire Department, Mountains Recreation Conservation Authority and the United States Forest Service. But unlike the aforementioned agencies, Crew 3 is made up entirely of volunteer cadets. As a mobile work force, Crew 3 can be deployed to assist department personnel in a wide range of assignments requiring basic, semi-skilled labor functions. Crew members are assigned work details at LAFD and other facilities for hazardous vegetation reduction, incident driven work details, as well as non-emergency work details identified by fire administration. Many of these jobs were completed by LA County Fire Department hand crews in the past. Crew 3 is comprised of two complete hand crews: 3A and 3B. Crews made up of 10-12 cadets are available two or three days a week from 0700-1600 hrs. This staffing is scheduled to continue through the 2012 fire season. When not staffed, Crew 3 can be activated within two2 hours utilizing an automated call-out system. This program is currently run out of the Disaster Preparedness Unit located at Fire Station 88. Currently, Crew 3 has 116 Cadets who are trained by LAFD sworn personnel and qualified through the California Incident Command Certification System (CICCS) as Firefighter, Type 2 (FFT2). Since the programs inception, Crew 3 has had approximately 520 young men and women participate. Of these Cadets, at least 30 have been successful in starting careers in the fire service, as others have moved on to join the military or attend college. Earlier this year, Crew 3 took part in multiple days of fire training with the Ventura County Fire Department in Moorpark. This training included line construction exercises, introduction and operation of firing devices, and an introduction to helicopter fly-crew operations. This was invaluable training that strengthened the skills and knowledge base of our crew members. The Ventura County Fire Departments Wildland Fire and Aviation Division have expressed a great desire to assist in the success of the LAFDs expanding handcrew program.

Crew 3 has been involved in numerous incidents within the City of Los Angeles, from multiple fires in Griffith Park to incidents in the Sepulveda Basin, Mandeville Canyon and the Sepulveda Pass. Crew 3 members also worked numerous days on the Marek, Sesnon and Sayre fires that ravaged the San Fernando Valley in 2008. Most recently, Crew 3 was put to work and utilized on the Getty, Rustic and Colorado fires that occurred this year. Numerous work projects have been completed by Crew 3, such as the continuous task of maintaining the LAFDs Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training Center and Drill Tower 81. This volunteer work force has assisted the LAFDs Wildland Fuel Management with annual fire road maintenance and opening instrumental fuel breaks in the Santa Monica Mountains. Other completed projects include vegetation management around vital radio repeater sites, helispot maintenance,e as well as a road side brushing projects. LAFD Crew 3 also remains active in the community. Cadets assist annually with the Spark of Love Toy Program as well as actively working on special events and projects within our Council Districts. They played a crucial role in assisting the victims of the Oakridge Mobile Home Park in returning to their homes to recover any remaining memories after being destroyed by the 2008 Sayre Fire. Members have also been a part of numerous Fire Department Funeral Details and attend the 9/11 Memorial Ceremony at FHMTC annually. Since the inception of this program, interest in Crew 3 has grown rapidly. An orientation is held annually in late January to early February to welcome and provide information to individuals interested in becoming members. This orientation provides an overview of the program as well as an outline on the process to complete the required training to become a Crew 3 cadet. Individuals interested in attending the next orientation must submit specific information to be placed on the notification list. This information can be found under the Recruitment tab at . With the specialized training and experience that these numerous young men and women are receiving by participating in this program, this Crew has become a skilled hiring pool of future employees for the Los Angeles Fire Department and other City Departments.

January 2013 41

irefighters For Christ receives multiple requests every year asking to supply equipment or provide training to fire departments in developing countries. Over the years we have sent volunteers to many parts of the world. Weve done construction projects, conducted fire service training, provided relief work following natural disasters, set up medical clinics, and have visited those in hospitals, prisons, and orphanages. Firefighters For Christ recently sent a team of eighteen firefighters to Panama for a short-term mission trip. A friend recently asked, What was the mission of this trip? I started to talk about the training we conducted, but soon realized that the mission of this trip was the same mission of every trip, and in fact is included in the mission statement of Firefighters For Christ. Our purpose is to encourage firefighters to live their lives for Jesus Christ. Im not talking about promoting a particular religion or church affiliation, as our members come from a variety of spiritual backgrounds. Im talking about living your life for someone bigger than yourself, and sharing Him with others. Our trip to Panama started several months ago when Pastor Bert Almazan from Calvary Chapel Panama contacted us. He is very involved in his community, La Chorrera, and had asked if we could assist their fire department with some training. We sent three FFC members to Panama to assess the training needs and desires of this department. After meeting with the fire chief of Zone 4, we decided to focus on Auto Extrication, Swift Water Rescue, and some basic hose, ladders, and rescue operations. An email went out to those in our FFC database requesting volunteers for this trip and eighteen people responded. Over half of the team consisted of LAFD members, with representatives from other departments up and down the coast from Ventura to San Diego and as far inland as Kern County. Wheels were now in motion. The team was organized, equipment was purchased, and training curriculum was developed. In spite of our planning, every trip requires a measure of faith, which allows God to work out the details. This trip was no exception. An often quoted scripture for trips like these is Proverbs 16:9, which states, A mans

heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. We knew to expect tropical conditions, anticipating some heat, humidity, and perhaps some tropical showers, but I was ill prepared for the weather we were about to experience. Our trip started in the middle of their rainy season with the previous eighteen straight days recording afternoon thunder and lightning, and torrential downpours. It seems that a thin strip of land with a large body of water on either side can produce unbelievable lighting and rain. Lightning from this years rainy season had already claimed the lives of seven people, in a town with a population of about 160,000. When it thunders, people literally run for cover. This would potentially put a damper on our outside training program. We gave this to God in prayer and He delivered. Our week of training had beautiful blue skies overhead with thunderclouds off in the distance. The rain didnt start again until . . . you guessed it . . . our ride back to the airport. This trip started off with a parade, commemorating the anniversary of La Chorerra. Parades are serious business in some countries. The fire department here has a full marching band, complete with instruments and

uniforms. Pastor Bert had a banner prepared for us that read, Bomberos Para Cristo, so off we marched, in step with the band as best we could. At the completion of the parade - a mere two and a half hours later - Firefighter Juan Carlos was drawn to our banner and said, I want to be the first Firefighter For Christ in Panama. Im not sure who can claim title to be the first, but Juan Carlos later prayed to receive Christ and is living for Him now. That afternoon included a visit to the local childrens hospital where we were granted access as if we were a team of chaplains. We split up in groups, canvassed three floors, and offered to pray for all in whom we came in contact. Not a single patient or parent refused. Our second day in country began our formal training. Panama has a national fire service divided into 13 different zones (similar to battalions but much larger in geographical area). Zone 4 has about 50 paid firefighters, divided into two platoons, but they also utilize volunteers. Each day of training included about 25 paid firefighters and a handful of volunteers. Each student received a strap of one-inch webbing and carabiner and was taught the many uses of this tool, along with some search and

42 January 2013

rescue techniques. They were then divided into two groups for instruction on specific disciplines. The two main topics of instruction for this trip were Auto Extrication and Swift Water Rescue. We were able to purchase/put together five sets of equipment for each discipline. The swift water kits were similar to our first-responder kits, and included rope-bags, webbing, throw-bags, and hardware. Our auto extrication equipment for this trip was very different. We utilized a High Lift Jack with a JackMate attachment, chains, cordless reciprocating saw, and other hand tools. This combination of equipment is simple, ideal for travel, minimizes maintenance issues associated with hydraulic units, and works amazingly well. All equipment we trained with was donated to their department at the completion of training. All four days of training couldnt have gone better. The weather was perfect, we had adequate cars to cut up, a nearby site for river rescue operations, and we were warmly received by

the Panamanian firefighters. Following the very first day of training, the fire chief asked if John White would close the day in prayer. By the end of the week, Eduardo Medrano, third in command and chief training officer, stood in front of the group and said that although he had been a skeptic of Christianity, he had witnessed this week, by the training and interaction of Firefighters For Christ, what true Christian men look like. That evening, Pastor Bert conducted a church service at the fire station, in which all the command staff, off-duty firefighters, their wives and families attended. He gave a powerful message of salvation and tied in what others had been saying about Jesus being visible in us. He concluded by asking the crowd, Who do others see in you? Many prayed to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The evening concluded with various speeches and gifts of thanks, followed by a dinner for all provided by Pastor Berts church.

January 2013 43

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44 January 2013

January 2013 45

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46 January 2013

n the following articles, we will look at four examples of methods that can be utilized by search personnel while advancing through a structure. Although some of these methods may never be used at an actual incident, they are submitted as examples of available options that can be used with the understanding that a search would be conducted by a minimum of two persons, and a RIT would be used as staffing and conditions dictate. Additionally, assume these searches are conducted in minimal or no visibility which has the potential to dramatically slow and/or cause unexpected difficulties for any search operation. This is why ventilation is so important, particularly for search operations, as it can noticeably improve visibility which can visibly improve any search operation. These methods can enhance your search options and dramatically improve personnel expertise and teamwork. The time to preplan search methods and enhance confidence is before a search is necessary, not during a search in a hazardous atmosphere. (1) STANDARD SEARCH oPTIoNS The standard search has long been the mainstay of the fire service as most fires occur in common residential structures, most searches are conducted in rooms that can be called of common size, and most of these searches can usually be capably conducted by two personnel. The advantages of this type of search are the team normally stays together, all team members are searching, and it conforms to the two-in/two-out rule. The disadvantages are all personnel are searching together which limits the areas that are searched in a given time-frame, multiple personnel searching in a typical bedroom can become cumbersome, and the focus is normally on search, not the environment or egress options. To conduct a standard search, lets assume a search team of two enters the front door of the single-story residential structure in Figure 1. At this point, there are two options that are generally used - (1) one member would turn right and the other member would turn left and each would follow the appropriate wall until they meet at the far end of the room, continuing on until

all rooms are searched, and (2) both members would either turn left or right as a team and follow the appropriate wall until all rooms are searched and they ultimately returned to their entry-exit point. In option (1), the structure would be searched faster but the searchers need to concentrate on waiting until they meet at the other side of each room (particularly the dining room) before moving on as it would be easy for one of the searchers to be diverted to another room. As an example, one searcher turns left and follows the wall of the dining room to the doorway to the kitchen (B) and waits for the arrival of the other searcher. Simultaneously, the other searcher would turn right and follow the wall to the doorway to the bedrooms-bathroom. At this point, it would be imperative that this searcher continue on until meeting the other searcher at the doorway to the kitchen and not turn right into the hallway to the bedroomsbathroom (A). Assuming the searchers meet at the doorway to the kitchen, they would then continue and search the kitchen, service porch, bedroom 2, bathroom, and then exit the structure. The attack team would search bedroom #1 after extinguishing the fire. With this method, it is easy to see that as the size of a structure increases, so does the possibility of the searchers becoming separated and/or becoming inadvertently diverted by multiple doorways. In option (2), both search members would turn right and search all rooms (the attack team would search bedroom #1) and then exit the structure as illustrated in Figure 2. Although this method would be slower than method (1), the search team would be together during the search. To smooth the progress of this option, consider the following considerations: As the searchers traveled around the perimeter of the rooms, it is beneficial if they maintain an inline position (one mem-

ber behind the other member) with a wall as a reference. The first person is responsible for leading the team and maintaining contact with the reference point and the second person maintains contact with the leader and assists in the search. The inline position will limit the area being searched. However, one firefighter can use a tag line to search away from the leader, or a person can search about 5 to 6-feet away from a search leader/wall (finger tip to finger tip), and more with a tool (additional 3-feet). Consider when using a tool to expand an area of search that if an object is felt it will be necessary to crawl over to the object for a positive identification. This is why some training materials advocate feeling with your hands only as it can be a faster operation (if you feel something with your hands you know what it is). When a room such as a standard bedroom (or smaller rooms such as bathrooms, etc) needs to be searched, it is more advantageous to have one searcher wait outside the doorway while the other person searches the room. In this case, the person searching the room would enter and turn left or right and make a quick perimeter search which would normally include the center of the room. This should take no more than about 15 to 20 seconds. Upon completing the room, both searchers would continue to the next room. This option would normally be the preferred choice between option (1) and (2). Remember that a Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) can be very beneficial on searches but their use is dependent on the expertise of the member using the camera. Additionally, TICs cannot see through objects (i.e., behind a bed, etc). If PPV were used in this scenario (and depending on the progress of the fire), position a blower at the front door after the service porch door has been opened as an exhaust opening. With the service porch door open, heat and smoke will be cleared from the livingdining room, kitchen and service porch. If the search team opens windows (particularly in the bedrooms and bathroom) as they advance around the perimeter of the structure, rooms with open windows will also begin to clear.

January 2013 47

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48 January 2013

FIVE RESoLUTIoNS FoR THE NEW YEAR Happy New Year! I hope that 2013 brings happiness, health, and prosperity to all members of the Fire Family. As we look to the New Year, Id like to challenge you to keep 5 financial resolutions. 1. Review your credit report 2. Save, invest more 3. Keep in touch with your accounts 4. Review your insurance coverage 5. Play hard, finance smart REVIEWING YoUR CREDIT REPoRT If you already check your credit report on a regular basis, youre way ahead of the game. The information in your file is used to evaluate your applications for credit, employment, insurance, and other purposes. Ensuring your information is correct is important. Monitoring your report is the best way to identify discrepancies and detect any signs of fraud. Be sure to check your credit report yearly. The Fair Credit Reporting Act guarantees you access to your credit report for free each year from the nationwide credit reporting agencies Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. There are many websites offering free credit reports. Dont be fooled. Some sites require consumers to pay a fee or subscribe to their services. is the only authorized source for your free credit report. Should you suspect any fraudulent activity on your credit report or need to place a fraud alert, visit the Federal Trade Commissions identity theft website at idtheft. SAVING AND INVESTING The good news: consumer spending continues to rise. The bad news: Americans are struggling to save. According to, nearly one-third of Americans are just getting by. The main concern of Americans is to stay current or catch up on bill paying. Paying living expenses rent/mortgage, utilities, and food comes first, vehicle payments next. As a result, Americans have nothing left to save. For those who may have trouble making ends meet, consider creating a monthly budget. A budget is a practical tool to help get a handle on expenses. You can plan for the future, determine how much to pay down debt/other expenses, reduce wasteful spending, set aside an emergency fund, and invest for retirement. Whether youre able to save a few dollars or chunks of your paycheck, talk to a Financial Advisor. Youll get professional financial advice to help you set specific, achievable goals. As an LAFCU member, you can get a get a complete picture of your finances when you meet with a Financial Advisor at FIREHOUSE Financial available through CFS.* The Financial Advisors at FIREHOUSE Financial can help review your unique situation and recommend a personalized strategy. Contact an advisor at (800) 231.1626 today. KEEPING IN ToUCH WITH YoUR ACCoUNTS With more advanced computing capability and online/cellular connectivity than ever, your personal computer, tablet, and smartphone make it convenient to keep in touch with your finances. Online banking provides you with tools to easily manage your accounts to view account activity, check balances, transfer funds, pay bills, and more. You can even setup text or email alerts to notify you when deposits post or checks clear. Mobile banking takes convenience to the next level and provides fast, secure account access on the go. Its a great way to do a quick check of account balances or transfer funds. Some mobile banking apps, like LAFCUs app, even allow you to make deposits by taking a picture of the check.

by Mike Mastro, President/CEo Los Angeles Firemens Credit Union

To learn more about LAFCUs convenience services FIRE OnLine Home Banking, LAFIRECU Mobile Banking, and text banking visit us at www. REVIEW YoUR INSURANCE CoVERAGE The purpose of an insurance policy is to protect you and your family from substantial financial loss from the damage/destruction or liability of your home, property, and business. Acquiring an insurance policy may not be enough, unless adequate coverage limits are set. Most of us have auto and homeowner insurance policies that offer coverage for minor situations, but how well are you covered for a larger emergency? Although the benefits of insurance cannot be felt until after an unfortunate event, it is better to overestimate the coverage on your insurance now than risk the possibility of being financially responsible later. By taking steps to review your insurance policies and make adjustments (if needed), you have the ability to stop a bad situation from getting worse. As a member of the fire family, FIREFIGHTER Insurance Services (FIS) can evaluate your insurance coverage to verify that you are adequately protected, at the right price. Contact an FIS representative at (800) 231-1626, option 6, or visit PLAY HARD, FINANCE SMART As the economy continues to pick up and consumer spending continues to rise, its important for all of us to shop smart. Consider your finances and the long-term impacts before making big ticket purchases. Can our family really afford it? Do we really need it? After all, this is a post-recession economy. Auto dealers continue to tempt consumers with zero or near zero percent financing. But to be a smart consumer, its important to get the truth about zero/near zero percent financing. Unless you have excellent credit, many consumers will not qualify for a dealers best rate. And these rates may not be for extended terms like traditional car loans (i.e. 72 and 84 months). Plus it may not be offered to all vehicles. Other restrictions will apply too. So whats the best option? Be informed. Visit,, and, to learn the truth about zero/near zero financing. A good option for consumers is to opt for the dealer rebate and use the funds to reduce the amount you borrow for a low rate loan. As an LAFCU member, you have access to some of the best rates around. When you talk to a Loan Representative, we can help sort out the best financing options for your situation. I hope my first article of the New Year reminds you to make your finances a priority. Dont put your finances and financial security on the back burner. Set a goal. Make a plan. And, follow through. Ensuring your financial future is the priority of YOUR Credit Union. Stop by, visit us online, or call us. We are here to help. The more business we do together as a Fire Family, the greater the financial reward will be for all members! Have a safe month!

Mike Mastro

*Non-deposit investment products and services are offered through CUSO Financial Services, L.P. (CFS),

a registered broker-dealer (Member FINRA/SIPC) and SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Products offered through CFS: are not insured by American Share Insurance (ASI) or otherwise federally insured, are not guarantees or obligations of the Credit Union, and may involve investment risk including possible loss has contracted with CFS to make non-deposit investment products and services available to its members.

of principal. Investment Representatives are registered through CFS. Los Angeles Firemens Credit Union

January 2013 49

Deal direct with authorized Factory Dealers

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MARk CHRIStoPHER Auto CENtER Chevrolet / GMC / Commercial Trucks / Cadillac / Buick #1 Chevrolet Truck Dealer No Hassle Environment 2131 Convention Center Way, Ontario CA 91764 Christina StrangioFleet & Lease Manager Please Call for Appointment l 909-975-3976 ----------------------------WESt CoVINA toYotA SCIoN There is simply no limits to satisfying our customers 1800 E. Garvey Ave, West Covina, Ca 91791 Huge used car selection Please Call Our Fleet Department for Appointment Charlie tunaFleet director (626) 859-7400 x151 l Israel WinkelmannFleet Sales & Leasing Manager (909) 282-9566 l

#1 Volume Ford Dealer in the world for 20 consecutive years!

Lincoln / Mercury / Honda / Mazda / Volvo / Ford Jaguar / Lotus / Aston Martin / Spyker / Galpin Auto Sports For special pricing contact terry MillerFleet Sales & Leasing 15505 Roscoe Blvd, North Hills CA 91343 818-797-3800 l 1.800.GO.GALPIN ----------------------------GoudY HoNdA Auto Leasing & Fleet Sales Since 1989 Fastest Growing Dealer in the Nation 1400 W Main St, Alhambra CA 91801 Eddie WangFleet & Lease Manager 626-300-4222 l 800-423-1114 ----------------------------HAMER toYotA, INC. Camry / Celica / Corolla / Tundra Tacoma / Sienna / Supra / Solara 11041 Sepulveda Blvd, Mission Hills CA Ask for Steve densonFleet Manager 818-365-9621 Specializing in hassle-free car buying ----------------------------HoNdA oF HoLLYWood Honda - Sales and Leasing Large Selection of Used Vehicles 6511 Santa Monica Blvd, Hollywood CA Ask for dave Erickson 323-466-3251 l Fax: 323-462-0187 50 January 2013

LAFD Historical Society

Submitted by Frank Borden Director of Operations, LAFDHS

The 100Th aNNiversary of The breNNaN hoTel fire

January 24, 1913 - January 23, 2013
GREAT FIRES L.A. FIREMEN HAVE FoUGHT: THE BRENNAN HoTEL Researched by FRED S. ALLEN for a story in the Grapevine Edited by Frank Borden January 23, 2013 marks the 100th anniversary of one of the most colorful and talked about fires in the history of the Los Angeles Fire Department. This fire came to be known as the Hotel Brennan fire although actually the fire originated and did most of its damage in the grade floor and basement portion occupied by the Los Angeles Wallpaper and Paint Company. In the January 24, 1913, issue of the Los Angeles Examiner appeared a most dramatic account of this incident written by an unknown staff writer. A box on the first page contained a list of the most seriously injured firemen working at this fire. There were 30 firemen in all requiring treatment by those listed were as follows: Chief A.J. ELEY--Overcome by smoke and fumes: in Columbia Hospital; condition serious, but not fatal. CHESTER HOPKINS--Operator for Assistant Chief ODonnell, overcome by smoke. HOWARD DYER--Engine Co.23, slight cut on head. R.W. KING--Hose No.23, overcome by smoke. W.SHILLER--Engine Co.7, overcome by smoke. C.F. BLACKWELL--Engine Co.23, overcome by smoke. M.R. KLINE--Engine Co.3, cut on foot by glass. H.H. RHOADES--Truck No.6, hand cut by glass. HARRY COONEY--Hose No.6, overcome by smoke. R.G. SCHUTE--Engine Co.24, overcome by smoke. J.F. CORNEAUGH--Truck No.1, contusion of back and overcome by smoke. LEONARD GRIFFIN--Engine Co.3, inflamed eye and overcome by smoke. Research would indicate that there were probably more pictures taken of this fire than any other fire occurring during the horse drawn era. Many well known pictures of this fire, showing the water tower being pulled into position by three white horses, graced the official membership certificate of the L.A. Firemens Relief Association for many years.
pHoto taken on Main St. Several SteaMerS creatinG a lot oF SMoke tHeMSelveS. you can See two wHite
brinGinG in a HoSe waGon.

tHe Gorter water tower on Main St. tHiS waS tHe only apparatuS tHat waS able to do tHat tHen. tHere were no ladder pipeS. you can See tHiS laFd icon at tHe Hollywood MuSeuM.

HorSeS on tHe lower leFt

ladder on tHe Side oF tHe on top oF tHe Fire eScape at tHe rear oF tHe buildinG. buildinG.






a cHieF

can be Seen

January 2013 51

For the enjoyment of our GRAPEVINE readers, the Examiner story is herein reprinted just as it appeared to the citizens of Los Angeles on January 24, 1913.
tHIRtY FIREMEN oVERCoME Thirty firemen were overcome temporarily by the gas inside the building. Some of them were revived and returned to their work. Firemen were taken to hospitals for treatment. A second and then a third alarm brought all the downtown fire apparatus to the scene. Twenty lines of hose poured their streams into the building from Main Street, from the alley in the rear and from the roofs of the buildings across the alley. Four engines, the tower, two hook and ladder trucks and three of four hose wagons were grouped at the front. Two engines were at Sixth and Main, and three at Fifth and Main streets, and three more at the Fifth street mouth of the alley in which there was a cluster of ladder and hose trucks. The firemen fought against great odds, as the combustible stock of the paint store blazed fiercely in spite of the torrents of water that were poured upon it. The flames swept up an air shaft and spread to every floor of the hotel, and down into the basement, where most of the paints and oils were stored. Embers fell all about the block, but with the competent force and equipment Chief Eley had brought to the contest, there was at no time any real danger of the fire spreading beyond the four walls. Mayor Alexander was on the scene and occasionally lent a hand at tugging at a line of hose. Later he visited the Receiving Hospital and shook hands with each of the injured firemen, congratulating them on the courage with which they had fought till overcome. RIVAL PoLItICIANS oN SCENE Meyer Lissner, whose Lissner building abuts on the alley directly opposite the burned building, watched the fire closely. It is a coincidence that Gustave Brenner, owner of the structure that burned, was chairman of the rump Republican State convention, held at the time Lissner as chairman of the Republican State Central committee, was directing the activities of the faction in control. The most tense period of the fight came at a time when thousands of watchers thought the spectacle was ended. A sullen roar came from the basement, the muffled report of an explosion, presumably of turpentine casks. Lieutenant J. Smith, R. Conklin and Ed Welte of Engine Company No.24 were entering the basement and they were hurled back to the street by the force of the explosion. On the ground floor a group of firemen were working desperately when an avalanche of wallpaper, jarred from shelves by the explosion, came tumbling down upon them. FIVE buRIEd uNdER dEbRIS Captain C.F. Blackwell, Howard Dyer and Roy King of Hose Company 23, William Shiller of

Engine Company No.7, and J.F. Corneaugh of Truck Company 1 were buried under the debris and were immediately in danger of suffocation, their situation being all the more critical because the room was thick with smoke and gases. A score of their comrades rushed in and dug frantically till all of them were rescued and carried out. Following the rescue of Chief Eley, Assistant Fire Chief ODonnell took charge of the fight and remained on duty till all further danger had passed. A.W. Dominguez, captain of Engine Company 14, was enjoying a day off when the alarms sounded. He made all speed to the fire and worked with his men all through the afternoon. John B. Conlon, who recently retired as battalion chief of fireboats of the New York fire department after thirty years of service, was an interested spectator. The explosion trapped and injured several firemen in the basement. Chief Engineer Eley and other firemen plunged into the smoke to rescue them. After those that were trapped were brought out and on their way to hospitals, somebody noticed that Chief Eley was missing. Fireman Jose P.M. Reyes of Engine 5 found Eley still in the basement and saved him. The Chief Engineer was rushed to Good Samaritan Hospital where doctors found he suffered lung and other internal injuries. Chief Eley was hospitalized several weeks before returning to duty, although his injuries constantly bothered him. That spring he took a leave of absence and went to a Lake Elsinore resort to recuperate. He was there two months when he suffered a major relapse and was near death. Fire Commissioner A.F. Frankenstein and Chief Eleys physician, Dr. Arthur D. Houghton raced to Riverside, borrowed an ambulance and a driver and with siren and red light, rushed Chief Eley 100 miles to Good Samaritan Hospital where he recovered and resumed work. HoRSE tAkEN tHRouGH FIRE A horse hitched to a delivery wagon stood in the alley when the fire lines were closed and rather than try to get him out through the dense crowds he was unhitched and taken out to Spring Street through a liquor store. Many of the lodgers in the Hotel Brennan saved some of their effects. Motormen and conductors in uniform, a large number of who roomed there, went into the building long after it had been deserted by its dwellers and came out with grips, suitcases and trunks, drenched but happy in the rescue of their possessions. CHARtER AMMENdMENt The day after the Brennan Hotel fire the Los Angeles Examiner editorialized in support of a proposed charter amendment creating a better pension system for firefighters and police: Thousands saw the heroic men enter the inferno into which their duty called them. Shortly after word went whispering through the watching throngs that they were lost and pity stirred all hearts as their unconscious forms were being stumblingly brought forth by their no

less heroic fellows. Every now and then some firemen receive medals as public recognition of conspicuous acts of heroism. The recognition is little enough The hero is soon forgotten by the many. Only his family knows what the performance of his duty has cost him; the aches and pains, the failing eyes, the strained vitals. Today the city is ringing with the news of the fire, its desperate character, the deadliness of the developed fumes, the bravery of the firemen; yet 30 days from now, who will remember those names, who will think of the men who, at the time, will be suffering in silence from the aftereffects of yesterdays injuries? The editorial concluded by imploring voters to approve the charter amendment. The charter amendment passed that spring and signed into ordinance September 16, 1913.


tHe wHite city Service truck parked at

tHe leFt Side and a HoSe waGon arrivinG pulled by wHite HorSeS in tHe center oF tHe pHoto croSSinG over HoSe lineS.

aS tHe SpectatorS watcH, tHe FireMen appear to be GettinG a Handle on tHe Fire.

tHiS pHoto May Have been taken later in tHe incident SHowinG a SteaMer next to tHe buildinG and two people on bicycleS on tHe Street car trackS or it May Have been taken early wHen tHe Fire Started in tHe paint Store baSeMent.

52 January 2013

Follow Up on Last Months Article on the Pier Fire After I wrote the December article on the pier fire I saw Larry Schneider Sr. and asked him about Ted Schneider, who responded to the fire in 1912 on Hose Co. #5. Larry said that Ted was his father and Captain Larry Schneiders grandfather. What a great family history! Ted was an interesting man learning about automotive repair back when motorized vehicles where becoming a new means of transportation. Many firemen in those days had never ridden in a motorized vehicle. Those were the days of the horses and there were only a few motorized vehicles on the LAFD. Larry would visit his father in the stations he worked in learning much about the LAFD as a young boy. No wonder Larry spent over 50 years on the LAFD before retiring. I am working with Larry on a story about a structure fire he was in charge of where he used six 50 foot bangor ladders for access into the building in 17s first in.

Whats New at the Museum? Retired LAFD Captain Ben Holder, who is one of our Board members and excellent volunteers, is moving to Colorado. Ben has been with the Historical Society for nearly 10 years and is one of our best tour guides. He has helped restore Museum 27, worked on displays and assisted with all our events. Ben said he would come by when he comes to California to visit family. We will really miss him at the Museum. Best of luck Ben.

ben in HiS vintaGe laFd uniForM at tHe reinS oF tHe HorSeS He Got For our 1881 HayeS aerial ladder truck in tHe Hollywood MuSeuM.

January 2013

Donation Request for Preserving LAFD Fireboat #2, The Ralph J. Scott We are accepting donations to preserve the Ralph J. Scott fireboat from the $100 level on up and its tax deductible. I hope that you will consider this opportunity to have your name placed on the donor wall in the fireboat museum in San Pedro when it is completed. Just think, you would be helping preserve a National Historic Landmark and a major icon of the LAFD and the Port of L.A., that with its crew served the City for 78 years.

Why is LAFD Fireboat 2 The Ralph J. Scott - important? 1. The Ralph J. Scott is the longest serving piece of Los Angeles Fire Department apparatus at 78 years. 2. The Ralph J. Scott is a classic example of generation riveted wrought steel hull fireboats 3. The Ralph J. Scott has an outstanding record of emergency and non-emergency service to the Port of Los Angeles. 4. The Ralph J. Scott is recognized as a Los Angeles Cultural Heritage Monument. 5. The Ralph J. Scott is recognized by the U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service National Maritime Initiative as a National Historic Landmark. 6. The Ralph J. Scott is listed on the National register of Historic Places. 7. The Ralph J. Scott and crew served with honor, courage and distinction for over seven decades. The LAFD Historical Society is referred to as Stewards of the Scott by the National Park Service with regard to its National Historic Landmark Status. The Preservation Project for the Scott will require the finest engineering, craftsmanship and over-site to be successful. Chief Level- $10,000; Captain Level- $5,000; Pilot Level- $3,000; Engineer Level- $2,000; Mate Level- $1,000; Diver Level- $500; Firefighter Level-$100. The names of the donors will be placed on plaque in the Fireboat Museum recognizing their support for the preservation of the historic fireboat. Each donor will also receive a special gift for their level of donation.

February 2013

The Ralph J. Scott, San Pedro Berth 87, January, 2010 Please send check to: LAFD Historical Society memo For Fireboat 2 1355 No. Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood CA 90028

January 2013 53

CALL To oRDER President John Jacobsen called the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association to order at 11:01 a.m. RoLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: John Jacobsen, President Juan Albarran, Vice President Andrew Kuljis, Secretary Trustee Jeff Cawdrey Trustee Gene Bednarchik Trustee Gary Matsubara Trustee Rick Godinez Trustee Doak Smith Trustee Francisco Hernandez Trustee Mark Akahoshi Trustee Robert Steinbacher Trustee Steven Domanski Trustee David Peters Trustee Chris Hart Trustee Steve Tufts Trustee David Ortiz Trustee David Lowe Pension Trustee Barry Hedberg Pension David Ned Smith - Executive Director Controller Todd Layfer MEMBERS ABSENT: Trustee Michael Overholser (Excused) Trustee Chris Stine (Excused) Trustee Craig White (Excused) Trustee James Coburn (Excused) Trustee Kurt Stabel (Excused) Trustee Tim Larson Pension (Excused) GUESTS: Lee Kebler, L.A. Retired Fire & Police Jim Dolan, Asst. Secretary David Wagner, Grapevine Editor INVoCATIoN & Flag Salute Rick Godinez led the invocation. David Lowe led the flag salute. RATIFICATIoN oF MINUTES John Jacobsen entertained a motion to ratify and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting held October 3, 2012. David Lowe so moved. Gary Matsubara seconded. There was no further discussion or objections. Motion carried to ratify and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Board of Trustees held October 3, 2012. RATIFICATIoN oF ELECTIoN Jacobsen entertained a motion to ratify the white ballot election of Trustees. The only nominations for the expiring term positions were from the existing Trustees. David Lowe so moved. Robert Steinbacher seconded. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to ratify the white ballot election. INVESTMENT REPoRT Garth Flint presented the 3rd quarter investment portfolio performance. The one-year performance, at 16.5%, was behind the Policy Index because the S&P was so strong last year that most managers under performed. He indicated that performance continues to look good for the five and seven year periods. Also, the managers ranked very well and outperformed the index for these longer periods. He reviewed each managers performance and mentioned that international managers have performed particularly well. Steinbacher informed the Board that Garth had narrowed down to two private REITs for the November 27th meeting. He indicated that he has sent an email to the Investment Committee informing them of the meeting. PRESIDENT REPoRT 1) Jacobsen referred to strategic planning and stated that we will hold another session in March of next year. He said that they will be scheduling a day and a half for the session. He indicated that they would like to have Dawna Gray and Robert Ridley participate in the meeting. 2) Jacobsen indicated that he sent the Trustees the City Pension reform ballot initiative for review. He indicated that it also included an actuarial study from Pensions. He stated that, if passed, it will affect their families, benefits and future healthcare. VICE PRESIDENT REPoRT 1) Juan Albarran referred to the Grass Valley event and indicated that he is getting estimates for reserving spots for the event. He indicated that once he gets more information he will report back to the Board to determine if they want to hold the event in 2013. He also stated that they considered having a local event to have more participants from the southern California members. 2) Juan Albarran referred to the Sacramento Memorial and indicated that Glenn Smith and Eric Shepherd were placed on the memorial wall. He mentioned that he and Steve Domanski attended the memorial and met with the families. EXECUTIVE DIRECToRS REPoRT 1) David Smith referred to the Firemens Brew Bachelor Auction and stated that it was not a very good turnout. He stated that there was no net profit for the event; however the Firemens Brew has graciously donated $500 to the WODFF. 2) David Smith referred to the site and stated that they received about 50 wire frames to review. He stated that they are in the process of reviewing them and will give the ok and hopefully the new website will be online in a few weeks. 3) David Smith referred to the mailing for those members not participating in payroll deductions to WODFF and indicated that they have received around 184 new contributing members. He mentioned that this will result in about a 10% increase annually to the WODFF. 4) David Smith referred to the FRITS programming and indicated that Liz Denison is currently reviewing the report. He mentioned that she will be in Southern California for a meeting on November 28th. He stated that they will go through the report and develop a recommendation if we should upgrade platforms. 5) David Smith asked the Trustees to turn in their expense reports before the end of the year. ADMINISTRATIVE CoMMITTEE REPoRT Robert Steinbacher presented the following motions. The committee recommends and I so move to pay the usual and customary bills in the amount of $1,182,953.71. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to pay the usual and customary bills in the amount of $1,182,953.71.

54 January 2013

The committee recommends and I so move to pay the professional fees in the amount of $71,020.03. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to pay the professional fees in the amount of $71,020.03. The committee recommends and I so move to donate up to $200 to the L.A. Retired Fire & Police Christmas Celebration. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to donate up to $200 to the L.A. Retired Fire & Police Christmas Celebration. The committee recommends and I so move to approve up to $5,000 in seed money for next years Buzzard Bait Family Fun Ride. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to approve up to $5,000 in seed money for next years Buzzard Bait Family Fun Ride. The committee recommends and I so move to donate up to $250 for the LAFD Leadership Academy for their In-Service graduation reception. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to donate up to $250 for the LAFD Leadership Academy for their In-Service graduation reception. MEDICAL CoMMITTEE REPoRT David Peters presented the following motion. The committee recommends and I so move to accept the applications to the Medical Plan. There was no discussion and no objections. Motion carried to accept all applications to the Medical Plan. David Peters mentioned that they have received money from the Retirement Drug Subsidy (RDS). He indicated that they encourage their members not to enroll onto Medicare Part D and to continue with the Fire Relief Plan. He stated that we have requested a progress payment in the amount of $533K for 2012 which totals $1.1 million year to date back to the Medical plan. RELIEF CoMMITTEE REPoRT Doak Smith presented the following motion. The committee recommends and I so move to pay:

The Sick & Injury benefits in the amount of $64,678.89 The Estate Planning benefit in the amount of $5,598.95, The Relief Death Benefits in the amount of $45,000, The Life & Accident Death Benefit in the amount of $12,000. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to pay the above Relief benefits. Doak Smith read the names of members who recently passed and asked for a moment of silence from the Board. MEMoRIALS Alvin Rodger Ruddick Alfred Unzueta Charles F. Nielsen Clarence A. Woodburn, Jr. Richard A. Purdy David L. Megorden Paul A. Orduna Franklin D. Cutter Kenneth G. Skersick Robert J. Board The committee recommends and I so move to approve the annual Christmas bonus to surviving spouses, dependents and orphans. Motion carried to approve the annual Christmas bonuses. ASSISTANCE CoMMITTEE Doak Smith presented the following motions. The committee recommends and I so move to accept the donations in the amount of $20,958.48 to the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to accept the donations in the amount of $20,958.48 to the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund. The committee recommends and I so move to approve the financial assistance applications for surviving spouses, active and retired members. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to approve the financial assistance applications for surviving spouses, active and retired members. EMERGENCY ADVANCEMENTS Doak Smith presented the following motion.

The committee recommends and I so move to approve the emergency advancement applications for active and retired members. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to approve the emergency advancement applications for active and retired members. EXECTIVE SESSIoN The Board entered into Executive Session at 12:01pm. The Board adjourned from Executive Session at 12:20pm. President Jacobsen stated that the Board has authorized the restructuring of a members advancement. Motion carried to authorize restructuring of a members advancement. GRAPEVINE/WEBSITE REPoRT Jeff Cawdrey reported that the Grapevine is using a new mailing house for distribution. He mentioned that it costs around $100 more per month but stated that there is a quicker turnaround time. SETTING oF DATES 1) IFEBP Annual Employee Benefits Conf. November 11th 14th 2) LAFRA Open House December 1st 3) L.A. Retired Fire & Police Holiday Party December 9th RETIREMENT DINNERS 1) Brian Rubino November 13th Knollwood Country Club (Peters) 2) Paul Ortega November 16th Brookside Golf Club (Bednarchik) 3) Joe Porras November 17th Knollwood Country Club (Steinbacher) 4) Michael Camello January 25th Brookside Golf Club (Kuljis) 5) Mike Brehm February 23rd Ports OCall Restaurant (Bednarchik) ADJoURNMENT John Jacobsen entertained a motion to adjourn. Gary Matsubara so moved. David Lowe seconded. There was no discussion and no objections. Motion carried to adjourn. The Board of Trustees meeting adjourned at 12:27 am. John Jacobsen, President

January 2013 55

donations to Widows, orphans & disabled Firemens Fund

November 2012
gerald l. sullivan leo deMPsey in MeMory oF your Beloved wiFe & MotHer DONA DEMPSEY Bessie e. walKer in MeMory oF MARJORIE NOWLIN roBert J hroMadKa in gratitude to FS-107 For tHeir liFe Saving eFFortS!! Jean Board in MeMory oF My HuSBand ROBERT J. BOARD glenn w. Jaynes in MeMory oF HEINZ WAHLERS david h. wagner Mary P. Cutter in MeMory oF My HuSBand FRANK CUTTER John w. Potter in MeMory oF My Friend BILL APE APPERSON helen l. sChulZ gary d. hight in MeMory oF JOHN LAWRENCE donald J. Brown Jr in gratitude For tHe duraBle Medical eQuipMent viCtor l Patron Martin a. hildreth in MeMory oF ANSEL BOYCE FireFigHter/Monterey park Fire dept. JaMes s. alBera in MeMory oF REMO J. TERSOLO Christine M. BruMBaugh in MeMory oF your HuSBand MIKE BRUMBAUGH steven C. PoPhoFF in MeMory oF ALVIN R. RUDDICK ChristoPher C. ennis in MeMory oF DAVID L. MEGORDEN Joan BurnhaM in Honor oF EDWIN BURNHAM edward r. delaney & FaMily in MeMory oF CHARLES NIELSEN Fire station no. 47 FroM tHe FIRE EXTINGUISHER FUND evangelina gonZales in MeMory oF CAPT. JAVIER L. PEREZ riChard F. rush in MeMory oF DAVID L. MEGORDEN My claSSMate at drill tower 89 11/24/1962 Marge a. willwhite in MeMory oF 56 January 2013 DAVID MEGORDEN lavonne aBney in MeMory oF JEAN RAMSEY widow oF BoB raMSey george l. varnuM in MeMory oF ALVIN ROGER RUDDICK yolanda C alBera in MeMory oF REMO J. TERSOLO PatriCK d. haag in MeMory oF DAVID MEGORDEN BarBara J Brown in MeMory oF RONALD NEVILLE Marilyn ostBy in MeMory oF My HuSBand GORDON OSTBY ronald g. wilson in MeMory oF GIL MAGA daniel J. KeMP in MeMory oF GIL MAGA larry g. thoMas in MeMory oF GIL MAGA & FRANK CUTTEr Marty oFFinK in MeMory oF CHUCK NIELSEN JaMes e. gilluM tHe SiMi valley BreakFaSt group saMuel l. serra in MeMory oF FRANK CUTTER Malen w. JaCoBs in MeMory oF FRANK LEAVITT, FRANK CUTTER & JIMMIE SALAZARS WIFE ANITA FranCis g. Clinite in MeMory oF DAVID MEGORDEN helen Megorden harry M. MorCK in MeMory oF DONA DEMPSEY harry M. MorCK in MeMory oF REMO TERSOLO John J. Conn in MeMory oF ALVIN R. RUDDICK edward h. MC adaM in MeMory oF GIL MAGA John J. Conn in MeMory oF DAVID L. MEGORDEN helen l. Megorden lorene holdsworth in MeMory oF FRANK CUTTER david dowell riChard C. Pearson george a. negrete Jerry r. Johns gerald r. Malais Charles sMith davd & diane slauson in MeMory oF GILBERT MAGA kEN kRuPNIk FROM YEAR 2011 SALES OF SONG PARAMEDiC REsCuE 101 BY SINGER/SONGWRITER KEN KRUPNIK ALLEN ALbERA IN MEMORY OF REMo TERsoLo. WE HAVE HAD THE PRIVILEGE OF KNOWING REMO AND HIS FAMILY FOR MANY YEARS. REMO LOVED HIS FAMILY AND WAS A GREAT FRIEND TO MANY. HE WILL BE TRULY MISSED. GOD BLESS! EdWARd bARRY IN MEMORY OF GiL MAGA. GIL WAS A GREAT MAN TO WORK FOR (T-9). HE WILL BE MISSED BY MANY WHO KNEW HIM. GERALd bEdoYA - BATTALION ONE CHRISTMAS FUND toM doERFLER IN MEMORY OF GEoRGE DoERFLER LouISE doRtoN IN MEMORY OF GiL MAGA HIb HALVERSoN IN MEMORY OF AnsEL BoyCE CITY OF MONTEREY PARK FIRE DEPARTMENT, 1971-1999. RETIRED AS CHIEF. DIED 10/14/12. AN INSPIRATION TO MANY AND NOW IN A BETTER PLACE. REST IN PEACE, CHIEF BOYCE. ARLENE kAtANIAN IN MEMORY OF GEoRGE GuiDERA. MARYANN, GERI, AND FAMILIES - IN HONOR OF YOUR DAD THIS CONTRIBUTION IS BEING MADE SO HE WILL CONTINUE TO HELP OTHERS EVEN AS HIS JOURNEY HAS ENDED. RALPH & PENNY LA PREzIoSA bEttY LARSoN IN MEMORY OF REMo TERsoLo. HE WAS ALWAYS SUCH A GOOD NEIGHBOR AND FRIEND TO MY HUSBAND GENE LARSON dAVId RoWLEY IN MEMORY OF GiL MAGA dIANE SLAuSoN IN MEMORY OF CAPTAIN GiLBERT MAGA WILLIAM SuLLIVAN IN MEMORY OF DAviD MEGoRDEn NICHoLAS tuzzoLINo IN MEMORY OF wiLLiAM APPERson. IF YOU WERE EVER IN NEED, BILL WAS THE FRIEND TO HAVE INDEED.

2000 HARlEY-dAVIdSoN RoAd KING. Beautiful Bike! 95-inch motor, includes seat back and chrome rack (10K in chrome), 16,000 miles. Asking $9,500. Also for sale, 2004 Honda XR650R, good condition. HR hop up kit, runs excellent. Asking $2,500. (909) 838-5929. LACO Captain, John Mark FS 135-C. 2008 FlEETWood PRoVIdENcE. 40X 360HP Diesel Cummings 8.3 L, 5 speed Allison Transmission, 35000 miles with 3 slide outs, 5 TVs. Many upgrades, Vacuum, exterior entertainment Center w/TV and BBQ, Cameras, Spot light w/remote Control, VSD Compass & Temp monitor System, Custom Cover, Tow Bar. $145K Mike White FS 108-B, 661-9042234 cell. MoToRcYclE GoGGlES, oIlS & lUBRIcANTS - ALL Fire Fighters,Friends & Family receive 50% OFF EKS Brand Motorcycle Goggles and Accessories(www. Also Receive 50% OFFall Kal-Gard Oils and Lubricants ( Fire Fighter must placeorder to receive discount. Please contact Steve Goldberg Email: steve-o1@ PH: 661-492-4097

located in the heart of Encino. Features hardwood flooring throughout with a large master suite, bath, cathedral ceilings and walk-in closets. The upstairs can be separate with its own entrance. Downstairs is a bedroom, full bath and powder room. Big backyard, garage and additional parking for RV. $2500 for the above, or rent just the master suite, $1000, downstairs for $1500 a month. Call Tracy (818) 704-9592.

BUIld YoUR dREAM HoME on beautiful San Juan Island in Washington State. 10 acres with views of water, neighboring islands and Mt. Baker. $550,000. Retired Capt II LAFD (360) 378-2190. Ask for Wendy. coNdo FoR SAlE. BocA RAToN, FloRIdA. 2 BD, 1.5 BA. Lakeview. End unit. Furnished. Clean pool. Close to Lyons Road. $29,000 OBO. Contact Mrs. George Allen (352) 637-4042 cUSToM loG HoME- Kings Canyon Sequoia Area. 4200 sq ft, 2 story, 3 bedroom/2.5 baths. Master bed has walk in closet w/ French doors and deck. Large game room w/bar and wood burning stove. Huge gourmet kitchen w/six burner professional Garland range, Sub-Zero freezer and refrigerator. Hard rock maple counters and maple cabinets. Large loft with library and office overlooking great room with vaulted ceilings and riverrock fireplace. Pella windows and doors. Hardwood floors throughout, tile in kitchen, laundry and baths. Central vac. Deck on three sides. 15 acres fenced. Tennis court, pool, 2 car garages, 40X60 metal bldg. Septic and 40 gpm well. $650,000. Contact Ray Oster (559) 338-2220 or email for more info and photos. FoR SAlE. 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo fully furnished in Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico. Short walk to small fishing village, beach, restaurants, etc. LAFD retired. (909) 392-8941. GREAT VAcATIoN/FISHING HIdEAWAY - SEA oF coRTEz, loRETo, BAJA. 2200 sq. ft. house. 3 levels. Attached small apartment. 1/2 block from marina & seafront. Buyer would hold title through 50 yr bank trust. $250K OBO. May consider trade for So Cal property. Rita Galvin 760-9453080. loVElY 2800 SQ FT 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on Marrowstone Island near Port Townsend, Washington. Sits on 4 plus partical wooded acres with Puget Sound. 230 foot waterfront view. Has barn for RV storage. City water, oil heat in floor. Past home of LAFD get together. Call Vonnie Rogers (360) 385-7544. MAMMoTH coNdo - Cozy 2 bedrooms, 2 bath. Fully furnished, WIFI, 3 TVs, pool, spa, tennis, walk to shuttle. Old Mammoth area. Winter $115, Summer $90, plus maid $126. Includes linens. No pets, no smoking. Call (310) 540-4648.

RIVER PARcElS. Three 20 acre Klammath River frontage parcels in beautiful Northern California- 30 miles from Oregon. Electricity and telephone available. Rarely used County-maintained road runs through. Very private. 6 miles from Happy Camp. Each parcel has more than 700 front feet of river. $195,000 - $295,000. Contact Troy Bonar, LAFD retired. PO Box 466, Happy Camp, CA 96039 or call (530) 493-2453 or fax (530) 4932589 or email: SKI THE SUMMIT! BIG BEAR, 4+2, 5 minutes from snow summit, downtown and the lake. Located in the desirable Fox Farm area. 2 story-upstairs 2+1, downstairs 2+1 turn key condition, ready to enjoy. Fully furnished. Investment Vacation or Retirement. $359,000 Call Therese (818) 216-4628 or THE lAST BEST PlAcE. Own a piece of Montana. Panoramic views of Flathead Lake. 3 acres with a great building site. Adjacent to forested public land. Access to fishing , summer water sports and winter skiing. Owned by retired LAFD. Listed with Riverbend Realty. Keith at 406-837-1501. www. TRUST SAlE, VAlYERMo, cA 2/3 completed home located on 20 acres. The house is 2 bedroom, 3 bath, approximately 2000 Sq. Ft. It is completely framed (metal stud construction) and enclosed. Rough electrical and rough plumbing completed. Solar power and well with 10,000 storage tank in place. Large 24 X 30 storage building adjacent to the house. In addition there are approximately 150 acres connected to this property. $240,000 takes all. For information contact; Jim Duzick @ Prudential Troth Realitors. (661) 547-9750 or Bill Stires (661) 252-2299 or Tom Stires (818) 240-7153 WATER ANd MoUNTAIN VIEW HoME near Mutiny Bay on Whidbey Island, Washington State. Custom 4 bedroom/2.75 bath home w/daylight basement on 7+ acres. Views of Mutiny Bay, shipping lanes, Olympic Mountains and sunsets. Turn-key opportunity w/new exterior paint; hardwood Pergo floors; Corian countertops and full landscaping. Two car attached garage PLUS a 3-bay detached garage and shop. Convenient access to sany Mutiny Bay Beach. $552,000. Seller is retired fire inspector. Tom Jensen, agent (425) 359-8598.


ATTN: FIREFIGHTERS ANd/ oR PolIcE oFFIcERS: Are you thinking about retiring soon? Think about Klammath Falls, Oregon. Think about quiet, peaceful surroundings. Beautiful 100 foot tall pine trees, deer and fox roaming on your one (1) acre property. No graffiti on the buildings and very little traffic. And then think about a lovely 6 bedroom home with two (2) dining rooms, two (2) very large family rooms, an exercise room, an office and an oversized kitchen, fit for a gourmet chef. All this plus more (2 lofts a wet bar, a hot tub, 136 feet of decking around the house, leading to a large patio off the master bedroom. The home has an attached 2 car garage, a detached 1 car garage and a 24 by 40 RV parking garage completely enclosed. Now add the unsurpassed view of the largest lake in Oregon, (Klamath Lake) which is directly beneath the Pacific flyway, and your retirement is complete. However, if you want something to do, we are currently an operating Bed and Breakfast, the only one in Klamath Falls. $495,000. Jerry Klippness, LAPD 7649 and Helen Hall, mother of the Hall Boys, LAFD (805) 9852982. BEAUTIFUl, SINGlE lEVEl HoME available in Mill City, Oregon. Single owner, retired L.A. Fireman, now deceased. Quiet neighborhood on dead end street. Built among trees, gorgeous meadow behind, unequaled view of the Cascades. 3 Bdrm, 2 1/2 baths. Natural landscape with 150 yr. old Maple in the side yard. Plenty of room for RV, boat, trailer etc. Contact Judy Quillin, 503 559-8643; email: MLS#640292


HoRSE PRoPERTY, lAKE VIEW TERRAcE - Near FS24. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, newly remodeled kitchen with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. Formal living room, plus family room. 3 pipe corrals, arena, 2 barns, trail access. Motor home and horse trailer parking. Gardener included. Available October. $2800/month. Eng. Ames (818) 257-4549. loVElY 110 YR. old HISToRIc HoUSE to share in San Pedros historic waterfront dist. Private bedroom with private full bathroom, kitchen, laundry, air conditioning, spacious back yard, sorry, no private parking, $700 month. Cindy 310 831-0926. THIS cHARMING SPAcIoUS 2 BEdRooM HoME is centrally

A VETERAN FoR HIRE - Brush clearance, clean ups, grad-

January 2013 57

ing, rototill, new lawns, tree and shrub shaping, stump removals, concrete, asphalt and dirt removal, trench footings, auger holes and more! Full line of equipment. Thanks! Larry (818) 489-5126 BoAT & PWc SToRAGE Firemens discount. 10% off first months rent & no deposit required. Winter rates available. Located on the Colorado River, close to launch ramps. All Seasons Storage 800 North K St., Needles, CA 92363. (760) 326-2001. BUIldING PlANS. Residential: patios, decks, additions/remodeling, repairs, new construction, design. Commercial: tennant improvement, ADA compliances and more. George Lavallee (805) 5321905 office. cre8iveanswers@ cHooSE YoUR dREAM cRUISE - Princess Cruises, Royal Caribean, Holland American, Carnival and more... 3 to 21 day getaways to Alaska, Hawaii, The Bahamas and many other exciting destinations. Call Patricia at (661) 265-9440 or toll free at (877) 7HISEAS, or email pliefeld@qnet. com wife of LAFD Mechanic, sister of LAFD Captain. cRAIG SANFoRd HEATING & AIR - Free estimates, residential, commercial. Great rates for LAFD and LAPD. Toll free (877) 891-1414, (661) 298-3070, FAX (661) 298-3069. State License No. 527114 cRANE SERVIcE All kinds of lifts - A/C Units, Spas, Construction, Beams, Poles, Appliances, Man Baskets available. Insured and bonded. Leonard Campbell Owner/Operator (818) 340-8907 dJ FoR All occASIoNS - You name it, I play it!! Call Frank (818) 554-7273. Serving San Fernando Valley over 20 years! Firefighters are my family. doES ANYTHING BoTHER YoU? Anything at all? Mental, emotional or physical? Dr. Bob Price, psychotherapist. LAFD retired, has developed a model that puts the fire out fast. It allows you to overcome almost anything that bothers you rather quickly. My book, Speed Healing, & DVD is available at Telephone sessions granted quickly. Call for telephone appointment. (619) 461-9527 dRYWAll SERVIcE, new construction, remodel, repair, acoustic ceilings removed. All types of textures. Licensed, bonded and insured. Gregg Avery, F.S. 66 A residence (805) 494-9037.

FIREFIGHTERS TAXES - Are you getting the most from your tax returns? I am a wife of a firefighter and specialize in their returns, with 60% of my clients being firefighter families. Taxes done at you convenience; my office or by phone. Available year-round. TaxPro, Barbara Ravitz, 661-257-7606. FIREFIGHTER dIScoUNTS. At Farmers Insurance Group, I can assist you in deciding what options best meet your insurance needs. Free competitive quotes available for homeowners, auto, life, RVs, boats motorcycles and more. As a former LAFD and LAPD Commissioner, and coming from a family of firefighters (3 brothers and 1 nephew), I understand your need for an agent that can make your life a little easier. For a free quote, please call the Corina Alarcon Insurance Agency at (818) 2631723. FIREMAN dESIGN & lANdScAPE. Free design and estimate. Landscape/irrigation/ sod/stamped concrete/concrete foundations/patio covers/turf/ rockscape. I will beat all written estimates. Serving all areas. LAFD 96-B Eric Mendoza. (760) 2211912 cell. (661) 480-2202 office. Lic#857078. Insured and bonded. GARAGE dooR INSTAllATIoN & SERVIcE. Garage doors and openers. Need to replace your broken springs? or does your door need repair, even replaced? We do it all from new product to repairing old. Call (661) 860-4563 Grassroots Garage Doors, Inc. Lic# 950020. Son of 35 year veteran fireman. ITS TAX TIME AGAIN! Specializingin fire, police and paramedic returns. Also preparing partnership returns, payroll and sales tax reports. With 30 years experience in taxes and accounting. Call early for your appointment around your schedule. Robert Sanchez- LAFD retired. (818) 367-7017. Cell (818) 216-1040. REAl ESTATE FINANcING. Interest rates are at All-Time-Lows. Refinance & Purchase Loans, Investment/Second Home Loans/ Equity Lines/2nd Trust Deeds, No Points/No Fees Loans, VA, FHA, Conventional Loans, Lending in many other states. Mortgage lending with exceptional customer service, integrity, strength and experience. For your Free Mortgage Analysis, call (714) 469-8900. Jay Trementozzi, Mortgage Banker. DRE# 01113819, NMLS# 241591. REAl ESTATE SERVIcES - Start a new life in the gorgeous communities of Temecula and Murrieta.

Top rated schools, world renowned wineries, numerous golf courses, lakes, shopping and a great family atmosphere. Located 78 miles from HQ between Los Angeles and San Diego. Call Mike Utley at (951) 775-8491 (LAFD Retired). REBEccA MARTIN lANdScAPE. Architectural landscape design and installation. A full service design/build landscape firm that creates unique custom exterior environments that will increase the value of your home and bring you years of outdoor enjoyment. Rebecca Martin, LAFD wife. (818) 216-3637. Lic# 936577. TAX AlERT FoR FIREFIGHTERS Dont lose thousands of dollars during your professional career to the IRS! Let HEWITT FINANCIAL GROUP, the specialists in firefighter tax services, prepare your tax return and review your prior years tax returns. We specialize in tax planning and preparation for firefighters. We also offer FREE REVIEW of your last four years of tax returns. Call us today at (800) 573-4829 or visit our website at WINdoWS & PATIo dooRS - vinyl replacement windows & Patio doors. I also carry aluminum, wood and entry door systems. Rick Brandelli, Capt. LACoFD, FS 8-C (800) 667-6676. www.

a week, Beep or Donna Schaffer 1+(760) 723-1475. BIG BEAR cABIN. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 story. Sleeps 8. Near ski slopes & lake. Fireplace/wood, cable TV, DVD,VCR, full kitchen. Completely furnished. $85/$95 per night. Minimum 2 nights. Holidays extra. Weekly available. All Season. Sheri (909) 851-1094 cell or (760) 948-2844 home. BIG BEAR lAKES FINESTDeluxe lakeside townhouse, 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 cable TVs, HBO, DVD, WiFi, 2 wood burning fireplaces, laundry room, tennis court, indoor pool, sauna, spa, boat dock. Fully equipped, including all linens. Sleeps 6. 310-5418311 or email BIG BEAR VINTAGE cABIN. 2 minute walk to village. 5 minute drive to both slopes. Lake view. 2 bed, 1 bath, sleeps 6. Contact: Owned by LAFD member. BUllHEAd/lAUGHlIN. Large new Custom 3 bedroom/2 bath home 4 minutes from the casinos and close to Katherines Landing. Quiet cul-de-sac. All amenities. Everything is new. 60 TV in living room. TVs in all bedrooms. Large formal dining room. BBQ and large patio overlooking the mountains. 35 ft X 3-1/2 car garage w/ gym equipment. Wireless internet w/ on site computer. $150 per night + $75 cleaning fee. No smoking or pets please. Scott at 805-2081598 or cATAlINA BEAcH coTTAGE - 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, one block to beach, view, fully equipped housekeeping unit. Marci (818) 347-6783 or Clarence (310) 5102721. dElUXE lAKESIdE ToWN HoME. 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, washer, dryer, gas barbeque. Indoor pool, sauna, Jacuzzi, locker room with shower. Tennis court, boat dock, cable TV, HBO. Fully furnished including linens. 3 miles from Snow Summit. Sleeps 6 max. (310) 541-8311 dESERT coNdo Rancho Mirage (near Palm Springs), 2 bedrooms, 2 bath, fully furnished condo & WiFi Internet. Also 2 bedroom and den, 2 bath, TV and VCR, pools, spas, tennis courts, gated community. From $110 per night. No pets or smoking. Barbara (626) 798-2484. FoRMER l.A. FIREFIGHTER and Family offering gorgeous Baja Mexico Property for rent. Coastside Gated Community with pool/

4 BEdRooMS, 4 BATHS, Game Room, 3000 sq. ft. upscale BIG BEAR lAKE cABIN. Pool table, foosball, darts, ping-pong, gas BBQ. Private road close to lake, Village. Walk to Snow Summit, great for summer. Accommodates 13. Until November: Midweek-$250; Weekends: $295. For summer specials or holiday/ winter rates call (949) 683-3028. ARE YoU IN NEEd oF A VAcATIoN? We have $49-$79 Cruises a Monthly! $149 and up ALL INCLUSIVE! Join our Travel Club! Go to: or YouTube JoeTraveler and Cabo Dreamtrip (661) 993-9476 call/ text FF/PM Peter Mills 100-A BIG BEAR cABIN - All season, restful views from decks. Two story, sleeps 6, half mile to lake, two plus miles to slopes. Fireplace/Wood, cable TV/DVD/VCR. Full kitchen, completely furnished except linens. Pets ok. $95/$105 (two day minimum). $550/$600

58 January 2013

spa, surfing, and loads of fun. 4 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms. Fully Equipped Kitchen. Call Kathy at 510-468-5003 for more information. Go to: Hse_toscana.htm for pictures, availability calendar, and information on the area. GolFERS-BoATERS-oTHERS! SAVE $$$ oN HoTEl RATES!! Luxury condo rental - Direct from Owner. One bedroom two bath luxury condo located in Mexican resort area of Nuevo Vallarta, just 15 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta Intl Airport. Unit is part of Grand Marina Villas, part of the Paradise Village Hotel complex, and includes use of 18 hole El Tigre Golf Course. Weekly or monthly rates. For info: Web site: homepage.

Lake Havasu. Swim, Ski or fish from the front yard. Buoys in front of home for overnight boat(s) tieups. No need to launch boat each day. Walking distance to a CASINO, restaurants and grocery store. Adjacent to miles of off-road desert trails, great for ATVs, 4 wheelers and Motorcycles. Beautiful landscaping with a lawn from the home to the lake. Covered patio with furniture and a gas BBQ. Four bedrooms with beds for 10.Two full bathrooms. Check Craigslist for pic. $350. Per night 10% discount for a week. For Reservations call Bud @ 818 352-4422 lAKE HAVASU BEAUTY FoR RENT - 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1600 sq.ft. Fully furnished with all amenities- Laundry & BBQ. 13,000 sq.ft. lot. 3 car boat-deep garage. 3 miles from launch ramp. Close to downtown shops & restaurants. View of the lake. Quiet street in good neighborhood. No pets. No smoking. Snowbird rates. Call Mike (661) 510-6246 lAKE HAVASU cITY. New Custom 3 bedroom/2 bath home on lake side of Hwy 95 north side of town. Quiet street. All the amentities. 60 TV in living room. TVs in all bedrooms. Wireless internet with on site computer. BBQ on large patio. Swimming pool. Near marinas and restaurants. $150 per night. $85 cleaning fee. No smoking or pets please. Scott at 805-208-1598 or h2oratscott@ lAKE HAVASU HoME for rent. Built in 2004. 1800 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Newly/ fully furnished w/all amenities of home. Large garage 20x32 with tall doors. Large area for guest parking. Located less than a mile from lake on a quiet cul-de-sac! RV hookups. Ask for FF discount. Call Ryan Penrod (310) 804-1801 or Nicole (909) 263-8177. lAKE HAVASU HoME - Beautiful 3 bed, 2 bath home that sleeps 8. Lake view, RV access, boat parking, everything is new. Quiet street in great neighborhood, just minutes from London Bridge. Call John for pricing at (323) 449-4473. Snow-bird rates and firemen discount available. lAKE HAVASU Landing California. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, wifi, DirecTV, BBQ, full laundry, slip-in marina included, just steps away. 180 degree view of lake and your boat in slip. Huge covered patio. No pets. No smoking. Larry Mc Andress ret 112A (714) 963-9344 or (714) 393-1464. lAKE HAVASU VAcATIoN HoMES for rent. Each fully furnished with all amenities of home.

Every home has a lake view, pool, RV access, boat parking, ample guest parking and sleep up to 8 people. Check out our website @ or call (928) 855-5848 or (661) 212-3191. lAKE NAcIMIENTo. Oak Shores gated community. 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, large loft. 3 minute drive to main marina in Oak Shores. Large driveway. Fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, washer/dryer, TV/ DVD. No cable. No pets/smoking. $165.00/night. Call Ben (805) 444-2264. lAKE TAHoE GETAWAY 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with all of the amenities complete kitchen, washer/ dryer, TV/ VCR. Quiet neighborhood near the lake, casinos and ski slopes. Call for rates. Call Cal or Linda @ (805) 584-2718. lAKE PoWEll HoUSEBoAT. 68 Sumerset. 2 staterooms, 2 cuddy cabins, 2 baths. Will sleep 10 to 12. 2 ref. fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, TV, DVD, Twin A/C. Party top, flybridge, V8 drives, 12 KW ge., 100 gal. aux. fuel tank with pump. Dan Coyle (805) 4948854. lA QUINTA - Gated community, fully furnished deluxe home, three bedrooms, three baths on the 10th fairway of the Dunes Golf Course in La Quinta Country Club. Two car garage, large patio with barbecue. No pets, no smoking. $200/night - 2 week minimum, plus refundable security deposit. Call (323) 254-3874 MAMMoTH coNdo-cHAMoNIX. 2 bedroom & large loft, 3 full baths, sleeps 8. 5 minute walk to Canyon Lodge. Fully furnished, TVs, VCR/DVD, pool, spa, rec room, sauna, linens included. Winter $175, $195-weekdays/holidays; summer $125, plus cleaning. No smoking; no pets. Craig Yoder (909) 948-3659. MAMMoTH coNdo Cozy 2 bedrooms, 2 bath. Fully furnished, WIFI, 3 TVs, pool, spa, tennis, walk to shuttle, Old Mammoth area. Winter $115, Summer $90, plus maid $126. Includes linens. No pets, no smoking. Call (310) 540-4648. MAMMoTH coNdo NEXT To THE GoNdolA VIllAGE Fully furnished, three bedroom, two bath with towels and linens, fully stocked kitchen, internet and cable TV, pool and Jacuzzi. Walk to the gondola, shops, restaurants and ski in on the new comeback trail. Parking at the front door. Winter: $225/night. Summer $150/night. Holidays $275/night. Cleaning is

included. Call Mike Whitehouse, Retired, 805-987-6122, email: or Bruce Galien, Retired, 661-645-7448, email: MAMMoTH coNdo Fully furnished, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, sleeps 6. Close to Canyon Lodge, pool, spa, recreation room, laundry facilities, condo has been beautifully remodeled, photos available, $200 a night winter - $125 a night summer + $150 cleaning fee. Call for holiday pricing. Joe Angiuli, South Division (626) 497-5083. MAMMoTH coNdo - Fully furnished, 1 bdrm, loft, 1 1/2 baths, sleeps 4. On shuttle route. All amenities: Sauna, Pool, laundry on premises. Fall/Winter prices. $100/night. Spring/Summer $85/ night. One time $70 cleaning fee. No smoking, no pets, contact: Julian Edwards (909) 573-3815 MAMMoTH - 1 bedroom Summit condo, sleeps 6. Convenient underground garage parking, jacuzzis, gym (pool, tennis in summertime), shuttle right outside! Across from chair 15. Winter $110 per night, Summer $80 per night plus $65 cleaning fee per stay. All linens included. Drew or Nancy Oliphant (661) 513-2000. MAMMoTH coNdo - MAMMoTH ESTATES, 4BR/3BA, fully furnished, linens, full kitchen, TV/ DVD, stereo, fireplace, pool , jacuzzi, sauna. 2 blocks from gondola village. 1 block to ski shuttle. Winter $330/night, Summer $215/ night, plus cleaning. Includes city bed tax. No pets, no smoking, sleeps 8. Dory Jones (310) 918-0631 or Kelly Corcoran (310) 619-5355. MAMMoTH coNdo - 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 TVs, phone, garage, pool, jacuzzi, fully furnished - exept linens. Near shuttle/chair 15. Winter $125/night. Weekends and Holidays $110 midweek. Summer $95/night. $495/week. No smoking. No pets. Jim Johnson (818) 992-7564, FS 80C. MAMMoTH coNdo - Sierra Manors Sleeps 7. 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath. Fully furnished except linens. 2 TVs/VCR/DVD, stereo/CD. Dishwasher, microwave, sauna, jacuzzi, pool. No smoking/No Pets. Shuttle at door. Winter $155/ night, Summer $100/night, Plus $80 cleaning fee and City Bed Tax. Brian & Karen Salvage LAFD Retired (805) 499-7752. MAMMoTH lAKES - One bedroom, extremely charming wildflower condo. Full amenities, close to shuttle. Antiques, art, satellite TV, fireplace. Sleeps 4. Winter $110, Summer $85 plus cleaning

e-mails: or (310) 395-7804. HAVASU lANdING - Waterfront on Lake Havasu. 3 bedroom, 3 bath. Boat mooring out front. Fully furnished. Direct TV, WiFi, BBQ, Casino, new grocery/meat market. No pets/smoking (310) 418-1577. JUNE lAKE cABIN - Scenic 2br/2ba cozy, cabin with views. 5 minutes from Fishing and Skiing. Fully furnished. Wood Deck, Sleeps 8, wood burning stove, full kitchen, cable Tv/Dvd, stereo, phone. Detached garage/room for boat. Call for summer/winter rates. Cleaning fee applies. Jeff Easton 105-A, (805)-217-5602 KAPAlUA, MAUI. Luxurious ocean view Kapalua Ridge 1 and 2 bedroom villas from $145/$250, 7th night FREE. Fully equipped with washer/dryer, Hi speed internet, Wi-Fi, cable TV, free resort shuttle, minutes from ocean. Features 3 white sand beaches including BEST BEACH in the world, Kapalua Bay Beach, 100 miles of hiking trails, 2 golf courses with great discounts, 10 tennis courts, zip lines, 2 spas, golf academy, horseback riding, snorkeling, swimming, surfing, kayaking, shops, restaurants. Contact Terry or Diane @ 800-326-MAUI (6284). the_ridge.asp or email info@ lAKE ARRoWHEAd Blue Jay cabin charming two-story with creek, large deck, two baths, complete kitchen, TV,VCR/DVD, fireplace, washer and dryer, walk to Blue Jay Village. Sleeps 6. $90/ night. NO PETS! Bruce or Sue Froude, (805) 498-8542. lAKE HAVASU BEAcH FRoNT. Located at HAVASU LANDING RESORT a gated community on the California side of

January 2013 59

fees. Call (818) 371-6722 Email: MAMMoTH SKI & RAcQUET: Southwestern decor. Sleeps 4. King bed. Full Kitchen, TV, VCR, DVD. Garage parking. 5 min walk to Canyon Lodge. Winter $155/ nite, $175 Fri, Sat, & Holidays; Summer $100/nite. 2 nite min. addl nites less. Jeff & Lisa Moir. LAFD Air Ops (661) 254-5788 MAMMoTH coNdo Wildflower, 1 bedroom sleeps 4, king bed and queen sofa bed. Fully furnished, fireplace, dishwasher, stereo, TV/ DVD, phone, spa, sauna, pool and tennis court. Linens and cleaning fee. On shuttle route. Winter rate $100/night, summer rate $70/ night. Mike Greenup (805) 5838239 or cell (805) 338-9955. MAMMoTH SKI & RAcQUET: Walk to Canyon Lodge. Studio loft sleeps 4. Queen beds, full kitchen, 2 baths, garage parking, TV, VCR, DVD. Winter Sun-Thurs $100.nite; Fri & Sat $115/nite plus cleaning fee $100. Non smoking complex. Joel Parker, LAFD retired. email: or (213) 399-6534. MAMMoTH. SKI IN - SKI oUT at lift 15, 2 bedroom including master suite, 2 bath condo. TV/ DVD in living room. Good sound system. Gym, spa, fireplace, very roomy, underground parking, tennis courts, pools, and outside BBQ area. (310) 476-4784. Email: or visit website: MAUI BEAcH FRoNT coNdo oN NAPIlI BAY - 50 from water. Studios and 1 bdrm. Luxury furnishings + full kitchen. All the amenities! Mauis best snorkeling/beach. All island activities & Kapalua within 4 minutes. 5-day minimum, from $135 per night (regularly $310 night). Call Sherrie or Bill for info/reservations (805) 530-0007 or (800) 889-8641 tollfree or email: or visit: MAUI coNdo 1 ANd 2 BEdRooMS. Centrally located on beautiful Maalaea Bay. Excellent swimming and snorkeling; white sandy beach. Minutes from golf, tennis, fishing, shopping, airport and resort areas. Marsha Smith or Jeanne McJannet. Toll free (800) 367-6084. MAUIS MoST BEAUTIFUl BEAcH - Napili Bay. Beautiful furnished condo with kitchen and daily maid service. 15% discount off already lowest prices in the area. Don Sprenger (949) 5485659 or (800) 336-2185.

NIcARAGUA SURF coNdo Enjoy UNREAL surf in a FRIENDLY SAFE COUNTRY. Golf a new course and hang out by the pool. Walking distance to beach. 3 bedroom 2 bath. See for yourself at: Contact Chris Hart (714) 742-3325 or email: oXNARd cA - SIlVER STRANd BEAcH - Beach house vacation rental. 3 story, fully furnished 3br/2ba main house+1br/1ba guest house, sleeps 8-12. Linens included, wireless internet, cable tv/dvd, washer/dryer, bbq, pingpong, bikes, boogie boards, beach chairs, large decks, and views. 1 small block to beach. (805) 2417221 PAlM dESERT. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Fully furnished. All new. Direct TV and WiFi all bedrooms. Private patio with BBQ. Private 60 unit complex with 2 pools, 2 jaccuzzis, 2 tennis courts. Near College of the Desert. One level. (310) 418-1577. PGA WEST (lA QUINTA) TPc STAdIUM GolF coURSE coNdo. Luxurious 3+2 lake front condo on the 11th green of the world famous Stadium Course. Gated, community pool & spa, 4 TVs/cable/dvd, washer/dryer, BBQ, garage, no smoking or pets please. $150/night w/6 night min. + cleaning. Seasonal/extended stay discounts. Buzz - LAFD (949) 3227979 RANcHo MIRAGE 2-2, gated complex, double garage, tennis, pools, spa, bikes, cable tv/vcr, microwave, bbq, washer/dryer, decorator furnished. Close to golf, restaurants, and shops. $90/night. Margo Idol (805) 498-1513 or Ruth (805) 498-4616. RoSARITo BEAcH Cottage. Charming 2 br./2 ba beach cottage (not a condo) located in the Quinta Del Mar project approximately 25 miles south of San Diego. 24-hour security, lg. patio w/ocean view, bbq, fireplace, cable TV, microwave, 3 pools, jacuzzi, tennis, horses, 2 rest. (music and dancing), ride the waves, off-track betting, golf nearby. 2-day min, $95 day. Midweek/weekly rates available. Photos and info @ Lockhart (619) 429-4060. rosaritobeachcottage.htm SAN clEMENTE BEAcH HoUSE - Two bedroom fully furnished private home. Sleeps 6 laundry, wireless internet, tv/dvd, movie channels. Enough off street parking for 4 SUVs, large enclosed backyard, 3 minute walk to pier. 5 minute walk to downtown,

pet friendly. David Laub, LACOFD (949) 306-5532 or dlaub@aol. com or SAN clEMENTE BEAcH. This stylish 1 bedroom/1bath rental is only 200 yards from the beach and a 10-minute walk to the pier or downtown. The unit is beautifully decorated and has all the comforts of home. Includes large plasma in living room and smaller TV in bedroom. See more info and photos @ Rates: Oct - Apr $150/night (2 night min.) weekly $850. May - Sept $200/ night (2 night min.) weekly $1150. Non refundable cleaning fee $100. Call Ron or Kathy (949) 831-7693 or email SKI-IN/oUT 2 bEDROOM, 2 bath across from Eagle express chairlift (CHAIR 15). Has TV in Living room and Bedroom, very spacious unit, fireplace, dining area, Gym, spa includes jacuzzi & sauna. Exterior of complex totally refurbished. Underground parking. (310) 476-4784. SKI THE GREATEST SNoW oN EARTH In Park City, Utah and avoid the 5 hour grueling drive to Mammoth. 2 bedroom/2 bath. Tri-level townhome. Located a short drive to three world-class ski resorts. (Deer Valley, PC Mountain Resort, The Canyons) $1100/week - $1600/ Holiday. Call Ron (310) 415-6788 SoUTH lAKE TAHoE Romantic Chalet Family getaway. 3 bed/2 bath plus loft. Sleeps 810. Cable TV, washer/dryer, microwave, woodburning stove. 7 minutes to casinos and Heavenly. Located in Tahoe Paradise. Call Shawn or Rose Agnew at (661) 250-9907 or (661) 476-6288. VAcATIoN RENTAl - So Lake Tahoe, 3 Bd 2 Ba home with all amenities. Close to Lake, Casinos and Ski Slopes $650 wk or $130 nt $100 Cleaning. www. Call Cal or Linda @ 805 584-2718 or email

sales department. (661) 273-7479. MoToR HoMES FoR RENT: Several 2006 Class A 32 Foot Motor Homes, with Double Slide Outs, Fully Loaded, Free Housekeeping Kit, Camping Kit, Discount Prices Starting at $150.00 to $180.00 per night. Serving family & friends of LAPD , LASD, IPD, OXPD, OX Fire, LA CO., LA City, Ski Clubs ask for our 25% off weekly rental rates. Visit us at or call 661714-7689 or 661-297-2398. ALSO AVAILABLE BIG BEAR CABINS, 3 bedroom 2 bath with pool tables & spas. PLEASE CALL FOR MORE DETAILS.


eMAiL yOuR AD tO:



2003 34 ITAScA SUNcRUISER BY WINNEBAGo. 2 slides, 8.1 Vortec Banks powered 9+ MPG. 37,000 miles. New tires, upgrades, & many extras. Garage stored like new. Qualifies as a 2nd home. $52,000. Norm (928) 855-1074. AMERIcA TRAVElER RV RENTAlS - We rent motor homes and travel trailers. Special discount for Fire and Police. Check out our

FOR AD inFO, COntACt: eRiC sAntiAgO @ 323.259.5231 or emai:

60 January 2013

the Lomita volunteer fire departments first engine was a 1917 Model t Ford - American LaFrance type A double tank Chemical Car. thomas E. Laski, an LAFd member from 1957 until 1988, grew up next to LACoFd Station 6 in Lomita and came to own the old Model t many years ago. Laski would display the engine at events including Fire Service day, firehouse grand openings and various parades. After sitting idle for nearly two decades, Laskis son Carl inherited the rig last year and has spent many hours returning the apparatus to its original state. He wanted to share these photos of the engine and his dad with Grapevine readers. thanks Carl!

tom Laski and Fire Chief Raymond Hill in the Hollywood Christmas Lane Parade November 22, 1967.

the FS 64 crew in 1958: Standing behind the fire engine are Jimmy Atkins, F.E. Harris, brady, Art bowling and Ralph Hanson. thomas Laski behind wheel. In front of fire engine are Neil olds (seated on running board), Paul Martin, bill thomas and unknown.

January 2013 61

Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association 815 Colorado Blvd FL 4 Los Angeles CA 90041

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