Bank of Marin Presentation

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At Bank of Marin, were proud to carry on our commitment to be meaningfully involved in our communities.

We recognize the power of voulenterism, contributing financial rescources, and collaborating with other local businesses and non-profits to help make our communities better places to live and work.
Joan Capurro Director of Community Relations
Jean-Christophe Pope & Nils Westgrdh If you have any questions regarding our campaign idea, please feel free to contact either one of us. Jean-Christophe: Nils:

To strenghten the banks standing in a community with an already established banking prescence.

Bank of Marin is a bank that prides itself on its personal touches and relationships with the community. Its success has caused the company to grow beyond its local market. Napa is a very community oriented city, one in which there is already an established local banking market. In order to compete in such a marketplace, Bank of Marin needs to position itself as not just another local bank, but the local bank.

Keeping the principles of Joan Capurro in mind, the campaign seeks to enrich the Napa Valley community, and in doing so, position Bank of Marin as the local bank of choice. The campaign seeks to do this by cultivating opportunities for the community to help itself.

The campaign creates a platform where the community can decide for themselves where money is needed. The campaign takes place over four distinc phases. Phases One and Two last the whole of Setember, with the remaining two playing out over the course of the rest of the year.

Marins induvidual branches of encouraging local participation in their decoration, the posters will be designed by local artists. Handcrafted invitations to take part in the campaign will also be sent out to local businesses, clubs and associations. Each piece bringing the community to the campaign site.

In order for the campaign to get the desired impact, the Bank of Marin must contribute a sizable donation, something the bank has done with charities since its inception. However in this case, the bank will withhold half the funds it would normally give and instead, disperse them through other means.

THE MAIN EVENT Community involvement is crucial to the success of the campaign. The website is the heart of the campaign. It is here where the community can take the most action. WEBSITE FEATURES

By Napa Valley Elementary School With more and more families moving to Napa the student transportation system is falling behind in its capabilities. We need new buses ...Read More

By Napa Valley Womens Soccer Team Our old soccerballs are totally worn out and we have no money to replace them. The team are currently bringing their own balls, and ...Read More

By Napa Valley Park Caretakers Many of the benches provided by Napa City are poorly maintaned, we would like to re-paint some of them but we lack money for the tools ...Read More

To the right of the navigation bar is a day count of how many days remain in the campaign. At the center of the page are the featured donors as well as featured projects, which will change each time the page is re-loaded.

Scrolling down the webpage will reveal more projects based on their popularity. Getting Started Find out what the campaign is about, how to submit a project, and how to contribute to the available funds.

BUILDING AWARENESS With the launch of the campaign site, word of the campaign will spread through local media, such as posters in public areas and in the local magazine and newspaper. Keeping with the theme already established by Bank of

Home Page Starting with the basics, the navigation of the website is broken down into Getting Started, Projects, Donors and About. Beneath the navigation lies the Moneybar, where visitors can observe how much money has been pledged and how much is still available.

Projects The meat of the website revolves around the submitted projects from the community. Here viewers can view, vote, comment, and share projects that are meaningful to them. Visitors have the ability to vote on as many projects as they want, but only once per project. By voting they are increasing the chances that the project will be realized.
By Napa Valley Elementary School With more and more families moving to Napa the student transportation system is falling behind in its capabilities. We need new buses ...Read More By Napa Valley Womens Soccer Team Our old soccerballs are totally worn out and we have no money to replace them. The team are currently bringing their own balls, and ...Read More

Donations can be made by induviduals or by businesses. Sizable donations by either induviduals or businesses will be featured on the homepage of the campaign site, giving them exposure to the entire community.
By Napa Valley Park Caretakers Many of the benches provided by Napa City are poorly maintaned, we would like to re-paint some of them but we lack money for the tools ...Read More

Winners will be announced on the homepage of the website in order of highest votes. The amount of winners is determined by how much money each project pledged and their rank in votes. In the case of a tie, where there is not enough money for either projects to realize their goal, if possible, the bank will step in and supply the necessary funds. Media Crews After the winners have been announced, the process of distributing the money begins. Media crews are then sent out with large mock-ups of the checks of the money received. Their task being to capture the reactions of the many groups that have been directly touched by this campaign.

New Accounts Another way induviduals can ensure there is money for projects is by opening up a new bank account at the Bank of Marin. For each new account opened up with a predetermined amount, the bank will contribute a percentage of that from the banks withheld money to the campaign. Loans Businesses can also make a contribution to the campaign in other ways besides donating. By taking out medium sized business loans, between one to seven million dollars and up, the bank will contribute a portion of that from the banks withheld money to the campaign.

Donors At Bank of Marin, we respect those who feel similarly to us in bettering the community. The Donors section of the website is devoted specifically to those likeminded companies who contributed money to the campaign.
By Napa Valley Elementary School With more and more families moving to Napa the student transportation system is falling behind in its capabilities. We need new buses ...Read More

COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Beyond the website there are a variety of different ways the community can get involved and contribute to the campaign.
By Napa Valley Park Caretakers Many of the benches provided by Napa City are poorly maintaned, we would like to re-paint some of them but we lack money for the tools ...Read More

By Napa Valley Womens Soccer Team

Our old soccerballs are totally worn out and we have no money to replace them. The team are currently bringing their own balls, and ...Read More

AFTERMATH Within the Napa Valley Bank of Marin branch, photos from the media crews will be displayed alongside a Donors Hall of Fame, comprised of individuals and business who made large contributions to the success of the campaign and who were featured on the campaign site.

About Every cause needs an explanation and here in the About section visitors can learn about the campaign and why Bank of Marin has championed this effort.

Donations The simplest way a member of the community can ensure there is money for their project is to make a donation. This can be done either at the local branch, through ATMs, or at participating vendors.

RESULTS With the voting stage of the campaign coming to an end, project contestants can view the status of their submissions on the website.

Napa Valley Film Festival In the month between the campaign and the Napa Valley Film Festival, an event that is widely advertised throughout Northern California, a short documentary of the impact of the campaign will be created using the footage taken from the media crews. On November 11th, the documentary will be used to close out the festival, reminding the people of Napa and informing visiters to the area of the supportive role the bank played in building a stronger community.

In the end, we believe the community knows best where the money is needed.

The main goal of the campaign was to position the Bank of Marin as the local bank to go to, and the campaign succeeds in this regard. However, there are also many other benefits that come along with this campaign. For starters, the bank is not required to spend more money than it typically would for a charity event, and in fact could choose to save money if enough of the community got involved in funding their projects. Another added benefit of this campaign is that, while it was specifically tailored in this instance for the Napa Valley community, it could just as easily be adopted to another market and have a similar effect. If the campaign is successful, the idea of this sort of event becoming an annual tradition brings forth all kinds of other possibilities, not just for the bank, but for the community.

The impact of the campaign is clear in its aftermath. Not only have projects within the community been funded, but they have been done so primarily by the community itself, a feat far more impressive than if they bank had simply donated a large sum of money. On top of this fact, there is wide media exposure at little cost, due to both word of mouth and through traditional sources such as the local news, which will undoubtably cover the large-scale impact that the campaign will have on the Napa community as a whole. The Napa Valley Film Festival is simply iceing on the cake.

The venue provides a place where the bank can show its work to not only the community that experienced it, but to others who are visiting the area for the event. While not explicitly mentioned within the campaign, the festival could also be another potential business that could benefit from Bank of Marins involvement through financial backing for the event.


Bank of Marin has had a strong history of charitable work. The PressForward campaign seeks only to elevate this one step further, not through increasing the amount of money the bank needs to give away, but by cultivating an opportunity for residents, potention customers, to better their communities on their own.

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