Physics Study Guide

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Physics Study Guide Track 6 Lawson Chapter 1-Scientific Method Scientific Fact- Close agreement by competent observers and

d observations of the same phenomena. Hypothesis- educated guess yet to be proved Theory- Synthesis of a large collection of info including well-tested guesses Chapter 2- Mechanical Equilibrium Force- a push or a pull o A force is needed to change an objects state of motion. Net Force- the combination of all forces acting on an object o 5N-> <-10N= <-5N (net force) Tension-Stretching force o Ex: Bag attached to a spring- the tension force acts upwards and the weight acts downward. o Two springs supporting one bag split the bags weight in half. Vector vs Scalar o Scalar is a quantity that can be described only by magnitude; a vector takes direction into account. Mechanical Equilibrium- a state where no physical changes occur. Support force- the upward fore that balances the weight of an object on a surface Chapter 3- Newtons first law of Motion-Inertia. Law of Inertia= objects in motion remain in motion, objects at rest remain at rest unless acted on by an outside force (i.e. friction) o Inertia- the property of a body to resist changes to its state of motion The more mass= the more inertia Weight=the force of gravity on an object Mass= the quantity of matter in an object o m(ass) x g(10)= Weight (measured in Newtons) Chapter 4- Linear Motion Equations Speed= Distance/Time o Velocity is the same equation but takes direction into account) o Acceleration= Change in velocity/time interval o Instantaneous Speed= accleration x elapsed time o Inst Speed of a falling objectV(elocity)= gt o Distance of free fall objects= at^2 Projectiles= objects in the air (go the furthest at 45 degrees) o If an object is thrown straight up with a Velocity of 30m/s than it will land in 6 seconds o Velocity decreased by 10m/s every second (gravity) o Horizontal in completely independent of vertical velocity

Chapter 5 -- Projectile motion o The resultant of two perpindicular vectors is the diagonal o Solve with Pythagorean theorem o Components o Horizontal componentsmoves at a constant velocity (when friction is negligible), no accleration o Vertical components- acted on by gravity, accelerates downward o Bullet shot vs bullet dropped o Land at the same time (example of how horizontal and vertical components are independent of eachother) o Cannonball is shot and lands in 3 seconds, find distance o d= gt^2 o Finding Range of the cannonball if only given velocity o V^2/g x sin of angle Chapter 6Newts 2nd law o Acceleration is directly proportional to the net force and inversely proportional to the mass o a=Net force/mass o unbalanced forces acting on an object cause the object to accelerate o Know how to do Free body Diagrams o Pressure the amount of force per unit of area o P= force/ area of application o Measurement= pascals o Friction the force of friction depends on the material in contact and how much the surfaces are pressed together o Fluid friction- friction present in water o Air resistance- friction present in air o Terminal speed= the speed at wich the acceleration of a falling object is zero because friction balances the weight. Chapter 7Newts 3rd Law Action/Reaction o For every action there is a reaction o A pushes B, B pushes A Chapter 8Momentum o Momentum= (mass)(velocity) o Impulse- change in momentum o Elastic collision- when objects collide without being deformed or generating heat (happens only at microscopic level) o Inelastic Collision= Collision in which the colliding objects become distorted and generate heat o The impulse depends on the force that acts on an object and the length of time it acts o To increase momentum, apply greatest force for longest time (follow through with your swing). o However increased contact time will result in less momentum.

o The impulse required to bring an object to a stop and then to throw it back again (bounce) is greater than the impulse required merely to bring an object to a stop. Chapter 9ENERGY o Work=force x distance (when force is constant and motion takes place in same direction) o Unit of work= Joules o Power= the rate at which work is done o Power= work/time o Unit of power is the watt o 1 Horsepower= .7 Kilowatts o Energy- enables objects/system to do work o Measured in Joules o 2 types of mechanical energy Potential= Weight x height Chemical, elastic, gravitational Kinetic energy= mv^2 The amount of work required to bring an object to speed from rest. o Work energy theorem o W= change in (delta) KE o Conservation of ENERGy o Energy is never lost or gained Can be transformed from one form into another (ie potential energy to heat energy) o Machine- a device used to multiply forces or change the direction of forces o Levers- pivot point, fulcrum, is most effective when closest to object Mechanical advantage- ratio of output force to input force Force outputted (80N) divided by force inputted (10 N) = 8 o Pulley o Efficiency= useful work output/total work output o Can never be 100% Chapter 10 Circular motion o Rotational inertia- resistance to a change in the state of rotation o The hollow disc has more Rot inertia than the solid disc o Linear speed (Dist/Time) increases on a rotating surface the further an object is from the axis. o Rotational speed (# of rotations/unit of time)- doesnt matter an objects position on a rotating surface o Centripetal force- the Fore directed toward a fixed center that causes an object to follow a circular path o EX a tin can at the end of a string o If the string breaks the can will fly off, TANGENT to its circular path o Centrifugal Force- Force on the can directed towards outside o Not actually a force but inertia

Chapter 11 Rotational equilibrium o Torque- Force applied to make an object rotate o T= force x lever arm The longer the radius the bigger the torque o Center of Mass (objects position of mass) is usually the same as center of Gravity (avg position of all the particles of weight in an object), except in boomerangs and those sorts of things. o If CG is above the area of support, the obj will remain upright o Types of EQUILIBRIUM o Unstable- Any displacement lowers its center of mass o Stable- Any displacement raises its C of M o Neutral- any displacement has no affect on C of M Chapter 12Rotational Motion o 3 axis in a person o Longitudinal (head to toes) o Transverse (arm to other arm) o Medial (wiener to butt) o Angular momentum = Rotational inertia (I) x rotational V (w) o Or linear momentum[mv] x r(adius) o Simulated Gravity- Spin the space station o The faster the rotational speed the heavier the weight of the people is Chapter 13 Universal Gravitation o Moon falls around Earth o Falling toward earth but has great enough tangential velocity to avoid it o Newts theory of gravity confirmed Copernican theory of Solar System o Didnt discover gravity but discovered that its universal Everything pulls on everything else in Universe Every object (m1) attracts every other object (m2) with a FORCE F= (G) (m1) (m2)/ (distance^2) G= 6.67 x 10^-11 o Weightlessness- not the absence of gravity but of a support force o Oceans tides caused by differences in the gravitational pull of the moon on opposite sides of Earth o Black Holes-gravitation near a sunken configuration (collapsed star) o Radius of gravitational field of a black hole is the same as the star that preceded it. o Perturbationthe deviation of an orbiting object from its path around a center of force by an additional center of force. Chapter 14Satellite Motion o Satellite- a projectile moving fast enough to fall continually around Earth rather than into it o A stone thrown fast enough to go a horizontal distance of 8,000 during the time it takes to fall 5 meters will orbit earth.

o Periodthe time it takes a satellite to make a complete orbit o Satellites orbit in an oval shape, or ellipse o The two fixed points in an ellipse are called foci o The sum of KE and PE is constant at all points along an orbit o In a circular orbit, KE, PE is constant, as is speed o In an elliptical orbit, speed and distance vary At the apogee (where satellite is farthest from Earth) the PE is greatest At the perigee (where the satellite is closest) the KE is the greatest o Escape speed- the minimum speed necessary for an object to escape permanently from a gravitational field that holds it. o If a payload has more than energy than 62 MJ/kg and faster than 11.2 km/s thatn it will escape Earth.

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